Forum Discussion

10 Replies

  • Licenses are specific to server/desktop versions of Windows.

    In other words, if you have a desktop license, it wont work with a server based operating system.

    That said, you can install into trial mode which lasts for 60 days. This should give you enough time to sort out your licenses if you dont have the correct ones now.

  • Hi,

    How to know that what iam having is server /desktop? if it is desktop how to change it to server? whether it will involve cost concern?

  • Please contact our licensing team:

  • what does it say on license sent ...

    Dektop editition may only work on desktop ..

    server works on server / desktop ..

    sbs works on sbs and desktop ..


  • Desktop licenses only work on desktop ..


    Regarding quantity /license conversion , licensing team would be in better position to answer , also licensing team has to be contacted via phone in business hours emails migjht be delayed .

    mark as solved if your questionsare answered  ..