Forum Discussion

Gulkings's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Issue with date in BESR 2010


I have several clients running in BESR2010, and have setup the clients to do a new base recovery point set each the 1st and 15th days of the month. Looking at the policy says it should start on the 11-01-2011, which in our region would correspond with the 11th of January 2011 (Today).

However, looking at the client, which har regional setting correpsonding to the server, it says to run the 01-11-2011, which would then be the 1st of November 2011.

Can anyone please advise?




  • Now the problem also came up with me !

    If you dare to here's a way to work around the problem:

    1) Open the Symantec_CMDB using Sql Server Management Studio/Enterprise Manager

    2) Issue the follwing command where NAMEOFBACKUPJOB is the string that is displayed as Name for the backup policy whose date is mixed


    SELECT *

    FROM [Symantec_CMDB].[dbo].[Inv_BESR_ImageJob] as a inner join dbo.INv_BESR_Task as b on a.[_ResourceGuid]=b.[_ResourceGuid] where a.DisplayName like 'NAMEOFBACKUPJOB'


    3) Note the value in the _ID column

    4) Locate the matching row in the dbo.INv_BESR_Task table.

    5) Modify the StartDateTimeLocl column to correct the problem

    6) Refresh the backup job on the backup client using Symantec Management Agent

  • The solution of Markus is great but, if the backup job is modified, you must modify again the row in the dbo.INv_BESR_Task table

    I tried to set the StartDateTimeLocal column to 01/01/2000 and it works

    Do you think it's possible to create a script to modify every 5 minutes the row for example ?

    Sorry Gulkings, it's my turn to hiijack your thread.

  • Symantec Corporation has acknowledged that the above-mentioned issue is present in the current version(s) of the product(s)

    Please refer to the following technote : Backup policies created or modified on or after 1st January 2011 show an incorrect start date when using Backup Exec System Recovery Management Solution (BESR-MS).




  • Exact Makus, and Chris Riley as created this article on the SYMANTEC KB