Maximum confusion regarding editions and licensing
for years there is a confusing situation about editions and licensing which is overwhelming in a negative manner.
Three examples:
First, I just bought the product "Veritas System Recovery 16 Server Edition" which is complete labelled as "Server Edition" or "SR 16 Server Edition" with the exception of the "Serial Number Cerificate" where printed description is "System Recovery Small Business Server 16". My dealer says this is the regular "Server Edition". I feel confused.
Second, Veritas offers one edition called "Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Small Business Server Edition". In its product description you'll find two lines:
• Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2.
• Restore Microsoft Small Business servers from local or off-site destinations in minutes, even to bare
For years the product "Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS)" is no longer available from Microsoft. But " Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2" is not "Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS)"...?! Pure confusion.
Third, there is a edition called "Virtual Edition". I don't need it but according to some discussions earlier I use the edition "System Recovery Server 16" on a HyperV Host and backup complete host with all included virtual machines with this single installation. Is this usage ok or not? Confused again.
Hopefully somebody from Veritas will bring some light in this darkness.
Best regards,