Offsite backup failing
I'm seeing these error notifications on our offsite backup. Originally, our backups were being sent to an SFTP server, but then we realized that we could not use SFTP, so we switched to FTP.
After switching to FTP, some of the offsite backup files were copied over as expected, but then we started seeing error messages again for no reason.
Notification Type: Error
Priority: Medium
Description: Error EC8F1F5B: Cannot create offsite copy for job SBS Server Full Image Backup.
Error EC8F1F5D: Cannot create offsite copy ftp://MYSERVER:21//SBS_C_Drive007_s04.v2i.
Error E0C10005:
Error EBAB03F1: Unspecified error.
Details: Unspecified error
What is strange is that I see this file being updated everyday and it is the same as the local copy at the server. At the server, we have a QNAP device, which is a local Samba mapping.
SBS_Local Disk0-2_Drive006_i026.iv2i (updated last night)
SBS_Local Disk0-2_Drive006_i025.iv2i (updated the night before last)
and so on
There is also:
SBS_C_Drive006_i026.iv2i (updated last night)
SBS_C_Drive006_i025.iv2i (updated the night before last)
and so on
How can I tell which drive letter is mapped to which file name?
Why would some file be sent offsite to the FTP server, but the one in the error message above is not? What does those error codes mean?
This turned out to be a disk space issue at the offsite target.
Once I freed up some disk space, the backups starting completing successfully.