Forum Discussion

Raphael_B's avatar
Level 2
7 months ago

Problems Installa Testversion System Recovery

Hello, i will test the Veritas System Recory n on Windows Server 2022 and it wont work. I download the Instalaltion Files of the Version 23. Then i try to start the Installation. In the Explorer i chosse start the Installation the Installation start with files will copy.. then the window got closed by itself and the installation is aborted. Then i try the installation with this Manual instalaltion was working now. But itdisplay me some error message during the installtion. After the Installation i cant run Veritas System Recovery. A lot of Error Messages. VQA tells me its not working on Windows Server 2022 and i see the Version 21 and not 23. I cant understand, its weird. i am a little bit shoked, it just to try a Testversion and a lot happend wrong. Thank you and Greetings Raphael

  • Hi Akihrio1

    - The first link is not working.

    - I got a internet Connection

    - I do a fresh new installation and not a Update.

  • Check the below URLs.

    System Recovery (SSR and VSR) Installer fails with error: _Setup has stopped working or a screen "Loading the install. Please Wait..." disappears suddenly.

    'Some files used for the Veritas System Recovery installation are corrupt' message is seen when attempting installation on a machine without an internet connection.

    Install, upgrade or update process of System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 / 4 or System Recovery 21 hangs.

    • akihiro1's avatar

      In addition, try below.

      After rebooting, open a command prompt and run the following commands on a Command Prompt to manually register vproobj.dll and other dll files.

      1. Input "cmd" in [Start] [Run] to Launch Command Prompt.

      2. Run the below commands.

      regsvr32.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Veritas Shared\VProRecovery\vproobj.dll
      regsvr32.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Veritas Shared\rpAccess64\rpam.dll
      regsvr32.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Veritas Shared\rpAccess64\v2itoc.dll

      3. Reboot the machine, and launch System Recovery Console.