Forum Discussion

Ganesh_ind's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago


QUESTION NO.1. when we use Jobs & Tasks, and repeat the backup job by one hour(example), It overrides on the Recovery Point & Do not create new RECOVERY POINT. Case is same in both(destination & offsite destination).

We have checked option to “create sub folder  for each computer” for DESTINATION (where all computer’s backups will be stored.)

How Can we have 4 back-ups created for each 1 Hour  scheduled (example) by using JOBS & TASKS- Independent Back-Up. This is to check that, we have multiple backups available to restore.


QUESTION NO.2. The Requirement is every 3months  back-up With 4 latest back-up available. How can we achive it by using Jobs and Tasks(with Independent Back-up) as Jobs & tasks do not give option to mention the "number of Recovery Points to Limit". Please share if any one has the solution.


Looking for a solution. Hope the Requirement is not unique.




  • Not sure I understood the requirements correctly; 

    1. Create a backup policy (Indepentent Recovery Point), limit the number of recovery points to 4, check the create subfolder,do not schedule and assigne the policy to all needed devices.
    2.  Create a task to run this policy and schedule as you like.

    This should allways keep the last 4 recoevry points.



  • If you set the option for limit recovery points to 1 you have actually the last complete and the current backup set. If you set the schedule to once a month and limit to 5 you should achieve your goal.

    Can you explain Q1 a little more detailed? I don't get the point.

  • Not sure I understood the requirements correctly; 

    1. Create a backup policy (Indepentent Recovery Point), limit the number of recovery points to 4, check the create subfolder,do not schedule and assigne the policy to all needed devices.
    2.  Create a task to run this policy and schedule as you like.

    This should allways keep the last 4 recoevry points.



  • Dear Markus Koestler,

    thanks for your logical answer to meet the requirement.But to meet the customer specifications I would prefer to schedule 3 monthly as told by John. Thanks.

  • Dear John,

    Yes, you understod clearly and It is working as per your suggestion with an additional thing that, we have to assign DEVICES again while scheduling to RUN the policy. 


    i'm now able to have 4 latest back ups(C_DRIVE001,C_DRIVE002, C_DRIVE003, C_DRIVE004) checked with 30 min delay each for Testing. actual scheduled to 3months.

    Thanks for the QUICK responses to both of you.

    I would like to add One more Question here.

    Q3. SYMANTEC AGENT IS INSTALLED, PLUG-IN INSTALLED, BUT SSR is not getting installed in some Client machines ( around 48 numbers out of175 total machines). Others are working fine.



      MANAGEMNET CONSLOE: 7.5.3153


      Operating System of Management Solution: SERVER2008 R2.

      Operating System of CLIENTS: SOME ARE 2008 R2,  SOME ARE WIN7

    ANY ONE FACED THIS PROBLEM???? pls reply


  • Try to clone the install policy, in the cloned policy remove the "install once asap", and schedule to repeat every hour, assign policy to your devices.

    I do this for all install and upgrade policies as out of 4800 devices the default policies for sure fail to install/upgrade on around 300-400 devices. 

  • Dear John,

    I tried to create clone & and schedule every hour as you mentioned. the installation task is received the same way at the Client as without clone but fails to install.


    ALL TCP/UDP ports are enabled in inbound rules of firewall.

    seems like something is blocking the installation.

    please  suggest.


  • Check the logs (C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SYMANTEC SYSTEM RECOVERY\LOGS\SSRINST.HTM) on one of those clients, maybe you can get more info what goes wrong from there.

  • Dear John,

    Under Program data\symantec   I do not see SYMANTEC SYSTEM RECOVERY folder on those client machines where SSR is failed to install.

    I believe, there is something, that is preventing to install.