QUESTION NO.1. when we use Jobs & Tasks, and repeat the backup job by one hour(example), It overrides on the Recovery Point & Do not create new RECOVERY POINT. Case is same in both(destination & offsite destination).
We have checked option to “create sub folder for each computer” for DESTINATION (where all computer’s backups will be stored.)
How Can we have 4 back-ups created for each 1 Hour scheduled (example) by using JOBS & TASKS- Independent Back-Up. This is to check that, we have multiple backups available to restore.
QUESTION NO.2. The Requirement is every 3months back-up With 4 latest back-up available. How can we achive it by using Jobs and Tasks(with Independent Back-up) as Jobs & tasks do not give option to mention the "number of Recovery Points to Limit". Please share if any one has the solution.
Looking for a solution. Hope the Requirement is not unique.
Not sure I understood the requirements correctly;
- Create a backup policy (Indepentent Recovery Point), limit the number of recovery points to 4, check the create subfolder,do not schedule and assigne the policy to all needed devices.
- Create a task to run this policy and schedule as you like.
This should allways keep the last 4 recoevry points.