Forum Discussion

SSR20xx's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

SSR Management Solution - Last zufällig verteilen


ich habe eine Frage zu der Option Last zufällig verteilen (Min).

Ich habe eine Backuprichtlinie erstellt mit der Option "Last zufällig verteilen" = 60 min. Jeden Samstag 0 Uhr soll eine Wiederherstellungspunktsatz (Basis) erstellt werden. Allerdings betrifft die Backuprichtilinie 5 PCs (Windows 7 32bit).

Die Richtlinie wird auch an die Clients übertragen, jedoch steht unter "Nächste Ausführung" bei jedem! Client 0 Uhr. Anscheinend greift die Option "Last zufällig verteilen" nicht.

Oder wird das bei jedem Client angezeigt, obwohl die Clients den Backupjob trotzdem zu unterschiedlichen Uhrzeiten starten?

Wie oft wird eigentlich eine geänderte Backuprichtlinie in der Management Solution Webplattform zu den Clients synchronisiert?

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!




  • Hello,

    here my update.

    Yes it works. In the MS Console is the time showing, when the clients the next time run the backup. On the all the clients 0:00 is showing.

    Thank you Chris.

    Kind regards


  • Could you translate your question into English please?

  • Ok, i try it :-)

    I prepared a backup policy and set the option "Distribute strategy randomly across" up to 60 minutes.

    The backup policy contain 5 pc's. In the backup policy the schedule is set to 0:00 am once on saturday.

    The Problem is now, the clients get the backup policy but the schedule task is on each pc at 0:00 am. Normaly, the schedule task on one pc must be 23:xx, on the next client the task must be on 0:xx an so on.

    Where is now the mistake?

    The next question, how often is the backup policy broadcast to the clients? when i change the backup policy in the management solution web application, it takes a long time to broadcast the changes to the clients?

    I hope, it is a little bit understandable?

    Kind regards,


  • The Problem is now, the clients get the backup policy but the schedule task is on each pc at 0:00 am. Normaly, the schedule task on one pc must be 23:xx, on the next client the task must be on 0:xx an so on.

    I think that is expected. You should check the windows application event log on the client machines - this should show you exactly what time the backup ran.

    The next question, how often is the backup policy broadcast to the clients? when i change the backup policy in the management solution web application, it takes a long time to broadcast the changes to the clients?

    By default, the client machines will check once an hour for updates from the Management Server. This can be changed but is acceptable in most environments.

  • Thanks for your quick reply.

    Ok,  where exactly can i check when the schedule task run? In SSR2013 Eventlog?

    For testing, where can i change the time how often the clients will check for updates? Is there a button on the Client SSR2013 where i can push the updates?

  • This should help:

    Yes, check the SSR event log and/or the Windows Application event log to see exactly when the job ran.

    To force an update on the client machine, right-click on the system tray icon for the Symantec Management Agent, go to Management Agent Settings, then click on Update.

  • Oh i can only check when the backup job was running.

    Is there an option, to check the schedule time before the backup job is running? Because on each client in the schedule tab the time 0:00 hour is showing?


    By the way, is there an option to send a email when a backup job is failed? Can i adjust an emailadress in the management solution web application?

  • I'm not a 100% certain but I think the client machines will show the start time that is set for the policy, even if you configure it to use the Distribute strategy randomly across option. As I said, event logs can be used to confirm exactly when the backup ran.

    Email alerts? Yes. You will need to configure the policy for SMTP notification.

  • Ok, i activate now the backup policy for the backup job today at 0:00 hour with the Distribute strategy randomly across option. tomorrow we will see, if the start time is different.

    thank you very much.

  • Hello,

    here my update.

    Yes it works. In the MS Console is the time showing, when the clients the next time run the backup. On the all the clients 0:00 is showing.

    Thank you Chris.

    Kind regards
