Forum Discussion

nick4275's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

SSR with BE on SBS with SQL (Acronym apology due!)

Wonder if anyone can assist:

I have just inherited a client (so please don't mock me for the setup).

He as an SBS 2008 Standard Server and then two more Severs running windows Server 2008R2 one of which has a full blown SQL running on it.

He already has Backup Exec on the SBS.

He wants to purchase SSR to take a full granular backup out to a NAS.

So to the question:

Can I get him to purchase SSR for SBS and rest easy ?

Or  (and here are my concerns)..........

Will SSR not be happy sitting on the SBS with Backup Exec already in residence ? 


Can SSR backup the other Servers using its in-built agents and more importantly can its in-built agent backup the SQL (as their SQL was purchased separately and not as part of SBS)

Many Thanks

  • Can I get him to purchase SSR for SBS and rest easy ?


    Will SSR not be happy sitting on the SBS with Backup Exec already in residence ?

    This should be fine as long as backups don't overlap

    Can SSR backup the other Servers using its in-built agents and more importantly can its in-built agent backup the SQL (as their SQL was purchased separately and not as part of SBS)

    No. SSR will have to be installed on each server you want to backup. SSR does not have remote agents like you have with BE. As SSR is a block-level product, it backs up everything on the servers, assuming you select all volumes for backup.

    Hope that helps.

  • Thank you Chris,

    A really fast and very helpful reply.


    Finally one thing if I may:

    In my original post I should have said:

    "He wants to purchase SSR to take a full granular backup of each Server out to a NAS"

    A licencing question really; You say I need to load SSR onto each Server. If I buy one copy of SSR for SBS will its licence model allow me to load this onto all three of the Servers in his SBS domain ? or do I need a copy per Server

    Thanks again


  • To be honest, I'm not 100% sure on your licensing question.

    I would recommend you contact our licensing team as they should be able to answer this: