Forum Discussion
- Markus_KoestlerModerator
No directly afaik, but you can use powershell to achive that.
- jon3Level 2
Are their powershell commands for me to generate reports or get backup status and info?
- Markus_KoestlerModerator
In the product ZIP file there is a folder called Docs\Automation\PowershellScripts. Take a look there.
- akihiro1Moderator
Query_History.ps1 is available. It is in \Docs\Automation\PowershellScripts in the VSR install media. Copy Query_History.ps1 to your local disk.
To run it, open a powershell window or run "powershell" on Command Prompt.
After that, run below.powershell -executionpolicy bypass <path>\Query_History.ps1
Note: <path> is a path where you put Query_History.ps1.The latest backup history is popped up.
Also, if you would like to change the output from the popup message to the message in powershell, please add "#" at the beginning of 45th and 46th lines in Query_History.ps1, and add "write-host $Msg" in 47th line, and save the file. And run "powershell -executionpolicy bypass <path>\Query_History.ps1".
If you would like to save the message as a file, run "powershell -executionpolicy bypass <path>\Query_History.ps1 > C:\temp\history.txt".
history.txt is created in C:\temp, and the latest backup history is stored in it.
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