Forum Discussion

egaspar's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Veritas System Recovery Management Solution Version 16



I tried to download the Trial System Recovery version 16 including the Veritas System Recovery Management Solution version16.

I have no problem installing the System Recovery  but I have some difficulties finding the installation of Veritas System Recovery Solutions. I tried all the MSI packages on the downloaded compress file but it always saying the MSI must be run on the installer Frameworks. Usually similar to SSR 2013 and later Release it should be one file need to click and you can customize the installation. All the .Xml files not working on the downloaded file.

I was wondering if the downloading Trial files is it working or not or do I need to install other Requirements.







    • egaspar's avatar
      Level 3

      Thanks criley., 

      Do we need to buy a license separately from Symantec?

      Do you have plan in the future to manage the System recovery using your own management tools?




      • criley's avatar

        No license is required from Symantec. In fact, the Management Solution is free... you only need licenses for your client machines.

        I am not aware of any plans to move away from the current Management Solution.