Knowledge Base Article

NetBackup Operations Manager: Monitoring, Alerting and Reporting for Veritas NetBackup


NetBackup Operations Manager (NOM) was introduced with Veritas NetBackup 6.0. It is a core component of the product providing advanced operational monitoring, alerting, troubleshooting and reporting. Designed to support NetBackup administrators and the operations team, NOM is focused on real-time, centralized monitoring across the NetBackup environment.

Some of the highlights covered in this document include:

  • Advanced Operational Management Capabilities in NOM – Key Features and Benefits
  • NOM and Veritas Backup Reporter – The Complete Management & Reporting Solution

Advanced Operational Management

NOM provides monitoring and management across multiple NetBackup servers. Communication between the NOM server and NetBackup managed servers is continuous, providing a real-time view of operations. A select subset of servers can be monitored using advanced data filtering options. Custom or ready-to-use filters allow only information satisfying the defined conditions to be presented. For instance, a filter may be applied to display only jobs for a specific client or policy, or to include/exclude certain exit status codes. These views might be critical in quickly communicating backup health of a particular customer’s environment or identifying issues with a set of mission critical systems.

Web-based administration
Often the greatest challenge with globally distributed, complex enterprise data centers is remote administration. Issues range from slow connections that require significantly increased administration time to installations with large system footprints that consume valuable space and resources. The NOM interface is Web-based and provides efficient remote administration across multiple NetBackup servers from a single, centralized console. Administration can be done from any Web-enabled system. There is little system resource impact as there are no local installation requirements beyond the browser platform.

To read the complete article, download the PDF.

Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0
  • How can I verify if I have NOM? I want to install it, but I'm not sure where to download it from and I don't see any tar or zip files in my NB folder where I keep all NB stuff.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    Go to
    enter in a valid serial number for the NetBackup Product (get from license key documentation or the your licensing portal on Symantecs website)

    Download the software.

    Otherwise you need to look through the shipped NetBackup software media kit for it.

    NOM server runs on Solaris or Windows and manages a number of Master server OS's

    Refer to the latest
    NetBackup (tm) 6.x Operating System Compatibility List

    and the section on NOM for compatibility

  • You can check for the following package. If you have it installed then you have installed NOM.
    pkginfo -l SYMCnom

    Note: Package make be called VRTSnom in NBU 6.0

  • Dear all: in my company we have the need of browsing files and directories in the Restore NBU window by one support team and another team is the only one who can run restores jobs.

    Can NOM provide information about directories and files to be restored in Netbackup without accesing to the Restore window?

    Thanks a lot!
