Knowledge Base Article

New Feature Briefing for Symantec eDiscovery Platform 7.1.5


I'm pleased to announce a new Feature Briefing for the Symantec eDiscovery Platform 7.1.5 which is due to be released shortly.

Many customers leverage Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS) to encrypt emails and files to ensure secure communication. Up to now this encrypted content had to be collected decrypted and then processed in Symantec eDiscovery Platform.

With the 7.1.5 release the integration with RMS is now available and allows for the eDiscovery Platform to decrypt RMS content so the manual decryption step that was needed in the past is no longer needed. It also offers the ability to produce the content in a decrypted format, encrypted format or both.

This will greatly streamline the eDiscovery needs for many corporate customers who leverage RMS today.

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0

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