An example of showing usage:
D:\NBU-KITS>cscript nbu-kits.vbs -h
11:20:34 %s_usage, usage is:
%s_usage, -b[oth] Discover and download.
%s_usage, -ch[eck] path A folder tree path to check for files already downloaded.
%s_usage, -co[llect] Collect a file of all web pages.
%s_usage, -deb[ug] Enable debug logging.
%s_usage, -dep[th] n How deep to follow links within tech note web-pages.
%s_usage, -di[scover] Discover, and save a list of download links.
%s_usage, -do[wnload] Load the previously discovered links, and download.
%s_usage, -f[ile] file.txt Load a file of previously discovered downloads.
%s_usage, -i[gnore] pattern Opposite of match.
%s_usage, -l[ist] List the versions known by this script.
%s_usage, -m[atch] pattern Regular expression match within name of file to possibly download.
%s_usage, -o[pen] Also open the root tech note in a browser.
%s_usage, -pr[iority] low|belownormal Set to priority of spawned exec processes.
%s_usage, -r[ediscover] Re-process a previously discovered list of downloads.
%s_usage, -sa[ve] Save the first/root/top TECH/DOC note as a web page HTML file.
%s_usage, -sle[ep] n The interval between busy download checks.
%s_usage, -slo[ts] n Number of concurrent download slots.
%s_usage, -tec[hdoc] TECHnnnn[+n] One specific, or multiple, or a range of tech notes.
%s_usage, -tr[ies] n How many times to try a download of a tech note page, or file.
%s_usage, -v[ersion] v9.9[.9[.9]] The patch kit version to discover and/or download.
%s_usage, ...any/all parameters for arguments can be enclosed within double quotes...
11:20:34 %s_quit, script quit...