Netbackup Report Writer
Hi NBU Folks,
In this download I'm sharing the VB utility that i coded to generate Netbackup reports.
- Can be automated to run daily.
- Either run it on master or media server, But it needs to be Windows as its a VB utility.
- Can be used to trace each policy run.
- Retention levels can be defined through configuration file.
- Ideal for setups which are small and cannot afford to have reporting softwares. Its light and reports most of the job details.
- With added script, report can be mailed. ( Shared along with tool )
Enhancements Pending
- Need to add column to display the media's used for a job.
- Needs to be integrated with backend DB to generate historical data.
- More enhancements welcome.
How it Works
- The utility requires the output of bpdbjobs -all_columns
- The o/p from above command is processed and required fields are extracted
- The configuration file policy_list.txt is checked for policies to generate report
- report_writer_config.txt is checked for retention levels to be displayed in report. ( This is done because every site has different retentions configured for different levels, Change the fields as per your site setup)
- Report is generated and named as report_dd_mm_yy.html
- Create a folder C:\Report Writer <-- This is required, I've hard coded in binary. will be removed later
- Copy all the files in the attached zip folder to C:\Report Writer
- Put all the policies that you wish to monitor for backups in policy_list.txt file.
- Update the retention level for your site in report_writer_config.txt file
- Rename Register_DLL.txt to Register_DLL.bat and run the file to register the DLL files.
- Rename Report_Writer_NTUC_12_Nov.txt to Report_Writer_NTUC_12_Nov.exe
- Get the output of bpdbjobs -all_columns > bpdbjobs.txt, Copy this file bpdbjobs.txt to C:\Report Writer ( Please note it won't work without this file, even if file exists it reads the file for NBU format)
- Run Report_Writer_NTUC_12_Nov.exe
- If its to be run on x64 systems, download & Copy COMDL32.ocx in WOW/SYStem32
The tool should run and you should be able to generate the report manually.
Automated Run ( Scripts shared in download )
- Once the tool is installed, the below batch script can be scheduled for generating automated reports.
- -q parameter generates the report for last 24 hrs.
========= NBU-Report.bat==============
cd C:\Report Writer
del bpdbjobs.old
ren bpdbjobs.txt bpdbjobs.old
bpdbjobs -all_columns > bpdbjobs.txt
Report_Writer_NTUC.exe -q
- In Send_Mail.vbs, provide the SMTP server IP, recepients name for the report.
Hope it helps our NBU folks. Comments & Enhancement requests are most welcome.
Satkay Satish
Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0