Knowledge Base Article
Hello Pavel,
Firstly, many thanks to help me with your already posted queries which are good enough for a generalist like me to use and understand. :)
I have a requirement to generate a report where i am able to see the "scheduled start time", "actual start time", "attempt time", "no of attempts". success
Just to give you a context, we have a situation where the number of diskpools are limited in size and count. Hence everytime a backup fires, sometimes it has to wait and re-attempt after the disk is free and some jobs fail while in this. This is leading to a problem where we are not able to track the success of backup jobs run other than first attempt.
Let me update you that we contacted Symantec but unsuccessfully for the same and i am just pasting the relevant part of their reponse here, in case it helps you. now i know Symantec does not support custom queries and reports. (
"the requirement which you have for custom report where in you require start time and time at which backup become active separately is not possible to reflect as netbackup itself doesn't treat these two timings differently, it only consider start time and save the same in its database and opscenter pull its information from netbackup database."
I am not an expert, but hope was able to explain
Let me thank in advance for your time and efforts (Hope not much) on this. :)
Ravindra Bharati