Here's an example log of what should be seen when running the script:
user-mbpro:~ user$ ssh root@
root@'s password:
Last login: Sat Apr 23 13:11:23 2016
[root@vtl02 ~]# cd /home/vtladmin/
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]# ls -lash
total 64K
4.0K drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Apr 23 13:16 .
4.0K drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4.0K Apr 23 13:15 ..
56K -rwxr-x---. 1 root root 55K Apr 23 13:16
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]#
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]# ./
23/04/2016 13:17:13
23/04/2016 13:17:13
23/04/2016 13:17:14 Script details...
23/04/2016 13:17:14 ...script name: config-mhvtl-centos67minimal-netbackup
23/04/2016 13:17:14 ...script path: /home/vtladmin
23/04/2016 13:17:14 ...script log: /home/vtladmin/config-mhvtl-centos67minimal-netbackup.log.txt
23/04/2016 13:17:14 ...script version: v0.23
23/04/2016 13:17:14
23/04/2016 13:17:14 Step 1 - Also install mhvtl GUI ?
23/04/2016 13:17:14, the mhvtl GUI will NOT be installed...
23/04/2016 13:17:14 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:15
23/04/2016 13:17:15 Step 2 - Basic checks...
23/04/2016 13:17:15 ...found CentOS release file...
23/04/2016 13:17:15 ...found CentOS release version...
23/04/2016 13:17:15 ...found network file...
23/04/2016 13:17:15 ...found networking= string...
23/04/2016 13:17:15 ...found networking=yes string...
23/04/2016 13:17:15 ...found /etc/resolv.conf file...
23/04/2016 13:17:15 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:16
23/04/2016 13:17:16 Step 3 - Server details...
23/04/2016 13:17:16 ...OS kernel: 2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64
23/04/2016 13:17:16 .. OS date: #1 SMP Thu Jul 23 15:44:03 UTC 2015
23/04/2016 13:17:16 ...OS platform: x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
23/04/2016 13:17:16 ...OS release: CentOS release 6.7 (Final)
23/04/2016 13:17:16 ...hostname: vtl02.localdomain
23/04/2016 13:17:16 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:16
23/04/2016 13:17:16 Step 4 - Saving files...
23/04/2016 13:17:17 saving copies of files...
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...saving: /etc/fstab
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...saving: /etc/hosts
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...saving: /etc/hosts.allow
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...saving: /etc/hosts.deny
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...not saved, cannot find: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...not saved, cannot find: /etc/mhvtl/device.conf
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...not saved, cannot find: /etc/mhvtl/mhvtl.conf
23/04/2016 13:17:17 ...saving: /etc/resolv.conf
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...saving: /etc/selinux/config
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...saving: /etc/ssh/ssh_config
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...saving: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...saving: /etc/sudoers
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...saving: /etc/sysconfig/iptables
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...saving: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...saving: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...not saved, cannot find: /etc/sysctl
23/04/2016 13:17:18 ...not saved, cannot find: /etc/tgt/targets.conf
23/04/2016 13:17:19 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:19
23/04/2016 13:17:19 Step 5 - Determine IP adresses...
23/04/2016 13:17:19 ...calling ip utility...
23/04/2016 13:17:19 ...reading file...
23/04/2016 13:17:19 ...found interface 'eth0' with IP address of ''...
23/04/2016 13:17:19 ...found interface 'eth1' with IP address of ''...
23/04/2016 13:17:19 ...finished reading file...
23/04/2016 13:17:19
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...primary dev name: eth0
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...primary dev addr:
23/04/2016 13:17:20
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...mhvtl dev name: eth1
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...mhvtl dev addr:
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...mhvtl IP addr:
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...mhvtl network:
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...mhvtl netmask:
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...mhvtl prefix: 8
23/04/2016 13:17:20 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:21
23/04/2016 13:17:21 Step 6 - Set ONBOOT=yes on all network interfaces...
23/04/2016 13:17:21 ...calling ip utility...
23/04/2016 13:17:21 ...checking interface 'eth0'...
23/04/2016 13:17:21 ...device 'eth0' already has ONBOOT=yes...
23/04/2016 13:17:21 ...checking interface 'eth1'...
23/04/2016 13:17:21 ...device 'eth1' already has ONBOOT=yes...
23/04/2016 13:17:21 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:21
23/04/2016 13:17:22 Step 7 - Ensuring secondary interface does not use DNS...
23/04/2016 13:17:22 ...checking 'eth1'...
23/04/2016 13:17:22 ...file already has PEERDNS=no...
23/04/2016 13:17:22 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:22
23/04/2016 13:17:22 Step 8 - Disabling SELINUX...
23/04/2016 13:17:22 disabling SELinux...
23/04/2016 13:17:22 ...enforcing...
23/04/2016 13:17:22 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:23
23/04/2016 13:17:23 Step 9 - Checking folders for mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:17:23 ...creating folder '/etc/mhvtl'...
23/04/2016 13:17:23 ...creating folder '/opt/mhvtl'...
23/04/2016 13:17:23 ...creating folder '/src'...
23/04/2016 13:17:23 ...creating folder '/src/mhvtl'...
23/04/2016 13:17:23 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:17:23
23/04/2016 13:17:23 Step 10 - Install updates, then required packages...
23/04/2016 13:17:24 ...test call to query yum servers...
23/04/2016 13:17:34 ...test call to query yum servers was successful...
23/04/2016 13:17:34 ...calling: yum clean all
23/04/2016 13:17:35 ...calling: yum update
23/04/2016 13:19:55 ...installing system tools...
23/04/2016 13:20:11 ...installing perl...
23/04/2016 13:20:12 ...installing tape tools...
23/04/2016 13:20:14 ...installing scsi and iscsi tools...
23/04/2016 13:20:17 ...installing compiler and tools...
23/04/2016 13:20:47 ...touching done yum flag file...
23/04/2016 13:20:47 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:47
23/04/2016 13:20:47 Step 11 - Create system level group and user for 'vtl' for daemon/service...
23/04/2016 13:20:48 ...checking for group 'vtl'...
23/04/2016 13:20:48 ...adding group...
23/04/2016 13:20:48 ..checking for user 'vtl'...
23/04/2016 13:20:48 ...adding user 'vtl'...
23/04/2016 13:20:48 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:48
23/04/2016 13:20:48 Step 12 - Create a normal level group and user for 'vtladmin' for user logon...
23/04/2016 13:20:48 ...checking for folder: /home/vtladmin
23/04/2016 13:20:49 ...already exists...
23/04/2016 13:20:49 ...checking for group 'vtladmin'...
23/04/2016 13:20:49 ...adding group...
23/04/2016 13:20:49 ...checking for user 'vtladmin'...
23/04/2016 13:20:49 ...adding user 'vtladmin'...
23/04/2016 13:20:49 ...chown /home/vtladmin...
23/04/2016 13:20:49 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:49
23/04/2016 13:20:49 Step 13 - Update firewall...
23/04/2016 13:20:50 ...check is 'iptables' firewall service running...
23/04/2016 13:20:50 ...listing rules...
23/04/2016 13:20:50 ...checking for rule: -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 3260 -j ACCEPT
23/04/2016 13:20:50 ...adding rule...
23/04/2016 13:20:50 ...saving tables...
23/04/2016 13:20:51 ...capturing rule list to log file...
23/04/2016 13:20:51 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:51
23/04/2016 13:20:51 Step 14 - Create partition...
23/04/2016 13:20:51 ...checking for any '/dev/sdbN' partitions...
23/04/2016 13:20:51 ...checking whether device '/dev/sdb' exists...
23/04/2016 13:20:51 ...listing device before...
23/04/2016 13:20:51 ...creating partition...
23/04/2016 13:20:51 ...listing device '/dev/sdb' after...
23/04/2016 13:20:52 ...listing partition '/dev/sdb1' after...
23/04/2016 13:20:52 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:52
23/04/2016 13:20:52 Step 15 - Create file-system and mount it...
23/04/2016 13:20:52 ...checking partition '/dev/sdb1'...
23/04/2016 13:20:52 ...did not find a file system, will be created now...
23/04/2016 13:20:53 ...checking for correct file system label...
23/04/2016 13:20:53 ...found expected label '/mhvtl'...
23/04/2016 13:20:53 ...checking whether currently mounted...
23/04/2016 13:20:54 ...will attempt to mount file system...
23/04/2016 13:20:54 ...mounted ok...
23/04/2016 13:20:54 ...checking whether fstab is populated...
23/04/2016 13:20:54 ...appending line to: /etc/fstab
23/04/2016 13:20:54 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:54
23/04/2016 13:20:54 Step 16 - Enable and start SCSI target utils...
23/04/2016 13:20:54 ...first list...
23/04/2016 13:20:54 ...enable...
23/04/2016 13:20:55 ...second list...
23/04/2016 13:20:55 ...first status check...
23/04/2016 13:20:55 ...first status show failed, service is probably stopped...
23/04/2016 13:20:55 ...start service...
23/04/2016 13:20:55 ...second status check...
23/04/2016 13:20:55 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:56
23/04/2016 13:20:56 Step 17 - Disable IPv6...
23/04/2016 13:20:56 ...listing the current settings...
23/04/2016 13:20:56 ...checking: net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6
23/04/2016 13:20:56 ...disabling...
23/04/2016 13:20:56 ...appending line...
23/04/2016 13:20:56 ...disabled...
23/04/2016 13:20:56 ...checking: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6
23/04/2016 13:20:56 ...disabling...
23/04/2016 13:20:57 ...appending line...
23/04/2016 13:20:57 ...disabled...
23/04/2016 13:20:57 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:57
23/04/2016 13:20:57 Step 18 - Disable outgoing weak ssh protocol...
23/04/2016 13:20:57 ...ssh config file exists...
23/04/2016 13:20:57 ...checking for commented out '# Protocol 2,1'...
23/04/2016 13:20:57 ...found the commented out protocol, now editing...
23/04/2016 13:20:57 ...checking for uncommented 'Protocol 2'...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...found the required Protocol=2 string...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:20:58
23/04/2016 13:20:58 Step 19 - Configure local server sshd daemon...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...found local sshd config file...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...checking for PermitRootLogin...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...adding 'PermitRootLogin no' to sshd config file...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...checking for AllowUsers...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...adding 'AllowUsers vtladmin' to sshd config file...
23/04/2016 13:20:58 ...checking for ListenAddress...
23/04/2016 13:20:59 ...replacing 'ListenAddress' to use ''...
23/04/2016 13:20:59 ...done....
23/04/2016 13:20:59
23/04/2016 13:20:59 Step 20 - Configure hosts allow and deny...
23/04/2016 13:20:59 ...checking hosts.allow...
23/04/2016 13:20:59 ...checking hosts.allow for sshd...
23/04/2016 13:20:59 ...adding allow for 'sshd:'...
23/04/2016 13:20:59 ...checking hosts.deny...
23/04/2016 13:20:59 ...checking hosts.deny for sshd...
23/04/2016 13:21:00 ...adding deny for 'sshd: ALL'...
23/04/2016 13:21:00 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:21:00
23/04/2016 13:21:00 Step 21 - Check whether to reboot...
23/04/2016 13:21:00 need to set the password of our admin account using: passwd vtladmin
23/04/2016 13:21:00 ...then you need to reboot using: reboot now
23/04/2016 13:21:00 ...and then re-run this script, which will carry on with the setup...
23/04/2016 13:21:00 ...creating reboot flag file...
23/04/2016 13:21:00 ...chowning reboot flag file...
23/04/2016 13:21:01 ...script exiting...
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]# passwd vtladmin
Changing password for user vtladmin.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]# reboot now
Broadcast message from root@vtl02.localdomain
(/dev/pts/0) at 13:21 ...
The system is going down for reboot NOW!
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]# Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
user-mbpro:~ user$ ssh vtladmin@
vtladmin@'s password:
-bash-4.1$ su -
[root@vtl02 ~]# cd /home/vtladmin/
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]# ./
23/04/2016 13:22:21
23/04/2016 13:22:21
23/04/2016 13:22:21 Script details...
23/04/2016 13:22:21 ...script name: config-mhvtl-centos67minimal-netbackup
23/04/2016 13:22:22 ...script path: /home/vtladmin
23/04/2016 13:22:22 ...script log: /home/vtladmin/config-mhvtl-centos67minimal-netbackup.log.txt
23/04/2016 13:22:22 ...script version: v0.23
23/04/2016 13:22:22
23/04/2016 13:22:22 Step 1 - Also install mhvtl GUI ?
23/04/2016 13:22:22, the mhvtl GUI will NOT be installed...
23/04/2016 13:22:22 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:22
23/04/2016 13:22:22 Step 2 - Basic checks...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...found CentOS release file...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...found CentOS release version...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...found network file...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...found networking= string...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...found networking=yes string...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...found /etc/resolv.conf file...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:23
23/04/2016 13:22:23 Step 3 - Server details...
23/04/2016 13:22:23 ...OS kernel: 2.6.32-573.22.1.el6.x86_64
23/04/2016 13:22:24 .. OS date: #1 SMP Wed Mar 23 03:35:39 UTC 2016
23/04/2016 13:22:24 ...OS platform: x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
23/04/2016 13:22:24 ...OS release: CentOS release 6.7 (Final)
23/04/2016 13:22:24 ...hostname: vtl02.localdomain
23/04/2016 13:22:24 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:24
23/04/2016 13:22:24 Step 4 - Saving files...
23/04/2016 13:22:24 ...copies of files already saved...
23/04/2016 13:22:24 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:25
23/04/2016 13:22:25 Step 5 - Determine IP adresses...
23/04/2016 13:22:25 ...calling ip utility...
23/04/2016 13:22:25 ...reading file...
23/04/2016 13:22:25 ...found interface 'eth0' with IP address of ''...
23/04/2016 13:22:25 ...found interface 'eth1' with IP address of ''...
23/04/2016 13:22:25 ...finished reading file...
23/04/2016 13:22:25
23/04/2016 13:22:25 ...primary dev name: eth0
23/04/2016 13:22:25 ...primary dev addr:
23/04/2016 13:22:26
23/04/2016 13:22:26 ...mhvtl dev name: eth1
23/04/2016 13:22:26 ...mhvtl dev addr:
23/04/2016 13:22:26 ...mhvtl IP addr:
23/04/2016 13:22:26 ...mhvtl network:
23/04/2016 13:22:26 ...mhvtl netmask:
23/04/2016 13:22:26 ...mhvtl prefix: 8
23/04/2016 13:22:26 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:26
23/04/2016 13:22:27 Step 6 - Set ONBOOT=yes on all network interfaces...
23/04/2016 13:22:27 ...calling ip utility...
23/04/2016 13:22:27 ...checking interface 'eth0'...
23/04/2016 13:22:27 ...device 'eth0' already has ONBOOT=yes...
23/04/2016 13:22:27 ...checking interface 'eth1'...
23/04/2016 13:22:27 ...device 'eth1' already has ONBOOT=yes...
23/04/2016 13:22:27 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:27
23/04/2016 13:22:27 Step 7 - Ensuring secondary interface does not use DNS...
23/04/2016 13:22:27 ...checking 'eth1'...
23/04/2016 13:22:28 ...file already has PEERDNS=no...
23/04/2016 13:22:28 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:28
23/04/2016 13:22:28 Step 8 - Disabling SELINUX...
23/04/2016 13:22:28 ...SELinux is already disabled...
23/04/2016 13:22:28 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:28
23/04/2016 13:22:28 Step 9 - Checking folders for mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:22:28 ...folder '/etc/mhvtl' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:29 ...folder '/opt/mhvtl' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:29 ...folder '/src' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:29 ...folder '/src/mhvtl' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:29 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:29
23/04/2016 13:22:29 Step 10 - Install updates, then required packages...
23/04/2016 13:22:29 ...test call to query yum servers...
23/04/2016 13:22:35 ...test call to query yum servers was successful...
23/04/2016 13:22:36 ...this section of code has already been run...
23/04/2016 13:22:36 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:36
23/04/2016 13:22:36 Step 11 - Create system level group and user for 'vtl' for daemon/service...
23/04/2016 13:22:36 ...checking for group 'vtl'...
23/04/2016 13:22:36 'vtl' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:36 ..checking for user 'vtl'...
23/04/2016 13:22:36 ...username 'vtl' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:36 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:36
23/04/2016 13:22:37 Step 12 - Create a normal level group and user for 'vtladmin' for user logon...
23/04/2016 13:22:37 ...checking for folder: /home/vtladmin
23/04/2016 13:22:37 ...already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:37 ...checking for group 'vtladmin'...
23/04/2016 13:22:37 'vtladmin' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:37 ...checking for user 'vtladmin'...
23/04/2016 13:22:37 ...username 'vtladmin' already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:37 ...chown /home/vtladmin...
23/04/2016 13:22:37 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:38
23/04/2016 13:22:38 Step 13 - Update firewall...
23/04/2016 13:22:38 ...check is 'iptables' firewall service running...
23/04/2016 13:22:38 ...listing rules...
23/04/2016 13:22:38 ...checking for rule: -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 3260 -j ACCEPT
23/04/2016 13:22:38 ...rule already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:38 ...saving tables...
23/04/2016 13:22:38 ...capturing rule list to log file...
23/04/2016 13:22:38 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:39
23/04/2016 13:22:39 Step 14 - Create partition...
23/04/2016 13:22:39 ...checking for any '/dev/sdbN' partitions...
23/04/2016 13:22:39 ...partitions already exist on '/dev/sdb', no changes made...
23/04/2016 13:22:39 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:39
23/04/2016 13:22:39 Step 15 - Create file-system and mount it...
23/04/2016 13:22:39 ...checking partition '/dev/sdb1'...
23/04/2016 13:22:39 ...found a file system at '/dev/sdb1'...
23/04/2016 13:22:39 ...checking for correct file system label...
23/04/2016 13:22:40 ...found expected label '/mhvtl'...
23/04/2016 13:22:40 ...checking whether currently mounted...
23/04/2016 13:22:40 ...a file system is already mounted at '/opt/mhvtl'...
23/04/2016 13:22:40 ...checking whether fstab is populated...
23/04/2016 13:22:40 ...fstab already mentions label '/mhvtl'...
23/04/2016 13:22:40 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:40
23/04/2016 13:22:40 Step 16 - Enable and start SCSI target utils...
23/04/2016 13:22:40 ...first list...
23/04/2016 13:22:41 ...enable...
23/04/2016 13:22:41 ...second list...
23/04/2016 13:22:41 ...first status check...
23/04/2016 13:22:41 ...start service...
23/04/2016 13:22:41 ...second status check...
23/04/2016 13:22:41 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:41
23/04/2016 13:22:41 Step 17 - Disable IPv6...
23/04/2016 13:22:41 ...listing the current settings...
23/04/2016 13:22:42 ...checking: net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6
23/04/2016 13:22:42 ...already disabled...
23/04/2016 13:22:42 ...checking: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6
23/04/2016 13:22:42 ...already disabled...
23/04/2016 13:22:42 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:42
23/04/2016 13:22:42 Step 18 - Disable outgoing weak ssh protocol...
23/04/2016 13:22:42 ...ssh config file exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:42 ...checking for commented out '# Protocol 2,1'...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...did not find the commented out string...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...checking for uncommented 'Protocol 2'...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...found the required Protocol=2 string...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:43
23/04/2016 13:22:43 Step 19 - Configure local server sshd daemon...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...found local sshd config file...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...checking for PermitRootLogin...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...checking for AllowUsers...
23/04/2016 13:22:43 ...checking for ListenAddress...
23/04/2016 13:22:44 ...done....
23/04/2016 13:22:44
23/04/2016 13:22:44 Step 20 - Configure hosts allow and deny...
23/04/2016 13:22:44 ...checking hosts.allow...
23/04/2016 13:22:44 ...checking hosts.allow for sshd...
23/04/2016 13:22:44 ...adding allow for 'sshd:'...
23/04/2016 13:22:44 ...checking hosts.deny...
23/04/2016 13:22:44 ...checking hosts.deny for sshd...
23/04/2016 13:22:44 ...deny for sshd already configured...
23/04/2016 13:22:45 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:45
23/04/2016 13:22:45 Step 21 - Check whether to reboot...
23/04/2016 13:22:45 ...the reboot flag file already exists...
23/04/2016 13:22:45 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:22:45
23/04/2016 13:22:45 Step 22 - Download and compile mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:22:45 ...check for src folder, which should already exist...
23/04/2016 13:22:45 ...found source directory...
23/04/2016 13:22:46 ...pushd to source...
23/04/2016 13:22:46 ...initialising git...
23/04/2016 13:22:46 ...pulling source modules...
23/04/2016 13:22:49 ...make distclean...
23/04/2016 13:22:49 ...popd...
23/04/2016 13:22:50 ...pushd to kernel...
23/04/2016 13:22:50 ...kernel make...
23/04/2016 13:22:51 ...kernel make install...
23/04/2016 13:22:53 ...popd...
23/04/2016 13:22:53 ...pushd to source...
23/04/2016 13:22:53 ...base make...
23/04/2016 13:23:01 ...base make install...
23/04/2016 13:23:01 ...popd...
23/04/2016 13:23:01 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:01
23/04/2016 13:23:01 Step 23 - Check whether to download and configure the mhvtl GUI...
23/04/2016 13:23:01, the mhvtl GUI will not be installed and configured...
23/04/2016 13:23:01
23/04/2016 13:23:02 Step 24 - Configure mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...checking: /etc/mhvtl/mhvtl.conf
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...creating...
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...file done...
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...checking: /etc/mhvtl/device.conf
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...creating...
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...file done...
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...checking device config file...
23/04/2016 13:23:02 ...checking: /etc/mhvtl/library_contents.10
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...creating...
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...file done...
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:03
23/04/2016 13:23:03 Step 25 - Start mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...create folder for virtual media...
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...chown /etc/mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...chmod /etc/mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...chown /opt/mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:23:03 ...chmod /opt/mhvtl...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 setting up service...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...first list...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...failed, probably not added yet, continuing...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...add service...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...second list...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...enable service...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...third list...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...service stop...
23/04/2016 13:23:04 ...sleep two ticks...
23/04/2016 13:23:07 ...service start...
23/04/2016 13:23:07 ...sleep two ticks...
23/04/2016 13:23:09 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:09
23/04/2016 13:23:10 Step 26 - Test virtual tape library number '10'...
23/04/2016 13:23:10 library...
23/04/2016 13:23:10 library ok...
23/04/2016 13:23:10 ...list library map...
23/04/2016 13:23:10 ...list library map ok...
23/04/2016 13:23:10 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:10
23/04/2016 13:23:10 Step 27 - Configure tgt on 'tid 1'...
23/04/2016 13:23:10 ...test call to tgtadm...
23/04/2016 13:23:10 ...checking for controller...
23/04/2016 13:23:11 ...did not exist, now creating...
23/04/2016 13:23:11 creating LUNs..
23/04/2016 13:23:11 ...found: cd/dvd /dev/sg0
23/04/2016 13:23:11 ...found: disk /dev/sg1
23/04/2016 13:23:11 ...found: disk /dev/sg2
23/04/2016 13:23:11 ...found: mediumx /dev/sg7
23/04/2016 13:23:11 ...pre-deleting...
23/04/2016 13:23:11 ...creating LUN 1 for medium changer '/dev/sg7'...
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...found: tape /dev/sg3
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...pre-deleting...
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...creating LUN 2 for tape drive '/dev/sg3'...
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...found: tape /dev/sg4
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...pre-deleting...
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...creating LUN 3 for tape drive '/dev/sg4'...
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...found: tape /dev/sg5
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...pre-deleting...
23/04/2016 13:23:12 ...creating LUN 4 for tape drive '/dev/sg5'...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 ...found: tape /dev/sg6
23/04/2016 13:23:13 ...pre-deleting...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 ...creating LUN 5 for tape drive '/dev/sg6'...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 binding iSCSI to listen...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 ...pre-un-bind...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 binding...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 ...testing tid 1...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 ...general list test...
23/04/2016 13:23:13 ...summary of tgt LUNs...
LUN information:
LUN: 0
Backing store path: None
LUN: 1
Backing store path: /dev/sg7
LUN: 2
Backing store path: /dev/sg3
LUN: 3
Backing store path: /dev/sg4
LUN: 4
Backing store path: /dev/sg5
LUN: 5
Backing store path: /dev/sg6
23/04/2016 13:23:14 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:14
23/04/2016 13:23:14 Step 28 - Save tgt config...
23/04/2016 13:23:14 ...checking for target in tgt conf file...
23/04/2016 13:23:14 ...saving config...
23/04/2016 13:23:14 inserting two lines to config file...
23/04/2016 13:23:14 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:14
23/04/2016 13:23:14 Step 29 - Configure iscsid daemon to start...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...first list...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...enable iscsid...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...second list...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...first check service status...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...failed, continuing...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...attempt to start...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...second check service status...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...failed, continuing...
23/04/2016 13:23:15 ...query self for targets...
23/04/2016 13:23:17 ...third and final check service status...
23/04/2016 13:23:17 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:17
23/04/2016 13:23:17 Step 30 - Final summary...
23/04/2016 13:23:17 ...list of SCSI devices...
[1:0:0:0] cd/dvd NECVMWar VMware IDE CDR10 1.00 /dev/sr0 /dev/sg0
[2:0:0:0] disk VMware, VMware Virtual S 1.0 /dev/sda /dev/sg1
[2:0:1:0] disk VMware, VMware Virtual S 1.0 /dev/sdb /dev/sg2
[3:0:0:0] mediumx STK L700 0105 /dev/sch0 /dev/sg7
[3:0:1:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 0105 /dev/st0 /dev/sg3
[3:0:2:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD4 0105 /dev/st1 /dev/sg4
[3:0:3:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD5 0105 /dev/st2 /dev/sg5
[3:0:4:0] tape IBM ULT3580-TD5 0105 /dev/st3 /dev/sg6
23/04/2016 13:23:17 ...versions used and installed...
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...script version: v0.23
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...OS version: 2.6.32-573.22.1.el6.x86_64
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...mhvtl version: 0.18.17
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...vtlcmd version: 1.5.4-git-c7ccb7a
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...tgt version: 1.0.24
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...iscsi version: 6.2.0-873.13.el6
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...iscsi listenner:
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...iscsi target:
23/04/2016 13:23:18 ...done...
23/04/2016 13:23:18
23/04/2016 13:23:19 Script completed...
23/04/2016 13:23:19 Script exiting...
[root@vtl02 vtladmin]# exit
-bash-4.1$ exit
Connection to closed.
user-mbpro:~ user$