Knowledge Base Article

Powershell script to restart services daily between 0645 and 0800.

Powershell script to restart services daily between 0645 and 0800.

#    DailyRestartEVServices.ps1
#    jprknight    08.09.2010    Initial Draft
#    Powershell script to restart all EV services on all EV
#    servers on a daily basis.
#    Symantec best practice is to restart EV services on a
#    regular basis to avoid MAPI timeout errors.
#    It may be neccessary to run the below so scripts can be run
#    which we have produced.
#    Get-ExecutionPolicy
#    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Rename as .ps1 and go.

Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0