Script to show archives with no user accounts
A colleague of mine asked about this the other day. He said I had produced a script a long time ago which showed archives in Enterprise Vault which had no primary user account, ie they were archives where the Active Directory account had been deleted.
The script might be helpful to others, so here it is :
' Declarations
strComputer = "."
' Open connection to SQL
strQuery = "SELECT A.ArchiveName, T.SID FROM Archive A, Trustee T, Root R WHERE A.RootIdentity = R.RootIdentity AND R.OwningTrusteeIdentity = T.TrusteeIdentity"
' Execute Query
wscript.echo strquery
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objConnection.Open "Driver={SQL Server};server=evault1;Database=EnterpriseVaultDirectory;Trusted_Connection=yes"
objRecordset.Open strQUery, objConnection
If objRecordset.EOF Then
Wscript.Echo "Record cannot be found."
end if
Do while not objRecordSet.Eof
' Process results
strSid = objRecordSet("SID")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objSID = objWMIService.Get("Win32_SID='" & strSID & "'")
if objSID.AccountName <> "" then
WScript.Echo objRecordSet("ArchiveName") & " - " & objRecordSet("SID") & " - " & objSID.ReferencedDomainName & "\" & objSID.AccountName
wscript.echo objRecordSet("ArchiveName") & " - " & objRecordSet("SID") & " - " & "** Unknown **"
end if
' Tidy up
You will need to modify the script so that it objConnection.Open talks to the Enterprise Vault Directory Database in your environment. [In my lab my EV server also runs SQL]
Here is some sample output when the script is run :
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
SELECT A.ArchiveName, T.SID FROM Archive A, Trustee T, Root R WHERE A.RootIdentity = R.RootIdentity AND R.OwningTrusteeIdentity = T.TrusteeIdentity
Abbassi, Salem - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
jrnl2 - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
marcg - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-2277 - EV\marcg
mrnew - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-2276 - EV\mrnew
pf1 - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
rahul - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-2289 - ** Unknown **
richardg - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-2274 - EV\richardg
Sabina Rogers - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1122 - EV\SRogers
t123 - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
test1 - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-2286 - EV\test1
Test2 - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
Testshared - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
Testshared2 - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
Testshared3 - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
vctest - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-2287 - EV\vctest
Wilcox, Rob - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin
Wilcox2, Rob - S-1-5-21-3254523304-3644258180-1199076991-1136 - EV\vaultadmin