09:28:25 ************************************************************ 09:28:25 log file: E:\\test\_nbu-kits-test.log 09:28:25 script file: E:\\nbu-kits.vbs 09:28:25 version: v1.05 09:28:25 run date: Wednesday 08 April 2015 09:28:25 09:28:25 arguments: arg:0=[-discover] arg:1=[-download] arg:2=[-version] arg:3=[test] arg:4=[-slots] arg:5=[4] 09:28:25 09:28:25 username: ~SNIP~ 09:28:25 domain: ~SNIP~ 09:28:25 computer name: ~SNIP~ 09:28:25 sys info: ~SNIP~ 09:28:25 09:28:25 o/s version: Win2008 R2 SP1 09:28:25 run by: C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe 09:28:25 interactive: True 09:28:25 script process: Windows Script Host v5.8.18283 09:28:25 script engine: VBScript v5.8.18751 09:28:25 ************************************************************ 09:28:25 09:28:25 %s_main, discover... 09:28:25 %s_main, initial tech note(s) `TECH184353,TECH189637,TECH194164,TECH199265,TECH204676,TECH209054`... 09:28:25 %s_main, match regular expression is `^OpsCtr.*\.zip$`... 09:28:25 09:28:25 %s_discover, depth `1`, version `test`, URL `http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH184353`... 09:28:55 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:29:26 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:29:27 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:29:27 %s_discover, unexpected, the web page file is missing, skipping this link... 09:29:27 09:29:27 %s_discover, depth `1`, version `test`, URL `http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH189637`... 09:29:58 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:30:29 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:30:30 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:30:30 %s_discover, unexpected, the web page file is missing, skipping this link... 09:30:30 09:30:30 %s_discover, depth `1`, version `test`, URL `http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH194164`... 09:31:00 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:31:31 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:31:32 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:31:32 %s_discover, unexpected, the web page file is missing, skipping this link... 09:31:32 09:31:32 %s_discover, depth `1`, version `test`, URL `http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH199265`... 09:32:02 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:32:33 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:32:34 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:32:34 %s_discover, unexpected, the web page file is missing, skipping this link... 09:32:34 09:32:34 %s_discover, depth `1`, version `test`, URL `http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH204676`... 09:33:04 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:33:35 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:33:36 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:33:36 %s_discover, unexpected, the web page file is missing, skipping this link... 09:33:36 09:33:36 %s_discover, depth `1`, version `test`, URL `http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH209054`... 09:34:06 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:37 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:34:38 %s_discover, unexpected, the web page file is missing, skipping this link... 09:34:38 09:34:38 %s_main, followed `6` links... 09:34:38 %s_main, found `0` downloads... 09:34:38 %s_main, not writing empty file... 09:34:38 09:34:38 %s_main, finished discover for version `test`... 09:34:38 09:34:38 %s_main, download... 09:34:38 %s_download, downloads list is empty, nothing to download... 09:34:38 09:34:38 %s_main, finished download for version `test`... 09:34:38 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, script started: Wednesday 08 April 2015 09:28:25 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, script finsished: Wednesday 08 April 2015 09:34:38 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, script duration: 00:06:13 09:34:38 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, experienced `18` issue(s), you probably need to re-run the script... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:28:55 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:29:26 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:29:27 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:29:58 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:30:29 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:30:30 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:31:00 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:31:31 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:31:32 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:32:02 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:32:33 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:32:34 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:33:04 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:33:35 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:33:36 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:34:06 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:34:37 %s_http, http send failed, status `-2147012894`... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, ...09:34:38 %s_http, exhausted tries, skipping/ignoring page... 09:34:38 %nbu-kits, script completed with warnings...