'*************************************************************************************************************************************** ' P Juster's basic script to read the contents of an IIS log file and translate the Vault Cache synchronisation string using 'appendix E found in ftp://ftp.entsupport.symantec.com/pub/support/products/Exchange_Mailbox_Archiving_Unit/347092.pdf ' ' ' ' Please search this file for "outputfile" as this variable details where the output report is created, be default is it "c:\vcstatus-originalfilename.html" ' ' 'Version 0.3 '*************************************************************************************************************************************** 'functions are denoted by '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Option Explicit 'general variables DIM ObjFSO, InitFSO, objoutputTextFile,objShell dim strLine1, arrRecord1, objFSO1, objTextFile1,strLinetoParse, strLinetoParse2 dim MDCarraya,MDCarrayb,CCarraya,CCarrayb,MDCarraynum,ccarraynum dim counter, matchfound,aa Dim MSt,CSt,Ls,Ci,Td 'VCstatus Dim strbeg, strend, outputfile, evclientver, strText,arrtext,i MDCarraya = Array("mdcSyncStatusFailedEmptyArchive","mdcSyncStatusFailedServerSyncing","mdcSyncStatusPrevented","mdcSyncStatusFailedInsufficientDisk","mdcSyncStatusFailedSlot","mdcSyncStatusFailedCouldNotConnectToEVWebServerVirtDir","mdcSyncStatusFailedOffline","mdcSyncStatusFailedDirty","mdcSyncStatusFailed","mdcSyncStatusSuccess","mdcSyncStatusNone","mdcSyncStatusPending","mdcSyncStatusInProgress","mdcSyncStatusInProgressAcquireSlot","mdcSyncStatusInProgressAcquireSlotWaiting","mdcSyncStatusReset","mdcSyncStatusSuspended","mdcSyncStatusShutdown") MDCarrayb = Array("MSt=-9","MSt=-8","MSt=-7","MSt=-6","MSt=-5","MSt=-4","MSt=-3","MSt=-2","MSt=-1","MSt=0","MSt=10","MSt=19","MSt=20","MSt=30","MSt=31","MSt=2147483645","MSt=2147483646","MSt=2147483646") MDCarraynum = 19 CCarraya = Array("CC_INITIALIZING","CC_NEVER_DOWNLOADED","CC_NODOWNLOAD","CC_COMPLETE","CC_DBBUILDING","CC_DBDOWNLOADING","CC_RETRY_WEBSERVER","CC_BITS_NOT_AVAILABLE","CC_FAILED_FIRST_DBBUILD","CC_FAILED_NEXT_DBBUILD","CC_FAILED_BITS_DOWNLOAD","CC_FAILED_PROCESS_NEXT_ARCHIVE","CC_FAILED_ADDING_ARCHIVES","CC_FAILED_WEBSERVER","CC_FAILED_GENERIC") CCarrayb = Array("CSt=0","CSt=1","CSt=2","CSt=3","CSt=4","CSt=5","CSt=100","CSt=200","CSt=300","CSt=301","CSt=302","CSt=303","CSt=304","CSt=305","CSt=400") ccarraynum = 15 If (Wscript.Arguments.Count < 1) Then 'has dss been run with a parameter ? if not then open the dialogue box Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog") ObjFSO.Filter = "log files|*.log|Text Documents|*.txt|All Files|*.*" ObjFSO.FilterIndex = 3 ObjFSO.InitialDir = "C:\Case info\college academy\LOGs\LOGs" InitFSO = ObjFSO.ShowOpen If InitFSO = False Then ' Wscript.Echo "Script Error: Please select a file!" Wscript.Quit Else ' Wscript.Echo "You selected the file: " & ObjFSO.FileName 'getting the filename selected to us for the output filename strText = ObjFSO.FileName arrText = Split(strText, "\") For i = 0 to Ubound(arrText) strText = arrText(i) Next End If strText = Left(strText,LEN(strText)-4) end if '****************************** outputfile = "c:\vcstatus-" & strtext & ".html" '****************************** StrLinetoParse ="" Set objFSO1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objoutputTextFile = objFSO1.CreateTextFile (outputfile, True) objoutputTextFile.WriteLine "" objoutputTextFile.WriteLine "" Set objFSO1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile1 = objFSO1.OpenTextFile(ObjFSO.FileName) Do Until objTextFile1.AtEndOfStream strLine1 = objtextFile1.ReadLine 'wscript.echo strLine1 if InStr(strLine1,"&Slot=")Then if InStr(strLine1,"&MSt=")Then arrRecord1 = split(strLine1, " ") 'this splits the IIS lines into columns deliminated by spaces. 'objoutputTextFile.WriteLine "*************" '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''objoutputTextFile.WriteLine arrRecord1(0) & " *** " & arrRecord1(6) & " *** " & arrRecord1(8) strLinetoParse = arrRecord1(6) strend = (Len(strLinetoParse)) strbeg = instr (strLinetoParse, "MSt") strLinetoParse = Mid(strLinetoParse,strbeg,strend) strLinetoParse2 = split(strLinetoParse, "&") MSt= strLinetoParse2(0) call convertmdc (strLinetoParse2(0)) MSt=aa CSt= strLinetoParse2(1) call convertcc (strLinetoParse2(1)) CSt=aa Ls= strLinetoParse2(2) Ls= RIGHT(Ls,LEN(Ls)-3) Ci= strLinetoParse2(3) Ci= RIGHT(Ci,LEN(Ci)-3) Td= strLinetoParse2(4) Td= RIGHT(Td,LEN(Td)-3) evclientver = arrRecord1(10) evclientver = RIGHT(evclientver,LEN(evclientver)-26) objoutputTextFile.WriteLine "" ' End If End If Loop objoutputTextFile.WriteLine "
" & "User" & "" & "Header Sync Status" & "" & "Content Sync Status" & "" & "Last Sync Time" & "" & "Number of Items in Content Cache " & "" & "Total Number of items to download" & "" & "Client IP address" & "" & " EV Client Version" & "
" & arrRecord1(8) & "" & MSt & "" & Cst & "" & Ls & "" & Ci & "" & Td & "" & arrRecord1(9) & "" & evclientver & "
" ' -------------------------- ' opens output file. Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run("iexplore.exe " & outputfile) ' -------------------------- ' find MSt and then use the startin gposition to then find the next " " to then get a string to manipulate. '2010-10-19 10:51:54 W3SVC1 GET /EnterpriseVault/Slot.aspx ArchiveID=1D3B5EEA4D4251B4DA353003F3B63F7BF1110000evserver&Slot=a4e35f2c-c69b-4970-a673-a9f76e3bf180&release=true&MSt=0&CSt=3&Ls=2010-10-19T10:51:52&Ci=2981&Td=0 443 HDQ\ilan EnterpriseVaultOutlookExt-V8.0.3.1845 200 0 0 'ArchiveID=1D3B5EEA4D4251B4DA353003F3B63F7BF1110000evserver&Slot=a4e35f2c-c69b-4970-a673-a9f76e3bf180&release=true&MSt=0&CSt=3&Ls=2010-10-19T10:51:52&Ci=2981&Td=0 'MSt=0&CSt=3&Ls=2010-10-19T10:51:52&Ci=2981&Td=0 'HDQ\ilan 'MSt: header cache status 'mdcSyncStatusFailedEmptyArchive -9 'mdcSyncStatusFailedServerSyncing -8 'mdcSyncStatusPrevented -7 'mdcSyncStatusFailedInsufficientDisk -6 'mdcSyncStatusFailedSlot -5 'mdcSyncStatusFailedCouldNotConnectToEVWebServerVirtDir -4 'mdcSyncStatusFailedOffline -3 'mdcSyncStatusFailedDirty -2 'mdcSyncStatusFailed -1 'mdcSyncStatusSuccess 0 'mdcSyncStatusNone 10 'mdcSyncStatusPending 19 'mdcSyncStatusInProgress 20 'mdcSyncStatusInProgressAcquireSlot 30 'mdcSyncStatusInProgressAcquireSlotWaiting 31 'mdcSyncStatusReset 2147483645 'mdcSyncStatusSuspended 2147483646 'mdcSyncStatusShutdown 2147483647 ' 'CSt: content cache status 'CC_INITIALIZING 0 'CC_NEVER_DOWNLOADED CC_INITIALIZING + 1 'CC_NODOWNLOAD CC_NEVER_DOWNLOADED + 1 'CC_COMPLETE CC_NODOWNLOAD + 1 'CC_DBBUILDING CC_COMPLETE + 1 'CC_DBDOWNLOADING CC_DBBUILDING + 1 'CC_RETRY_WEBSERVER 100 'CC_BITS_NOT_AVAILABLE 200 'CC_FAILED_FIRST_DBBUILD 300 'CC_FAILED_NEXT_DBBUILD CC_FAILED_FIRST_DBBUILD + 1 'CC_FAILED_BITS_DOWNLOAD CC_FAILED_NEXT_DBBUILD + 1 'CC_FAILED_PROCESS_NEXT_ARCHIVE CC_FAILED_BITS_DOWNLOAD + 1 'CC_FAILED_ADDING_ARCHIVES CC_FAILED_PROCESS_NEXT_ARCHIVE + 1 'CC_FAILED_WEBSERVER CC_FAILED_ADDING_ARCHIVES + 1 'CC_FAILED_GENERIC 400 ' 'Ls: last sync time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS 'CI: number of items in the content cache Integer 'Td: total number of items to download Integer '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function convertmdc(ss) 'ss is the value to convert to MDCstring counter=0 ' counter used to check if a match has been found or not. matchfound = 0 'if aa = 1 then ''ccver = "" 'reset output value do while counter < MDCarraynum ' total number of entries in each of the arrays add a product version increment this number if MDCarrayb(counter) = ss then aa = MDCarraya(counter) matchfound = 1 Exit Do Elseif matchfound = 0 then aa = "unable to determine" End If counter = counter + 1 loop end function '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function convertcc(ss) 'ss is the value to convert to CCstring counter=0 ' counter used to check if a match has been found or not. matchfound = 0 'if aa = 1 then ''ccver = "" 'reset output value do while counter < CCarraynum ' total number of entries in each of the arrays add a product version increment this number if CCarrayb(counter) = ss then aa = CCarraya(counter) matchfound = 1 Exit Do Elseif matchfound = 0 then aa = "unable to determine" End If counter = counter + 1 loop end function '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++