Job Log for M

Completed status: Failed    See error(s)

Job Information
Job server: STBVMSRV3
Job name: M
Job started: Friday, November 06, 2009 at 2:00:40 PM
Job type: Restore
Job Log: BEX_STBVMSRV3_03828.xml
Job Operation - Restore
Drive and media mount requested: 11/6/2009 2:00:40 PM
Drive and media information from media mount: 11/6/2009 2:01:38 PM
Robotic Library Name: SONY-LIB-162-AIT4
Drive Name: SONY 1
Slot: 13
Media Label: JEUD1
Media GUID: {a71c0238-2420-40f3-8487-1250356dbec5}
Overwrite Protected Until: 1/1/1900 1:00:00 AM
Appendable Until: 12/31/9999 1:00:00 AM

All Media Used JEUD1

Network control connection is established between <--> Network data connection is established between <-->
Set Information - \\SEYCHELLES.STBA.LU\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
Restore Set Information
Restoring data to \\SEYCHELLES.STBA.LU\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group .

Storage Media #1: " Media created 11/5/2009 10:30:02 PM "
Backup performed on 11/6/2009 at 1:51 AM
Backup set #5: " Seychelles Online "

Restore started on 11/6/2009 at 2:03:06 PM.
Restore completed on 11/6/2009 at 2:23:37 PM.
Restore Set Summary
Restored 2 Exchange Server stores
Processed 41,974,102,438 bytes in  20 minutes and  31 seconds.
Throughput rate: 1951 MB/min

Set Information - \\SEYCHELLES.STBA.LU\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
Restore Set Information
Restoring data to \\SEYCHELLES.STBA.LU\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group .

Storage Media #1: "  "
Backup performed on 11/6/2009 at 1:51 AM
Backup set #5: " Seychelles Online "

Restore started on 11/6/2009 at 2:24:25 PM.
Restore Set Detail Information
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009..
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSEaster season..
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009..
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRBSL Board of Directors - Latest update..
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㤹〰〰RBSL update. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: VAT status ManCo/FCP.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸戹〰〰RE: Sulitomo - Tokyo was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ち〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: VAT status ManCo/FCP.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ㅡ〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report May 2009..
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㉡〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㍡〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund - January 2009 MIS Report was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㑡〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㕡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㙡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㝡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㡡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: Sumitomo Trust: Fund registration in Denmark.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: VAT status ManCo/FCP.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: VAT status ManCo/FCP.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report June 2009.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Annual report of RBS.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSAnnual report of RBS.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS2Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo - AR 31/3/2009 draft 5.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Annual report of RBS.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Annual report of RBS.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSLetter of engagement with Deloitte.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㥡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Letter of engagement with Deloitte.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸慡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸扡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸捡〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸摡〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸敡〰〰FW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸晡〰〰Easter season. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ぢ〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ㅢ〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㉢〰〰RBSL Board of Directors - Latest update. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㍢〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㑢〰〰FW: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㕢〰〰RE: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㙢〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report May 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㝢〰〰1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㡢〰〰FW: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㥢〰〰RE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸慢〰〰RE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸扢〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust: Fund registration in Denmark was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸换〰〰 Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸摢〰〰FW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸敢〰〰RE: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: RBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009..
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009..
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report July 2009..
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS2008 VAT - RBS (Luxembourg) Sa  on behalf of Sumitomo (FCP).
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸晢〰〰RE: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸っ〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report June 2009 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ㅣ〰〰RE: Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㉣〰〰Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㍣〰〰2Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㑣〰〰RE: Sumitomo - AR 31/3/2009 draft 5 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㕣〰〰RE: Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㙣〰〰RE: Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㝣〰〰Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㡣〰〰RBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㥣〰〰RE: Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸慣〰〰RE: RBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸扣〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸捣〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸摣〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report July 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸散〰〰2008 VAT - RBS (Luxembourg) Sa  on behalf of Sumitomo (FCP) was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸晣〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸つ〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up.  Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.
Restore completed on 11/6/2009 at 2:24:57 PM.
Restore Set Summary
Restored 0 Exchange Server stores
51 corrupt files were restored.  These files were corrupt before they were backed up.
Processed 24,750,063 bytes in  32 seconds.
Throughput rate: 44.3 MB/min

Job Completion Status
Job ended: Friday, November 06, 2009 at 2:27:10 PM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0008488 - Access is denied.
Final error category: Security Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33928

Click an error below to locate it in the job log

Restore- \\SEYCHELLES.STBA.LU\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSEaster season.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRBSL Board of Directors - Latest update.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: VAT status ManCo/FCP. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: VAT status ManCo/FCP. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report May 2009.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: Sumitomo Trust: Fund registration in Denmark. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSFW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: VAT status ManCo/FCP. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: VAT status ManCo/FCP. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report June 2009. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Annual report of RBS. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSAnnual report of RBS. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS2Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo - AR 31/3/2009 draft 5. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Annual report of RBS. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Annual report of RBS. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSLetter of engagement with Deloitte. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Letter of engagement with Deloitte. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: RBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSRE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report July 2009.. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBS2008 VAT - RBS (Luxembourg) Sa on behalf of Sumitomo (FCP). V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF. V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to file Mailbox Store (SEYCHELLES)IMS [ims]Top of Information StoreTasksRBSSumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009.

Click an exception below to locate it in the job log

Restore- \\SEYCHELLES.STBA.LU\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group
WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㤹〰〰RBSL update. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸戹〰〰RE: Sulitomo - Tokyo was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ち〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ㅡ〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㉡〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㍡〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund - January 2009 MIS Report was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㑡〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㕡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㙡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㝡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㡡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㥡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸慡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸扡〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸捡〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸摡〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸敡〰〰FW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸晡〰〰Easter season. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ぢ〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report April 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ㅢ〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㉢〰〰RBSL Board of Directors - Latest update. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㍢〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund: Annual report 31th March 2009 - Draft 1 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㑢〰〰FW: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㕢〰〰RE: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㙢〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report May 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㝢〰〰1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㡢〰〰FW: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㥢〰〰RE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸慢〰〰RE: 1Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees の請求スケジュール was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸扢〰〰FW: Sumitomo Trust: Fund registration in Denmark was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸换〰〰 Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸摢〰〰FW: Confirmation request - Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸敢〰〰RE: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸晢〰〰RE: VAT status ManCo/FCP was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸っ〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report June 2009 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸ㅣ〰〰RE: Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㉣〰〰Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㍣〰〰2Q2009/ Investment Management Fees and Marketing Fees for Sumitomo Trust Japan Equity Fund Strategic Value Fund was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㑣〰〰RE: Sumitomo - AR 31/3/2009 draft 5 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㕣〰〰RE: Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㙣〰〰RE: Annual report of RBS was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㝣〰〰Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㡣〰〰RBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸㥣〰〰RE: Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸慣〰〰RE: RBSLux - Letter of engagement with Deloitte was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸扣〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸捣〰〰RE: Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸摣〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report July 2009. was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸散〰〰2008 VAT - RBS (Luxembourg) Sa on behalf of Sumitomo (FCP) was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸晣〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file. WARNING: The file Œ〰〰〰〰搵㔰㤵㈴㜶㙥㘴㌴㔹㐵攱づ㘲㝦ㄱ扡㜰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昳㉡〰〰攸〶㌱晡ㄲ㍣㐳㌴〸昶搶㔸愷㜷㠷〷〰〰〰昳昸つ〰〰Sumitomo Trust JEF - MIS Report August 2009 was restored from a file that was corrupt when it was backed up. Try restoring the file from another backup, or try repairing the file.