echo off REM REM For ESX Update 2, place this script in the backupscripts.d folder. REM This should be the only Backup Exec Script in the backupscripts.d REM folder. Prior to ESX update 2, this file is not needed. REM REM The paths for pre-freeze-script.bat and post-thaw-script.bat may REM not be the same on your system. Verify all paths before using REM the commands in this script. REM IF EXIST "%Programfiles%\Symantec\Backup Exec\BE VSS Provider\BeVssRequestor.exe" ( SET BATDIR=%Programfiles%\Symantec\Backup Exec\BE VSS Provider ) ELSE ( FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%a in ('REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Remote Agent for Windows Servers\Install" /v "Path" ^|FINDSTR "Path"') DO SET BATDIR=%%bVSS Provider ) if "%1%" == "freeze" goto doFreeze if "%1%" == "thaw" goto doThaw if "%1%" == "freezeFail" goto doFail :doFreeze call "%BATDIR%\pre-freeze-script.bat" goto end :doFail call "%BATDIR%\post-thaw-script.bat" goto end :doThaw call "%BATDIR%\post-thaw-script.bat" :end