00:01:17.643 [4664.3284] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 4308 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577252 -b ar-gecs21_1464577252 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007929 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22146.0.1464577225 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733888 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124336095_4308_5084 -blks_per_buffer 128 00:01:17.675 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:17.675 [4664.3284] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 740 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:01:17.675 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 740 00:01:17.675 [4664.3284] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:01:17.690 [4664.3284] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733888> socket <740> 00:01:17.690 [4664.3284] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 64801 00:01:17.690 [4664.3284] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:01:17.690 [4664.3284] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:01:17.721 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:01:17.721 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:01:17.721 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:01:17.721 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:01:17.721 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_4664_1252346000(Orb.cpp:795) 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_4664_1252346000(Orb.cpp:805) 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_4664_1252346000 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:01:17.799 [4664.3284] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:01:19.625 [3496.7116] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 2568 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577254 -b ar-gecs21_1464577254 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007930 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22145.0.1464577225 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733889 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124340806_2568_6456 -blks_per_buffer 128 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 740 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 740 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733889> socket <740> 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 64812 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:01:19.656 [3496.7116] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:01:19.687 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:01:19.687 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:01:19.687 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:01:19.687 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:01:19.687 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577251 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1148, buffer address = 0x410000 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> io_init: found index: 0 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2124347733 4664" shared memory file. 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966808, buffer address = 0x00000000020E0000, buf control = 0x00000000022C0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000022C02D0 00:01:19.718 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:01:19.734 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:19.734 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_3496_1256888050(Orb.cpp:795) 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_3496_1256888050(Orb.cpp:805) 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_3496_1256888050 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:01:19.734 [3496.7116] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867081 OLL019 4000854 ------ 6 1464577252 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL019 4000854 OLL019 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 19 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 2001818 9261070002 {2,0,0,2} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1148, buffer address = 0x610000 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> io_init: found index: 0 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2124349714 3496" shared memory file. 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966808, buffer address = 0x00000000021E0000, buf control = 0x00000000023C0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000023C02D0 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:19.859 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:01:19.874 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:19.905 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:01:19.921 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:19.921 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:01:19.984 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:20.030 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:01:20.030 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:20.062 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:20.062 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:01:20.155 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:20.186 [4664.3284] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4664 1 ar-gecs21_1464577252 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 1 00:01:20.186 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:01:20.218 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:20.218 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:01:20.405 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:01:20.452 [4664.3284] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL031 00:01:20.498 [4664.3284] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 16 1024 0 0 0 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733888, pDstMediaId = OLL031 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 7160.5236 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL031 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 00:01:20.608 [4664.3284] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:01:20.686 [7160.5236] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 4308 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577252 -b ar-gecs21_1464577252 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007929 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22146.0.1464577225 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733888 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124336095_4308_5084 -blks_per_buffer 128 -mmfill 4664 0 65536 30 10 2124347733 0 1464577252 2 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC ar-gecs21 ar-gecs21_1464577252 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 752 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 752 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733888> socket <752> 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 64827 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:01:20.717 [7160.5236] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:01:20.748 [7160.5236] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:01:20.748 [7160.5236] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:01:20.748 [7160.5236] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:01:20.748 [7160.5236] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:01:20.748 [7160.5236] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:01:20.810 [7160.5236] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:01:20.810 [7160.5236] <2> setup_mm_child: [4664] child using 30 data buffers 00:01:20.810 [7160.5236] <2> setup_mm_child: [4664] child buffer size is 65536 00:01:20.810 [7160.5236] <2> setup_mm_child: [4664] buffer address = 0x2210000, buf control = 0x23f0000 00:01:21.216 [4664.3284] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 00:01:22.729 [3496.7116] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 3496 1 ar-gecs21_1464577254 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 1 00:01:22.729 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:01:22.745 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:22.745 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:01:22.916 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:01:22.948 [3496.7116] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL019 00:01:22.979 [3496.7116] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867081 OLL019 4000854 *NULL* 6 1464577254 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 16 1024 0 0 0 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733889, pDstMediaId = OLL019 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 3408.6496 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL019 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 00:01:23.026 [3496.7116] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:01:23.104 [3408.6496] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 2568 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577254 -b ar-gecs21_1464577254 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007930 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22145.0.1464577225 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733889 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124340806_2568_6456 -blks_per_buffer 128 -mmfill 3496 0 65536 30 10 2124349714 0 1464577254 2 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC ar-gecs21 ar-gecs21_1464577254 00:01:23.135 [3408.6496] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:23.135 [3408.6496] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 752 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:01:23.135 [3408.6496] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 752 00:01:23.135 [3408.6496] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:01:23.150 [3408.6496] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733889> socket <752> 00:01:23.150 [3408.6496] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 64834 00:01:23.150 [3408.6496] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:01:23.150 [3408.6496] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:01:23.182 [3408.6496] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:01:23.182 [3408.6496] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:01:23.182 [3408.6496] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:01:23.182 [3408.6496] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:01:23.182 [3408.6496] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:01:23.228 [3496.7116] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 00:01:23.228 [3408.6496] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:01:23.228 [3408.6496] <2> setup_mm_child: [3496] child using 30 data buffers 00:01:23.228 [3408.6496] <2> setup_mm_child: [3496] child buffer size is 65536 00:01:23.228 [3408.6496] <2> setup_mm_child: [3496] buffer address = 0x2240000, buf control = 0x2420000 00:01:27.394 [4664.3284] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:01:27.394 [4664.3284] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:01:27.394 [4664.3284] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:01:27.519 [4664.3284] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:01:27.519 [4664.3284] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:01:27.519 [4664.3284] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:01:27.519 [4664.3284] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:01:27.519 [4664.3284] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:01:27.519 [4664.3284] <2> write_backup: media id OLL031 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {2,0,0,1}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, copy 1 00:01:27.534 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:01:27.550 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:27.550 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:01:27.659 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:28.049 [4664.3284] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4664 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:01:28.049 [4664.3284] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 0, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001EECAA0, copy 1 00:01:28.049 [4664.3284] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 0 00:01:28.049 [4664.3284] <2> io_write_media_header: drive index 0, writing media header 00:01:28.049 [4664.3284] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.9745) on drive index 0 00:01:28.065 [4664.3284] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.9809) on drive index 0 00:01:28.065 [4664.3284] <2> io_write_media_header: report_density, 0x44 [LTO-CVE U-316] 00:01:28.065 [4664.3284] <2> send_MDS_msg: VOL_UPDATE 0 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* *NULL* 4 68 00:01:28.096 [4664.3284] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577252 2147483647 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 0 1024 0 0 0 00:01:28.111 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:01:28.127 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:28.127 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1200 00:01:28.252 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:29.079 [4664.3284] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577252, copy 1, fragment 1, to media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 (index 0) 00:01:29.079 [4664.3284] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 4308) 00:01:29.079 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:01:29.079 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:01:29.079 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 2, copy 1 00:01:29.079 [4664.3284] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, ar-gecs21_1464577252, file num = 1, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:01:29.094 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 1 00:01:29.094 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:01:29.094 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:01:29.406 [3496.7116] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 00:01:29.406 [3496.7116] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:01:29.406 [3496.7116] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:01:29.515 [3496.7116] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 00:01:29.515 [3496.7116] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) has compression enabled 00:01:29.515 [3496.7116] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:01:29.515 [3496.7116] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:01:29.515 [3496.7116] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:01:29.515 [3496.7116] <2> write_backup: media id OLL019 mounted on drive index 1, drivepath {2,0,0,2}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, copy 1 00:01:29.515 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:01:29.547 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:29.547 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:01:29.656 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:30.389 [3496.7116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3496 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL019 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:01:30.389 [3496.7116] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 1, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001FECAA0, copy 1 00:01:30.389 [3496.7116] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 1 00:01:30.389 [3496.7116] <2> io_write_media_header: drive index 1, writing media header 00:01:30.389 [3496.7116] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.9745) on drive index 1 00:01:30.420 [3496.7116] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.9809) on drive index 1 00:01:30.420 [3496.7116] <2> io_write_media_header: report_density, 0x44 [LTO-CVE U-316] 00:01:30.420 [3496.7116] <2> send_MDS_msg: VOL_UPDATE 0 1867081 OLL019 4000854 *NULL* *NULL* 4 68 00:01:30.452 [3496.7116] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867081 OLL019 4000854 *NULL* 6 1464577254 1464577254 2147483647 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 0 1024 0 0 0 00:01:30.826 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:01:30.842 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:01:30.842 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:01:30.966 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577254, copy 1, fragment 1, to media id OLL019 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 (index 1) 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 2568) 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 2, copy 1 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 1, ar-gecs21_1464577254, file num = 1, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 1 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:01:32.355 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:02:45.459 [7160.5236] <2> fill_buffer: [4664] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 174 times, delayed 211 times, read 3108640 Kbytes 00:02:45.475 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:02:45.475 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:02:45.475 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 1335 times, delayed 2468 times 00:02:45.475 [4664.3284] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3108640 00:02:45.475 [4664.3284] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:02:45.475 [4664.3284] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 0, copy 1 00:02:45.475 [4664.3284] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 0 00:02:45.522 [4664.3284] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 48577, copy 1 00:02:45.522 [4664.3284] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, empty_file, file num = 2, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:02:45.522 [4664.3284] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9103 00:02:45.522 [4664.3284] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 48577, expected 48577 00:02:45.522 [4664.3284] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577252 2147483647 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 0 1024 0 48577 0 00:02:45.553 [4664.3284] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:02:45.553 [4664.3284] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:02:45.553 [4664.3284] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:02:45.709 [4664.3284] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:02:45.709 [4664.3284] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:02:45.709 [4664.3284] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:02:45.709 [4664.3284] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:02:45.724 [4664.3284] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 48577 in io_terminate_tape 00:02:45.724 [4664.3284] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9286 00:02:45.724 [4664.3284] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:02:45.724 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:02:45.740 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:02:45.740 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1200 00:02:45.865 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:02:46.302 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 183003904 733575 00:02:46.317 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:02:49.001 [4664.3284] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4664 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 3108640 3108640 (bptm.c.20849) 00:02:49.001 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:02:49.016 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:02:49.016 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1200 00:02:49.110 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:02:49.235 [4664.3284] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577252 2147483647 0 3108640 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 48577 0 00:02:49.250 [4664.3284] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:02:51.793 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:02:51.809 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:02:51.809 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 00:02:51.902 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:02:51.933 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 00:02:51.933 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 183019520 00:02:52.277 [4664.3284] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:02:52.277 [4664.3284] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 496 00:02:52.370 [4664.3284] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:02:52.401 [4664.3284] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577252, copy 1, fragment 1, 3108640 Kbytes at 40700.725 Kbytes/sec 00:02:52.401 [4664.3284] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577252 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL031 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007929 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {839CA824-6AAD-441A-BA9B-2FE6868203A5} 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007929 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {839CA824-6AAD-441A-BA9B-2FE6868203A5}) 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid -1463007929 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL031 mediaKey 4000866 unloadDelay 180 allocId {839CA824-6AAD-441A-BA9B-2FE6868203A5} 00:02:52.542 [4664.3284] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:02:52.557 [4664.3284] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:02:52.557 [4664.3284] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:02:52.557 [4664.3284] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007933 -jm 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = FALSE CURTIME = 1464577372 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: MODE = 1 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464577372 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL031 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: REQID = -1463007929 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867080 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: RBID = {839CA824-6AAD-441A-BA9B-2FE6868203A5} 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: PID = 4664 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464577372 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464577282 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL019 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: REQID = -1463007930 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867081 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: RBID = {480D7204-C412-4486-A7BE-817271B9700F} 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: PID = 3496 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:02:52.838 [6584.6716] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:02:54.944 [3408.6496] <2> fill_buffer: [3496] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 269 times, delayed 313 times, read 3029792 Kbytes 00:02:54.960 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:02:54.960 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:02:54.960 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 982 times, delayed 2629 times 00:02:54.960 [3496.7116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3029792 00:02:54.960 [3496.7116] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:02:54.960 [3496.7116] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 1, copy 1 00:02:54.960 [3496.7116] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 1 00:02:54.991 [3496.7116] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 47345, copy 1 00:02:54.991 [3496.7116] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 1, empty_file, file num = 2, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:02:54.991 [3496.7116] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, from bptm.c.9103 00:02:54.991 [3496.7116] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 47345, expected 47345 00:02:54.991 [3496.7116] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867081 OLL019 4000854 *NULL* 6 1464577254 1464577254 2147483647 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 0 1024 0 47345 0 00:02:55.022 [3496.7116] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 00:02:55.022 [3496.7116] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:02:55.022 [3496.7116] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:02:55.210 [3496.7116] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 00:02:55.210 [3496.7116] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) has compression enabled 00:02:55.210 [3496.7116] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:02:55.210 [3496.7116] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:02:55.225 [3496.7116] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 47345 in io_terminate_tape 00:02:55.225 [3496.7116] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, from bptm.c.9286 00:02:55.225 [3496.7116] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:02:55.225 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:02:55.241 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:02:55.241 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:02:55.334 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:02:55.896 [3496.7116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3496 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL019 0 1 0 3029792 3029792 (bptm.c.20849) 00:02:55.896 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:02:55.927 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:02:55.927 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1204 00:02:56.021 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:02:56.146 [3496.7116] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867081 OLL019 4000854 *NULL* 6 1464577254 1464577254 2147483647 0 3029792 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 47345 0 00:02:56.161 [3496.7116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:02:56.192 [3496.7116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:02:56.192 [3496.7116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1204 00:02:56.302 [3496.7116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:02:56.707 [3496.7116] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577254, copy 1, fragment 1, 3029792 Kbytes at 36679.402 Kbytes/sec 00:02:56.707 [3496.7116] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577254 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL019 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007930 0 OLL019 4000854 180 {480D7204-C412-4486-A7BE-817271B9700F} 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007930 0 OLL019 4000854 180 {480D7204-C412-4486-A7BE-817271B9700F}) 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid -1463007930 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL019 mediaKey 4000854 unloadDelay 180 allocId {480D7204-C412-4486-A7BE-817271B9700F} 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:02:56.848 [3496.7116] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 00:03:21.309 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 63001344 733636 00:03:21.341 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:03:23.946 [5420.756] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 3888 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577386 -b ar-gecs21_1464577386 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007934 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22146.0.1464577377 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733890 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124465748_3888_5540 -blks_per_buffer 128 00:03:23.977 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:23.977 [5420.756] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 740 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:03:23.977 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 740 00:03:23.977 [5420.756] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:03:23.993 [5420.756] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733890> socket <740> 00:03:23.993 [5420.756] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 64921 00:03:23.993 [5420.756] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:03:23.993 [5420.756] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:03:24.024 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:03:24.024 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:03:24.024 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:03:24.024 [5420.756] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:03:24.024 [5420.756] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5420_1548298229(Orb.cpp:795) 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5420_1548298229(Orb.cpp:805) 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5420_1548298229 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:03:24.071 [5420.756] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464577252 2147483647 0 3108640 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 48577 0 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 128 0 1 0 0 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1148, buffer address = 0x350000 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> io_init: found index: 0 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2124474031 5420" shared memory file. 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966808, buffer address = 0x0000000002310000, buf control = 0x00000000024F0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000024F02D0 00:03:24.242 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:03:24.273 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:24.273 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:03:24.383 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:24.398 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:03:24.429 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:24.429 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:03:24.523 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:26.926 [5420.756] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 5420 1 ar-gecs21_1464577386 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 1 00:03:26.926 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:03:26.941 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:26.941 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:03:27.128 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:03:27.160 [5420.756] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL031 00:03:27.206 [5420.756] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733890, pDstMediaId = OLL031 00:03:27.206 [5420.756] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:03:27.206 [5420.756] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:03:27.206 [5420.756] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:03:27.440 [5420.756] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:03:27.456 [5420.756] <4> verify_tpreq_file: tpreq file matches requirements 00:03:27.456 [5420.756] <2> select_media: media id OLL031 already mounted 00:03:27.456 [5420.756] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 6812.2368 00:03:27.456 [5420.756] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:03:27.456 [5420.756] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:03:27.456 [5420.756] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:03:27.534 [6812.2368] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 3888 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577386 -b ar-gecs21_1464577386 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007934 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22146.0.1464577377 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733890 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124465748_3888_5540 -blks_per_buffer 128 -mmfill 5420 0 65536 30 10 2124474031 0 1464577386 2 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC ar-gecs21 ar-gecs21_1464577386 00:03:27.550 [6812.2368] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:27.550 [6812.2368] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 752 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:03:27.550 [6812.2368] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 752 00:03:27.550 [6812.2368] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:03:27.565 [6812.2368] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733890> socket <752> 00:03:27.565 [6812.2368] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 64935 00:03:27.565 [6812.2368] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:03:27.565 [6812.2368] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:03:27.581 [5420.756] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:03:27.581 [5420.756] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:03:27.581 [5420.756] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:03:27.596 [5420.756] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:03:27.596 [5420.756] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:03:27.596 [5420.756] <2> write_backup: media id OLL031 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {2,0,0,1}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, copy 1 00:03:27.596 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:03:27.596 [6812.2368] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:03:27.596 [6812.2368] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:03:27.596 [6812.2368] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:03:27.596 [6812.2368] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:03:27.596 [6812.2368] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:03:27.612 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:27.612 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 664 00:03:27.659 [6812.2368] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:03:27.659 [6812.2368] <2> setup_mm_child: [5420] child using 30 data buffers 00:03:27.659 [6812.2368] <2> setup_mm_child: [5420] child buffer size is 65536 00:03:27.659 [6812.2368] <2> setup_mm_child: [5420] buffer address = 0x2350000, buf control = 0x2530000 00:03:27.737 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:29.032 [5420.756] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5420 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:03:29.032 [5420.756] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL031, copy 1, current number images = 1 00:03:29.032 [5420.756] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 2, bid = (empty_file), copy 1 00:03:29.032 [5420.756] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL031, OK, copy 1 00:03:29.032 [5420.756] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 0 00:03:29.032 [5420.756] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 0 00:03:29.063 [5420.756] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577386 2147483647 0 3108640 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 48577 0 00:03:29.094 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:03:29.125 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:29.125 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1188 00:03:29.219 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:29.297 [5420.756] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577386, copy 1, fragment 1, to media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 (index 0) 00:03:29.297 [5420.756] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 3888) 00:03:29.297 [5420.756] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:03:29.297 [5420.756] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:03:29.297 [5420.756] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 48577, copy 1 00:03:29.297 [5420.756] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, ar-gecs21_1464577386, file num = 2, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:03:29.297 [5420.756] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 1 00:03:29.905 [5420.756] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:03:29.905 [5420.756] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:03:30.873 [6812.2368] <2> fill_buffer: [5420] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 9 times, delayed 9 times, read 38043648 bytes 00:03:30.888 [5420.756] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:03:30.888 [5420.756] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:03:30.888 [5420.756] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 16 times, delayed 79 times 00:03:30.888 [5420.756] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 37152 00:03:30.888 [5420.756] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:03:30.888 [5420.756] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 0, copy 1 00:03:30.888 [5420.756] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 0 00:03:30.904 [5420.756] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 49160, copy 1 00:03:30.904 [5420.756] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, empty_file, file num = 3, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:03:30.904 [5420.756] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9103 00:03:30.904 [5420.756] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 49160, expected 49160 00:03:30.904 [5420.756] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577386 2147483647 0 3108640 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49160 0 00:03:30.935 [5420.756] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:03:30.935 [5420.756] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:03:30.935 [5420.756] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 49160 in io_terminate_tape 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9286 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:03:31.091 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:03:31.122 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:31.122 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1188 00:03:31.231 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:33.915 [5420.756] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5420 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 37152 37152 (bptm.c.20849) 00:03:33.915 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:03:33.946 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:33.946 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1188 00:03:34.055 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:34.180 [5420.756] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577386 2147483647 0 3145792 2 2 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49160 0 00:03:34.211 [5420.756] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:03:34.227 [5420.756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:03:34.227 [5420.756] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 00:03:34.320 [5420.756] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:03:34.445 [5420.756] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577386, copy 1, fragment 1, 37152 Kbytes at 23351.351 Kbytes/sec 00:03:34.445 [5420.756] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577386 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL031 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007934 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {F94FAD1E-6DC1-4C1D-94CF-8DA36A7BDA4F} 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007934 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {F94FAD1E-6DC1-4C1D-94CF-8DA36A7BDA4F}) 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid -1463007934 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL031 mediaKey 4000866 unloadDelay 180 allocId {F94FAD1E-6DC1-4C1D-94CF-8DA36A7BDA4F} 00:03:34.570 [5420.756] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:03:34.585 [5420.756] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:03:34.585 [5420.756] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:03:34.585 [5420.756] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 00:04:15.646 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:04:15.709 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:04:15.709 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 00:04:15.802 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:04:16.801 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 8002560 8002560 (bptm.c.26094) 00:04:16.801 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 563900672 00:04:35.943 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 564012032 733432 00:04:35.958 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:05:03.556 [6948.3976] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 3240 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577484 -b ar-gecs21_1464577484 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007936 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22145.0.1464577468 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733892 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124564980_3240_4788 -blks_per_buffer 128 00:05:03.571 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:03.571 [6948.3976] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 740 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:05:03.571 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 740 00:05:03.571 [6948.3976] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:05:03.587 [6948.3976] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733892> socket <740> 00:05:03.587 [6948.3976] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 65032 00:05:03.587 [6948.3976] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:05:03.587 [6948.3976] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:05:03.618 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:05:03.618 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:05:03.634 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:05:03.634 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:05:03.634 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6948_1781786482(Orb.cpp:795) 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6948_1781786482(Orb.cpp:805) 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6948_1781786482 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:05:03.696 [6948.3976] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464577386 2147483647 0 3145792 2 2 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49160 0 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 128 0 1 0 0 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1148, buffer address = 0x430000 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> io_init: found index: 0 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2124573638 6948" shared memory file. 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966808, buffer address = 0x0000000002100000, buf control = 0x00000000022E0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000022E02D0 00:05:03.821 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:05:03.852 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:03.852 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:05:03.946 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:03.977 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:05:04.008 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:04.008 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:05:04.102 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:04.133 [6948.3976] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6948 1 ar-gecs21_1464577484 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 1 00:05:04.133 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:05:04.180 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:04.180 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 00:05:04.351 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:05:04.383 [6948.3976] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL031 00:05:04.414 [6948.3976] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733892, pDstMediaId = OLL031 00:05:04.414 [6948.3976] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:05:04.429 [6948.3976] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:05:04.429 [6948.3976] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:05:04.617 [6948.3976] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:05:04.617 [6948.3976] <4> verify_tpreq_file: tpreq file matches requirements 00:05:04.617 [6948.3976] <2> select_media: media id OLL031 already mounted 00:05:04.617 [6948.3976] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 6152.5740 00:05:04.617 [6948.3976] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:05:04.617 [6948.3976] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:05:04.617 [6948.3976] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:05:04.695 [6152.5740] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 3240 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577484 -b ar-gecs21_1464577484 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007936 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22145.0.1464577468 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733892 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124564980_3240_4788 -blks_per_buffer 128 -mmfill 6948 0 65536 30 10 2124573638 0 1464577484 2 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC ar-gecs21 ar-gecs21_1464577484 00:05:04.695 [6948.3976] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:05:04.710 [6948.3976] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:05:04.710 [6948.3976] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:05:04.710 [6948.3976] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:05:04.710 [6948.3976] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:05:04.710 [6948.3976] <2> write_backup: media id OLL031 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {2,0,0,1}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, copy 1 00:05:04.710 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:05:04.726 [6152.5740] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:04.726 [6152.5740] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 752 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:05:04.726 [6152.5740] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 752 00:05:04.726 [6152.5740] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:05:04.726 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:04.726 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 676 00:05:04.741 [6152.5740] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733892> socket <752> 00:05:04.741 [6152.5740] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 65045 00:05:04.741 [6152.5740] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:05:04.741 [6152.5740] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:05:04.757 [6152.5740] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:05:04.757 [6152.5740] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:05:04.757 [6152.5740] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:05:04.757 [6152.5740] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:05:04.757 [6152.5740] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:05:04.819 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:04.866 [6948.3976] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6948 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:05:04.866 [6948.3976] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL031, copy 1, current number images = 2 00:05:04.866 [6948.3976] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 3, bid = (empty_file), copy 1 00:05:04.866 [6948.3976] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL031, OK, copy 1 00:05:04.866 [6948.3976] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 0 00:05:04.866 [6948.3976] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 0 00:05:04.866 [6152.5740] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:05:04.866 [6152.5740] <2> setup_mm_child: [6948] child using 30 data buffers 00:05:04.866 [6152.5740] <2> setup_mm_child: [6948] child buffer size is 65536 00:05:04.866 [6152.5740] <2> setup_mm_child: [6948] buffer address = 0x2120000, buf control = 0x2300000 00:05:04.913 [6948.3976] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577484 2147483647 0 3145792 2 2 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49160 0 00:05:04.944 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:05:04.975 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:04.975 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 676 00:05:05.053 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:05.100 [6948.3976] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577484, copy 1, fragment 1, to media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 (index 0) 00:05:05.100 [6948.3976] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 3240) 00:05:05.100 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:05:05.100 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:05:05.100 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 49160, copy 1 00:05:05.100 [6948.3976] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, ar-gecs21_1464577484, file num = 3, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:05:05.100 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 1 00:05:05.490 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:05:05.490 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:05:05.771 [6152.5740] <2> fill_buffer: [6948] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 4 times, delayed 4 times, read 20742144 bytes 00:05:05.771 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:05:05.771 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 6 times, delayed 30 times 00:05:05.771 [6948.3976] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 20256 00:05:05.771 [6948.3976] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:05:05.771 [6948.3976] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 0, copy 1 00:05:05.771 [6948.3976] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 0 00:05:05.802 [6948.3976] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 49479, copy 1 00:05:05.802 [6948.3976] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, empty_file, file num = 4, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:05:05.802 [6948.3976] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9103 00:05:05.802 [6948.3976] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 49479, expected 49479 00:05:05.802 [6948.3976] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577484 2147483647 0 3145792 2 2 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49479 0 00:05:05.833 [6948.3976] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:05:05.833 [6948.3976] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:05:05.833 [6948.3976] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:05:05.943 [6948.3976] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:05:05.943 [6948.3976] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:05:05.958 [6948.3976] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:05:05.958 [6948.3976] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:05:05.958 [6948.3976] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 49479 in io_terminate_tape 00:05:05.958 [6948.3976] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9286 00:05:05.958 [6948.3976] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:05:05.958 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:05:05.974 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:05.974 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 676 00:05:06.067 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:07.971 [6948.3976] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6948 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 20256 20256 (bptm.c.20849) 00:05:07.971 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:05:07.986 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:07.986 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 00:05:08.080 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:08.236 [6948.3976] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577484 2147483647 0 3166048 3 3 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49479 0 00:05:08.267 [6948.3976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:05:08.283 [6948.3976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:05:08.283 [6948.3976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 676 00:05:08.376 [6948.3976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:05:08.407 [6948.3976] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577484, copy 1, fragment 1, 20256 Kbytes at 30187.779 Kbytes/sec 00:05:08.407 [6948.3976] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577484 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL031 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007936 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {8872C530-50F4-4407-A802-5E89B04BE52B} 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007936 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {8872C530-50F4-4407-A802-5E89B04BE52B}) 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid -1463007936 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL031 mediaKey 4000866 unloadDelay 180 allocId {8872C530-50F4-4407-A802-5E89B04BE52B} 00:05:08.532 [6948.3976] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:05:08.548 [6948.3976] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:05:08.548 [6948.3976] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:05:08.548 [6948.3976] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 00:05:57.393 [3300.6324] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 -dp {2,0,0,2} -dk 2001818 -m OLL019 -mk 4000854 -mds 0 -alocid 1867081 -jobid -1463007937 -jm 00:05:57.409 [3300.6324] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:05:57.409 [3300.6324] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:05:57.425 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:05:57.425 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:05:57.425 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:05:57.425 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:05:57.425 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 3300 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL019 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_3300_1907890309(Orb.cpp:795) 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_3300_1907890309(Orb.cpp:805) 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_3300_1907890309 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:05:57.503 [3300.6324] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867081 OLL019 4000854 ------ 6 1464577252 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL019 4000854 OLL019 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 19 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 2001818 9261070002 {2,0,0,2} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,2} 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 00:05:57.674 [3300.6324] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:05:57.690 [3300.6324] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:05:57.690 [3300.6324] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:05:57.690 [3300.6324] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:05:58.298 [3300.6324] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 00:06:00.357 [3300.6324] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:06:00.404 [3300.6324] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:00.404 [3300.6324] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:06:00.482 [3300.6324] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:04.148 [3300.6324] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 3300 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL019 00:06:04.148 [3300.6324] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 00:06:04.148 [3300.6324] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:06:04.148 [3300.6324] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:06:04.148 [3300.6324] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:06:04.148 [3300.6324] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:06:04.164 [3300.6324] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 00:06:04.164 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:06:04.164 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:06:04.164 [3300.6324] <2> drivename_remove: Called 00:06:04.164 [3300.6324] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:06:04.164 [3300.6324] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:06:22.760 [5980.860] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 5024 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577559 -b ar-gecs21_1464577559 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007938 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22145.0.1464577549 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733893 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124643979_5024_7132 -blks_per_buffer 128 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 740 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 740 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733893> socket <740> 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 65118 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:06:22.791 [5980.860] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:06:22.822 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:06:22.822 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:06:22.822 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:06:22.822 [5980.860] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:06:22.822 [5980.860] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5980_1967324668(Orb.cpp:795) 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5980_1967324668(Orb.cpp:805) 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5980_1967324668 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:06:22.854 [5980.860] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464577484 2147483647 0 3166048 3 3 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49479 0 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 128 0 1 0 0 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1148, buffer address = 0x510000 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> io_init: found index: 0 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2124652840 5980" shared memory file. 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966808, buffer address = 0x0000000002080000, buf control = 0x0000000002260000, ready ptr = 0x00000000022602D0 00:06:23.010 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:06:23.025 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:23.025 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:06:23.150 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:23.181 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:06:23.197 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:23.197 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:06:23.322 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:23.353 [5980.860] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 5980 1 ar-gecs21_1464577559 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 1 00:06:23.353 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:06:23.368 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:23.368 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:06:23.571 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:06:23.587 [5980.860] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL031 00:06:23.634 [5980.860] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733893, pDstMediaId = OLL031 00:06:23.634 [5980.860] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:06:23.649 [5980.860] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:06:23.649 [5980.860] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:06:23.946 [5980.860] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:06:23.946 [5980.860] <4> verify_tpreq_file: tpreq file matches requirements 00:06:23.946 [5980.860] <2> select_media: media id OLL031 already mounted 00:06:23.946 [5980.860] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 6836.5560 00:06:23.946 [5980.860] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:06:23.946 [5980.860] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:06:23.946 [5980.860] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:06:24.008 [6836.5560] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 5024 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -bt 1464577559 -b ar-gecs21_1464577559 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007938 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -L /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/22145.0.1464577549 -ru oracle -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -ct 4 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733893 -jobgrpid 733884 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2124643979_5024_7132 -blks_per_buffer 128 -mmfill 5980 0 65536 30 10 2124652840 0 1464577559 2 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC ar-gecs21 ar-gecs21_1464577559 00:06:24.024 [5980.860] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:06:24.024 [5980.860] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:06:24.039 [5980.860] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:06:24.039 [5980.860] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:06:24.039 [5980.860] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:06:24.039 [5980.860] <2> write_backup: media id OLL031 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {2,0,0,1}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, copy 1 00:06:24.039 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 752 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 752 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:06:24.055 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:24.055 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 672 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733893> socket <752> 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 65134 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:06:24.055 [6836.5560] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:06:24.086 [6836.5560] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:06:24.086 [6836.5560] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:06:24.086 [6836.5560] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:06:24.086 [6836.5560] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:06:24.086 [6836.5560] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:06:24.148 [6836.5560] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:06:24.148 [6836.5560] <2> setup_mm_child: [5980] child using 30 data buffers 00:06:24.148 [6836.5560] <2> setup_mm_child: [5980] child buffer size is 65536 00:06:24.148 [6836.5560] <2> setup_mm_child: [5980] buffer address = 0x20e0000, buf control = 0x22c0000 00:06:24.164 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:24.211 [5980.860] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5980 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:06:24.211 [5980.860] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL031, copy 1, current number images = 3 00:06:24.211 [5980.860] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 4, bid = (empty_file), copy 1 00:06:24.211 [5980.860] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL031, OK, copy 1 00:06:24.211 [5980.860] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 0 00:06:24.211 [5980.860] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 0 00:06:24.273 [5980.860] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577559 2147483647 0 3166048 3 3 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49479 0 00:06:24.304 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:06:24.336 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:24.336 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 672 00:06:24.429 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:24.460 [5980.860] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577559, copy 1, fragment 1, to media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 (index 0) 00:06:24.460 [5980.860] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 5024) 00:06:24.460 [5980.860] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:06:24.460 [5980.860] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:06:24.476 [5980.860] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 49479, copy 1 00:06:24.476 [5980.860] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, ar-gecs21_1464577559, file num = 4, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:06:24.476 [5980.860] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 1 00:06:24.710 [5980.860] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:06:24.710 [5980.860] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:06:25.100 [6836.5560] <2> fill_buffer: [5980] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 10 times, delayed 10 times, read 20742144 bytes 00:06:25.116 [5980.860] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:06:25.116 [5980.860] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:06:25.116 [5980.860] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 4 times, delayed 19 times 00:06:25.116 [5980.860] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 20256 00:06:25.116 [5980.860] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:06:25.116 [5980.860] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 0, copy 1 00:06:25.116 [5980.860] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 0 00:06:25.131 [5980.860] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 49798, copy 1 00:06:25.131 [5980.860] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, empty_file, file num = 5, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:06:25.131 [5980.860] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9103 00:06:25.131 [5980.860] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 49798, expected 49798 00:06:25.131 [5980.860] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577559 2147483647 0 3166048 3 3 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49798 0 00:06:25.178 [5980.860] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 00:06:25.178 [5980.860] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:06:25.178 [5980.860] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:06:25.303 [5980.860] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 00:06:25.303 [5980.860] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 00:06:25.303 [5980.860] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:06:25.303 [5980.860] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:06:25.303 [5980.860] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 49798 in io_terminate_tape 00:06:25.318 [5980.860] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9286 00:06:25.318 [5980.860] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:06:25.318 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:06:25.334 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:25.334 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:06:25.474 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:25.568 [5980.860] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5980 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 0 1 0 20256 20256 (bptm.c.20849) 00:06:25.568 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:06:25.615 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:25.615 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 00:06:25.755 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:25.896 [5980.860] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464577559 2147483647 0 3186304 4 4 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49798 0 00:06:25.942 [5980.860] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:06:25.958 [5980.860] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:06:25.958 [5980.860] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:06:26.052 [5980.860] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:06:26.067 [5980.860] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577559, copy 1, fragment 1, 20256 Kbytes at 31699.531 Kbytes/sec 00:06:26.067 [5980.860] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577559 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL031 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007938 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {6F5A6BAA-F6B2-4B85-8C76-B0C79DAB1FDC} 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007938 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {6F5A6BAA-F6B2-4B85-8C76-B0C79DAB1FDC}) 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid -1463007938 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL031 mediaKey 4000866 unloadDelay 180 allocId {6F5A6BAA-F6B2-4B85-8C76-B0C79DAB1FDC} 00:06:26.192 [5980.860] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:06:26.223 [5980.860] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:06:26.223 [5980.860] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:06:26.223 [5980.860] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 00:09:31.184 [6896.1584] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 -dp {2,0,0,1} -dk 2001817 -m OLL031 -mk 4000866 -mds 0 -alocid 1867080 -jobid -1463007940 -jm 00:09:31.184 [6896.1584] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:09:31.184 [6896.1584] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:09:31.215 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:09:31.215 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:09:31.215 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:09:31.215 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:09:31.215 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 6896 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL031 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6896_261549247(Orb.cpp:795) 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6896_261549247(Orb.cpp:805) 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6896_261549247 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:09:31.324 [6896.1584] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867080 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464577484 2147483647 0 3166048 3 3 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49479 0 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,1} 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:09:31.558 [6896.1584] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:09:32.370 [6896.1584] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 00:09:34.429 [6896.1584] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:09:34.476 [6896.1584] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:09:34.476 [6896.1584] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1148 00:09:34.616 [6896.1584] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 6896 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL031 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> drivename_remove: Called 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:09:35.240 [6896.1584] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:12:53.056 [4640.4716] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007942 -jm 00:12:53.056 [4640.4716] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:12:53.056 [4640.4716] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:13:07.315 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 567012096 733432 00:13:07.330 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:13:25.365 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:13:25.521 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:13:25.521 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 00:13:25.630 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:13:25.661 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 00:13:25.661 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 65406976 00:14:04.865 [5592.4076] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 6964 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_FS_DESA_CFG -bt 1464578036 -b ar-gecs21_1464578036 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007943 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -ru root -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Diario_FS_CFG -ct 0 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733895 -jobgrpid 733895 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2125112029_6964_2384 -blks_per_buffer 128 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 736 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 736 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733895> socket <736> 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 65378 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:14:05.240 [5592.4076] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:14:05.271 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:14:05.271 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:14:05.271 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:14:05.271 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:14:05.271 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5592_903776072(Orb.cpp:795) 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5592_903776072(Orb.cpp:805) 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5592_903776072 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:14:05.333 [5592.4076] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867084 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464577559 2147483647 0 3186304 4 4 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49798 0 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 2001820 9261070004 {2,0,0,4} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1144, buffer address = 0x900000 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> io_init: found index: 0 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2125114930 5592" shared memory file. 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966808, buffer address = 0x00000000020F0000, buf control = 0x00000000022D0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000022D02D0 00:14:05.489 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:14:05.552 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:05.567 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 00:14:05.692 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:14:05.723 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:14:05.755 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:05.755 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:14:05.895 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:14:06.784 [5592.4076] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 5592 1 ar-gecs21_1464578036 0 CF_HS_FS_DESA_CFG 2 Diario_FS_CFG 0 1 1 00:14:06.784 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:14:06.862 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:06.862 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 00:14:07.065 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:14:07.096 [5592.4076] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL031 00:14:07.127 [5592.4076] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733895, pDstMediaId = OLL031 00:14:07.143 [5592.4076] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 5916.4052 00:14:07.143 [5592.4076] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL031 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 00:14:07.143 [5592.4076] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 00:14:07.143 [5592.4076] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:14:07.143 [5592.4076] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 00:14:07.143 [5592.4076] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 00:14:07.143 [5592.4076] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:14:07.205 [5916.4052] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 6964 -c ar-gecs21 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cl CF_HS_FS_DESA_CFG -bt 1464578036 -b ar-gecs21_1464578036 -st 2 -cj 4 -p Oracle -reqid -1463007943 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -ru root -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Diario_FS_CFG -ct 0 -maxfrag 1048576 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733895 -jobgrpid 733895 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2125112029_6964_2384 -blks_per_buffer 128 -mmfill 5592 0 65536 30 10 2125114930 0 1464578036 2 CF_HS_FS_DESA_CFG ar-gecs21 ar-gecs21_1464578036 00:14:07.221 [5916.4052] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:07.221 [5916.4052] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 748 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:14:07.221 [5916.4052] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 00:14:07.221 [5916.4052] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:14:07.237 [5916.4052] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733895> socket <748> 00:14:07.237 [5916.4052] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 65391 00:14:07.237 [5916.4052] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:14:07.237 [5916.4052] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:14:07.252 [5916.4052] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:14:07.252 [5916.4052] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:14:07.268 [5916.4052] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:14:07.268 [5916.4052] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:14:07.268 [5916.4052] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:14:07.283 [5916.4052] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:14:07.299 [5916.4052] <2> setup_mm_child: [5592] child using 30 data buffers 00:14:07.299 [5916.4052] <2> setup_mm_child: [5592] child buffer size is 65536 00:14:07.299 [5916.4052] <2> setup_mm_child: [5592] buffer address = 0x2290000, buf control = 0x2470000 00:14:07.346 [5592.4076] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 00:14:13.524 [5592.4076] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, serial_num: 9261070004 00:14:13.524 [5592.4076] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:14:13.524 [5592.4076] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 00:14:13.726 [5592.4076] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) configured with blocksize 0 00:14:13.758 [5592.4076] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) has compression enabled 00:14:13.758 [5592.4076] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:14:13.773 [5592.4076] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:14:13.773 [5592.4076] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:14:13.773 [5592.4076] <2> write_backup: media id OLL031 mounted on drive index 3, drivepath {2,0,0,4}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, copy 1 00:14:13.773 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:14:13.789 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:13.789 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:14:13.898 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5592 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 3, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001EF7FE0, copy 1 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 3 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 3 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL031, copy 1, current number images = 4 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_position_for_write: locating to absolute block number 49798, copy 1 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_position_for_write: locate block is done 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 5, bid = (empty_file), copy 1 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL031, OK, copy 1 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 3 00:14:14.366 [5592.4076] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 3 00:14:14.382 [5592.4076] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867084 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 0 3186304 4 4 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49798 0 00:14:14.428 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:14:14.506 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:14.506 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:14:14.600 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464578036, copy 1, fragment 1, to media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 (index 3) 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 6964) 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 49798, copy 1 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 3, ar-gecs21_1464578036, file num = 5, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 1 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:14:20.045 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:14:58.937 [5916.4052] <2> fill_buffer: [5592] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 93 times, delayed 128 times, read 1804632064 bytes 00:14:58.953 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:14:58.953 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:14:58.953 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 653 times, delayed 1470 times 00:14:58.953 [5592.4076] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 1762336 00:14:58.953 [5592.4076] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:14:58.953 [5592.4076] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 3, copy 1 00:14:58.953 [5592.4076] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 3 00:14:58.968 [5592.4076] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 77337, copy 1 00:14:58.968 [5592.4076] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 3, empty_file, file num = 6, mpx_headers = 0, copy 1 00:14:58.968 [5592.4076] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, from bptm.c.9103 00:14:58.968 [5592.4076] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 77337, expected 77337 00:14:58.968 [5592.4076] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867084 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 0 3186304 4 4 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:14:59.093 [5592.4076] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, serial_num: 9261070004 00:14:59.093 [5592.4076] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:14:59.093 [5592.4076] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 00:14:59.265 [5592.4076] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) configured with blocksize 0 00:14:59.265 [5592.4076] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) has compression enabled 00:14:59.265 [5592.4076] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:14:59.265 [5592.4076] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:14:59.280 [5592.4076] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 77337 in io_terminate_tape 00:14:59.280 [5592.4076] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, from bptm.c.9286 00:14:59.280 [5592.4076] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:14:59.280 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:14:59.374 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:14:59.374 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:14:59.483 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:15:01.495 [5592.4076] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5592 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL031 0 1 0 1762336 1762336 (bptm.c.20849) 00:15:01.495 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:15:01.527 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:15:01.527 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:15:01.652 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:15:01.823 [5592.4076] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867084 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 0 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:15:01.854 [5592.4076] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:15:01.886 [5592.4076] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:15:01.886 [5592.4076] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 440 00:15:02.010 [5592.4076] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:15:02.057 [5592.4076] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464578036, copy 1, fragment 1, 1762336 Kbytes at 45296.116 Kbytes/sec 00:15:02.057 [5592.4076] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464578036 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL031 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007943 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {933BE8C3-4421-4210-8A59-7561264AB24D} 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007943 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {933BE8C3-4421-4210-8A59-7561264AB24D}) 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid -1463007943 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL031 mediaKey 4000866 unloadDelay 180 allocId {933BE8C3-4421-4210-8A59-7561264AB24D} 00:15:02.198 [5592.4076] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:15:02.229 [5592.4076] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:15:02.229 [5592.4076] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:15:02.229 [5592.4076] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 00:15:38.828 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 66001408 733636 00:15:38.843 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:16:15.162 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 186003968 733575 00:16:15.177 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:18:04.116 [7152.6976] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 -dp {2,0,0,4} -dk 2001820 -m OLL031 -mk 4000866 -mds 0 -alocid 1867084 -jobid -1463007944 -jm 00:18:04.116 [7152.6976] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:18:04.116 [7152.6976] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:18:04.147 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:18:04.147 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:18:04.147 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:18:04.147 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:18:04.147 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 7152 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL031 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_7152_1463663206(Orb.cpp:795) 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_7152_1463663206(Orb.cpp:805) 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_7152_1463663206 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:18:04.225 [7152.6976] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867084 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464577559 2147483647 0 3186304 4 4 9 13 0 0 1024 0 49798 0 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 2001820 9261070004 {2,0,0,4} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,4} 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:18:04.428 [7152.6976] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 00:18:04.444 [7152.6976] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:18:04.444 [7152.6976] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 00:18:05.052 [7152.6976] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 00:18:06.082 [7152.6976] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:18:06.097 [7152.6976] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:18:06.097 [7152.6976] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:18:06.207 [7152.6976] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 7152 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL031 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> drivename_remove: Called 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:18:06.253 [7152.6976] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:20:24.958 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 570012160 733432 00:20:24.974 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:22:52.852 [4432.4256] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007946 -jm 00:22:52.852 [4432.4256] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:22:52.852 [4432.4256] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:23:09.217 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:23:09.233 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:23:09.233 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1096 00:23:09.357 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:23:10.403 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 00:23:10.403 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 187219968 00:25:17.142 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:25:17.189 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:25:17.189 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 00:25:17.282 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:25:18.967 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 8002560 8002560 (bptm.c.26094) 00:25:18.967 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 571903232 00:26:13.647 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 69001472 733636 00:26:13.663 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:28:21.011 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 573012224 733432 00:28:21.026 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:29:52.071 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 189004032 733575 00:29:52.087 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:32:53.586 [6044.1692] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007950 -jm 00:32:53.586 [6044.1692] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:32:53.586 [6044.1692] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:33:35.896 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:33:35.928 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:33:35.928 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57424 00:33:36.037 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:33:36.396 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 00:33:36.396 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 70807552 00:36:12.939 [4920.4444] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -dup -cmd -nosig -jobid 733898 -priority 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577252 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -shm -bt 1464577252 -st 2 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 4 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 1 -p Oracle -twin_fail_on_error 0 -eari 0 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -maxfrag 1048576 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 -cj 4 -sg *ANY* -use_vnetd -df 1 -mtd -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 00:36:12.955 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:12.955 [4920.4444] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:36:12.955 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 00:36:12.955 [4920.4444] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:36:12.970 [4920.4444] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733898> socket <716> 00:36:12.970 [4920.4444] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 49811 00:36:12.970 [4920.4444] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:36:12.970 [4920.4444] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:36:12.986 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:13.002 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:13.002 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:13.002 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:36:13.002 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/9 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_4920_1868069492(Orb.cpp:795) 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_4920_1868069492(Orb.cpp:805) 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_4920_1868069492 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:13.048 [4920.4444] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:13.064 [4204.3248] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -dup -cmd -nosig -jobid 733899 -priority 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577254 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -shm -bt 1464577254 -st 2 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 4 -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 1 -p Oracle -twin_fail_on_error 0 -eari 0 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -maxfrag 1048576 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 -cj 4 -sg *ANY* -use_vnetd -df 1 -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 00:36:13.064 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:13.064 [4204.3248] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:36:13.064 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 00:36:13.064 [4204.3248] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:36:13.080 [4204.3248] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733899> socket <716> 00:36:13.080 [4204.3248] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 49825 00:36:13.080 [4204.3248] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:36:13.080 [4204.3248] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:36:13.095 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:13.095 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:13.095 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:13.095 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:36:13.095 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 ------ 6 1463752280 1464495489 1467169734 0 64558944 113 113 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OVA372 4001528 OVA372L4 Oracle FUJIFILM EU5HVYJKYH 6 8 1 19 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 2001815 HU1324W73W {2,0,3,0} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:36:13.126 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 00:36:13.126 [4204.3248] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:36:13.126 [4204.3248] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/9 00:36:13.126 [4204.3248] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 00:36:13.142 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:13.142 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_4204_1868287357(Orb.cpp:795) 00:36:13.142 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_4204_1868287357(Orb.cpp:805) 00:36:13.142 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_4204_1868287357 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:13.142 [4204.3248] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:13.142 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:13.142 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867097 OVA381 4001544 ------ 6 1463751979 1464359898 1467037690 0 22125984 45 45 3 13 0 0 1024 0 345830 0 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OVA381 4001544 OVA381L4 Oracle FUJIFILM EU5JVXWH9A 6 8 1 22 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 2001816 HU1324W743 {2,0,4,0} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:36:13.236 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 00:36:13.251 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:13.251 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:36:13.251 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:13.251 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 00:36:13.267 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:13.267 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 00:36:13.360 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:13.376 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:13.392 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:13.392 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:36:13.392 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:13.392 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:36:13.407 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:13.407 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 00:36:13.501 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:13.516 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:13.516 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:13.532 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:13.532 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 00:36:13.641 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:18.821 [4920.4444] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4920 1 ar-gecs21_1464577252 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 2 00:36:18.821 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:36:18.821 [4204.3248] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4204 1 ar-gecs21_1464577254 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 2 00:36:18.821 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:36:18.821 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:18.821 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 00:36:18.836 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:18.836 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 00:36:19.336 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:19.507 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:19.835 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 00:36:19.835 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 00:36:19.851 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:19.851 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 00:36:19.866 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:19.866 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:36:19.960 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:19.960 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:20.069 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:36:20.085 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:20.085 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 00:36:20.085 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:36:20.100 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:20.100 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 00:36:20.272 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:20.303 [4920.4444] <2> db_byid: search for media id OVA372 00:36:20.319 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:20.319 [4920.4444] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733898, pDstMediaId = OVA372 00:36:20.319 [4920.4444] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL NULL 4920 0 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:20.350 [4204.3248] <2> db_byid: search for media id OVA381 00:36:20.365 [4204.3248] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733899, pDstMediaId = OVA381 00:36:20.365 [4204.3248] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL NULL 4204 0 00:36:20.880 [3968.5408] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -copy -cmd -nosig -everything -cn 1 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577254 -port -1 -1 myarsw00200bk01 -jobid 733899 -priority 0 -shm -dst_cn 2 -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733899> socket <716> 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 49850 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:36:20.896 [3968.5408] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:36:20.911 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:20.911 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:20.927 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:20.927 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:36:20.927 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:36:20.943 [3968.5408] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:20.943 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:20.943 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 964 00:36:21.052 [3968.5408] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:21.099 [6500.2968] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -copy -cmd -nosig -everything -cn 1 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577252 -port -1 -1 myarsw00200bk01 -jobid 733898 -priority 0 -shm -dst_cn 2 -nounload -mtd -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 00:36:21.114 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:21.114 [6500.2968] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 00:36:21.114 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 00:36:21.114 [6500.2968] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 00:36:21.130 [6500.2968] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733898> socket <716> 00:36:21.130 [6500.2968] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 49856 00:36:21.130 [6500.2968] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:36:21.130 [6500.2968] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:36:21.145 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:21.145 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:21.161 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:21.161 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:36:21.161 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:36:21.208 [6500.2968] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 00:36:21.208 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:21.223 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:21.223 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 964 00:36:21.317 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:22.440 [3968.5408] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 3968 0 ar-gecs21_1464577254 -1 *NULL* -1 *NULL* 0 1 1 00:36:22.440 [3968.5408] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:36:22.440 [6500.2968] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6500 0 ar-gecs21_1464577252 -1 *NULL* -1 *NULL* 0 1 1 00:36:22.440 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 00:36:22.440 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:22.456 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 00:36:22.456 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:22.456 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 00:36:22.565 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:22.565 [3968.5408] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:22.596 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:36:22.612 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:22.612 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 00:36:22.628 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:22.628 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 00:36:22.799 [3968.5408] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> read_backup: media id OLL019, copy 1, fragment 1 (3029792 Kbytes) being considered for duplicate 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> io_set_sendbuf: setting send network buffer to 132096 bytes 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> io_init: buffer size for read is 65536 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2126450891 3968" shared memory file. 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966864, buffer address = 0x0000000001FF0000, buf control = 0x00000000021D0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000021D02D0, res_cntl = 0x00000000021D02D8 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path ar-gecs21_1464577254_copy1_2 file successfully created 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733899, pSrcMediaId = OLL019 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type READ/10 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = OLL019 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_3968_1891000029(Orb.cpp:795) 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_3968_1891000029(Orb.cpp:805) 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_3968_1891000029 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:22.830 [3968.5408] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:22.877 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (3108640 Kbytes) being considered for duplicate 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> io_set_sendbuf: setting send network buffer to 132096 bytes 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: buffer size for read is 65536 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2126451110 6500" shared memory file. 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966864, buffer address = 0x0000000002010000, buf control = 0x00000000021F0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000021F02D0, res_cntl = 0x00000000021F02D8 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path ar-gecs21_1464577252_copy1_2 file successfully created 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733898, pSrcMediaId = OLL031 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type READ/10 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = OLL031 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6500_1891171804(Orb.cpp:795) 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6500_1891171804(Orb.cpp:805) 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6500_1891171804 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:36:22.893 [6500.2968] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867096 OLL019 4000854 ------ 6 1464577254 1464577254 2147483647 0 3029792 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 47345 0 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL019 4000854 OLL019 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 19 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 2001818 9261070002 {2,0,0,2} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:36:22.924 [3968.5408] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> read_backup_mount_media: Number UP drives before duplicate = 4 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL019 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 00:36:22.955 [3968.5408] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:36:22.986 [4204.3248] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 2126450891 3968 0 0 0 0 1 00:36:22.986 [4204.3248] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OVA381 (copy 2) on server myarsw00200bk01. 00:36:22.986 [4204.3248] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,4,0}, serial_num: HU1324W743 00:36:22.986 [4204.3248] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000400#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:22.986 [4204.3248] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, drive serial number HU1324W743, expected serial number HU1324W743 00:36:22.986 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 00:36:22.986 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867093 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 0 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 2001819 9261070003 {2,0,0,3} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup_mount_media: Number UP drives before duplicate = 4 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL031 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,3}, serial_num: 9261070003 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 00:36:23.002 [6500.2968] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:36:23.049 [4920.4444] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 2126451110 6500 0 0 0 0 1 00:36:23.049 [4920.4444] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OVA372 (copy 2) on server myarsw00200bk01. 00:36:23.049 [4920.4444] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,3,0}, serial_num: HU1324W73W 00:36:23.049 [4920.4444] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000300#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:23.049 [4920.4444] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, drive serial number HU1324W73W, expected serial number HU1324W73W 00:36:23.049 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 00:36:23.049 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:36:23.361 [3968.5408] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 00:36:24.375 [4204.3248] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 00:36:25.389 [6500.2968] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 00:36:26.403 [4920.4444] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 00:36:29.742 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 576012288 733432 00:36:29.742 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:36:30.054 [3968.5408] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 00:36:30.054 [3968.5408] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:30.054 [3968.5408] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:36:30.179 [3968.5408] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 00:36:30.179 [3968.5408] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) has compression enabled 00:36:30.179 [3968.5408] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE (D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005) 00:36:30.179 [3968.5408] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:36:30.179 [3968.5408] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 00:36:30.179 [3968.5408] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:30.179 [3968.5408] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:36:30.397 [3968.5408] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 00:36:30.397 [3968.5408] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 successfully opened (mode 0) 00:36:30.397 [3968.5408] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 1, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001D593E0, copy 1 00:36:30.397 [3968.5408] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 1 00:36:30.397 [3968.5408] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 1 00:36:30.397 [3968.5408] <2> read_backup_mount_media: media id OLL019 mounted on drive index 1 00:36:30.397 [3968.5408] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:30.413 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:30.413 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:36:30.506 [3968.5408] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:30.865 [3968.5408] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3968 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL019 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.11942) 00:36:30.865 [3968.5408] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867096 OLL019 4000854 *NULL* 6 1464577254 1464577254 2147483647 1464579390 3029792 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 47345 0 00:36:30.896 [3968.5408] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL019 to file number 1 00:36:30.896 [3968.5408] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 1, reading backup header 00:36:30.912 [3968.5408] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL019 to file number 1 00:36:30.912 [3968.5408] <2> read_backup: copy 1, fragment 1 is the last fragment for duplicate 00:36:30.912 [3968.5408] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:30.927 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:30.927 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:36:31.021 [3968.5408] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:31.037 [3968.5408] <4> read_backup: begin reading backup id ar-gecs21_1464577254 (duplicate), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL019 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 (index 1) 00:36:31.037 [3968.5408] <2> read_data: last_frag = 1, opt_bytes_left = 0, tape_Kbytes_left = 3029792, opt_remainder = 0 00:36:31.037 [3968.5408] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:36:31.037 [3968.5408] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 1, is LBA 3 00:36:31.052 [6500.2968] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, serial_num: 9261070003 00:36:31.052 [6500.2968] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:31.052 [6500.2968] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 00:36:31.146 [6500.2968] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) configured with blocksize 0 00:36:31.146 [6500.2968] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) has compression enabled 00:36:31.146 [6500.2968] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE (D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006) 00:36:31.146 [6500.2968] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:36:31.146 [6500.2968] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, serial_num: 9261070003 00:36:31.146 [6500.2968] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:36:31.146 [6500.2968] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 00:36:31.364 [6500.2968] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) configured with blocksize 0 00:36:31.364 [6500.2968] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 successfully opened (mode 0) 00:36:31.364 [6500.2968] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 2, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001E393E0, copy 1 00:36:31.364 [6500.2968] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 2 00:36:31.364 [6500.2968] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 2 00:36:31.380 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup_mount_media: media id OLL031 mounted on drive index 2 00:36:31.380 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:31.427 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:31.427 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 00:36:31.505 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:32.815 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.11942) 00:36:32.815 [6500.2968] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867093 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 1464579392 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:36:32.862 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL031 to file number 1 00:36:32.862 [6500.2968] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 2, reading backup header 00:36:32.862 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL031 to file number 1 00:36:32.862 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: copy 1, fragment 1 is the last fragment for duplicate 00:36:32.862 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:36:32.878 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:36:32.878 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:36:32.971 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:36:34.282 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: begin reading backup id ar-gecs21_1464577252 (duplicate), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (index 2) 00:36:34.282 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: last_frag = 1, opt_bytes_left = 0, tape_Kbytes_left = 3108640, opt_remainder = 0 00:36:34.282 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:36:34.297 [6500.2968] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 2, is LBA 3 00:37:24.611 [4204.3248] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003, serial_num: HU1324W743 00:37:24.611 [4204.3248] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000400#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:37:24.611 [4204.3248] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, drive serial number HU1324W743, expected serial number HU1324W743 00:37:24.627 [4204.3248] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape7 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}) configured with blocksize 0 00:37:24.627 [4204.3248] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape7 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}) has compression enabled 00:37:24.643 [4204.3248] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:37:25.064 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00030429, fl2 0x0000000c 00:37:25.064 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_attributes: Matching medium manufacturer [FUJIFILM], sn [EU5JVXWH9A] 00:37:25.064 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_attributes: Host Attributes: Vendor [SYMANTEC], Name [NetBackup BPTM], Version [] 00:37:25.064 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_attributes: DateLabeled [201605201346], Barcode [OVA381L4], Owninghost [myarsw00200bk01] 00:37:25.064 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_attributes: MediaPool [Oracle], MediaLabel [MEDIA=OVA381;] 00:37:25.079 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_attributes: encryption status: nexus scope 0, key scope 0 00:37:25.079 [4204.3248] <2> manage_drive_attributes: encryp mode 0x0, decryp mode 0x0, algorithm index 0, key instance 0 00:37:25.079 [4204.3248] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:37:25.079 [4204.3248] <2> write_backup: media id OVA381 mounted on drive index 7, drivepath {2,0,4,0}, drivename HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003, copy 2 00:37:25.079 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:37:25.126 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:37:25.126 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 00:37:25.235 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:37:27.295 [4204.3248] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4204 1 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 OVA381 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:37:27.295 [4204.3248] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 7, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001F64740, copy 2 00:37:27.295 [4204.3248] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 7 00:37:31.725 [4204.3248] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 7 00:37:31.788 [4204.3248] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OVA381, copy 2, current number images = 45 00:37:31.788 [4204.3248] <2> io_position_for_write: locating to absolute block number 345830, copy 2 00:38:18.637 [4920.4444] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002, serial_num: HU1324W73W 00:38:18.637 [4920.4444] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000300#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:38:18.637 [4920.4444] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, drive serial number HU1324W73W, expected serial number HU1324W73W 00:38:18.653 [4920.4444] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape6 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}) configured with blocksize 0 00:38:18.669 [4920.4444] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape6 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}) has compression enabled 00:38:18.669 [4920.4444] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:38:19.074 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00030429, fl2 0x0000000c 00:38:19.074 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_attributes: Matching medium manufacturer [FUJIFILM], sn [EU5HVYJKYH] 00:38:19.074 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_attributes: Host Attributes: Vendor [SYMANTEC], Name [NetBackup BPTM], Version [] 00:38:19.074 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_attributes: DateLabeled [201605201351], Barcode [OVA372L4], Owninghost [myarsw00200bk01] 00:38:19.074 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_attributes: MediaPool [Oracle], MediaLabel [MEDIA=OVA372;] 00:38:19.090 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_attributes: encryption status: nexus scope 0, key scope 0 00:38:19.090 [4920.4444] <2> manage_drive_attributes: encryp mode 0x0, decryp mode 0x0, algorithm index 0, key instance 0 00:38:19.090 [4920.4444] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:38:19.090 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: media id OVA372 mounted on drive index 6, drivepath {2,0,3,0}, drivename HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002, copy 2 00:38:19.090 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:38:19.105 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:38:19.105 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 00:38:19.277 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:38:19.324 [4920.4444] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4920 1 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 OVA372 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 00:38:19.324 [4920.4444] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 6, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001F64740, copy 2 00:38:19.324 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 6 00:38:22.148 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 72001536 733636 00:38:22.148 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:38:25.939 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 6 00:38:26.001 [4920.4444] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OVA372, copy 2, current number images = 113 00:38:26.001 [4920.4444] <2> io_position_for_write: locating to absolute block number 1009008, copy 2 00:38:39.043 [4204.3248] <2> io_position_for_write: locate block is done 00:38:39.059 [4204.3248] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 46, bid = (empty_file), copy 2 00:38:39.059 [4204.3248] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OVA381, OK, copy 2 00:38:39.059 [4204.3248] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 7 00:38:39.121 [4204.3248] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 7 00:38:45.143 [4920.4444] <2> io_position_for_write: locate block is done 00:38:45.143 [4920.4444] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 114, bid = (empty_file), copy 2 00:38:45.143 [4920.4444] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OVA372, OK, copy 2 00:38:45.143 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 6 00:38:45.221 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 6 00:38:48.685 [4204.3248] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867097 OVA381 4001544 *NULL* 6 1463751979 1464579373 1467255654 0 22125984 45 45 3 13 0 0 1024 0 345830 0 00:38:48.825 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:38:48.888 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:38:48.888 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:38:49.012 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:38:50.338 [4204.3248] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577254, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OVA381 on drive HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 (index 7) 00:38:50.338 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:38:50.338 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:38:50.338 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 345830, copy 2 00:38:50.338 [4204.3248] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 7, ar-gecs21_1464577254, file num = 46, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:38:50.354 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 00:38:50.354 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:38:50.354 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:38:54.863 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579372 1467255652 0 64558944 113 113 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:38:55.050 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:38:55.065 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:38:55.065 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:38:55.175 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:38:55.924 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577252, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OVA372 on drive HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 (index 6) 00:38:55.924 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:38:55.924 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 00:38:55.955 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 1009008, copy 2 00:38:55.955 [4920.4444] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 6, ar-gecs21_1464577252, file num = 114, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:38:55.955 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 00:38:55.955 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:38:55.955 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:39:33.490 [3968.5408] <2> read_data: read short block, bytes = 32768, remainder = 0 00:39:33.490 [3968.5408] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, A tape access reached a filemark. (1101);bytes = 0 00:39:33.490 [3968.5408] <2> read_data: ReadFile detected EOM or EOF, bytes = 0 00:39:33.490 [3968.5408] <2> read_data: waited for empty buffer 60 times, delayed 9129 times 00:39:33.490 [3968.5408] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:33.506 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:39:33.506 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:39:33.506 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 1656 times, delayed 1794 times 00:39:33.506 [4204.3248] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3029792 00:39:33.506 [4204.3248] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:39:33.506 [4204.3248] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 7, copy 2 00:39:33.506 [4204.3248] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 7 00:39:33.522 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:33.522 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1088 00:39:33.631 [3968.5408] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:34.099 [4204.3248] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 393173, copy 2 00:39:34.099 [4204.3248] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 7, empty_file, file num = 47, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:39:34.099 [4204.3248] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003, from bptm.c.9103 00:39:34.099 [4204.3248] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 393173, expected 393173 00:39:34.099 [4204.3248] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867097 OVA381 4001544 *NULL* 6 1463751979 1464579373 1467255654 0 22125984 45 45 3 13 0 0 1024 0 393173 0 00:39:34.177 [4204.3248] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003, serial_num: HU1324W743 00:39:34.193 [4204.3248] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000400#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:39:34.193 [4204.3248] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, drive serial number HU1324W743, expected serial number HU1324W743 00:39:34.193 [4204.3248] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape7 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}) configured with blocksize 0 00:39:34.208 [4204.3248] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape7 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}) has compression enabled 00:39:34.208 [4204.3248] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:39:34.208 [4204.3248] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:39:35.409 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: read short block, bytes = 32768, remainder = 0 00:39:35.409 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, A tape access reached a filemark. (1101);bytes = 0 00:39:35.409 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile detected EOM or EOF, bytes = 0 00:39:35.409 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: waited for empty buffer 128 times, delayed 9341 times 00:39:35.409 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:35.425 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:39:35.425 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:39:35.425 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 968 times, delayed 1090 times 00:39:35.425 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3108640 00:39:35.425 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:39:35.425 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.20644) on drive index 6 00:39:35.503 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:35.503 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1092 00:39:35.612 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:35.628 [3968.5408] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3968 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL019 0 1 0 3029792 3029792 (bptm.c.15254) 00:39:35.628 [3968.5408] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3029792 00:39:35.643 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 3108640 3108640 (bptm.c.15254) 00:39:35.643 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3108640 00:39:36.423 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:36.501 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:36.501 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:39:36.611 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:41.556 [4920.4444] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4920 5 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 OVA372 0 1 0 3108640 3108640 (bptm.c.20849) 00:39:41.556 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:39:41.603 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:41.603 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:39:41.759 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:41.899 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579372 1467255652 0 67667584 114 114 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:39:41.946 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:41.977 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:41.977 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 00:39:41.993 [4204.3248] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 393173 in io_terminate_tape 00:39:42.009 [4204.3248] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003, from bptm.c.9286 00:39:42.009 [4204.3248] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:39:42.009 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:42.024 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:42.024 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:39:42.087 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:42.133 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:43.007 [4204.3248] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4204 5 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 OVA381 0 1 0 3029792 3029792 (bptm.c.20849) 00:39:43.007 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:39:43.069 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:43.069 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:39:43.194 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:43.319 [4204.3248] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867097 OVA381 4001544 *NULL* 6 1463751979 1464579373 1467255654 0 25155776 46 46 3 13 0 0 1024 0 393173 0 00:39:43.381 [4204.3248] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:43.413 [4204.3248] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:43.413 [4204.3248] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:39:43.506 [4204.3248] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:43.693 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577252, copy 2, fragment 1, 3108640 Kbytes at 78761.560 Kbytes/sec 00:39:43.693 [4920.4444] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577252 00:39:43.756 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:43.771 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:43.771 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:39:43.834 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: EXIT STATUS 0 0 00:39:43.849 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:39:43.865 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:44.364 [4204.3248] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577254, copy 2, fragment 1, 3029792 Kbytes at 70215.342 Kbytes/sec 00:39:44.364 [4204.3248] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577254 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 (1 0 2 1) 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OVA381 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> drivename_close: Called for file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 733899 0 OVA381 4001544 180 {312B0B0E-52A8-48C9-82CB-2174945D78D3} 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 733899 0 OVA381 4001544 180 {312B0B0E-52A8-48C9-82CB-2174945D78D3}) 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 733899 copyNum 0 mediaId OVA381 mediaKey 4001544 unloadDelay 180 allocId {312B0B0E-52A8-48C9-82CB-2174945D78D3} 00:39:44.505 [4204.3248] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:39:44.536 [4204.3248] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:39:44.536 [4204.3248] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:39:44.536 [4204.3248] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:39:44.754 [3968.5408] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:44.754 [3968.5408] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:44.754 [3968.5408] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 00:39:44.848 [3968.5408] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:45.940 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: successfully read (duplicate) backup id ar-gecs21_1464577252, copy 1, fragment 1, 3108640 Kbytes at 17165.228 Kbytes/sec 00:39:45.940 [6500.2968] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577252 duplication 00:39:45.940 [3968.5408] <4> read_backup: successfully read (duplicate) backup id ar-gecs21_1464577254, copy 1, fragment 1, 3029792 Kbytes at 16606.787 Kbytes/sec 00:39:45.940 [3968.5408] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, from bptm.c.16590 00:39:45.940 [3968.5408] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 00:39:45.940 [3968.5408] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:39:45.940 [3968.5408] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:39:46.080 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: EXIT STATUS 0 00:39:46.096 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:39:46.143 [3968.5408] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 00:39:46.158 [3968.5408] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) has compression enabled 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tpunmount) 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, from bptm.c.16626 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> tpunmount: NOP: MEDIA_DONE 0 733899 0 OLL019 4000854 0 {9D28DB2C-E8CE-4EEB-B2D1-9BF28E875169} 00:39:46.174 [3968.5408] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577254 duplication 00:39:46.299 [3968.5408] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL019 00:39:46.299 [3968.5408] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 733899 0 OLL019 4000854 0 {9D28DB2C-E8CE-4EEB-B2D1-9BF28E875169} 00:39:46.299 [3968.5408] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 733899 0 OLL019 4000854 0 {9D28DB2C-E8CE-4EEB-B2D1-9BF28E875169}) 00:39:46.299 [3968.5408] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 733899 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL019 mediaKey 4000854 unloadDelay 0 allocId {9D28DB2C-E8CE-4EEB-B2D1-9BF28E875169} 00:39:46.299 [3968.5408] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:39:46.314 [3968.5408] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:39:46.330 [3968.5408] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:39:46.330 [3968.5408] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:39:47.453 [5196.4164] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 -dp {2,0,0,2} -dk 2001818 -m OLL019 -mk 4000854 -mds 16 -alocid 1867096 -jobid -1463007951 -jm 00:39:47.453 [5196.4164] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:39:47.453 [5196.4164] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:39:47.485 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:39:47.485 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:39:47.485 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:39:47.485 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:39:47.485 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 5196 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL019 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5196_223333375(Orb.cpp:795) 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5196_223333375(Orb.cpp:805) 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5196_223333375 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:39:47.547 [5196.4164] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867096 OLL019 4000854 ------ 6 1464577254 1464577254 2147483647 0 3029792 1 1 9 13 0 0 1024 0 47345 0 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL019 4000854 OLL019 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 19 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 2001818 9261070002 {2,0,0,2} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:39:48.015 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,2} 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:39:48.031 [5196.4164] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:39:49.045 [5196.4164] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 00:39:51.104 [5196.4164] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:51.120 [5196.4164] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:51.135 [5196.4164] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:39:51.229 [5196.4164] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:51.276 [4920.4444] <2> read_brm_msg: START BACKUP -jobid 733898 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577386 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -shm -blksize 65536 -bt 1464577386 -st 2 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 4 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -df 1 -eari 0 -use_vnetd -mtd -dv 00:39:51.276 [4920.4444] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 65536, removable media bufsize = 65536 00:39:51.276 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 00:39:51.291 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:51.291 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:39:51.447 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:51.447 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:39:51.868 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:51.868 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 00:39:52.024 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:52.056 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 00:39:52.071 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:52.071 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:39:52.165 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:52.274 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:39:52.290 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:52.290 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 00:39:52.477 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:52.508 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:52.539 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:52.539 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:39:52.633 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 5196 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL019 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> drivename_remove: Called 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:39:52.773 [5196.4164] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:39:55.269 [4920.4444] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4920 1 ar-gecs21_1464577386 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 2 00:39:55.269 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: calling first time in write_backup (TRUE) 00:39:55.269 [4920.4444] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL NULL 4920 0 00:39:55.379 [6500.2968] <2> read_brm_msg: START RESTORE -cn 1 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577386 -port -1 -tirport -1 -dupmediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -jobid 733898 -shm -dst_cn 2 -mtd 00:39:55.379 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:39:55.410 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:55.425 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:39:55.628 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:55.659 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: image is not multiplexed 00:39:55.659 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (37152 Kbytes) filenum 2 being considered for restore 00:39:55.659 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: DENSITY 6 changed flags from 1 to 0 00:39:55.659 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: filenumber for new restore is 2, Mpx_Filenum is -1 00:39:55.659 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:55.691 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:55.691 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:39:55.800 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:55.847 [6500.2968] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6500 0 ar-gecs21_1464577386 -1 *NULL* -1 *NULL* 0 1 1 00:39:55.847 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:39:55.862 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:55.862 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:39:56.112 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (37152 Kbytes) being considered for duplicate 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: buffer size for read is 65536 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2126451110 6500" shared memory file. 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966864, buffer address = 0x0000000002010000, buf control = 0x00000000021F0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000021F02D0, res_cntl = 0x00000000021F02D8 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path ar-gecs21_1464577386_copy1_2 file successfully created 00:39:56.143 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:56.174 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:56.174 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 00:39:56.283 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:56.361 [4920.4444] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 2126451110 6500 0 0 0 0 1 00:39:56.361 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579595 1467255786 0 67667584 114 114 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:39:56.408 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:56.471 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:56.471 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 00:39:56.564 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:57.734 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577386, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OVA372 on drive HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 (index 6) 00:39:57.734 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:39:57.734 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3108640 00:39:57.734 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 1057583, copy 2 00:39:57.734 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: block position check: actual 1057583, expected 1057583 00:39:57.734 [4920.4444] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 6, ar-gecs21_1464577386, file num = 115, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:39:57.734 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 00:39:57.734 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.11942) 00:39:57.734 [6500.2968] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867093 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 1464579597 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:39:57.812 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL031 to file number 2 00:39:57.812 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locating to absolute block number 48577 00:39:57.828 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locate block is done 00:39:57.828 [6500.2968] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 2, reading backup header 00:39:57.828 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL031 to file number 2 00:39:57.828 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: copy 1, fragment 1 is the last fragment for duplicate 00:39:57.828 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:39:57.859 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:39:57.859 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1092 00:39:57.953 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:39:59.638 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: begin reading backup id ar-gecs21_1464577386 (duplicate), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (index 2) 00:39:59.638 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: last_frag = 1, opt_bytes_left = 0, tape_Kbytes_left = 37152, opt_remainder = 0 00:39:59.638 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3108640 00:39:59.638 [6500.2968] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 2, is LBA 48578 00:39:59.653 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:39:59.653 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:40:00.199 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: read short block, bytes = 32768, remainder = 0 00:40:00.199 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, A tape access reached a filemark. (1101);bytes = 0 00:40:00.199 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile detected EOM or EOF, bytes = 0 00:40:00.199 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: waited for empty buffer 3 times, delayed 3 times 00:40:00.199 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:00.199 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:40:00.199 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:40:00.199 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 21 times, delayed 146 times 00:40:00.199 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3145792 00:40:00.199 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:40:00.199 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x81 from (bptm.c.20597) on drive index 6 00:40:00.199 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:00.215 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:00.215 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1160 00:40:00.215 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:00.215 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:00.308 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:00.355 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:01.775 [4920.4444] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4920 5 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 OVA372 0 1 0 37152 37152 (bptm.c.20849) 00:40:01.775 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:40:01.791 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:01.791 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 00:40:01.900 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:02.040 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:02.071 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:02.071 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 00:40:02.181 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:03.117 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 37152 37152 (bptm.c.15254) 00:40:03.117 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3145792 00:40:03.179 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577386, copy 2, fragment 1, 37152 Kbytes at 68043.956 Kbytes/sec 00:40:03.179 [4920.4444] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577386 00:40:03.319 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: EXIT STATUS 0 1 00:40:03.335 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:40:04.131 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:04.193 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:04.193 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:40:04.287 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:13.023 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: successfully read (duplicate) backup id ar-gecs21_1464577386, copy 1, fragment 1, 37152 Kbytes at 66106.762 Kbytes/sec 00:40:13.023 [6500.2968] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577386 duplication 00:40:13.164 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: EXIT STATUS 0 00:40:13.164 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:40:15.348 [4920.4444] <2> read_brm_msg: START BACKUP -jobid 733898 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577484 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -shm -blksize 65536 -bt 1464577484 -st 2 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 4 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -df 1 -eari 0 -use_vnetd -mtd -dv 00:40:15.348 [4920.4444] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 65536, removable media bufsize = 65536 00:40:15.348 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 00:40:15.395 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:15.395 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:15.535 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:15.535 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:15.566 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:15.566 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:15.831 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:15.878 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 00:40:15.894 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:15.894 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:16.003 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:16.112 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:16.143 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:16.143 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:16.315 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:16.331 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:16.362 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:16.362 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:16.533 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:24.927 [4920.4444] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4920 1 ar-gecs21_1464577484 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 2 00:40:24.927 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: calling first time in write_backup (TRUE) 00:40:24.927 [4920.4444] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL NULL 4920 0 00:40:24.958 [6500.2968] <2> read_brm_msg: START RESTORE -cn 1 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577484 -port -1 -tirport -1 -dupmediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -jobid 733898 -shm -dst_cn 2 -mtd 00:40:24.958 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:24.973 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:24.973 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:40:25.363 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:25.379 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: image is not multiplexed 00:40:25.379 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (20256 Kbytes) filenum 3 being considered for restore 00:40:25.379 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: filenumber for new restore is 3, Mpx_Filenum is -1 00:40:25.379 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:25.410 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:25.410 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:40:25.504 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:26.456 [6500.2968] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6500 0 ar-gecs21_1464577484 -1 *NULL* -1 *NULL* 0 1 1 00:40:26.456 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:26.471 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:26.471 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:40:26.658 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (20256 Kbytes) being considered for duplicate 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: buffer size for read is 65536 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2126451110 6500" shared memory file. 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966864, buffer address = 0x0000000002010000, buf control = 0x00000000021F0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000021F02D0, res_cntl = 0x00000000021F02D8 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path ar-gecs21_1464577484_copy1_2 file successfully created 00:40:26.674 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:26.705 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:26.705 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 00:40:26.799 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:26.892 [4920.4444] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 2126451110 6500 0 0 0 0 1 00:40:26.892 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579624 1467255884 0 67704736 115 115 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:40:26.908 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:26.939 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:26.939 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:27.033 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:27.345 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577484, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OVA372 on drive HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 (index 6) 00:40:27.345 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:40:27.345 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3145792 00:40:27.345 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 1058166, copy 2 00:40:27.345 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: block position check: actual 1058166, expected 1058166 00:40:27.345 [4920.4444] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 6, ar-gecs21_1464577484, file num = 116, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:40:27.345 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.11942) 00:40:27.345 [6500.2968] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867093 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 1464579627 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:40:27.360 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 00:40:27.407 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL031 to file number 3 00:40:27.407 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locating to absolute block number 49160 00:40:27.423 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locate block is done 00:40:27.423 [6500.2968] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 2, reading backup header 00:40:27.423 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL031 to file number 3 00:40:27.423 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: copy 1, fragment 1 is the last fragment for duplicate 00:40:27.423 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:27.438 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:27.438 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:40:27.532 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:27.641 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: begin reading backup id ar-gecs21_1464577484 (duplicate), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (index 2) 00:40:27.641 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: last_frag = 1, opt_bytes_left = 0, tape_Kbytes_left = 20256, opt_remainder = 0 00:40:27.641 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3145792 00:40:27.641 [6500.2968] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 2, is LBA 49161 00:40:27.657 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:40:27.657 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:40:27.891 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: read short block, bytes = 32768, remainder = 0 00:40:27.891 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, A tape access reached a filemark. (1101);bytes = 0 00:40:27.891 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile detected EOM or EOF, bytes = 0 00:40:27.891 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: waited for empty buffer 1 times, delayed 2 times 00:40:27.891 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:27.891 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:40:27.891 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:40:27.891 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 8 times, delayed 27 times 00:40:27.891 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3166048 00:40:27.891 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:40:27.891 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x81 from (bptm.c.20597) on drive index 6 00:40:27.891 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:27.953 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:27.953 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1092 00:40:27.953 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:27.953 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:28.047 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:28.047 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:28.374 [4920.4444] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4920 5 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 OVA372 0 1 0 20256 20256 (bptm.c.20849) 00:40:28.374 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:40:28.390 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 20256 20256 (bptm.c.15254) 00:40:28.390 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3166048 00:40:28.406 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:28.406 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:28.499 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:28.640 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:28.671 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:28.671 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:28.780 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:29.201 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577484, copy 2, fragment 1, 20256 Kbytes at 86564.103 Kbytes/sec 00:40:29.201 [4920.4444] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577484 00:40:29.326 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: EXIT STATUS 0 1 00:40:29.342 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:40:29.404 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:29.435 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:29.435 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1160 00:40:29.513 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:31.635 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: successfully read (duplicate) backup id ar-gecs21_1464577484, copy 1, fragment 1, 20256 Kbytes at 81024.000 Kbytes/sec 00:40:31.635 [6500.2968] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577484 duplication 00:40:31.760 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: EXIT STATUS 0 00:40:31.775 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:40:33.492 [4920.4444] <2> read_brm_msg: START BACKUP -jobid 733898 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577559 -cl CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC -sl Aplicacion-Diario-ARC -shm -blksize 65536 -bt 1464577559 -st 2 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 4 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -df 1 -eari 0 -use_vnetd -mtd 00:40:33.492 [4920.4444] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 65536, removable media bufsize = 65536 00:40:33.492 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 00:40:33.507 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:33.507 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:40:33.632 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:33.632 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:33.663 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:33.663 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:40:33.866 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:33.897 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 00:40:33.928 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:33.928 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:34.022 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:34.147 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:34.287 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:34.287 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:34.474 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:34.490 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:34.552 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:34.552 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:40:34.646 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:34.740 [4920.4444] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4920 1 ar-gecs21_1464577559 4 CF_HS_ORA_DESA_ARC 2 Aplicacion-Diario-ARC 0 1 2 00:40:34.740 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: calling first time in write_backup (TRUE) 00:40:34.740 [4920.4444] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL NULL 4920 0 00:40:34.833 [6500.2968] <2> read_brm_msg: START RESTORE -cn 1 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464577559 -port -1 -tirport -1 -dupmediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -jobid 733898 -shm -dst_cn 2 -mtd 00:40:34.833 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:34.849 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:34.849 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:40:35.020 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:35.052 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: image is not multiplexed 00:40:35.052 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (20256 Kbytes) filenum 4 being considered for restore 00:40:35.052 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: filenumber for new restore is 4, Mpx_Filenum is -1 00:40:35.052 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:35.083 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:35.083 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:40:35.208 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:35.239 [6500.2968] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6500 0 ar-gecs21_1464577559 -1 *NULL* -1 *NULL* 0 1 1 00:40:35.239 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:35.270 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:35.286 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:40:35.457 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:35.504 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (20256 Kbytes) being considered for duplicate 00:40:35.504 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:40:35.504 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:40:35.504 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: buffer size for read is 65536 00:40:35.504 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:40:35.504 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2126451110 6500" shared memory file. 00:40:35.520 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966864, buffer address = 0x0000000002010000, buf control = 0x00000000021F0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000021F02D0, res_cntl = 0x00000000021F02D8 00:40:35.520 [6500.2968] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path ar-gecs21_1464577559_copy1_2 file successfully created 00:40:35.520 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:35.535 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:35.535 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:40:35.722 [4920.4444] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 2126451110 6500 0 0 0 0 1 00:40:35.722 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579634 1467255959 0 67724992 116 116 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:40:35.754 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:35.832 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:35.832 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:35.847 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:35.941 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:37.517 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.11942) 00:40:37.517 [6500.2968] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867093 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 1464579637 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:40:37.563 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL031 to file number 4 00:40:37.563 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locating to absolute block number 49479 00:40:37.563 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locate block is done 00:40:37.563 [6500.2968] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 2, reading backup header 00:40:37.563 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL031 to file number 4 00:40:37.563 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: copy 1, fragment 1 is the last fragment for duplicate 00:40:37.563 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:37.579 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:37.579 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:40:37.719 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:38.577 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464577559, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OVA372 on drive HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 (index 6) 00:40:38.577 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:40:38.577 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3166048 00:40:38.593 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 1058485, copy 2 00:40:38.593 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: block position check: actual 1058485, expected 1058485 00:40:38.593 [4920.4444] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 6, ar-gecs21_1464577559, file num = 117, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:40:38.593 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 00:40:40.808 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: begin reading backup id ar-gecs21_1464577559 (duplicate), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (index 2) 00:40:40.808 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: last_frag = 1, opt_bytes_left = 0, tape_Kbytes_left = 20256, opt_remainder = 0 00:40:40.808 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3166048 00:40:40.808 [6500.2968] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 2, is LBA 49480 00:40:40.824 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:40:40.824 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:40:41.058 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: read short block, bytes = 32768, remainder = 0 00:40:41.058 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, A tape access reached a filemark. (1101);bytes = 0 00:40:41.058 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile detected EOM or EOF, bytes = 0 00:40:41.058 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: waited for empty buffer 0 times, delayed 0 times 00:40:41.058 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:41.074 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:40:41.074 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:40:41.074 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 8 times, delayed 150 times 00:40:41.074 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3186304 00:40:41.074 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:40:41.074 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.20644) on drive index 6 00:40:41.167 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:41.167 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 00:40:41.261 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:41.651 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 20256 20256 (bptm.c.15254) 00:40:41.651 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3186304 00:40:43.149 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:43.180 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:43.180 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 00:40:43.273 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:43.554 [4920.4444] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4920 5 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 OVA372 0 1 0 20256 20256 (bptm.c.20849) 00:40:43.554 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:40:43.632 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:43.632 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:40:43.757 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:43.913 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579634 1467255959 0 67745248 117 117 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:40:43.991 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:44.085 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:44.085 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:40:44.209 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:45.333 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464577559, copy 2, fragment 1, 20256 Kbytes at 81024.000 Kbytes/sec 00:40:45.333 [4920.4444] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577559 00:40:45.457 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: EXIT STATUS 0 0 00:40:45.473 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:40:45.707 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:45.723 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:45.723 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1092 00:40:45.816 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:47.205 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: successfully read (duplicate) backup id ar-gecs21_1464577559, copy 1, fragment 1, 20256 Kbytes at 81349.398 Kbytes/sec 00:40:47.205 [6500.2968] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464577559 duplication 00:40:47.330 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: EXIT STATUS 0 00:40:47.330 [6500.2968] <2> process_more_read_dup_images: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:40:54.865 [4920.4444] <2> read_brm_msg: START BACKUP -jobid 733898 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464578036 -cl CF_HS_FS_DESA_CFG -sl Diario_FS_CFG -shm -blksize 65536 -bt 1464578036 -st 2 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 0 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -df 1 -eari 0 -use_vnetd 00:40:54.865 [4920.4444] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 65536, removable media bufsize = 65536 00:40:54.865 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 00:40:57.907 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:57.907 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:58.016 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:58.016 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:58.125 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:58.125 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:40:58.375 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:58.406 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 00:40:58.469 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:58.469 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:58.562 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:58.687 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:58.796 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:58.796 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 00:40:59.046 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:59.077 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:59.155 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:59.155 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:40:59.264 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:59.327 [4920.4444] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4920 1 ar-gecs21_1464578036 0 CF_HS_FS_DESA_CFG 2 Diario_FS_CFG 0 1 2 00:40:59.327 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: calling first time in write_backup (TRUE) 00:40:59.327 [4920.4444] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL NULL 4920 0 00:40:59.342 [6500.2968] <2> read_brm_msg: START RESTORE -cn 1 -c ar-gecs21 -b ar-gecs21_1464578036 -port -1 -tirport -1 -dupmediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -jobid 733898 -shm -dst_cn 2 00:40:59.342 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:40:59.389 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:59.389 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 964 00:40:59.607 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:40:59.623 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: image is not multiplexed 00:40:59.623 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (1762336 Kbytes) filenum 5 being considered for restore 00:40:59.623 [6500.2968] <2> mpx_read_init: filenumber for new restore is 5, Mpx_Filenum is -1 00:40:59.623 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:40:59.701 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:40:59.701 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 964 00:40:59.795 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:00.544 [6500.2968] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6500 0 ar-gecs21_1464578036 -1 *NULL* -1 *NULL* 0 1 1 00:41:00.544 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 00:41:00.590 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:00.590 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 00:41:00.778 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: media id OLL031, copy 1, fragment 1 (1762336 Kbytes) being considered for duplicate 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 400000 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: buffer size for read is 65536 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2126451110 6500" shared memory file. 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 1966864, buffer address = 0x0000000002010000, buf control = 0x00000000021F0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000021F02D0, res_cntl = 0x00000000021F02D8 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path ar-gecs21_1464578036_copy1_2 file successfully created 00:41:00.793 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:41:00.809 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:00.809 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 616 00:41:00.918 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:00.965 [4920.4444] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 2126451110 6500 0 0 0 0 1 00:41:00.965 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579659 1467256436 0 67745248 117 117 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:41:01.058 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:41:01.121 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:01.121 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:41:01.261 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:02.416 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.11942) 00:41:02.416 [6500.2968] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867093 OLL031 4000866 *NULL* 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 1464579662 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:41:02.416 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464578036, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OVA372 on drive HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 (index 6) 00:41:02.416 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 00:41:02.416 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3186304 00:41:02.416 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 1058804, copy 2 00:41:02.416 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: block position check: actual 1058804, expected 1058804 00:41:02.416 [4920.4444] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 6, ar-gecs21_1464578036, file num = 118, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:41:02.431 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 00:41:02.494 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL031 to file number 5 00:41:02.494 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locating to absolute block number 49798 00:41:02.494 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: locate block is done 00:41:02.494 [6500.2968] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 2, reading backup header 00:41:02.494 [6500.2968] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL031 to file number 5 00:41:02.494 [6500.2968] <2> read_backup: copy 1, fragment 1 is the last fragment for duplicate 00:41:02.494 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:41:02.509 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:02.509 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1092 00:41:02.618 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:02.759 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: begin reading backup id ar-gecs21_1464578036 (duplicate), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL031 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (index 2) 00:41:02.759 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: last_frag = 1, opt_bytes_left = 0, tape_Kbytes_left = 1762336, opt_remainder = 0 00:41:02.759 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 3186304 00:41:02.759 [6500.2968] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 2, is LBA 49799 00:41:02.774 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 00:41:02.774 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 00:41:23.664 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 192004096 733575 00:41:23.680 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:41:26.566 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: read short block, bytes = 32768, remainder = 0 00:41:26.581 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, A tape access reached a filemark. (1101);bytes = 0 00:41:26.581 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: ReadFile detected EOM or EOF, bytes = 0 00:41:26.581 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: waited for empty buffer 170 times, delayed 300 times 00:41:26.581 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:41:26.581 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 00:41:26.581 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 00:41:26.581 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 666 times, delayed 786 times 00:41:26.581 [4920.4444] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 4948640 00:41:26.581 [4920.4444] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 00:41:26.581 [4920.4444] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 6, copy 2 00:41:26.581 [4920.4444] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 6 00:41:26.597 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:26.597 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1140 00:41:26.706 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:27.549 [4920.4444] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 1086343, copy 2 00:41:27.549 [4920.4444] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 6, empty_file, file num = 119, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 00:41:27.549 [4920.4444] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002, from bptm.c.9103 00:41:27.549 [4920.4444] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 1086343, expected 1086343 00:41:27.549 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579659 1467256436 0 67745248 117 117 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1086343 0 00:41:27.627 [4920.4444] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002, serial_num: HU1324W73W 00:41:27.627 [4920.4444] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000300#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:41:27.627 [4920.4444] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, drive serial number HU1324W73W, expected serial number HU1324W73W 00:41:27.658 [4920.4444] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape6 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}) configured with blocksize 0 00:41:27.689 [4920.4444] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape6 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}) has compression enabled 00:41:27.689 [4920.4444] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:41:27.689 [4920.4444] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:41:32.323 [6500.2968] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6500 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 0 1 0 1762336 1762336 (bptm.c.15254) 00:41:32.323 [6500.2968] <2> read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 4948640 00:41:34.007 [4920.4444] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 1086343 in io_terminate_tape 00:41:34.007 [4920.4444] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002, from bptm.c.9286 00:41:34.007 [4920.4444] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 00:41:34.007 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:41:34.163 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:34.163 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:41:34.257 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:34.834 [4920.4444] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4920 5 1 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 OVA372 0 1 0 1762336 1762336 (bptm.c.20849) 00:41:34.834 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 00:41:37.876 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:37.876 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 00:41:38.001 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:38.204 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 *NULL* 6 1463752280 1464579659 1467256436 0 69507584 118 118 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1086343 0 00:41:38.266 [4920.4444] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:41:38.298 [4920.4444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:38.298 [4920.4444] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 00:41:38.407 [4920.4444] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:38.438 [4920.4444] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464578036, copy 2, fragment 1, 1762336 Kbytes at 74032.178 Kbytes/sec 00:41:38.438 [4920.4444] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464578036 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 (1 0 2 1) 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OVA372 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> drivename_close: Called for file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 733898 0 OVA372 4001528 180 {DD65877C-F2DE-42AE-91A7-B535A1F37795} 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 733898 0 OVA372 4001528 180 {DD65877C-F2DE-42AE-91A7-B535A1F37795}) 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 733898 copyNum 0 mediaId OVA372 mediaKey 4001528 unloadDelay 180 allocId {DD65877C-F2DE-42AE-91A7-B535A1F37795} 00:41:38.563 [4920.4444] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:41:38.579 [4920.4444] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:41:38.594 [4920.4444] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:41:38.594 [4920.4444] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:41:39.421 [6500.2968] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:41:39.437 [6500.2968] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:41:39.437 [6500.2968] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1160 00:41:39.561 [6500.2968] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:41:39.593 [6500.2968] <4> read_backup: successfully read (duplicate) backup id ar-gecs21_1464578036, copy 1, fragment 1, 1762336 Kbytes at 73982.452 Kbytes/sec 00:41:39.593 [6500.2968] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, from bptm.c.16590 00:41:39.593 [6500.2968] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, serial_num: 9261070003 00:41:39.593 [6500.2968] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:41:39.593 [6500.2968] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) configured with blocksize 0 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) has compression enabled 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 successfully opened (mode 2) 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tpunmount) 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, from bptm.c.16626 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> tpunmount: NOP: MEDIA_DONE 0 733898 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {4C7BCAA2-86B3-4EA0-8C4F-7FBDB87828CE} 00:41:39.717 [6500.2968] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm ar-gecs21_1464578036 duplication 00:41:39.858 [6500.2968] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL031 00:41:39.858 [6500.2968] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 733898 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {4C7BCAA2-86B3-4EA0-8C4F-7FBDB87828CE} 00:41:39.858 [6500.2968] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 733898 0 OLL031 4000866 180 {4C7BCAA2-86B3-4EA0-8C4F-7FBDB87828CE}) 00:41:39.858 [6500.2968] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 733898 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL031 mediaKey 4000866 unloadDelay 180 allocId {4C7BCAA2-86B3-4EA0-8C4F-7FBDB87828CE} 00:41:39.858 [6500.2968] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 00:41:39.873 [6500.2968] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:41:39.889 [6500.2968] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 00:41:39.889 [6500.2968] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:42:46.005 [4564.7040] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 -dp {2,0,4,0} -dk 2001816 -m OVA381 -mk 4001544 -mds 0 -alocid 1867097 -jobid -1463007952 -jm 00:42:46.005 [4564.7040] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:42:46.005 [4564.7040] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:42:46.036 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:42:46.036 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:42:46.036 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:42:46.036 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:42:46.036 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 4564 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OVA381 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_4564_641834851(Orb.cpp:795) 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_4564_641834851(Orb.cpp:805) 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_4564_641834851 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:42:46.115 [4564.7040] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867097 OVA381 4001544 ------ 6 1463751979 1464359898 1467037690 0 22125984 45 45 3 13 0 0 1024 0 345830 0 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OVA381 4001544 OVA381L4 Oracle FUJIFILM EU5JVXWH9A 6 8 1 22 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 2001816 HU1324W743 {2,0,4,0} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:42:46.349 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,4,0} 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,4,0}, serial_num: HU1324W743 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000400#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, drive serial number HU1324W743, expected serial number HU1324W743 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:42:46.364 [4564.7040] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:42:46.770 [4564.7040] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 00:42:53.119 [4276.3588] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007954 -jm 00:42:53.119 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 LOCK = FALSE CURTIME = 1464579773 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_close: Called for file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MODE = 1 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464579698 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,3,0} 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OVA372 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733898 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867094 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: RBID = {DD65877C-F2DE-42AE-91A7-B535A1F37795} 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: PID = 4920 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464579773 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_close: Called for file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MODE = 2 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464579766 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,4,0} 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OVA381 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: REQID = -1463007952 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867097 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2D8F44F9-180A-49E4-AAE1-06C59B26F561} 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: PID = 4564 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 LOCK = FALSE CURTIME = 1464579773 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MODE = 1 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464579699 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,3} 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL031 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733898 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867093 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: RBID = {4C7BCAA2-86B3-4EA0-8C4F-7FBDB87828CE} 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: PID = 6500 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:42:53.135 [4276.3588] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:43:50.826 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:43:50.889 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:43:50.889 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57392 00:43:50.998 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:44:00.358 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 00:44:00.358 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 192620544 00:44:10.452 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 579012352 733432 00:44:10.467 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:44:40.046 [6200.4960] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 -dp {2,0,3,0} -dk 2001815 -m OVA372 -mk 4001528 -mds 0 -alocid 1867094 -jobid -1463007955 -jm 00:44:40.046 [6200.4960] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:44:40.046 [6200.4960] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:44:40.078 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:44:40.078 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:44:40.078 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:44:40.078 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:44:40.078 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 6200 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OVA372 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6200_909001022(Orb.cpp:795) 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6200_909001022(Orb.cpp:805) 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6200_909001022 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:44:40.109 [6200.4960] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867094 OVA372 4001528 ------ 6 1463752280 1464495489 1467169734 0 64558944 113 113 3 13 0 0 1024 0 1009008 0 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OVA372 4001528 OVA372L4 Oracle FUJIFILM EU5HVYJKYH 6 8 1 19 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 2001815 HU1324W73W {2,0,3,0} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-1 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:44:40.265 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,3,0} 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,3,0}, serial_num: HU1324W73W 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000300#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, drive serial number HU1324W73W, expected serial number HU1324W73W 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:44:40.280 [6200.4960] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:44:40.436 [3968.4260] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 -dp {2,0,0,3} -dk 2001819 -m OLL031 -mk 4000866 -mds 16 -alocid 1867093 -jobid -1463007956 -jm 00:44:40.436 [3968.4260] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 00:44:40.436 [3968.4260] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 00:44:40.468 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:44:40.468 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:44:40.468 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:44:40.468 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 00:44:40.468 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 3968 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL031 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_3968_909962266(Orb.cpp:795) 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_3968_909962266(Orb.cpp:805) 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_3968_909962266 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 00:44:40.514 [3968.4260] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867093 OLL031 4000866 ------ 6 1464577252 1464578036 2147483647 0 4948640 5 5 9 13 0 0 1024 0 77337 0 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL031 4000866 OLL031 Oracle *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 31 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 2001819 9261070003 {2,0,0,3} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,3} 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,3}, serial_num: 9261070003 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:44:40.702 [3968.4260] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:44:41.497 [6200.4960] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 00:44:42.714 [3968.4260] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 00:44:44.773 [3968.4260] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:44:44.883 [3968.4260] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:44:44.883 [3968.4260] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:44:45.007 [3968.4260] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:44:48.830 [3968.4260] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 3968 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL031 00:44:48.830 [3968.4260] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,3}, serial_num: 9261070003 00:44:48.830 [3968.4260] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> drivename_remove: Called 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:44:48.845 [3968.4260] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:45:03.198 [4564.7040] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:45:03.213 [4564.7040] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:45:03.213 [4564.7040] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:45:03.588 [4564.7040] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 4564 0 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 OVA381 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,4,0}, serial_num: HU1324W743 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000400#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,4,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape7, drive serial number HU1324W743, expected serial number HU1324W743 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_close: Called for file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.003 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> drivename_remove: Called 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:45:03.806 [4564.7040] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:45:23.510 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:45:23.526 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:45:23.526 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 00:45:23.619 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:45:23.666 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 7602432 7602432 (bptm.c.26094) 00:45:23.666 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 579505664 00:46:15.195 [6200.4960] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:46:15.226 [6200.4960] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:46:15.226 [6200.4960] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 00:46:15.320 [6200.4960] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 6200 0 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 OVA372 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,3,0}, serial_num: HU1324W73W 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_5-scsi#5&1d988d71&0&000300#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,3,0}, dos_path \\.\Tape6, drive serial number HU1324W73W, expected serial number HU1324W73W 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_close: Called for file HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.002 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> drivename_remove: Called 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:46:15.507 [6200.4960] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:51:04.212 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 75001600 733636 00:51:04.212 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:51:53.214 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 582012416 733432 00:51:53.245 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:52:53.276 [6684.6324] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007959 -jm 00:52:53.276 [6684.6324] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 00:52:53.276 [6684.6324] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 00:52:57.894 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 195004160 733575 00:52:57.894 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 00:55:54.337 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 00:55:54.383 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 00:55:54.383 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 00:55:54.508 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 00:55:54.851 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 00:55:54.851 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 76208128 01:00:14.180 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 585012480 733432 01:00:14.196 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:02:52.963 [5448.3960] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007964 -jm 01:02:52.963 [5448.3960] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 01:02:52.963 [5448.3960] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 01:03:22.417 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 78001664 733636 01:03:22.433 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:04:29.078 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 198004224 733575 01:04:29.078 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:04:32.807 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:04:32.869 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:04:32.869 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 01:04:32.979 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:04:38.595 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 01:04:38.595 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 198021120 01:06:08.251 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:06:08.345 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:06:08.345 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 01:06:08.454 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:06:12.089 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 7602432 7602432 (bptm.c.26094) 01:06:12.089 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 587108096 01:08:49.718 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 588012544 733432 01:08:49.718 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:12:53.212 [3372.5796] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007972 -jm 01:12:53.212 [3372.5796] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 01:12:53.212 [3372.5796] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 01:15:11.651 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 81001728 733636 01:15:11.667 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:15:13.087 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 201004288 733575 01:15:13.087 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:17:24.101 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:17:24.132 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:17:24.132 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 01:17:24.241 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:17:24.272 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 01:17:24.272 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 81608704 01:17:25.551 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 591012608 733432 01:17:25.551 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:22:52.899 [1788.4612] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007974 -jm 01:22:52.899 [1788.4612] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 01:22:52.899 [1788.4612] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 01:24:56.112 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:24:56.237 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:24:56.237 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57392 01:24:56.362 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:24:56.502 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 01:24:56.502 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 203421696 01:25:43.320 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 594012672 733432 01:25:43.335 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:25:48.624 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 84001792 733636 01:25:48.671 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:26:31.338 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:26:31.370 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:26:31.370 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 01:26:31.479 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:26:32.945 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 7202304 7202304 (bptm.c.26094) 01:26:32.945 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 594310400 01:27:14.646 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 204004352 733575 01:27:14.661 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:32:52.962 [6640.1740] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007977 -jm 01:32:52.962 [6640.1740] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 01:32:52.962 [6640.1740] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 01:34:06.522 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 597012736 733432 01:34:06.537 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:36:43.643 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 87001856 733636 01:36:43.658 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:38:52.569 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:38:52.632 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:38:52.632 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 01:38:52.663 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 207004416 733575 01:38:52.679 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:38:52.741 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:38:52.772 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6000640 6000640 (bptm.c.26094) 01:38:52.772 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 87609344 01:42:20.982 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 600012800 733432 01:42:20.997 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:42:53.353 [5108.6304] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007980 -jm 01:42:53.353 [5108.6304] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 01:42:53.353 [5108.6304] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 01:45:46.100 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:45:46.178 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:45:46.178 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57400 01:45:46.271 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:45:47.067 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 01:45:47.067 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 208822272 01:47:22.855 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 01:47:22.902 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 01:47:22.902 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 01:47:22.996 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 01:47:26.272 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 90001920 733636 01:47:26.303 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:47:29.938 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 7602432 7602432 (bptm.c.26094) 01:47:29.938 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 601912832 01:50:20.671 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 210004480 733575 01:50:20.687 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:50:33.853 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 603012864 733432 01:50:33.869 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:52:53.494 [4168.6820] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007989 -jm 01:52:53.494 [4168.6820] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 01:52:53.494 [4168.6820] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 01:58:29.235 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 93001984 733636 01:58:29.251 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 01:58:40.171 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 606012928 733432 01:58:40.187 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:00:45.631 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:00:48.736 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:00:48.736 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 02:00:48.845 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:00:49.110 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6000640 6000640 (bptm.c.26094) 02:00:49.110 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 93609984 02:01:46.614 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 213004544 733575 02:01:46.629 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:02:52.994 [1116.6296] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007991 -jm 02:02:52.994 [1116.6296] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 02:02:52.994 [1116.6296] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 02:06:28.017 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:06:28.049 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:06:28.064 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 02:06:28.158 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:06:28.220 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 02:06:28.220 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 214222848 02:06:58.735 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 609012992 733432 02:06:58.735 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:08:14.445 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:08:14.491 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:08:14.491 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57420 02:08:14.601 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:08:21.356 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 7602432 7602432 (bptm.c.26094) 02:08:21.356 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 609515264 02:09:37.081 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 96002048 733636 02:09:37.097 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:12:52.869 [3468.3976] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007994 -jm 02:12:52.869 [3468.3976] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 02:12:52.869 [3468.3976] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 02:13:28.859 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 216004608 733575 02:13:28.890 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:14:52.120 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 612013056 733432 02:14:52.120 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:20:27.236 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 99002112 733636 02:20:27.236 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:20:54.506 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 615013120 733432 02:20:54.506 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:22:39.545 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:22:39.685 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:22:39.685 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 02:22:39.826 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:22:39.872 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6000640 6000640 (bptm.c.26094) 02:22:39.872 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 99610624 02:22:53.975 [6112.4160] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007997 -jm 02:22:53.975 [6112.4160] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 02:22:53.975 [6112.4160] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 02:25:29.264 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 219004672 733575 02:25:29.295 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:27:56.705 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:27:56.752 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:27:56.752 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57400 02:27:56.892 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:27:56.939 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 02:27:56.939 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 219623424 02:28:08.655 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 618013184 733432 02:28:08.671 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:28:48.546 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:28:48.561 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:28:48.561 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57416 02:28:48.702 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:28:48.733 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 8802816 8802816 (bptm.c.26094) 02:28:48.733 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 618318080 02:31:10.293 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 102002176 733636 02:31:10.324 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:32:53.648 [2624.5708] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463007999 -jm 02:32:53.648 [2624.5708] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 02:32:53.648 [2624.5708] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 02:34:37.553 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 621013248 733432 02:34:37.553 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:37:07.122 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 222004736 733575 02:37:07.138 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:41:38.501 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 624013312 733432 02:41:38.516 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:41:44.678 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 105002240 733636 02:41:44.678 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:42:54.149 [1868.3976] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008001 -jm 02:42:54.149 [1868.3976] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 02:42:54.149 [1868.3976] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 02:43:56.193 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:43:56.271 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:43:56.271 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 02:43:56.411 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:43:56.458 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6000640 6000640 (bptm.c.26094) 02:43:56.458 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 105611264 02:47:50.687 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 225004800 733575 02:47:50.702 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:49:13.074 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 627013376 733432 02:49:13.074 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:49:28.362 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:49:28.378 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:49:28.378 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 02:49:28.503 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:49:28.534 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 8802816 8802816 (bptm.c.26094) 02:49:28.534 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 627120896 02:50:04.134 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 02:50:04.150 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 02:50:04.150 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57392 02:50:04.290 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 02:50:04.337 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6000640 6000640 (bptm.c.26094) 02:50:04.337 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 225624064 02:52:40.094 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 108002304 733636 02:52:40.094 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:52:53.073 [6292.6176] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008003 -jm 02:52:53.089 [6292.6176] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 02:52:53.089 [6292.6176] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 02:57:10.655 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 630013440 733432 02:57:10.670 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 02:58:29.843 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 228004864 733575 02:58:29.859 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:00:36.551 [5244.6256] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 5092 -c TAHQ002vw0178 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl TA-VMWare-Banco -bt 1464588032 -b TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032 -st 0 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008004 -vm 2 -jm -brm -hostname TAHQ002vw0178 -ru root -rclnt TAHQ002vw0178 -rclnthostname TAHQ002vw0178 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Diario -ct 29 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -ifr -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 733926 -jobgrpid 733924 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2135105265_5092_2772 -blks_per_buffer 512 -shm 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 736 for client myarsw00403bk01 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 736 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733926> socket <736> 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 54048 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 03:00:36.583 [5244.6256] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 03:00:36.614 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 03:00:36.614 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 03:00:36.614 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 03:00:36.614 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 03:00:36.614 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 03:00:36.707 [5244.6256] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 03:00:36.707 [5244.6256] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 03:00:36.707 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 03:00:36.707 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5244_698563539(Orb.cpp:795) 03:00:36.707 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5244_698563539(Orb.cpp:805) 03:00:36.707 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5244_698563539 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 03:00:36.707 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867119 *NULL* 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 1 0 0 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 cfhq002so0151-stu 0 524288 0 6 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 10 DataDomain 13 cfhq002so0151 16 cfhq002so0151-dp 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 @aaaaz 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 0 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> dsmlibp_emmserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 151 sev 4 EMM server set to myarsw00403bk01 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> dsmlibp_masterserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 174 sev 4 Master server set to myarsw00403bk01 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 256 sev 4 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on myarsw00403bk01 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> dsmlibp_get_orb: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 51 sev 4 Using dsmlib private orb 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_CLIENT_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_CLIENT_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 03:00:36.895 [5244.6256] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 264 sev 4 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000001F46EB0 03:00:36.957 [5244.6256] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 330 sev 4 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000001F46EB0 03:00:36.957 [5244.6256] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 338 sev 4 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 0000000001F46EB0 03:00:36.973 [5244.6256] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1687 sev 2 diskvolume media ID = @aaaaz 03:00:36.973 [5244.6256] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1690 sev 2 Calling dsm->getDiskVolumeInfoByMediaId() 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 483 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 491 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 497 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 501 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26635706302464 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 568 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 583 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 588 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 573 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 578 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freeSpace, property.value=26635706302464 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26635706302464 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 530 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 535 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 1004256097280 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 540 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 1004256097280 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 550 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 545 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=5 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464588029 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSMi::ReplicationSourceAndTargetSpecCount, property.value=0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464588029 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=374623 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::diskGroupName, property.value=cfhq002so0151-dp 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1713 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1725 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1736 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1248, buffer address = 0x450000 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> io_init: found index: 0 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> io_init: using 262144 data buffer size 03:00:36.988 [5244.6256] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 600000 03:00:37.004 [5244.6256] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes 03:00:37.004 [5244.6256] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 03:00:37.004 [5244.6256] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 03:00:37.004 [5244.6256] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2135106186 5244" shared memory file. 03:00:37.004 [5244.6256] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 7865048, buffer address = 0x00000000021A0000, buf control = 0x0000000002920000, ready ptr = 0x00000000029202D0 03:00:37.004 [5244.6256] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032 file successfully created 03:00:37.129 [2996.2116] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 5300 -c TAHQ002vw0177 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl TA-VMWare-Banco -bt 1464588033 -b TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033 -st 0 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008005 -vm 2 -jm -brm -hostname TAHQ002vw0177 -ru root -rclnt TAHQ002vw0177 -rclnthostname TAHQ002vw0177 -rl 9 -rp 2147483647 -sl Diario -ct 29 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -ifr -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 733927 -jobgrpid 733925 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2135105999_5300_4368 -blks_per_buffer 512 -shm 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 736 for client myarsw00403bk01 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 736 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733927> socket <736> 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 54063 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 03:00:37.144 [2996.2116] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 03:00:37.175 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 03:00:37.175 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 03:00:37.175 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 03:00:37.175 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 03:00:37.175 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 03:00:37.207 [2996.2116] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 03:00:37.207 [2996.2116] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 03:00:37.207 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 03:00:37.207 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_2996_699728091(Orb.cpp:795) 03:00:37.207 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_2996_699728091(Orb.cpp:805) 03:00:37.207 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_2996_699728091 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 03:00:37.207 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867120 *NULL* 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 1 0 0 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 cfhq002so0151-stu 0 524288 0 6 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 10 DataDomain 13 cfhq002so0151 16 cfhq002so0151-dp 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 @aaaaz 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 0 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> dsmlibp_emmserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 151 sev 4 EMM server set to myarsw00403bk01 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> dsmlibp_masterserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 174 sev 4 Master server set to myarsw00403bk01 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 256 sev 4 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on myarsw00403bk01 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> dsmlibp_get_orb: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 51 sev 4 Using dsmlib private orb 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_CLIENT_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_CLIENT_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 03:00:37.300 [2996.2116] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 264 sev 4 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000001DD6EB0 03:00:37.331 [2996.2116] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 330 sev 4 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000001DD6EB0 03:00:37.331 [2996.2116] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 338 sev 4 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 0000000001DD6EB0 03:00:37.347 [2996.2116] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1687 sev 2 diskvolume media ID = @aaaaz 03:00:37.347 [2996.2116] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1690 sev 2 Calling dsm->getDiskVolumeInfoByMediaId() 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 483 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 491 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 497 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 501 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26635706302464 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 568 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 583 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 588 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 573 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 578 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freeSpace, property.value=26635706302464 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26635706302464 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 530 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 535 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 1004256097280 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 540 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 1004256097280 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 550 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 545 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=5 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464588029 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSMi::ReplicationSourceAndTargetSpecCount, property.value=0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464588029 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=374623 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::diskGroupName, property.value=cfhq002so0151-dp 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1713 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1725 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1736 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1248, buffer address = 0x560000 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> io_init: found index: 0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> io_init: using 262144 data buffer size 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 600000 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2135106763 2996" shared memory file. 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 7865048, buffer address = 0x0000000002030000, buf control = 0x00000000027B0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000027B02D0 03:00:37.409 [2996.2116] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033 file successfully created 03:00:39.126 [5244.6256] <16> 733926:bptm:5244:myarsw00200bk01: [147C:1870] Pormap trying to connect to address 03:00:39.406 [5244.6256] <2> get_physical_machine_name: myarsw00200bk01 is a Media server. Setting physical machine name to myarsw00200bk01 03:00:39.469 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 03:00:39.484 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:39.484 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 03:00:39.516 [2996.2116] <16> 733927:bptm:2996:myarsw00200bk01: [BB4:844] Pormap trying to connect to address 03:00:39.672 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:39.687 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:00:39.703 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:39.703 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 03:00:39.781 [2996.2116] <2> get_physical_machine_name: myarsw00200bk01 is a Media server. Setting physical machine name to myarsw00200bk01 03:00:39.874 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:39.874 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 03:00:39.906 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:39.906 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 03:00:40.030 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:40.046 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:00:40.077 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:40.077 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 03:00:40.171 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:40.280 [5244.6256] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 5244 1 TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032 29 TA-VMWare-Banco 0 Diario 0 1 1 03:00:40.280 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 03:00:40.327 [2996.2116] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 2996 1 TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033 29 TA-VMWare-Banco 0 Diario 0 1 1 03:00:40.327 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 03:00:40.405 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:40.405 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 03:00:40.405 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:40.405 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 03:00:42.464 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:42.464 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:42.480 [2996.2116] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 03:00:42.480 [2996.2116] <2> bp_sts_get_lsu: entry cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:42.495 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 03:00:42.511 [5244.6256] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 03:00:42.511 [5244.6256] <2> bp_sts_get_lsu: entry cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:42.526 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 03:00:42.573 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:42.573 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 03:00:42.682 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:42.682 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 03:00:42.870 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:42.901 [2996.2116] <4> write_disk_header: Data Classification & Storage Lifecycle action 6 03:00:42.901 [2996.2116] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0177, backup_time 1464588033, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 0, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 03:00:42.901 [2996.2116] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 03:00:42.917 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:42.917 [2996.2116] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0177, backup_time 1464588033, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 03:00:42.917 [2996.2116] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 03:00:42.917 [2996.2116] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033_C1_F1 successfully opened 03:00:42.917 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 03:00:42.963 [5244.6256] <4> write_disk_header: Data Classification & Storage Lifecycle action 6 03:00:42.963 [5244.6256] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0178, backup_time 1464588032, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 0, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 03:00:42.963 [5244.6256] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 03:00:42.979 [5244.6256] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0178, backup_time 1464588032, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 03:00:42.979 [5244.6256] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 03:00:42.979 [5244.6256] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032_C1_F1 successfully opened 03:00:42.979 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 03:00:43.104 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:43.104 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 03:00:43.151 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:43.151 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 03:00:43.275 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:43.275 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:43.712 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:00:43.821 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:43.821 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57396 03:00:43.821 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:00:43.931 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:43.993 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:00:43.993 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 03:00:44.102 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:00:44.274 [5244.6256] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032, copy 1, fragment 1, destination path cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:44.274 [5244.6256] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 5092) 03:00:44.274 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 1 delay_brm: 0 03:00:44.274 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 03:00:44.633 [2996.2116] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033, copy 1, fragment 1, destination path cfhq002so0151-lsu 03:00:44.633 [2996.2116] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 5300) 03:00:44.633 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 1 delay_brm: 0 03:00:44.633 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 03:01:20.514 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 03:01:20.514 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: received first buffer (262144 bytes), begin writing data 03:01:20.514 [5244.6256] <2> send_media_kbytes_written_establish_threshold: CINDEX 0, RB Kbytes for monitoring = 3000000 03:01:31.653 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 03:01:31.653 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: received first buffer (262144 bytes), begin writing data 03:01:31.653 [2996.2116] <2> send_media_kbytes_written_establish_threshold: CINDEX 0, RB Kbytes for monitoring = 3000000 03:02:53.041 [1908.5060] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008007 -jm 03:02:53.041 [1908.5060] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 03:02:53.041 [1908.5060] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 03:04:18.049 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 633013504 733432 03:04:18.064 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:04:27.690 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 111002368 733636 03:04:27.706 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:04:29.796 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:04:29.858 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:04:29.858 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57424 03:04:29.968 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:04:30.326 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 03:04:30.326 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 111011840 03:09:47.143 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:09:47.175 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:09:47.190 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 03:09:47.331 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:09:47.377 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 8002560 8002560 (bptm.c.26094) 03:09:47.377 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 635123456 03:11:50.248 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 636013568 733432 03:11:50.263 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:12:52.900 [7072.5292] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008010 -jm 03:12:52.900 [7072.5292] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 03:12:52.900 [7072.5292] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 03:13:01.480 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 231004928 733575 03:13:01.496 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:13:09.234 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:13:09.280 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:13:09.280 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 03:13:09.390 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:13:09.577 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 03:13:09.577 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 231024640 03:16:35.427 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 639013632 733432 03:16:35.442 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:20:09.966 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 642013696 733432 03:20:09.982 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:21:00.762 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 114002432 733636 03:21:00.793 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:21:16.659 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:21:16.706 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:21:16.706 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 03:21:16.862 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:21:16.908 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 2400256 2400256 (bptm.c.26094) 03:21:16.908 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 2400256 03:21:51.745 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:21:51.791 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:21:51.791 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 03:21:51.901 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:21:52.712 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 2400256 2400256 (bptm.c.26094) 03:21:52.712 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 2400256 03:22:52.961 [6932.5896] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008013 -jm 03:22:52.961 [6932.5896] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 03:22:52.961 [6932.5896] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 03:24:35.286 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:24:35.301 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:24:35.301 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 03:24:35.426 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:24:37.158 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 03:24:37.158 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 114612224 03:25:28.296 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 3000064 733927 03:25:28.296 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:26:59.310 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 3000064 733926 03:26:59.342 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:27:09.045 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 645013760 733432 03:27:09.061 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:29:09.716 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 234004992 733575 03:29:09.716 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:30:44.474 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:30:44.505 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:30:44.505 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 03:30:44.614 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:30:44.661 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 11203584 11203584 (bptm.c.26094) 03:30:44.661 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 646327040 03:32:56.533 [6856.4884] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008015 -jm 03:32:56.533 [6856.4884] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 03:32:56.533 [6856.4884] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 03:35:20.310 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 648013824 733432 03:35:20.357 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:35:51.512 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:35:51.527 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:35:51.527 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1096 03:35:51.652 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:35:51.699 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 03:35:51.699 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 235225088 03:38:10.608 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 117002496 733636 03:38:10.624 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:42:22.560 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:42:22.606 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:42:22.606 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 03:42:22.747 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:42:22.872 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 03:42:22.872 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 5400576 03:42:53.262 [3856.4452] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008017 -jm 03:42:53.262 [3856.4452] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 03:42:53.262 [3856.4452] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 03:43:01.592 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 651013888 733432 03:43:01.608 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:44:45.055 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:44:45.087 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:44:45.102 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 03:44:45.211 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:44:45.258 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 03:44:45.258 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 5400576 03:45:08.300 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:45:08.347 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:45:08.347 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 03:45:08.456 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:45:08.862 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 03:45:08.862 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 118212608 03:45:54.665 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 237005056 733575 03:45:54.665 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:46:36.085 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 6000128 733927 03:46:36.101 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:48:43.589 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 6000128 733926 03:48:43.589 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:50:26.334 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 654013952 733432 03:50:26.365 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:51:22.122 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:51:22.450 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:51:22.450 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57416 03:51:22.465 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:51:22.559 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 8002560 8002560 (bptm.c.26094) 03:51:22.559 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 654329600 03:52:53.417 [6812.5872] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008019 -jm 03:52:53.417 [6812.5872] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 03:52:53.417 [6812.5872] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 03:55:38.362 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 120002560 733636 03:55:38.377 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 03:56:21.747 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 03:56:21.856 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 03:56:21.856 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 03:56:21.965 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 03:56:22.012 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 03:56:22.012 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 238825472 03:58:36.895 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 657014016 733432 03:58:36.911 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:02:54.180 [6972.440] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008022 -jm 04:02:54.180 [6972.440] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 04:02:54.180 [6972.440] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 04:03:21.809 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 240005120 733575 04:03:21.809 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:05:12.401 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 9000192 733927 04:05:12.401 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:05:12.542 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:05:12.589 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:05:12.589 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 04:05:12.682 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:05:14.274 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:05:14.274 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 9000960 04:06:27.862 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:06:27.955 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:06:27.955 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1096 04:06:28.080 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:06:32.963 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 04:06:32.963 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 8400896 04:06:34.242 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:06:34.273 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:06:34.273 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57416 04:06:34.367 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:06:34.866 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 660014080 733432 04:06:34.882 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:06:36.302 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:06:36.302 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 121812992 04:10:58.189 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 9000192 733926 04:10:58.204 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:11:46.348 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:11:46.363 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:11:46.363 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 04:11:46.519 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:11:46.566 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 7602432 7602432 (bptm.c.26094) 04:11:46.566 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 661932032 04:12:53.680 [5076.6300] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008025 -jm 04:12:53.680 [5076.6300] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 04:12:53.680 [5076.6300] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 04:13:33.820 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 123002624 733636 04:13:33.820 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:14:28.766 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 663014144 733432 04:14:28.766 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:17:48.048 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:17:48.141 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:17:48.141 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 04:17:48.251 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:17:49.733 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:17:49.733 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 242425856 04:21:34.912 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 243005184 733575 04:21:34.912 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:22:53.227 [5872.6460] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008027 -jm 04:22:53.227 [5872.6460] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 04:22:53.227 [5872.6460] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 04:23:15.598 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 12000256 733927 04:23:15.645 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:23:17.330 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 666014208 733432 04:23:17.345 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:28:01.635 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:28:01.682 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:28:01.682 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 04:28:01.853 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:28:03.211 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:28:03.211 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 12601344 04:28:45.020 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:28:45.114 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:28:45.114 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 04:28:45.223 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:28:45.270 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:28:45.270 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 125413376 04:30:00.246 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:30:00.278 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:30:00.278 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 04:30:00.402 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:30:00.418 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 04:30:00.418 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 11401216 04:32:00.699 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 126002688 733636 04:32:00.714 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:32:21.057 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:32:21.073 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:32:21.073 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 04:32:21.198 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:32:21.245 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6802176 6802176 (bptm.c.26094) 04:32:21.245 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 668734208 04:32:53.508 [4452.5304] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008029 -jm 04:32:53.508 [4452.5304] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 04:32:53.508 [4452.5304] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 04:33:14.570 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 669014272 733432 04:33:14.585 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:34:58.506 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 12000256 733926 04:34:58.521 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:38:49.059 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 246005248 733575 04:38:49.059 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:38:55.846 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:38:55.861 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:38:55.861 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 04:38:55.986 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:38:56.017 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:38:56.017 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 246026240 04:42:53.619 [6196.1212] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008032 -jm 04:42:53.619 [6196.1212] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 04:42:53.619 [6196.1212] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 04:42:56.895 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 672014336 733432 04:42:56.910 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:44:43.666 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 15000320 733927 04:44:43.682 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:48:42.169 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:48:42.278 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:48:42.278 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 04:48:42.419 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:48:42.450 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 04:48:42.450 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 15601664 04:49:22.699 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 129002752 733636 04:49:22.715 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:49:26.194 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:49:26.272 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:49:26.272 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 04:49:26.428 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:49:26.600 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:49:26.600 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 129013760 04:51:58.612 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:51:58.627 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:51:58.627 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 04:51:58.721 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:51:58.768 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 04:51:58.768 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 14401536 04:52:26.038 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:52:26.053 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:52:26.053 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 04:52:26.147 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:52:26.194 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6001920 6001920 (bptm.c.26094) 04:52:26.194 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 674736128 04:52:54.571 [5860.6304] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008033 -jm 04:52:54.571 [5860.6304] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 04:52:54.571 [5860.6304] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 04:53:20.312 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 675014400 733432 04:53:20.343 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:56:08.050 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 15000320 733926 04:56:08.065 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:56:16.802 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 249005312 733575 04:56:16.817 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 04:59:57.488 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 04:59:57.519 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 04:59:57.519 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57400 04:59:57.613 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 04:59:57.644 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 04:59:57.644 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 249626624 05:01:59.422 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 678014464 733432 05:01:59.422 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:02:11.934 [3468.5768] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 6484 -c CFHQ002vw0236 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl VMWare_Olleros -bt 1464595327 -b CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327 -st 0 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008035 -vm 2 -jm -brm -hostname CFHQ002vw0236 -ru root -rclnt CFHQ002vw0236 -rclnthostname CFHQ002vw0236 -rl 1 -rp 1209600 -sl Diario -ct 29 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -ifr -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 733938 -jobgrpid 733936 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2142400527_6484_5500 -blks_per_buffer 512 -shm 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 736 for client myarsw00403bk01 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 736 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733938> socket <736> 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 57666 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 05:02:12.043 [3468.5768] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 05:02:12.074 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 05:02:12.074 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 05:02:12.074 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 05:02:12.074 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 05:02:12.074 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 05:02:12.152 [3468.5768] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 05:02:12.152 [3468.5768] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 05:02:12.152 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 05:02:12.152 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_3468_617308219(Orb.cpp:795) 05:02:12.152 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_3468_617308219(Orb.cpp:805) 05:02:12.152 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_3468_617308219 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 05:02:12.152 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867127 *NULL* 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 1 0 0 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 cfhq002so0151-stu 0 524288 0 6 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 10 DataDomain 13 cfhq002so0151 16 cfhq002so0151-dp 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 @aaaaz 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 0 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> dsmlibp_emmserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 151 sev 4 EMM server set to myarsw00403bk01 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> dsmlibp_masterserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 174 sev 4 Master server set to myarsw00403bk01 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 256 sev 4 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on myarsw00403bk01 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> dsmlibp_get_orb: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 51 sev 4 Using dsmlib private orb 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_CLIENT_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_CLIENT_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 05:02:12.402 [3468.5768] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 264 sev 4 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000001DC6EB0 05:02:12.527 [3468.5768] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 330 sev 4 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000001DC6EB0 05:02:12.527 [3468.5768] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 338 sev 4 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 0000000001DC6EB0 05:02:12.542 [3468.5768] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1687 sev 2 diskvolume media ID = @aaaaz 05:02:12.542 [3468.5768] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1690 sev 2 Calling dsm->getDiskVolumeInfoByMediaId() 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 483 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 491 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 497 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 501 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26632827961344 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 568 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 583 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 588 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 573 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 578 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freeSpace, property.value=26632827961344 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26632827961344 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 530 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 535 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 1024148439040 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 540 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 1021076373504 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 550 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 545 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=7 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464595319 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSMi::ReplicationSourceAndTargetSpecCount, property.value=0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464595329 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=376347 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::diskGroupName, property.value=cfhq002so0151-dp 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1713 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1725 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1736 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1244, buffer address = 0x550000 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> io_init: found index: 0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> io_init: using 262144 data buffer size 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 600000 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2142401276 3468" shared memory file. 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 7865048, buffer address = 0x0000000002020000, buf control = 0x00000000027A0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000027A02D0 05:02:12.558 [3468.5768] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327 file successfully created 05:02:14.664 [3468.5768] <16> 733938:bptm:3468:myarsw00200bk01: [D8C:1688] Pormap trying to connect to address 05:02:14.789 [3468.5768] <2> get_physical_machine_name: myarsw00200bk01 is a Media server. Setting physical machine name to myarsw00200bk01 05:02:14.945 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 05:02:15.038 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:15.038 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57336 05:02:15.147 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:15.163 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:02:15.194 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:15.194 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 05:02:15.303 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:15.335 [3468.5768] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 3468 1 CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327 29 VMWare_Olleros 0 Diario 0 1 1 05:02:15.335 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 05:02:15.366 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:15.366 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 05:02:15.553 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:15.584 [3468.5768] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 05:02:15.584 [3468.5768] <2> bp_sts_get_lsu: entry cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:15.600 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 05:02:15.709 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:15.709 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57336 05:02:15.912 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:15.943 [3468.5768] <4> write_disk_header: Data Classification & Storage Lifecycle action 6 05:02:15.943 [3468.5768] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0236, backup_time 1464595327, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 0, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 05:02:15.943 [3468.5768] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 05:02:15.974 [3468.5768] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0236, backup_time 1464595327, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 05:02:15.974 [3468.5768] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 05:02:15.974 [3468.5768] <2> io_open_disk: file CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327_C1_F1 successfully opened 05:02:15.974 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 05:02:16.052 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:16.052 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57400 05:02:16.162 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:16.364 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:02:16.427 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:16.427 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57392 05:02:16.552 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:17.098 [3468.5768] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327, copy 1, fragment 1, destination path cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:17.098 [3468.5768] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 6484) 05:02:17.098 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 1 delay_brm: 0 05:02:17.098 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 05:02:38.767 [6304.4604] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 5224 -c CFHQ002vw0111 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl VMWare_Olleros -bt 1464595350 -b CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350 -st 0 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008036 -vm 2 -jm -brm -hostname CFHQ002vw0111 -ru root -rclnt CFHQ002vw0111 -rclnthostname CFHQ002vw0111 -rl 1 -rp 1209600 -sl Diario -ct 29 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -ifr -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 733939 -jobgrpid 733935 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_2142427203_5224_3380 -blks_per_buffer 512 -shm 05:02:38.876 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:38.876 [6304.4604] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 736 for client myarsw00403bk01 05:02:38.876 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 736 05:02:38.876 [6304.4604] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 05:02:38.923 [6304.4604] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733939> socket <736> 05:02:38.923 [6304.4604] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 57742 05:02:38.923 [6304.4604] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 05:02:38.923 [6304.4604] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 05:02:38.954 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 05:02:38.954 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 05:02:38.954 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 05:02:38.954 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 05:02:38.954 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 05:02:39.141 [6304.4604] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 05:02:39.141 [6304.4604] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 05:02:39.141 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 05:02:39.141 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6304_680566039(Orb.cpp:795) 05:02:39.141 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6304_680566039(Orb.cpp:805) 05:02:39.141 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6304_680566039 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 05:02:39.157 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867126 *NULL* 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 1 0 0 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 cfhq002so0151-stu 0 524288 0 6 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 10 DataDomain 13 cfhq002so0151 16 cfhq002so0151-dp 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 @aaaaz 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 0 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> dsmlibp_emmserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 151 sev 4 EMM server set to myarsw00403bk01 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> dsmlibp_masterserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 174 sev 4 Master server set to myarsw00403bk01 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 256 sev 4 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on myarsw00403bk01 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> dsmlibp_get_orb: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 51 sev 4 Using dsmlib private orb 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_CLIENT_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_CLIENT_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 05:02:39.828 [6304.4604] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 264 sev 4 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000001F86EB0 05:02:39.874 [6304.4604] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 330 sev 4 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000001F86EB0 05:02:39.874 [6304.4604] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 338 sev 4 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 0000000001F86EB0 05:02:39.890 [6304.4604] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1687 sev 2 diskvolume media ID = @aaaaz 05:02:39.890 [6304.4604] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1690 sev 2 Calling dsm->getDiskVolumeInfoByMediaId() 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 483 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 491 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 497 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 501 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26632804368384 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 568 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 583 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 588 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 573 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 578 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freeSpace, property.value=26632804368384 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26632804368384 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 530 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 535 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 1021076373504 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 540 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 1021076373504 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 550 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 545 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=7 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464595359 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSMi::ReplicationSourceAndTargetSpecCount, property.value=0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464595359 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=376353 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::diskGroupName, property.value=cfhq002so0151-dp 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1713 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1725 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1736 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1248, buffer address = 0x460000 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> io_init: found index: 0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> io_init: using 262144 data buffer size 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 600000 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path 2142428108 6304" shared memory file. 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 7865048, buffer address = 0x00000000021E0000, buf control = 0x0000000002960000, ready ptr = 0x00000000029602D0 05:02:39.906 [6304.4604] <2> setup_bpbkar_info: Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350 file successfully created 05:02:42.027 [6304.4604] <16> 733939:bptm:6304:myarsw00200bk01: [18A0:11FC] Pormap trying to connect to address 05:02:42.074 [6304.4604] <2> get_physical_machine_name: myarsw00200bk01 is a Media server. Setting physical machine name to myarsw00200bk01 05:02:42.137 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 05:02:42.308 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:42.308 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 05:02:42.417 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:42.449 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:02:42.449 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:42.449 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 05:02:42.573 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:43.353 [6304.4604] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6304 1 CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350 29 VMWare_Olleros 0 Diario 0 1 1 05:02:43.353 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 05:02:43.369 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:43.369 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 05:02:43.509 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:43.556 [6304.4604] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 05:02:43.556 [6304.4604] <2> bp_sts_get_lsu: entry cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:43.556 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 05:02:43.572 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:43.572 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 05:02:43.712 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:43.743 [6304.4604] <4> write_disk_header: Data Classification & Storage Lifecycle action 6 05:02:43.743 [6304.4604] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0111, backup_time 1464595350, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 0, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 05:02:43.743 [6304.4604] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 05:02:43.759 [6304.4604] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0111, backup_time 1464595350, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 05:02:43.759 [6304.4604] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 05:02:43.775 [6304.4604] <2> io_open_disk: file CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350_C1_F1 successfully opened 05:02:43.775 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 05:02:43.790 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:43.790 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 05:02:43.884 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:44.024 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:02:44.040 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:02:44.040 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57396 05:02:44.133 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:02:44.679 [6304.4604] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350, copy 1, fragment 1, destination path cfhq002so0151-lsu 05:02:44.679 [6304.4604] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 5224) 05:02:44.679 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 1 delay_brm: 0 05:02:44.679 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 05:02:53.041 [4380.6688] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008039 -jm 05:02:53.041 [4380.6688] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 05:02:53.041 [4380.6688] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 05:03:04.991 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 05:03:04.991 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: received first buffer (262144 bytes), begin writing data 05:03:04.991 [3468.5768] <2> send_media_kbytes_written_establish_threshold: CINDEX 0, RB Kbytes for monitoring = 3000000 05:03:32.682 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 05:03:32.682 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: received first buffer (262144 bytes), begin writing data 05:03:32.682 [6304.4604] <2> send_media_kbytes_written_establish_threshold: CINDEX 0, RB Kbytes for monitoring = 3000000 05:04:27.425 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 18000384 733927 05:04:27.441 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:07:03.540 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 132002816 733636 05:07:03.571 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:07:56.738 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 681014528 733432 05:07:56.754 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:09:53.914 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 3000064 733938 05:09:53.914 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:10:05.474 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 3000064 733939 05:10:05.506 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:10:33.649 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:10:33.743 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:10:33.743 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 05:10:33.852 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:10:34.460 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 05:10:34.460 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 132614144 05:11:45.100 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 684014592 733432 05:11:45.100 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:12:41.324 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:12:41.449 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:12:41.449 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57420 05:12:41.574 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:12:42.229 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 10003200 10003200 (bptm.c.26094) 05:12:42.229 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 684739328 05:12:53.368 [4280.1324] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008041 -jm 05:12:53.368 [4280.1324] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 05:12:53.368 [4280.1324] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 05:12:54.273 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 252005376 733575 05:12:54.304 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:13:07.112 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:13:07.221 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:13:07.221 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 05:13:07.362 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:13:08.407 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 05:13:08.407 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 19202048 05:14:17.549 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 6000128 733938 05:14:17.564 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:14:29.405 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 6000128 733939 05:14:29.421 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:15:04.600 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:15:04.678 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:15:04.678 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 05:15:04.834 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:15:04.865 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 05:15:04.865 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 17401856 05:15:18.438 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 687014656 733432 05:15:18.454 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:18:44.319 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 690014720 733432 05:18:44.335 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:18:58.063 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 9000192 733938 05:18:58.126 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:19:01.605 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 9000192 733939 05:19:01.636 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:21:08.219 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 18000384 733926 05:21:08.266 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:21:49.171 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 693014784 733432 05:21:49.186 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:22:44.194 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:22:44.288 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:22:44.288 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46824 05:22:44.397 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:22:44.428 [3468.5768] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3468 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 11401216 11401216 (bptm.c.26094) 05:22:44.428 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 11401216 05:22:44.662 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:22:44.678 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:22:44.678 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57392 05:22:44.771 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:22:44.802 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 05:22:44.802 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 253827072 05:22:53.352 [4280.3372] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008044 -jm 05:22:53.352 [4280.3372] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 05:22:53.352 [4280.3372] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 05:23:27.018 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 135002880 733636 05:23:27.049 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:23:32.743 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 12000256 733939 05:23:32.759 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:23:32.759 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:23:32.821 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:23:32.821 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 05:23:32.915 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:23:33.180 [6304.4604] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6304 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 12001280 12001280 (bptm.c.26094) 05:23:33.180 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 12001280 05:23:36.394 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 12000256 733938 05:23:36.409 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:26:36.955 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 21000448 733927 05:26:37.283 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:27:02.415 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 696014848 733432 05:27:02.431 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:27:49.451 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 15000320 733938 05:27:49.466 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:27:55.348 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 15000320 733939 05:27:55.379 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:29:47.313 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 255005440 733575 05:29:47.313 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:30:44.256 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:30:44.380 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:30:44.380 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 05:30:44.630 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:30:46.689 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 05:30:46.689 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 136214528 05:32:05.878 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 18000384 733938 05:32:05.894 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:32:18.733 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 699014912 733432 05:32:18.748 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:32:22.477 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 18000384 733939 05:32:22.493 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:32:53.430 [6220.7040] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008046 -jm 05:32:53.430 [6220.7040] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 05:32:53.430 [6220.7040] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 05:33:03.274 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:33:03.321 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:33:03.321 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 05:33:03.430 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:33:03.586 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 14804736 14804736 (bptm.c.26094) 05:33:03.586 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 699544064 05:34:43.341 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:34:43.435 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:34:43.435 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 05:34:43.544 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:34:43.575 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 05:34:43.575 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 22202368 05:36:15.436 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 21000448 733938 05:36:15.451 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:36:36.185 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 702014976 733432 05:36:36.201 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:36:43.019 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 21000448 733939 05:36:43.034 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:38:25.455 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:38:25.549 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:38:25.549 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1096 05:38:25.642 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:38:26.298 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 05:38:26.298 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 20402176 05:40:34.194 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 705015040 733432 05:40:34.209 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:40:35.941 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 24000512 733938 05:40:35.988 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:41:20.856 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 24000512 733939 05:41:20.872 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:41:41.871 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 138002944 733636 05:41:41.886 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:42:29.500 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 21000448 733926 05:42:29.516 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:42:53.291 [6748.6904] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008049 -jm 05:42:53.291 [6748.6904] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 05:42:53.291 [6748.6904] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 05:43:24.227 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:43:24.258 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:43:24.258 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 05:43:24.368 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:43:28.923 [3468.5768] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3468 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 14401536 14401536 (bptm.c.26094) 05:43:28.923 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 25802752 05:44:12.901 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 708015104 733432 05:44:12.917 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:44:14.165 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:44:16.739 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:44:16.864 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:44:16.864 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 05:44:16.973 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:44:17.160 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:44:17.176 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 05:44:17.176 [6304.4604] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6304 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 13801472 13801472 (bptm.c.26094) 05:44:17.176 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 25802752 05:44:17.270 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:44:17.316 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 05:44:17.316 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 257427456 05:45:20.499 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 27000576 733938 05:45:20.499 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:46:15.804 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 27000576 733939 05:46:15.819 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:46:50.328 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 24000512 733927 05:46:50.344 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:47:39.111 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 711015168 733432 05:47:39.127 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:47:42.965 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 258005504 733575 05:47:42.965 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:49:52.949 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 30000640 733938 05:49:52.965 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:50:47.442 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 714015232 733432 05:50:47.473 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:51:11.248 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 30000640 733939 05:51:11.264 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:52:53.541 [5624.3340] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008051 -jm 05:52:53.541 [5624.3340] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 05:52:53.541 [5624.3340] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 05:53:15.679 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:53:15.866 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:53:15.866 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 05:53:15.975 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:53:18.300 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 16405248 16405248 (bptm.c.26094) 05:53:18.300 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 715949312 05:53:40.562 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:53:40.687 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:53:40.687 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57424 05:53:41.233 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:53:41.841 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 05:53:41.841 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 139814912 05:54:03.027 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 33000704 733938 05:54:03.042 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:54:47.207 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 05:54:47.254 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 05:54:47.254 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 05:54:47.363 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 05:54:48.986 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 05:54:48.986 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 25202688 05:54:58.331 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 717015296 733432 05:54:58.362 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:56:11.529 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 33000704 733939 05:56:11.560 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 05:58:30.967 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 36000768 733938 05:58:30.982 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:00:07.925 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 720015360 733432 06:00:07.925 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:00:59.516 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 141003008 733636 06:00:59.547 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:01:05.163 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 36000768 733939 06:01:05.163 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:02:15.678 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 24000512 733926 06:02:15.709 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:02:16.708 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:02:16.754 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:02:16.754 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 06:02:16.879 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:02:19.578 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:02:19.578 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 24002560 06:02:51.060 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 39000832 733938 06:02:51.060 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:02:53.166 [3940.6576] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008059 -jm 06:02:53.166 [3940.6576] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 06:02:53.166 [3940.6576] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:03:35.678 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:03:35.740 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:03:35.740 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57396 06:03:35.865 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:03:37.643 [3468.5768] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3468 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 13801472 13801472 (bptm.c.26094) 06:03:37.643 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 39604224 06:05:06.099 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:05:06.114 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:05:06.114 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 06:05:06.208 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:05:07.035 [6304.4604] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6304 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 12601344 12601344 (bptm.c.26094) 06:05:07.035 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 38404096 06:05:26.848 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 261005568 733575 06:05:26.848 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:05:35.927 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:05:35.927 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:05:35.927 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57400 06:05:36.021 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:05:36.052 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:05:36.052 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 261027840 06:05:39.500 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 723015424 733432 06:05:39.515 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:06:01.044 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 39000832 733939 06:06:01.075 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:06:55.007 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 27000576 733927 06:06:55.022 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:07:16.957 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 42000896 733938 06:07:16.988 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:10:10.669 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 42000896 733939 06:10:10.701 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:10:48.080 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 726015488 733432 06:10:48.095 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:11:39.562 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 45000960 733938 06:11:39.593 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:12:52.962 [6456.6464] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008075 -jm 06:12:52.962 [6456.6464] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 06:12:52.962 [6456.6464] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:13:54.975 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:13:54.990 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:13:54.990 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 06:13:55.084 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:13:55.115 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 12003840 12003840 (bptm.c.26094) 06:13:55.115 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 727953152 06:14:55.802 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:14:55.848 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:14:55.848 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 06:14:55.958 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:14:56.348 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 06:14:56.348 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 28203008 06:14:57.362 [6304.4604] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {8CDACDF9-9E87-40D4-9FB3-712101557F6B} 1867126 1 45000960 733939 06:14:57.377 [6304.4604] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:15:31.028 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 729015552 733432 06:15:31.043 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:15:47.564 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:15:47.596 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:15:47.596 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 06:15:47.720 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:15:49.156 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 115712 bytes 06:15:49.156 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: writing short block, 115712 bytes, remainder 0 06:15:49.156 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 79991 times, delayed 276735 times 06:15:49.156 [6304.4604] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 45503857 06:15:49.156 [6304.4604] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 06:15:49.156 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:15:49.234 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:15:49.234 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 06:15:49.390 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:15:49.546 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:15:49.546 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 143415296 06:15:49.561 [6304.4604] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6304 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 7099761 7099761 (bptm.c.20849) 06:15:49.592 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 06:15:49.608 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:15:49.608 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 06:15:49.702 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:15:49.826 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:15:49.842 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:15:49.842 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 06:15:49.967 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:15:49.998 [6304.4604] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350, copy 1, fragment 1, 45503857 Kbytes at 10378.748 Kbytes/sec 06:15:50.014 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 60 06:15:50.029 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:15:50.029 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 06:16:15.287 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 48001024 733938 06:16:15.287 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:19:16.956 [6304.4604] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: string received from bpdbm is (0 26814448 0) 06:19:16.956 [6304.4604] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: successfully connected to bpdbm to read TIR file, size is 26814448 bytes + 0 GB 06:19:16.956 [6304.4604] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0111, backup_time 1464595350, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 06:19:16.956 [6304.4604] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 06:19:16.956 [6304.4604] <2> io_open_disk: file CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350_C1_TIR successfully opened 06:19:16.956 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 06:19:17.018 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:19:17.018 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 06:19:17.112 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:19:17.221 [6304.4604] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 0, total_bytes = 0, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 26814448, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 06:19:17.751 [6304.4604] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 262144 06:19:25.723 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:19:25.786 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:19:25.786 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 06:19:25.926 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:19:28.843 [6304.4604] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6304 7 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 26185 26185 (bptm.c.28557) 06:19:28.843 [6304.4604] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 45530042 06:19:28.906 [6304.4604] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 06:19:28.921 [6304.4604] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:19:28.921 [6304.4604] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 06:19:29.015 [6304.4604] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:19:29.202 [6304.4604] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0111, backup_time 1464595350, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 06:19:29.202 [6304.4604] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 06:19:29.202 [6304.4604] <2> io_open_disk: file CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350_C1_TIR successfully opened 06:19:29.202 [6304.4604] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 26814448, total_bytes = 26814448, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 26814448, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 06:19:29.249 [6304.4604] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/CFHQ002vw0111_1464595350 06:19:29.374 [6304.4604] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 06:19:29.374 [6304.4604] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 06:19:29.389 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 06:19:29.389 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 06:19:29.389 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 06:19:29.389 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 06:19:29.389 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 06:19:29.389 [6304.4604] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 06:19:29.389 [6304.4604] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26627632791552 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26627679977472 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 827536244736 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 827536244736 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=7 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464599929 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464599969 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=377480 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> put_length_bytes_nonblocking: cannot write data to network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <16> send_job_file: Failed to send request [job ID 733939, ftype = 3 msg len = 61, msg = LOG 1464599969 4 bptm 6304 EXITING with status 0 <---------- ] 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> set_job_details: Can't send tfile buffer, errno 2 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <16> bptm event_msg_to_monitor: failed to set job_details on master server myarsw00403bk01 06:19:29.420 [6304.4604] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 06:19:33.555 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 51001088 733938 06:19:33.570 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:19:36.503 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 144003072 733636 06:19:36.503 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:21:11.620 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 732015616 733432 06:21:11.620 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:22:06.253 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 27000576 733926 06:22:06.253 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:22:53.929 [3724.6088] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008088 -jm 06:22:53.929 [3724.6088] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 06:22:53.929 [3724.6088] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:22:59.342 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 264005632 733575 06:22:59.342 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:23:08.625 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 54001152 733938 06:23:08.640 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:23:58.578 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:23:58.952 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:23:58.952 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57388 06:23:59.077 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:23:59.326 [3468.5768] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3468 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 15001600 15001600 (bptm.c.26094) 06:23:59.326 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 54605824 06:26:28.234 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:26:28.265 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:26:28.312 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:26:28.312 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 06:26:28.312 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:26:28.312 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57420 06:26:28.421 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:26:28.453 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:26:28.546 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:26:28.546 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 264628224 06:26:28.609 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:26:28.609 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 27602944 06:26:46.237 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 57001216 733938 06:26:46.253 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:27:03.819 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 30000640 733927 06:27:03.835 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:29:28.312 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 735015680 733432 06:29:28.328 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:30:41.541 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 60001280 733938 06:30:41.557 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:32:52.853 [1364.3400] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008097 -jm 06:32:52.853 [1364.3400] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 06:32:52.853 [1364.3400] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:34:16.585 [3468.5768] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {5A23E9CC-5A84-4B79-98E3-26A414D5D7A6} 1867127 1 63001344 733938 06:34:16.601 [3468.5768] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:34:43.513 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:34:43.575 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:34:43.575 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 06:34:43.684 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:34:46.149 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 9202944 9202944 (bptm.c.26094) 06:34:46.149 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 737156096 06:35:28.242 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:35:28.351 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:35:28.351 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 06:35:28.663 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:35:30.488 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 06:35:30.488 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 31203328 06:36:46.950 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 738015744 733432 06:36:46.966 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:37:43.005 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 147003136 733636 06:37:43.005 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:37:47.217 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:37:47.342 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:37:47.342 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 06:37:47.451 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:37:52.756 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:37:52.756 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 147015680 06:37:59.137 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 44032 bytes 06:37:59.137 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: writing short block, 44032 bytes, remainder 0 06:37:59.137 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 115383 times, delayed 362988 times 06:37:59.137 [3468.5768] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 65841451 06:37:59.137 [3468.5768] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 06:37:59.137 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:37:59.371 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:37:59.371 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57392 06:37:59.464 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:37:59.495 [3468.5768] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3468 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 11235627 11235627 (bptm.c.20849) 06:37:59.558 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 06:37:59.651 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:37:59.651 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57336 06:37:59.745 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:38:00.057 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:38:00.135 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:38:00.135 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57360 06:38:00.821 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:38:00.884 [3468.5768] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327, copy 1, fragment 1, 65841451 Kbytes at 11466.940 Kbytes/sec 06:38:00.884 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 60 06:38:00.899 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:38:00.899 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57360 06:40:26.128 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 267005696 733575 06:40:26.144 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:42:37.425 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 30000640 733926 06:42:37.441 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:42:52.964 [1984.5060] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008099 -jm 06:42:52.964 [1984.5060] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 06:42:52.964 [1984.5060] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:43:04.696 [3468.5768] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: string received from bpdbm is (0 34175784 0) 06:43:04.696 [3468.5768] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: successfully connected to bpdbm to read TIR file, size is 34175784 bytes + 0 GB 06:43:04.696 [3468.5768] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0236, backup_time 1464595327, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 06:43:04.696 [3468.5768] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 06:43:04.696 [3468.5768] <2> io_open_disk: file CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327_C1_TIR successfully opened 06:43:04.696 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 06:43:04.711 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:43:04.711 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 06:43:04.836 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:43:04.977 [3468.5768] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 0, total_bytes = 0, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 34175784, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 06:43:05.023 [3468.5768] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 262144 06:43:15.304 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:43:15.367 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:43:15.367 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57360 06:43:15.445 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:43:16.802 [3468.5768] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 3468 7 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 33374 33374 (bptm.c.28557) 06:43:16.802 [3468.5768] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 65874825 06:43:16.833 [3468.5768] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 06:43:16.974 [3468.5768] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:43:16.974 [3468.5768] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57368 06:43:17.052 [3468.5768] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:43:17.223 [3468.5768] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client CFHQ002vw0236, backup_time 1464595327, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 06:43:17.223 [3468.5768] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 06:43:17.223 [3468.5768] <2> io_open_disk: file CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327_C1_TIR successfully opened 06:43:17.223 [3468.5768] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 34175784, total_bytes = 34175784, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 34175784, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 06:43:17.239 [3468.5768] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/CFHQ002vw0236_1464595327 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 06:43:17.410 [3468.5768] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26626358771712 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26626382364672 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 771900774400 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 771900774400 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=6 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464601369 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464601397 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=377810 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> put_length_bytes_nonblocking: cannot write data to network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <16> send_job_file: Failed to send request [job ID 733938, ftype = 3 msg len = 61, msg = LOG 1464601397 4 bptm 3468 EXITING with status 0 <---------- ] 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <2> set_job_details: Can't send tfile buffer, errno 2 06:43:17.442 [3468.5768] <16> bptm event_msg_to_monitor: failed to set job_details on master server myarsw00403bk01 06:43:17.457 [3468.5768] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 06:47:02.591 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 741015808 733432 06:47:02.622 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:47:50.376 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 33000704 733927 06:47:50.376 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:47:53.325 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:47:53.527 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:47:53.527 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1096 06:47:53.621 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:47:54.604 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:47:54.604 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 268228608 06:50:12.825 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:50:12.888 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:50:12.903 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 06:50:13.044 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:50:52.872 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 06:50:52.872 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 31203328 06:52:53.309 [6860.3308] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008101 -jm 06:52:53.309 [6860.3308] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 06:52:53.309 [6860.3308] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 06:55:48.925 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:55:48.987 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:55:48.987 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 06:55:49.081 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:55:49.128 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 06:55:49.128 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 34203648 06:56:04.619 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 06:56:04.775 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 06:56:04.775 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 06:56:04.884 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 06:56:09.986 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6402048 6402048 (bptm.c.26094) 06:56:09.986 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 743558144 06:56:26.475 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 150003200 733636 06:56:26.491 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:57:42.123 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 744015872 733432 06:57:42.138 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 06:58:22.653 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 270005760 733575 06:58:22.684 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:00:14.338 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:00:14.400 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:00:14.400 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 07:00:14.494 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:00:15.508 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 07:00:15.508 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 150616064 07:02:19.626 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 33000704 733926 07:02:19.642 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:02:53.807 [6424.4160] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008104 -jm 07:02:53.807 [6424.4160] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 07:02:53.807 [6424.4160] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 07:08:37.676 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 36000768 733927 07:08:37.676 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:08:59.002 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:08:59.017 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:08:59.017 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 07:11:14.789 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:11:14.852 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 07:11:14.852 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 271828992 07:12:52.839 [5936.6112] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008108 -jm 07:12:52.839 [5936.6112] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 07:12:52.839 [5936.6112] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 07:13:36.911 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:13:36.926 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:13:36.926 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 07:14:22.184 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 153003264 733636 07:14:22.199 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:16:01.201 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:16:01.325 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:16:01.325 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 07:17:17.238 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 273005824 733575 07:17:17.253 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:17:45.662 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:18:53.353 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:18:53.353 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:18:53.353 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 07:21:45.693 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:21:45.693 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:21:45.693 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57424 07:22:52.869 [6860.6900] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008110 -jm 07:22:52.869 [6860.6900] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 07:22:52.869 [6860.6900] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 07:26:41.543 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 276005888 733575 07:26:41.543 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:26:58.969 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:26:58.984 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:27:00.123 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 07:27:00.123 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 37203968 07:27:00.154 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 2000640 2000640 (bptm.c.26094) 07:27:00.154 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 745558784 07:27:00.154 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 07:27:00.154 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 154816512 07:27:00.201 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 07:27:00.201 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 34803712 07:29:48.001 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:29:48.017 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:29:48.017 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 07:29:48.781 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:29:48.875 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4800512 4800512 (bptm.c.26094) 07:29:48.875 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 276629504 07:32:53.915 [5536.6532] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008112 -jm 07:32:53.915 [5536.6532] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 07:32:53.915 [5536.6532] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 07:34:08.208 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 156003328 733636 07:34:08.208 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:34:20.799 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 36000768 733926 07:34:20.814 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:34:21.688 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:34:21.797 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:34:21.797 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 07:34:21.891 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:36:47.903 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 1200128 1200128 (bptm.c.26094) 07:36:47.903 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 36003840 07:39:48.219 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 39000832 733927 07:39:48.251 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:39:50.856 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:39:50.949 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:39:50.949 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 07:39:51.059 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:40:55.724 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 1800192 1800192 (bptm.c.26094) 07:40:55.724 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 39004160 07:41:18.283 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:41:18.299 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:41:18.299 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 07:41:18.408 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:41:18.658 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 800256 800256 (bptm.c.26094) 07:41:18.658 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 746359040 07:42:41.701 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 279005952 733575 07:42:41.717 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:42:53.246 [6208.4452] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008114 -jm 07:42:53.261 [6208.4452] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 07:42:53.261 [6208.4452] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 07:43:39.346 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 747015936 733432 07:43:39.408 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:44:09.252 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:44:09.268 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:44:09.268 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 07:44:09.361 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:44:11.514 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 07:44:11.514 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 157816832 07:51:11.920 [5444.2456] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {3CB342AC-8CB6-4B90-AE04-175E0FD75115} 1865574 1 159003392 733636 07:51:11.952 [5444.2456] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:52:53.371 [5816.6972] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008119 -jm 07:52:53.371 [5816.6972] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 07:52:53.371 [5816.6972] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 07:53:10.688 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:53:10.813 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:53:10.813 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 07:53:10.922 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:53:11.062 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 07:53:11.062 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 280829952 07:53:56.632 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 750016000 733432 07:53:56.632 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:55:16.694 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 39000832 733926 07:55:16.694 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 07:55:18.004 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 07:55:18.114 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 07:55:18.114 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 07:55:18.223 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 07:55:18.706 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 07:55:18.706 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 39004160 07:59:59.892 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 282006016 733575 07:59:59.907 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:00:26.803 [5448.2964] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 5956 -c ar-gecs21 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl Unix-Olleros -bt 1464606012 -b ar-gecs21_1464606012 -st 1 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008123 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -ru root -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 1 -rp 1209600 -sl Diario -ct 0 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733985 -jobgrpid 733985 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_-2141874585_5956_6412 -blks_per_buffer 512 08:00:26.881 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:26.881 [5448.2964] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 736 for client myarsw00403bk01 08:00:26.881 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 736 08:00:26.881 [5448.2964] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 08:00:26.912 [5448.2964] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733985> socket <736> 08:00:26.912 [5448.2964] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 62800 08:00:26.912 [5448.2964] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 08:00:26.912 [5448.2964] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 08:00:26.943 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:26.943 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:26.943 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:26.943 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 08:00:26.943 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 08:00:27.052 [5448.2964] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 08:00:27.052 [5448.2964] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 08:00:27.052 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:27.052 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5448_2060955995(Orb.cpp:795) 08:00:27.052 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5448_2060955995(Orb.cpp:805) 08:00:27.052 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5448_2060955995 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:27.052 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867151 *NULL* 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 1 0 0 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 cfhq002so0151-stu 0 524288 0 6 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 10 DataDomain 13 cfhq002so0151 16 cfhq002so0151-dp 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 @aaaaz 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 0 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> dsmlibp_emmserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 151 sev 4 EMM server set to myarsw00403bk01 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> dsmlibp_masterserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 174 sev 4 Master server set to myarsw00403bk01 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 256 sev 4 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on myarsw00403bk01 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> dsmlibp_get_orb: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 51 sev 4 Using dsmlib private orb 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_CLIENT_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_CLIENT_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:27.333 [5448.2964] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 264 sev 4 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000001EC35C0 08:00:27.520 [5448.2964] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 330 sev 4 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000001EC35C0 08:00:27.520 [5448.2964] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 338 sev 4 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 0000000001EC35C0 08:00:27.520 [5448.2964] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1687 sev 2 diskvolume media ID = @aaaaz 08:00:27.520 [5448.2964] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1690 sev 2 Calling dsm->getDiskVolumeInfoByMediaId() 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 483 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 491 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 497 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 501 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26624829947904 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 568 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 583 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 588 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 573 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 578 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freeSpace, property.value=26624829947904 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26624829947904 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 530 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 535 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 706510922752 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 540 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 706510922752 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 550 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 545 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=7 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464606012 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSMi::ReplicationSourceAndTargetSpecCount, property.value=0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464606013 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=378586 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::diskGroupName, property.value=cfhq002so0151-dp 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1713 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1725 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1736 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1248, buffer address = 0x360000 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> io_init: found index: 0 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> io_init: using 262144 data buffer size 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 200000 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path -2141871605 5448" shared memory file. 08:00:27.536 [5448.2964] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 7865048, buffer address = 0x0000000002120000, buf control = 0x00000000028A0000, ready ptr = 0x00000000028A02D0 08:00:29.658 [5448.2964] <16> 733985:bptm:5448:myarsw00200bk01: [1548:B94] Pormap trying to connect to address 08:00:29.704 [5448.2964] <2> get_physical_machine_name: myarsw00200bk01 is a Media server. Setting physical machine name to myarsw00200bk01 08:00:29.751 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 08:00:29.767 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:29.767 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:00:29.907 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:29.923 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:00:29.938 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:29.938 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:00:30.032 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:30.219 [5448.2964] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 5448 1 ar-gecs21_1464606012 0 Unix-Olleros 1 Diario 0 1 1 08:00:30.219 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 08:00:30.250 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:30.250 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 08:00:30.547 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:30.578 [5448.2964] <2> bp_sts_get_lsu: entry cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:30.578 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 08:00:30.609 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:30.609 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 08:00:30.843 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:30.874 [5448.2964] <4> write_disk_header: Data Classification & Storage Lifecycle action 6 08:00:30.874 [5448.2964] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client ar-gecs21, backup_time 1464606012, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 0, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 08:00:30.874 [5448.2964] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 08:00:30.890 [5448.2964] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client ar-gecs21, backup_time 1464606012, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 08:00:30.890 [5448.2964] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 08:00:30.906 [5448.2964] <2> io_open_disk: file ar-gecs21_1464606012_C1_F1 successfully opened 08:00:30.906 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 08:00:30.921 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:30.921 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 08:00:31.015 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:31.155 [5448.2964] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 4300.6500 08:00:31.155 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:00:31.171 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:31.171 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57396 08:00:31.218 [4300.6500] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 5956 -c ar-gecs21 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl Unix-Olleros -bt 1464606012 -b ar-gecs21_1464606012 -st 1 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008123 -jm -brm -hostname ar-gecs21 -ru root -rclnt ar-gecs21 -rclnthostname ar-gecs21 -rl 1 -rp 1209600 -sl Diario -ct 0 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733985 -jobgrpid 733985 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_-2141874585_5956_6412 -blks_per_buffer 512 -mmfill 5448 0 262144 30 10 -2141871605 0 1464606012 1 Unix-Olleros ar-gecs21 ar-gecs21_1464606012 08:00:31.233 [4300.6500] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:31.233 [4300.6500] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 748 for client myarsw00403bk01 08:00:31.233 [4300.6500] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 08:00:31.233 [4300.6500] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 08:00:31.249 [4300.6500] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733985> socket <748> 08:00:31.249 [4300.6500] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 62831 08:00:31.249 [4300.6500] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 08:00:31.249 [4300.6500] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 08:00:31.264 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:31.264 [4300.6500] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:31.264 [4300.6500] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:31.264 [4300.6500] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:31.264 [4300.6500] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 08:00:31.264 [4300.6500] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 08:00:31.311 [4300.6500] <2> setup_mm_child: [5448] child using 30 data buffers 08:00:31.311 [4300.6500] <2> setup_mm_child: [5448] child buffer size is 262144 08:00:31.311 [4300.6500] <2> setup_mm_child: [5448] buffer address = 0x2300000, buf control = 0x2a80000 08:00:32.450 [5448.2964] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id ar-gecs21_1464606012, copy 1, fragment 1, destination path cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:32.450 [5448.2964] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 5956) 08:00:32.450 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 1 delay_brm: 0 08:00:32.450 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 08:00:32.450 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 08:00:32.450 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: received first buffer (262144 bytes), begin writing data 08:00:32.466 [5448.2964] <2> send_media_kbytes_written_establish_threshold: CINDEX 0, RB Kbytes for monitoring = 3000000 08:00:36.350 [6608.6340] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 6808 -c myarso00201crm1 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl Unix-Olleros -bt 1464606013 -b myarso00201crm1_1464606013 -st 1 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008125 -jm -brm -hostname myarso00201crm1 -ru root -rclnt myarso00201crm1 -rclnthostname myarso00201crm1 -rl 1 -rp 1209600 -sl Diario -ct 0 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733986 -jobgrpid 733986 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_-2141865974_6808_4384 -blks_per_buffer 512 08:00:36.506 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:36.506 [6608.6340] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 736 for client myarsw00403bk01 08:00:36.506 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 736 08:00:36.506 [6608.6340] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 08:00:36.522 [6608.6340] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733986> socket <736> 08:00:36.522 [6608.6340] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 62845 08:00:36.522 [6608.6340] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 08:00:36.522 [6608.6340] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 08:00:36.553 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:36.553 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:36.553 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:36.553 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 08:00:36.553 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 08:00:36.678 [6608.6340] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/1 08:00:36.678 [6608.6340] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 08:00:36.678 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:36.678 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6608_2083528875(Orb.cpp:795) 08:00:36.678 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6608_2083528875(Orb.cpp:805) 08:00:36.678 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6608_2083528875 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:36.678 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867152 *NULL* 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 1 0 0 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 cfhq002so0151-stu 0 524288 0 6 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 10 DataDomain 13 cfhq002so0151 16 cfhq002so0151-dp 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 @aaaaz 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 0 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 17 cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> dsmlibp_emmserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 151 sev 4 EMM server set to myarsw00403bk01 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> dsmlibp_masterserver: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 174 sev 4 Master server set to myarsw00403bk01 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 256 sev 4 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on myarsw00403bk01 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> dsmlibp_get_orb: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 51 sev 4 Using dsmlib private orb 08:00:36.865 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:36.881 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_CLIENT_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_CLIENT_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:36.881 [6608.6340] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:36.881 [6608.6340] <2> dsmlibp_connect_dsm: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 264 sev 4 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000001E735C0 08:00:36.990 [6608.6340] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 330 sev 4 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000001E735C0 08:00:36.990 [6608.6340] <2> dsmlibp_register_factories: .\dsmlib_common.cpp: 338 sev 4 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 0000000001E735C0 08:00:36.990 [6608.6340] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1687 sev 2 diskvolume media ID = @aaaaz 08:00:36.990 [6608.6340] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1690 sev 2 Calling dsm->getDiskVolumeInfoByMediaId() 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 483 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 491 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 497 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 501 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26624829947904 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 568 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 583 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 588 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 573 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 578 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freeSpace, property.value=26624829947904 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26624829947904 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 530 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 535 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 706510922752 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 540 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 706510922752 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 550 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 545 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=7 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464606012 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSMi::ReplicationSourceAndTargetSpecCount, property.value=0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464606013 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=378586 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolumeinfo: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 593 sev 2 property.name=DSM::diskGroupName, property.value=cfhq002so0151-dp 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1713 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1725 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> dsm_get_diskvolumeinfo_by_mediaid: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 1736 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> io_init: bpbrm_handle = 1248, buffer address = 0x310000 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> io_init: found index: 0 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> io_init: using 262144 data buffer size 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> io_init: CINDEX 0, sched Kbytes for monitoring = 200000 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> io_init: using 30 data buffers 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> io_init: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> create_shared_memory: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path -2141862058 6608" shared memory file. 08:00:37.005 [6608.6340] <2> create_shared_memory: shm_size = 7865048, buffer address = 0x00000000020D0000, buf control = 0x0000000002850000, ready ptr = 0x00000000028502D0 08:00:39.143 [6608.6340] <16> 733986:bptm:6608:myarsw00200bk01: [19D0:18C4] Pormap trying to connect to address 08:00:39.268 [6608.6340] <2> get_physical_machine_name: myarsw00200bk01 is a Media server. Setting physical machine name to myarsw00200bk01 08:00:39.408 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 08:00:39.533 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:39.533 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:00:39.642 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:39.673 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:00:39.798 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:39.798 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 08:00:39.938 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:42.559 [6608.6340] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6608 1 myarso00201crm1_1464606013 0 Unix-Olleros 1 Diario 0 1 1 08:00:42.559 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 08:00:42.590 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:42.590 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:00:42.778 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:42.840 [6608.6340] <2> bp_sts_get_lsu: entry cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:42.840 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 08:00:42.887 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:42.887 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 08:00:43.214 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:43.261 [6608.6340] <4> write_disk_header: Data Classification & Storage Lifecycle action 6 08:00:43.261 [6608.6340] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client myarso00201crm1, backup_time 1464606013, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 0, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 08:00:43.261 [6608.6340] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 08:00:43.277 [6608.6340] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client myarso00201crm1, backup_time 1464606013, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number 1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 08:00:43.277 [6608.6340] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 08:00:43.277 [6608.6340] <2> io_open_disk: file myarso00201crm1_1464606013_C1_F1 successfully opened 08:00:43.277 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 08:00:43.308 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:43.308 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 08:00:43.448 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:43.667 [6608.6340] <2> write_backup: backup child process is pid 4632.6112 08:00:43.667 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:00:43.698 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:43.698 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57396 08:00:43.745 [4632.6112] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -w -pid 6808 -c myarso00201crm1 -dpath cfhq002so0151-lsu -stunit cfhq002so0151-stu -cl Unix-Olleros -bt 1464606013 -b myarso00201crm1_1464606013 -st 1 -cj 1 -reqid -1463008125 -jm -brm -hostname myarso00201crm1 -ru root -rclnt myarso00201crm1 -rclnthostname myarso00201crm1 -rl 1 -rp 1209600 -sl Diario -ct 0 -maxfrag 524288 -eari 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 733986 -jobgrpid 733986 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id Global\NetBackup_BPBRM_SHM_Path_-2141865974_6808_4384 -blks_per_buffer 512 -mmfill 6608 0 262144 30 10 -2141862058 0 1464606013 1 Unix-Olleros myarso00201crm1 myarso00201crm1_1464606013 08:00:43.823 [4632.6112] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:00:43.823 [4632.6112] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 748 for client myarsw00403bk01 08:00:43.838 [4632.6112] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 08:00:43.838 [4632.6112] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 08:00:43.838 [4632.6112] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733986> socket <748> 08:00:43.838 [4632.6112] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 62871 08:00:43.838 [4632.6112] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 08:00:43.838 [4632.6112] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 08:00:43.870 [4632.6112] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:00:43.870 [4632.6112] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:00:43.870 [4632.6112] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:00:43.870 [4632.6112] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 08:00:43.870 [4632.6112] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 08:00:44.026 [4632.6112] <2> setup_mm_child: [6608] child using 30 data buffers 08:00:44.026 [4632.6112] <2> setup_mm_child: [6608] child buffer size is 262144 08:00:44.026 [4632.6112] <2> setup_mm_child: [6608] buffer address = 0x21b0000, buf control = 0x2930000 08:00:44.104 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:00:46.288 [6608.6340] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id myarso00201crm1_1464606013, copy 1, fragment 1, destination path cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:00:46.288 [6608.6340] <2> signal_parent: set bpbrm media ready event (pid = 6808) 08:00:46.288 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 1 delay_brm: 0 08:00:46.288 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 08:00:46.288 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 08:00:46.288 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: received first buffer (262144 bytes), begin writing data 08:00:46.303 [6608.6340] <2> send_media_kbytes_written_establish_threshold: CINDEX 0, RB Kbytes for monitoring = 3000000 08:01:18.597 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:01:18.628 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:01:18.628 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 08:01:18.753 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:01:18.768 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6001920 6001920 (bptm.c.26094) 08:01:18.768 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 752360960 08:02:08.955 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 42000896 733927 08:02:08.971 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:02:09.985 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:02:10.110 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:02:10.110 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 08:02:10.219 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:02:10.796 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3000320 3000320 (bptm.c.26094) 08:02:10.796 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 42004480 08:02:53.292 [4264.3372] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008132 -jm 08:02:53.292 [4264.3372] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 08:02:53.292 [4264.3372] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:03:03.682 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 753016064 733432 08:03:03.698 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:04:12.013 [4300.6500] <2> fill_buffer: [5448] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 3 times, delayed 19 times, read 2879264 Kbytes 08:04:12.013 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 32768 bytes 08:04:12.013 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: writing short block, 32768 bytes, remainder 0 08:04:12.013 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 2911 times, delayed 13954 times 08:04:12.013 [5448.2964] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 2879264 08:04:12.013 [5448.2964] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 08:04:12.013 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:04:12.107 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:04:12.107 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57384 08:04:12.216 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:04:15.305 [5448.2964] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5448 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 2879264 2879264 (bptm.c.20849) 08:04:15.367 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 08:04:15.398 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:04:15.398 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 08:04:15.523 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:04:15.679 [5448.2964] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:04:15.679 [5448.2964] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:04:15.679 [5448.2964] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 08:04:15.804 [5448.2964] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:04:15.929 [5448.2964] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id ar-gecs21_1464606012, copy 1, fragment 1, 2879264 Kbytes at 13110.268 Kbytes/sec 08:04:15.929 [5448.2964] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/ar-gecs21_1464606012 08:04:16.085 [5448.2964] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 08:04:16.085 [5448.2964] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 08:04:16.100 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:04:16.100 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 08:04:16.100 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 08:04:16.100 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 08:04:16.100 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 08:04:16.100 [5448.2964] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 08:04:16.100 [5448.2964] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26624650641408 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26624660078592 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 700366791680 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 700366791680 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=7 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464606249 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464606256 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=378643 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:04:16.131 [5448.2964] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 08:04:34.057 [6608.6340] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {C9D7B48F-31BC-49BD-943E-06B13CF5094F} 1867152 1 3000064 733986 08:04:34.072 [6608.6340] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:05:42.091 [6608.6340] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {C9D7B48F-31BC-49BD-943E-06B13CF5094F} 1867152 1 6000128 733986 08:05:42.091 [6608.6340] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 91136 bytes 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: writing short block, 91136 bytes, remainder 0 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 629860 times, delayed 3254192 times 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> put_length_bytes_nonblocking: cannot write data to network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <16> send_job_file: Failed to send request [job ID 733636, ftype = 3 msg len = 86, msg = LOG 1464606344 4 bptm 5444 waited for full buffer 629860 times, delayed 3254192 times ] 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> set_job_details: Can't send tfile buffer, errno 0 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <16> bptm event_msg_to_monitor: failed to set job_details on master server myarsw00403bk01 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 161416537 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 08:05:44.103 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:05:44.259 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:05:44.259 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 08:05:44.431 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:05:45.039 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3599705 3599705 (bptm.c.20849) 08:05:45.102 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 08:05:45.133 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:05:45.133 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:05:45.242 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:05:45.351 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:05:45.445 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:05:45.445 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:05:45.554 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:05:46.989 [5444.2456] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186, copy 1, fragment 1, 161416537 Kbytes at 3155.842 Kbytes/sec 08:05:46.989 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 60 08:05:47.067 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:05:47.067 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:07:16.584 [5444.2456] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: string received from bpdbm is (0 10506364 0) 08:07:16.584 [5444.2456] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: successfully connected to bpdbm to read TIR file, size is 10506364 bytes + 0 GB 08:07:16.584 [5444.2456] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ004vw0176, backup_time 1464555186, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 08:07:16.584 [5444.2456] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 08:07:16.584 [5444.2456] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186_C1_TIR successfully opened 08:07:16.584 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 08:07:16.599 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:07:16.599 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 08:07:16.708 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:07:16.864 [5444.2456] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 0, total_bytes = 0, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 10506364, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 08:07:16.927 [5444.2456] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 262144 08:07:19.953 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:07:20.078 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:07:20.078 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 08:07:20.187 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:07:21.045 [5444.2456] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5444 7 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 10260 10260 (bptm.c.28557) 08:07:21.045 [5444.2456] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 161426797 08:07:21.123 [5444.2456] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 08:07:21.233 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:07:21.233 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 08:07:21.545 [5444.2456] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:07:21.685 [5444.2456] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ004vw0176, backup_time 1464555186, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 08:07:21.685 [5444.2456] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 08:07:21.685 [5444.2456] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186_C1_TIR successfully opened 08:07:21.685 [5444.2456] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 10506364, total_bytes = 10506364, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 10506364, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 08:07:21.701 [5444.2456] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186 08:07:21.841 [5444.2456] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 08:07:21.841 [5444.2456] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 08:07:21.857 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:07:21.857 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 08:07:21.857 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 08:07:21.857 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 08:07:21.857 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 08:07:21.857 [5444.2456] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 08:07:21.857 [5444.2456] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26624485490688 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26624485490688 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 690639519744 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 690639519744 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=6 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464606429 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464606441 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=378690 08:07:21.888 [5444.2456] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:07:21.950 [5444.2456] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:07:21.950 [5444.2456] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 57372 for client myarsw00403bk01 08:07:21.950 [5444.2456] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57372 08:07:21.950 [5444.2456] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 08:07:21.966 [5444.2456] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733636> socket <57372> 08:07:21.966 [5444.2456] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 63122 08:07:21.981 [5444.2456] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 08:07:24.462 [4632.6112] <2> fill_buffer: [6608] socket is closed, waited for empty buffer 1 times, delayed 4 times, read 6865472 Kbytes 08:07:24.478 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 65536 bytes 08:07:24.478 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: writing short block, 65536 bytes, remainder 0 08:07:24.478 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 7567 times, delayed 25429 times 08:07:24.478 [6608.6340] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 6865472 08:07:24.478 [6608.6340] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 08:07:24.478 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:07:24.493 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:07:24.493 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57396 08:07:24.602 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:07:27.676 [6608.6340] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6608 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6865472 6865472 (bptm.c.20849) 08:07:27.707 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 08:07:27.722 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:07:27.722 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:07:27.832 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:07:27.988 [6608.6340] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:07:28.003 [6608.6340] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:07:28.003 [6608.6340] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 08:07:28.097 [6608.6340] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:07:32.278 [6608.6340] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id myarso00201crm1_1464606013, copy 1, fragment 1, 6865472 Kbytes at 17240.919 Kbytes/sec 08:07:32.278 [6608.6340] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/myarso00201crm1_1464606013 08:07:32.418 [6608.6340] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 08:07:32.418 [6608.6340] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 08:07:32.434 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:07:32.434 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 08:07:32.434 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 08:07:32.434 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 08:07:32.434 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 08:07:32.434 [6608.6340] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 08:07:32.434 [6608.6340] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26624480772096 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26624485490688 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 690639519744 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 690639519744 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=6 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464606441 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464606452 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=378691 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:07:32.465 [6608.6340] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 08:08:33.245 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 756016128 733432 08:08:33.261 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:11:43.713 [4972.6252] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -dup -cmd -nosig -jobid 733994 -priority 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -c TAHQ004vw0176 -b TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186 -cl VMWare_Semanal_TA_Olleros -sl Semanal -shm -blksize 262144 -bt 1464555186 -st 0 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 29 -ifr -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -p TA -twin_fail_on_error 0 -eari 0 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -maxfrag 1048576 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cj 4 -sg *ANY* -use_vnetd -df 1 -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 08:11:43.806 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:43.806 [4972.6252] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 08:11:43.806 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 08:11:43.806 [4972.6252] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 08:11:43.822 [4972.6252] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733994> socket <716> 08:11:43.822 [4972.6252] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 63304 08:11:43.822 [4972.6252] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 08:11:43.822 [4972.6252] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 08:11:43.837 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:11:43.853 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:11:43.853 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:11:43.853 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 08:11:43.853 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/9 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_4972_1499826851(Orb.cpp:795) 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_4972_1499826851(Orb.cpp:805) 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_4972_1499826851 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 08:11:43.900 [4972.6252] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867159 OLL008 4000843 ------ 6 1462071656 1464555649 1467212000 0 1457275871 174 174 3 17 0 0 1024 0 22770373 0 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL008 4000843 OLL008 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 8 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 262144, removable media bufsize = 65536 08:11:44.071 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 08:11:44.103 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:44.103 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 08:11:44.243 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:11:44.243 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 08:11:44.259 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:44.259 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 08:11:44.368 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:11:44.383 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:11:44.493 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:44.493 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 08:11:44.602 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:11:47.051 [4972.6252] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4972 1 TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186 29 VMWare_Semanal_TA_Olleros 0 Semanal 0 1 2 08:11:47.051 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 08:11:47.160 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:47.160 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 08:11:47.332 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:11:47.363 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 08:11:47.457 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:47.457 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 08:11:47.535 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:11:47.691 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 08:11:47.800 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:47.800 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 08:11:47.987 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 08:11:48.003 [4972.6252] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL008 08:11:48.065 [4972.6252] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 733994, pDstMediaId = OLL008 08:11:48.065 [4972.6252] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL 63321 4972 65536 08:11:49.703 [4972.6252] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 -2141190131 6668 0 0 0 0 1 08:11:49.703 [4972.6252] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL008 (copy 2) on server myarsw00200bk01. 08:11:49.703 [4972.6252] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 08:11:49.703 [4972.6252] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 08:11:49.703 [4972.6252] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 08:11:49.703 [4972.6252] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 08:11:49.703 [4972.6252] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 08:11:50.717 [4972.6252] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 08:11:56.895 [4972.6252] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 08:11:56.895 [4972.6252] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 08:11:56.895 [4972.6252] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 08:11:57.145 [4972.6252] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 08:11:57.145 [4972.6252] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 08:11:57.145 [4972.6252] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 08:11:57.145 [4972.6252] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 08:11:57.145 [4972.6252] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 08:11:57.160 [4972.6252] <2> write_backup: media id OLL008 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {2,0,0,1}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, copy 2 08:11:57.160 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:11:57.223 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:11:57.223 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 08:11:57.379 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:11:57.410 [4972.6252] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4972 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 08:11:57.410 [4972.6252] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 0, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000002054740, copy 2 08:11:57.410 [4972.6252] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 0 08:11:57.426 [4972.6252] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 0 08:12:02.667 [4972.6252] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL008, copy 2, current number images = 174 08:12:02.667 [4972.6252] <2> io_position_for_write: locating to absolute block number 22770373, copy 2 08:12:02.667 [4972.6252] <2> io_position_for_write: locate block is done 08:12:02.683 [4972.6252] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 175, bid = (empty_file), copy 2 08:12:02.683 [4972.6252] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL008, OK, copy 2 08:12:02.683 [4972.6252] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 0 08:12:02.683 [4972.6252] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 0 08:12:02.699 [4972.6252] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867159 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464606703 1467233586 0 1457275871 174 174 3 17 0 0 1024 0 22770373 0 08:12:02.761 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:12:02.870 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:12:02.870 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 08:12:02.979 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OLL008 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 (index 0) 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 22770373, copy 2 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186, file num = 175, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 08:12:06.661 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 08:12:22.059 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 42000896 733926 08:12:22.075 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:12:53.276 [6408.6024] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008137 -jm 08:12:53.276 [6408.6024] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464606773 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464606708 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733994 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867159 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: RBID = {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: PID = 4972 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 08:12:53.291 [6408.6024] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:15:02.355 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 759016192 733432 08:15:02.371 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:15:06.411 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 285006080 733575 08:15:06.427 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:15:13.993 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:15:14.056 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:15:14.056 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57392 08:15:14.165 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:15:15.865 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 08:15:15.865 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 285030400 08:18:12.667 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:18:12.792 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:18:12.792 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 08:18:12.932 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:18:13.072 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 08:18:13.072 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 43204608 08:19:01.403 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 762016256 733432 08:19:01.419 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:20:28.938 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 45000960 733927 08:20:28.954 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:21:44.492 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:21:44.554 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:21:44.554 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57416 08:21:44.866 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:21:44.882 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 11603712 11603712 (bptm.c.26094) 08:21:44.897 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 763964672 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008139 -jm 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464607373 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464606708 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733994 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867159 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: RBID = {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: PID = 4972 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 08:22:53.056 [5024.6384] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:24:12.931 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:24:13.041 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:24:13.041 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57420 08:24:13.150 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:24:13.493 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 765016320 733432 08:24:13.509 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:24:14.694 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 08:24:14.694 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 45604864 08:26:45.615 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 45000960 733926 08:26:45.615 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:28:46.691 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 768016384 733432 08:28:46.706 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:30:44.522 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 288006144 733575 08:30:44.522 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:32:14.538 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:32:14.553 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:32:14.553 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728 08:32:14.662 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:32:14.709 [4972.6252] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4972 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 64800000 64800000 (bptm.c.26094) 08:32:14.709 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 64800000 08:32:49.625 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 771016448 733432 08:32:49.625 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008146 -jm 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464607973 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464606708 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733994 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867159 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: RBID = {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: PID = 4972 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 08:32:53.447 [5804.7128] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:35:19.257 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 48001024 733927 08:35:19.257 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:36:42.739 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 774016512 733432 08:36:42.739 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:37:21.165 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:37:21.228 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:37:21.228 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 08:37:21.321 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:37:21.976 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 08:37:21.976 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 289230848 08:39:57.720 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 777016576 733432 08:39:57.736 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:40:59.968 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:41:00.061 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:41:00.061 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 08:41:00.171 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:41:01.793 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 08:41:01.793 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 47405056 08:41:46.693 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:41:46.693 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:41:46.693 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 08:41:46.802 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:41:50.172 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 14804736 14804736 (bptm.c.26094) 08:41:50.172 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 778769408 08:42:53.074 [4132.5816] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008149 -jm 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464608573 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464606708 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733994 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867159 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: RBID = {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: PID = 4972 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 08:42:53.090 [4132.5816] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:43:04.837 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 780016640 733432 08:43:04.837 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:44:36.413 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 48001024 733926 08:44:36.460 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:45:50.423 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:45:50.470 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:45:50.470 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 08:45:50.579 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:45:52.139 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4800512 4800512 (bptm.c.26094) 08:45:52.139 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 50405376 08:46:44.058 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 291006208 733575 08:46:44.058 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:48:22.482 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 51001088 733927 08:48:22.498 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:48:28.145 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 783016704 733432 08:48:28.161 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:52:17.802 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 08:52:17.817 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 08:52:17.817 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 08:52:17.911 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 08:52:20.173 [4972.6252] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4972 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 67200000 67200000 (bptm.c.26094) 08:52:20.173 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 132000000 08:52:33.028 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 786016768 733432 08:52:33.044 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008155 -jm 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464609173 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464606708 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733994 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867159 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: RBID = {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: PID = 4972 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 08:52:53.605 [1864.6248] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 08:57:08.815 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 789016832 733432 08:57:08.831 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:00:05.991 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:00:06.007 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:00:06.007 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1096 09:00:06.101 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:00:06.132 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 09:00:06.132 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 293431296 09:01:09.299 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 25600 bytes 09:01:09.299 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: writing short block, 25600 bytes, remainder 0 09:01:09.299 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 81572 times, delayed 108454 times 09:01:09.299 [4972.6252] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 161416537 09:01:09.299 [4972.6252] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 09:01:09.299 [4972.6252] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.20644) on drive index 0 09:01:09.330 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:01:09.361 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:01:09.361 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 09:01:09.455 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:01:09.486 [4972.6252] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4972 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 29416537 29416537 (bptm.c.20849) 09:01:09.486 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 09:01:09.501 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:01:09.501 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 09:01:09.595 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:01:09.751 [4972.6252] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867159 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464606703 1467233586 0 1618692408 175 175 3 17 0 0 1024 0 22770373 0 09:01:09.845 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:01:09.876 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:01:09.876 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 09:01:09.954 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:01:09.970 [4972.6252] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186, copy 2, fragment 1, 161416537 Kbytes at 54856.527 Kbytes/sec 09:01:10.562 [4972.6252] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 09:01:10.562 [4972.6252] <2> create_data_socket: tir socket created, fd is 728 09:01:10.578 [4972.6252] <2> write_data_tir: size of tir data received from read side is 10506364 bytes + 0 GB 09:01:10.578 [4972.6252] <2> write_data_tir: INF - Begin writing image file information for copy 2. 09:01:10.594 [4972.6252] <2> write_data_tir: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 25292509, copy 2 09:01:10.594 [4972.6252] <2> write_data_tir: block position check: actual 25292509, expected 25292509 09:01:10.594 [4972.6252] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186, file num = 176, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 09:01:10.672 [4972.6252] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 65536 09:01:11.108 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:01:11.202 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:01:11.202 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728 09:01:11.342 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4972 7 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 10261 10261 (bptm.c.28557) 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 161426797 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 0, copy 2 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 0 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 25292672, copy 2 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, empty_file, file num = 177, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9103 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 25292672, expected 25292672 09:01:13.495 [4972.6252] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867159 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464606703 1467233586 0 1618692408 175 175 3 17 0 0 1024 0 25292672 0 09:01:13.526 [4972.6252] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 09:01:13.526 [4972.6252] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:01:13.526 [4972.6252] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 25292672 in io_terminate_tape 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9286 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> write_data_tir: adding copy 2 fragment -1 (10261 Kbytes) for TIR data, filenum 176 09:01:13.682 [4972.6252] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 09:01:13.698 [4972.6252] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:01:13.714 [4972.6252] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 09:01:13.823 [4972.6252] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:01:13.932 [4972.6252] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867159 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464606703 1467233586 0 1618702669 176 176 3 17 0 0 1024 0 25292672 0 09:01:13.963 [4972.6252] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm TAHQ004vw0176_1464555186 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL008 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 733994 0 OLL008 4000843 180 {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 733994 0 OLL008 4000843 180 {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283}) 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 733994 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL008 mediaKey 4000843 unloadDelay 180 allocId {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 09:01:14.088 [4972.6252] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 09:01:14.104 [4972.6252] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:01:14.104 [4972.6252] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 09:01:14.104 [4972.6252] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:01:14.665 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 54001152 733927 09:01:14.665 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:02:13.261 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:02:13.402 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:02:13.402 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57420 09:02:13.495 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:02:13.542 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 13204224 13204224 (bptm.c.26094) 09:02:13.542 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 791973632 09:02:22.107 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 792016896 733432 09:02:22.122 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:02:49.969 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 294006272 733575 09:02:49.985 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008159 -jm 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = FALSE CURTIME = 1464609772 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: MODE = 1 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464609674 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: REQID = 733994 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867159 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: RBID = {6381DFFA-1C9E-4FA1-AD4D-0C9B29010283} 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: PID = 4972 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:02:52.840 [6684.6536] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:03:19.657 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 51001088 733926 09:03:19.657 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:03:20.874 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:03:20.937 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:03:20.937 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 09:03:21.030 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:03:21.217 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 09:03:21.217 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 51005440 09:04:16.553 [6800.5460] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 -dp {2,0,0,1} -dk 2001817 -m OLL008 -mk 4000843 -mds 0 -alocid 1867159 -jobid -1463008160 -jm 09:04:16.553 [6800.5460] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 09:04:16.553 [6800.5460] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 09:04:16.568 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 09:04:16.568 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 09:04:16.568 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 09:04:16.568 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 09:04:16.568 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 6800 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL008 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6800_299038207(Orb.cpp:795) 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6800_299038207(Orb.cpp:805) 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6800_299038207 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 09:04:16.631 [6800.5460] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867159 OLL008 4000843 ------ 6 1462071656 1464555649 1467212000 0 1457275871 174 174 3 17 0 0 1024 0 22770373 0 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL008 4000843 OLL008 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 8 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,1} 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 09:04:16.709 [6800.5460] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:04:16.724 [6800.5460] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 09:04:16.724 [6800.5460] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 09:04:16.724 [6800.5460] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 09:04:17.130 [6800.5460] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 09:04:19.189 [6800.5460] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:04:19.205 [6800.5460] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:04:19.205 [6800.5460] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 09:04:19.298 [6800.5460] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 6800 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> drivename_remove: Called 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:04:19.345 [6800.5460] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:07:30.468 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:07:30.562 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:07:30.562 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 09:07:30.655 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:07:32.153 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4800512 4800512 (bptm.c.26094) 09:07:32.153 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 55205888 09:11:51.934 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 795016960 733432 09:11:51.981 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:12:52.948 [5600.4032] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008163 -jm 09:12:52.948 [5600.4032] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:12:52.948 [5600.4032] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:16:16.770 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 297006336 733575 09:16:16.786 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:16:54.243 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 57001216 733927 09:16:54.258 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:20:33.727 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 54001152 733926 09:20:33.743 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:21:39.125 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:21:39.203 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:21:39.203 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57400 09:21:39.297 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:21:46.785 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4800512 4800512 (bptm.c.26094) 09:21:46.785 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 298231808 09:22:53.524 [2856.2968] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008165 -jm 09:22:53.524 [2856.2968] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:22:53.524 [2856.2968] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:23:54.960 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:23:55.069 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:23:55.069 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46836 09:23:55.147 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:24:08.236 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 09:24:08.236 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 54605824 09:24:23.400 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:24:23.478 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:24:23.478 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 09:24:23.587 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:24:35.116 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4801536 4801536 (bptm.c.26094) 09:24:35.116 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 796775168 09:28:37.720 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 798017024 733432 09:28:37.720 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:28:54.522 [4276.7012] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -pid 6600 -mpx_restore -S myarsw00403bk01 -mud 180 09:28:54.522 [4276.7012] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 09:28:54.522 [4276.7012] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 09:28:54.554 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 09:28:54.554 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 09:28:54.554 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 09:28:54.554 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 09:28:54.554 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 09:28:54.585 [4276.7012] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 4276 09:28:54.600 [4276.7012] <2> process_mpx_protocol: wait for initial START RESTORE message from bpbrm 09:28:57.642 [4276.7012] <2> read_brm_msg: START RESTORE -b tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 -bt 1464053533 -c TAHQ004vw0206 -cl TA-BANCO-SQL-1week -st 2 -ct 15 -firstblk 0 -restoreid 734004.001 -cn 1 -flport 0 -flipc 62009 -hostname TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnt TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnthostname TAHQ004vw0206 -L /C/ProgramĀ Files/Veritas/NetBackup/Logs/user_ops/mssql/logs/0530116092812-1488-6444-000-000-prg -ru root -lcmsg C -lctime C -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 734004 09:28:57.642 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 09:28:57.705 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:57.705 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 948 09:28:57.923 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:28:57.954 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_read_init: image is not multiplexed 09:28:57.954 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_read_init: media id OLL026, copy 1, fragment 1 (151353376 Kbytes) filenum 14 being considered for restore 09:28:57.954 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_read_init: filenumber for new restore is 14, Mpx_Filenum is -1 09:28:57.954 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:28:58.017 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:58.032 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956 09:28:58.110 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:28:58.407 [4276.7012] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 4276 0 tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 15 TA-BANCO-SQL-1week 2 *NULL* 0 1 1 09:28:58.407 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: using 30 data buffers, buffer size is 65536 09:28:58.407 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 09:28:58.407 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path -2136564108 4276" shared memory file. 09:28:58.407 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: shm_size = 1968600, buffer address = 0000000002950000, buf control = 0000000002B30000, ready ptr = 0000000002B302D0, res_cntl = 0000000002B302D8 09:28:58.438 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:58.500 [4276.7012] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956 09:28:58.500 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 09:28:58.734 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53572 09:28:58.937 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_start_child: backup child for tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 is pid 1696.6204, CINDEX = 0 09:28:58.937 [4276.7012] <2> send_brm_msg: NCB_DATASOCKET tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 53572;bd869792acd464da1e06e2a1f9f25318;11;300 09:28:58.937 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 09:28:59.015 [1696.6204] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -pid 6600 -mpx_restore -S myarsw00403bk01 -mud 180 -den 6 -b tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 -restoreid 734004.001 -cl TA-BANCO-SQL-1week -c TAHQ004vw0206 -hostname TAHQ004vw0206 -L /C/ProgramĀ Files/Veritas/NetBackup/Logs/user_ops/mssql/logs/0530116092812-1488-6444-000-000-prg -ru root -rclnt TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnthostname TAHQ004vw0206 -flipc 62009 -mmflush 4276 0 65536 30 10 0 0 0 0 -2136564108 0 0 09:28:59.015 [1696.6204] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 09:28:59.015 [1696.6204] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 09:28:59.031 [1696.6204] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 09:28:59.031 [1696.6204] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 09:28:59.031 [1696.6204] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 09:28:59.031 [1696.6204] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 09:28:59.031 [1696.6204] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 09:28:59.047 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:59.047 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 968 09:28:59.171 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:28:59.203 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 09:28:59.218 [1696.6204] <2> setup_mm_child: [4276] child using 30 data buffers 09:28:59.218 [1696.6204] <2> setup_mm_child: [4276] child buffer size is 65536 09:28:59.218 [1696.6204] <2> setup_mm_child: [4276] buffer address = 0x29d0000, buf control = 0x2bb0000, ready ptr = 0x2bb02d0, res_cntl = 0x2bb02d8 09:28:59.374 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:59.374 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 968 09:28:59.499 [4276.7012] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 09:28:59.639 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:28:59.733 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:59.733 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 09:28:59.733 [4276.7012] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 09:28:59.749 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:59.749 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956 09:28:59.795 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:28:59.842 [4276.7012] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 976 09:28:59.842 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 09:28:59.873 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:29:00.061 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53573 09:29:01.574 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 09:29:01.574 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 59406336 09:29:01.667 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:01.667 [4276.7012] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 988 for client myarsw00403bk01 09:29:01.667 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 988 09:29:01.667 [4276.7012] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 09:29:01.699 [4276.7012] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <0> socket <988> 09:29:01.699 [4276.7012] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 49248 09:29:01.699 [4276.7012] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 734004, pSrcMediaId = OLL026 09:29:01.699 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 09:29:01.823 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:01.823 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 976 09:29:01.933 [4276.7012] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 09:29:02.167 [4276.7012] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 09:29:02.182 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:02.182 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 968 09:29:02.198 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:02.260 [4276.7012] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956 09:29:02.260 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 09:29:02.494 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53577 09:29:03.976 [4276.7012] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type READ/2 09:29:03.976 [4276.7012] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = OLL026 09:29:03.976 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 09:29:03.976 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_4276_1637547421(Orb.cpp:795) 09:29:03.976 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_4276_1637547421(Orb.cpp:805) 09:29:03.976 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_4276_1637547421 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 09:29:03.976 [4276.7012] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 09:29:05.209 [4276.7012] <2> Media_signal_poll: Read bpbrm message (MultiResReq.cpp:2398) 09:29:05.209 [4276.7012] <2> process_brm_msg: no pending message from bpbrm 09:29:05.240 [4276.7012] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867195 OLL026 4000861 ------ 6 1463796015 1464407639 1465012439 1464459923 849320864 79 66 0 17 8 0 1024 0 13270838 0 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL026 4000861 OLL026 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 26 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 2001820 9261070004 {2,0,0,4} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> read_backup_mount_media: Number UP drives before restore = 4 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL026 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 09:29:05.256 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 09:29:05.334 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:05.334 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 09:29:05.427 [4276.7012] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 09:29:05.661 [4276.7012] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 09:29:05.677 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:05.677 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 09:29:05.692 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:05.770 [4276.7012] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 09:29:05.770 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 09:29:05.989 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53583 09:29:08.126 [4276.7012] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 09:29:08.126 [4276.7012] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:29:08.126 [4276.7012] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 09:29:08.126 [4276.7012] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 09:29:08.126 [4276.7012] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 09:29:08.360 [1696.6204] <2> io_set_sendbuf: setting send network buffer to 132096 bytes 09:29:08.422 [1696.6204] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:08.485 [1696.6204] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 09:29:08.485 [1696.6204] <8> vnet_vnetd_daemon_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:378] VN_REQUEST_DAEMON_SOCKET 2 0x2 09:29:08.485 [1696.6204] <8> vnet_vnetd_daemon_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:392] ipc_string 62009 09:29:08.750 [1696.6204] <2> connect_bprd_socket: [4276] data socket to bprd is connected port = 0, fd = 316, DATAPORT=0, duping to stdin 09:29:09.140 [4276.7012] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 09:29:15.318 [4276.7012] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, serial_num: 9261070004 09:29:15.318 [4276.7012] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:29:15.318 [4276.7012] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 09:29:15.412 [4276.7012] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) configured with blocksize 0 09:29:15.412 [4276.7012] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) has compression enabled 09:29:15.412 [4276.7012] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE (D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007) 09:29:15.412 [4276.7012] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 09:29:15.412 [4276.7012] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, serial_num: 9261070004 09:29:15.412 [4276.7012] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:29:15.412 [4276.7012] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 09:29:15.583 [4276.7012] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) configured with blocksize 0 09:29:15.583 [4276.7012] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 successfully opened (mode 0) 09:29:15.583 [4276.7012] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 3, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001F91F20, copy 1 09:29:15.583 [4276.7012] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 3 09:29:15.583 [4276.7012] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 3 09:29:17.580 [4276.7012] <2> read_backup_mount_media: media id OLL026 mounted on drive index 3 09:29:17.580 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:29:17.705 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:17.705 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 09:29:17.798 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:29:17.830 [4276.7012] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4276 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL026 0 1 0 0 0 (mpxrestore.c.302) 09:29:17.830 [4276.7012] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867195 OLL026 4000861 *NULL* 6 1463796015 1464407639 1465012439 1464611357 849320864 79 66 0 17 9 0 1024 0 13270838 0 09:29:17.939 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 09:29:17.954 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:17.954 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 09:29:18.095 [4276.7012] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 09:29:18.329 [4276.7012] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 09:29:18.344 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:18.344 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 09:29:18.360 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:18.422 [4276.7012] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 09:29:18.422 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 09:29:18.656 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53588 09:29:20.170 [4276.7012] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL026 to file number 14 09:29:20.185 [4276.7012] <2> io_position_for_read: locating to absolute block number 1310207 09:29:20.185 [4276.7012] <2> io_position_for_read: locate block is done 09:29:20.185 [4276.7012] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 3, reading backup header 09:29:20.217 [4276.7012] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL026 to file number 14 09:29:20.217 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 09:29:20.326 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:20.326 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 09:29:20.419 [4276.7012] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 09:29:20.669 [4276.7012] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 09:29:20.700 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:20.700 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 09:29:20.716 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:20.778 [4276.7012] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 09:29:20.778 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 09:29:20.981 [4276.7012] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53590 09:29:22.588 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:29:22.650 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:29:22.650 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 09:29:22.759 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:29:22.791 [4276.7012] <4> mpx_issue_begin_msg: begin reading backup id tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 (restore), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL026 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 (index 3) 09:29:22.791 [4276.7012] <2> send_brm_msg: CURRENT POSITION OLL026 14 09:29:22.791 [4276.7012] <2> process_brm_msg: no pending message from bpbrm 09:29:23.805 [4276.7012] <2> read_brm_msg: CONTINUE RESTORE 09:29:23.805 [4276.7012] <2> send_brm_msg: MEDIA READY 09:29:23.805 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_read_data: begin reading data from media id OLL026, file num 14 09:29:23.805 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 09:29:23.805 [4276.7012] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 3, is LBA 1310208 09:29:23.836 [1696.6204] <2> filter_image: [4276] Min_records before frag switch is 90000, locate available = 1 09:29:23.836 [1696.6204] <2> save_block: [4276] Allocated SAVE_BUF to 262144 bytes. 09:30:00.918 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 300006400 733575 09:30:00.918 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:31:08.422 [1696.6204] <2> write_to_out: ignoring EPIPE type error for DB Restore 09:31:08.422 [1696.6204] <2> terminate_restore: [4276] waited for full buffer 1 times, delayed 1 times 09:31:08.422 [1696.6204] <2> terminate_restore: [4276] sent 1 directories/files to client TAHQ004vw0206 09:31:08.422 [4276.7012] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 restore 09:31:08.578 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_check_children: Total Kbytes transferred 557696 09:31:08.578 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:31:08.859 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:31:08.859 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 980 09:31:08.968 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:31:09.109 [4276.7012] <4> mpx_check_children: successfully restored from backup id tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533, copy 1, 557696 kbytes 09:31:09.109 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:31:09.109 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:31:09.109 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 09:31:09.202 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:31:09.234 [4276.7012] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4276 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL026 0 1 0 557696 557696 (mpxrestore.c.3058) 09:31:09.234 [4276.7012] <2> send_brm_msg: MEDIA NOT READY 09:31:09.234 [4276.7012] <2> send_brm_msg: EXIT tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464053533 0 09:31:09.234 [4276.7012] <2> bct_clear_active: Set BCTable entry 0 to inactive, ACTIVE_GC count decremented to 0 09:31:09.234 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:31:09.234 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:31:09.234 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 09:31:09.327 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:31:09.358 [4276.7012] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4276 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL026 0 0 0 (mpxrestore.c.1497) 09:31:09.358 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_read_data: waited for empty buffer 3623 times, delayed 6656 times 09:31:09.358 [4276.7012] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, from mpxrestore.c.3135 09:31:09.358 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_waiting_term: waiting for TERMINATE or another START RESTORE 09:31:54.990 [4276.7012] <2> mpx_check_msg_pending: could not open msg pending event, The system cannot find the file specified. 09:31:54.990 [4276.7012] <2> read_brm_msg: TERMINATE 09:31:54.990 [4276.7012] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, serial_num: 9261070004 09:31:54.990 [4276.7012] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:31:54.990 [4276.7012] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 09:31:55.099 [4276.7012] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) configured with blocksize 0 09:31:55.099 [4276.7012] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) has compression enabled 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 successfully opened (mode 2) 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tpunmount) 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, from bptm.c.16626 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> tpunmount: NOP: MEDIA_DONE 0 0 0 OLL026 4000861 180 {EB1E1B42-AC18-4BD4-9C40-970C7DBDB800} 09:31:55.115 [4276.7012] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:31:55.162 [4276.7012] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:31:55.162 [4276.7012] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1096 09:31:55.286 [4276.7012] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <4> mpx_read_backup: successfully restored 1 of 1 requests, read total of 557696 Kbytes at 5330.886 Kbytes/sec 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL026 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 734004 0 OLL026 4000861 180 {EB1E1B42-AC18-4BD4-9C40-970C7DBDB800} 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 734004 0 OLL026 4000861 180 {EB1E1B42-AC18-4BD4-9C40-970C7DBDB800}) 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 734004 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL026 mediaKey 4000861 unloadDelay 180 allocId {EB1E1B42-AC18-4BD4-9C40-970C7DBDB800} 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:31:57.377 [4276.7012] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:32:13.586 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 60001280 733927 09:32:13.586 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008168 -jm 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 LOCK = FALSE CURTIME = 1464611573 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: MODE = 1 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464611515 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,4} 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL026 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734004 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867195 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: RBID = {EB1E1B42-AC18-4BD4-9C40-970C7DBDB800} 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: PID = 4276 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:32:53.430 [3376.6964] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:34:58.404 [6464.3724] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 -dp {2,0,0,4} -dk 2001820 -m OLL026 -mk 4000861 -mds 16 -alocid 1867195 -jobid -1463008169 -jm 09:34:58.404 [6464.3724] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 09:34:58.404 [6464.3724] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 09:34:58.436 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 09:34:58.436 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 09:34:58.436 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 09:34:58.436 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 09:34:58.436 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 6464 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL026 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6464_321019313(Orb.cpp:795) 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6464_321019313(Orb.cpp:805) 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6464_321019313 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 09:34:58.529 [6464.3724] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867195 OLL026 4000861 ------ 6 1463796015 1464407639 1465012439 1464459923 849320864 79 66 0 17 8 0 1024 0 13270838 0 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL026 4000861 OLL026 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 26 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 2001820 9261070004 {2,0,0,4} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,4} 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 09:34:58.966 [6464.3724] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:34:59.372 [6464.3724] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 09:35:01.431 [6464.3724] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:35:01.540 [6464.3724] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:35:01.540 [6464.3724] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 09:35:01.649 [6464.3724] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 6464 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL026 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> drivename_remove: Called 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:35:01.696 [6464.3724] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:37:56.795 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 57001216 733926 09:37:56.795 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:38:25.063 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 801017088 733432 09:38:25.063 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:42:44.718 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 303006464 733575 09:42:44.718 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:42:50.600 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:42:50.615 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:42:50.615 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57304 09:42:50.724 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:42:50.756 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4800512 4800512 (bptm.c.26094) 09:42:50.756 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 303032320 09:42:52.784 [5736.7128] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008171 -jm 09:42:52.784 [5736.7128] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:42:52.784 [5736.7128] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:44:27.089 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:44:27.214 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:44:27.214 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57416 09:44:27.323 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:45:01.676 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:45:01.941 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:45:01.941 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 09:45:02.066 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:47:25.482 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 63001344 733927 09:47:25.482 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:47:29.039 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 09:47:29.039 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 58206208 09:47:29.086 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 6001920 6001920 (bptm.c.26094) 09:47:29.086 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 802777088 09:50:26.933 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 09:50:27.011 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 09:50:27.011 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 09:50:27.135 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 09:51:33.734 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 804017152 733432 09:51:33.734 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:52:53.360 [6064.6508] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008173 -jm 09:52:53.360 [6064.6508] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 09:52:53.360 [6064.6508] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 09:54:07.088 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 306006528 733575 09:54:07.120 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 09:54:18.524 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 09:54:18.524 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 63606784 09:56:03.734 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 60001280 733926 09:56:03.734 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:02:47.821 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 807017216 733432 10:02:47.868 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:02:52.813 [6860.2640] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008175 -jm 10:02:52.813 [6860.2640] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 10:02:52.813 [6860.2640] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:04:36.479 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:04:36.604 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:04:36.604 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57420 10:04:36.697 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:04:36.744 [6428.6664] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6428 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4801536 4801536 (bptm.c.26094) 10:04:36.744 [6428.6664] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 807578624 10:05:05.480 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:05:05.558 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:05:05.558 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57400 10:05:05.668 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:05:05.683 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 5400576 5400576 (bptm.c.26094) 10:05:05.683 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 308432896 10:05:31.752 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:05:31.845 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:05:31.845 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46832 10:05:31.970 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:05:32.001 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 10:05:32.001 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 61806592 10:06:18.585 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 66001408 733927 10:06:18.600 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:07:25.309 [5204.6656] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -pid 6804 -mpx_restore -S myarsw00403bk01 -mud 180 10:07:25.309 [5204.6656] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 10:07:25.309 [5204.6656] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 10:07:25.324 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 10:07:25.324 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 10:07:25.340 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 10:07:25.340 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 10:07:25.340 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 10:07:25.449 [5204.6656] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 5204 10:07:25.449 [5204.6656] <2> process_mpx_protocol: wait for initial START RESTORE message from bpbrm 10:07:31.533 [5204.6656] <2> read_brm_msg: START RESTORE -b tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 -bt 1464490903 -c TAHQ004vw0206 -cl TA-BANCO-SQL-1month -st 2 -ct 15 -firstblk 0 -restoreid 734014.001 -cn 1 -flport 0 -flipc 63800 -hostname TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnt TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnthostname TAHQ004vw0206 -L /C/ProgramĀ Files/Veritas/NetBackup/Logs/user_ops/mssql/logs/0530116100552-2952-5420-000-000-prg -ru root -lcmsg C -lctime C -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 734014 10:07:31.533 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 10:07:31.627 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:31.627 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 948 10:07:31.876 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:07:31.908 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_init: image is not multiplexed 10:07:31.908 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_init: media id OLL010, copy 1, fragment 1 (151455008 Kbytes) filenum 58 being considered for restore 10:07:31.908 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_init: filenumber for new restore is 58, Mpx_Filenum is -1 10:07:31.908 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:07:31.970 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:31.970 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956 10:07:32.126 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:07:32.204 [5204.6656] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 5204 0 tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 15 TA-BANCO-SQL-1month 2 *NULL* 0 1 1 10:07:32.204 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: using 30 data buffers, buffer size is 65536 10:07:32.204 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 10:07:32.204 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path -2134253406 5204" shared memory file. 10:07:32.204 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: shm_size = 1968600, buffer address = 0000000002990000, buf control = 0000000002B70000, ready ptr = 0000000002B702D0, res_cntl = 0000000002B702D8 10:07:32.220 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:32.282 [5204.6656] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956 10:07:32.282 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 10:07:32.516 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53916 10:07:32.735 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_start_child: backup child for tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 is pid 4968.2752, CINDEX = 0 10:07:32.735 [5204.6656] <2> send_brm_msg: NCB_DATASOCKET tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 53916;3fac15ab0744069ff432bff54edb8c43;11;900 10:07:32.735 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 10:07:32.766 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:32.766 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 968 10:07:32.813 [4968.2752] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -pid 6804 -mpx_restore -S myarsw00403bk01 -mud 180 -den 6 -b tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 -restoreid 734014.001 -cl TA-BANCO-SQL-1month -c TAHQ004vw0206 -hostname TAHQ004vw0206 -L /C/ProgramĀ Files/Veritas/NetBackup/Logs/user_ops/mssql/logs/0530116100552-2952-5420-000-000-prg -ru root -rclnt TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnthostname TAHQ004vw0206 -flipc 63800 -mmflush 5204 0 65536 30 10 0 0 0 0 -2134253406 0 0 10:07:32.813 [4968.2752] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 10:07:32.813 [4968.2752] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 10:07:32.844 [4968.2752] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 10:07:32.844 [4968.2752] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 10:07:32.844 [4968.2752] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 10:07:32.844 [4968.2752] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 10:07:32.844 [4968.2752] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 10:07:32.922 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:07:32.937 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 10:07:33.031 [4968.2752] <2> setup_mm_child: [5204] child using 30 data buffers 10:07:33.031 [4968.2752] <2> setup_mm_child: [5204] child buffer size is 65536 10:07:33.031 [4968.2752] <2> setup_mm_child: [5204] buffer address = 0x2990000, buf control = 0x2b70000, ready ptr = 0x2b702d0, res_cntl = 0x2b702d8 10:07:33.187 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:33.187 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956 10:07:33.296 [5204.6656] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 10:07:33.593 [5204.6656] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 10:07:33.624 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:33.624 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 968 10:07:33.639 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:33.702 [5204.6656] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 976 10:07:33.702 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 10:07:33.905 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53917 10:07:35.465 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:35.465 [5204.6656] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 976 for client myarsw00403bk01 10:07:35.465 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 976 10:07:35.465 [5204.6656] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 10:07:35.480 [5204.6656] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <0> socket <976> 10:07:35.480 [5204.6656] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 50489 10:07:35.480 [5204.6656] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 734014, pSrcMediaId = OLL010 10:07:35.480 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 10:07:35.496 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:35.496 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 968 10:07:35.574 [5204.6656] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 10:07:35.839 [5204.6656] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 10:07:35.855 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:35.855 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 988 10:07:35.886 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:35.933 [5204.6656] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 984 10:07:35.933 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 10:07:36.135 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53929 10:07:37.742 [5204.6656] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type READ/2 10:07:37.742 [5204.6656] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = OLL010 10:07:37.742 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 10:07:37.742 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5204_617991199(Orb.cpp:795) 10:07:37.742 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5204_617991199(Orb.cpp:805) 10:07:37.742 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5204_617991199 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 10:07:37.742 [5204.6656] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 10:07:38.164 [5204.6656] <2> Media_signal_poll: Read bpbrm message (MultiResReq.cpp:2398) 10:07:38.164 [5204.6656] <2> process_brm_msg: no pending message from bpbrm 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867200 OLL010 4000845 ------ 6 1462071665 1464497305 1467175705 1464109453 1666702033 88 88 3 17 6 0 1024 0 26042441 0 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL010 4000845 OLL010 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 10 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 2001818 9261070002 {2,0,0,2} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> read_backup_mount_media: Number UP drives before restore = 4 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL010 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 10:07:38.195 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 10:07:38.210 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:38.210 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1148 10:07:38.335 [5204.6656] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 10:07:38.569 [5204.6656] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 10:07:38.600 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:38.600 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 10:07:38.616 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:38.678 [5204.6656] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 10:07:38.678 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 10:07:38.912 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53935 10:07:40.457 [5204.6656] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 10:07:40.457 [5204.6656] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:07:40.457 [5204.6656] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 10:07:40.457 [5204.6656] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 10:07:40.472 [5204.6656] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 10:07:40.675 [5204.6656] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 10:07:42.142 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 309006592 733575 10:07:42.142 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:07:42.594 [4968.2752] <2> io_set_sendbuf: setting send network buffer to 132096 bytes 10:07:42.625 [4968.2752] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:42.688 [4968.2752] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 10:07:42.688 [4968.2752] <8> vnet_vnetd_daemon_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:378] VN_REQUEST_DAEMON_SOCKET 2 0x2 10:07:42.688 [4968.2752] <8> vnet_vnetd_daemon_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:392] ipc_string 63800 10:07:42.953 [4968.2752] <2> connect_bprd_socket: [5204] data socket to bprd is connected port = 0, fd = 316, DATAPORT=0, duping to stdin 10:07:46.853 [5204.6656] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 10:07:46.853 [5204.6656] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:07:46.853 [5204.6656] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 10:07:46.993 [5204.6656] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 10:07:46.993 [5204.6656] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) has compression enabled 10:07:46.993 [5204.6656] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE (D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005) 10:07:46.993 [5204.6656] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 10:07:46.993 [5204.6656] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 10:07:46.993 [5204.6656] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:07:46.993 [5204.6656] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 10:07:47.212 [5204.6656] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 10:07:47.212 [5204.6656] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 successfully opened (mode 0) 10:07:47.212 [5204.6656] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 1, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001D31F20, copy 1 10:07:47.212 [5204.6656] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 1 10:07:47.212 [5204.6656] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 1 10:07:49.677 [5204.6656] <2> read_backup_mount_media: media id OLL010 mounted on drive index 1 10:07:49.677 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:07:49.895 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:49.895 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 10:07:50.020 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:07:50.441 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 0 0 (mpxrestore.c.302) 10:07:50.441 [5204.6656] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867200 OLL010 4000845 *NULL* 6 1462071665 1464497305 1467175705 1464613670 1666702033 88 88 3 17 7 0 1024 0 26042441 0 10:07:50.472 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 10:07:50.488 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:50.488 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 10:07:50.582 [5204.6656] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 10:07:50.831 [5204.6656] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 10:07:50.847 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:50.847 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 10:07:50.878 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:50.940 [5204.6656] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 10:07:50.940 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 10:07:51.159 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53941 10:07:52.781 [5204.6656] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL010 to file number 58 10:07:52.781 [5204.6656] <2> io_position_for_read: locating to absolute block number 22809849 10:07:52.781 [5204.6656] <2> io_position_for_read: locate block is done 10:07:52.781 [5204.6656] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 1, reading backup header 10:07:52.828 [5204.6656] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL010 to file number 58 10:07:52.828 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 10:07:52.890 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:52.890 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 10:07:53.000 [5204.6656] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 10:07:53.234 [5204.6656] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 10:07:53.249 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:53.249 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 10:07:53.281 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:53.312 [5204.6656] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 10:07:53.312 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 10:07:53.546 [5204.6656] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 53944 10:07:55.043 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:07:55.059 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:07:55.059 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 10:07:55.215 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:07:55.246 [5204.6656] <4> mpx_issue_begin_msg: begin reading backup id tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 (restore), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL010 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 (index 1) 10:07:55.246 [5204.6656] <2> send_brm_msg: CURRENT POSITION OLL010 58 10:07:55.246 [5204.6656] <2> process_brm_msg: no pending message from bpbrm 10:07:56.260 [5204.6656] <2> read_brm_msg: CONTINUE RESTORE 10:07:56.260 [5204.6656] <2> send_brm_msg: MEDIA READY 10:07:56.260 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: begin reading data from media id OLL010, file num 58 10:07:56.260 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 10:07:56.260 [5204.6656] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 1, is LBA 22809850 10:07:56.276 [4968.2752] <2> filter_image: [5204] Min_records before frag switch is 90000, locate available = 1 10:07:56.276 [4968.2752] <2> save_block: [5204] Allocated SAVE_BUF to 262144 bytes. 10:11:45.620 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 810017280 733432 10:11:45.636 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:12:23.701 [5244.6256] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CA3EFD03-964A-4663-A197-647EC0F8154F} 1867119 1 63001344 733926 10:12:23.717 [5244.6256] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008177 -jm 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464613973 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 10:12:53.826 [6400.6580] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:13:07.929 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:13:07.991 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:13:07.991 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 748 10:13:08.116 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:13:08.413 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3600384 3600384 (bptm.c.26094) 10:13:08.413 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 67207168 10:21:33.357 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 1864711 1 813017344 733432 10:21:33.373 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008179 -jm 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464614572 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 10:22:52.827 [6756.5396] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:23:31.641 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 69001472 733927 10:23:31.657 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:24:08.131 [4472.4048] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {CC5E56DF-1A25-43A7-88DA-1C47D47F20FD} 1865479 1 312006656 733575 10:24:08.131 [4472.4048] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:24:22.686 [6428.6664] <2> mm_check_child_write: Received Terminate Event 10:24:22.764 [6428.6664] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 161 10:24:22.795 [6428.6664] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:24:22.795 [6428.6664] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57372 10:24:22.889 [6428.6664] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:24:27.975 [6428.6664] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007241 0 @aaaaz 0 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 10:24:27.975 [6428.6664] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 -1463007241 0 @aaaaz 0 0 {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B}) 10:24:27.975 [6428.6664] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid -1463007241 copyNum 0 mediaId @aaaaz mediaKey 0 unloadDelay 0 allocId {74D6BF23-2FBC-45BB-A0D6-C2088BB6A79B} 10:24:27.975 [6428.6664] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 10:24:27.990 [6428.6664] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:24:27.990 [6428.6664] <2> mm_terminate: EXITING with status 150 10:24:27.990 [6428.6664] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 227328 bytes 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: writing short block, 227328 bytes, remainder 0 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 254022 times, delayed 1632616 times 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> put_length_bytes_nonblocking: cannot write data to network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <16> send_job_file: Failed to send request [job ID 733926, ftype = 3 msg len = 86, msg = LOG 1464614689 4 bptm 5244 waited for full buffer 254022 times, delayed 1632616 times ] 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> set_job_details: Can't send tfile buffer, errno 0 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <16> bptm event_msg_to_monitor: failed to set job_details on master server myarsw00403bk01 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 65126110 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 10:24:49.862 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:24:49.894 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:24:49.894 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 10:24:49.972 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:24:50.003 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 3319518 3319518 (bptm.c.20849) 10:24:50.050 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 10:24:50.081 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:24:50.081 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 10:24:50.159 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:24:50.268 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:24:50.299 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:24:50.299 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 10:24:50.377 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:24:50.876 [5244.6256] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032, copy 1, fragment 1, 65126110 Kbytes at 2444.256 Kbytes/sec 10:24:50.876 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 60 10:24:50.892 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:24:50.892 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 10:25:55.276 [5244.6256] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: string received from bpdbm is (0 41167708 0) 10:25:55.276 [5244.6256] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: successfully connected to bpdbm to read TIR file, size is 41167708 bytes + 0 GB 10:25:55.276 [5244.6256] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0178, backup_time 1464588032, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 10:25:55.276 [5244.6256] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 10:25:55.276 [5244.6256] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032_C1_TIR successfully opened 10:25:55.276 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 10:25:55.307 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:25:55.307 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 752 10:25:55.401 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:25:55.510 [5244.6256] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 0, total_bytes = 0, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 41167708, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 10:25:55.557 [5244.6256] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 262144 10:26:04.667 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:26:04.683 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:26:04.683 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 10:26:04.776 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:26:04.808 [5244.6256] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5244 7 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 40202 40202 (bptm.c.28557) 10:26:04.808 [5244.6256] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 65166312 10:26:04.854 [5244.6256] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 10:26:05.182 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:26:05.182 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 10:26:05.260 [5244.6256] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:26:05.354 [5244.6256] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0178, backup_time 1464588032, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 10:26:05.354 [5244.6256] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 10:26:05.369 [5244.6256] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032_C1_TIR successfully opened 10:26:05.369 [5244.6256] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 41167708, total_bytes = 41167708, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 41167708, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 10:26:05.401 [5244.6256] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032 10:26:05.541 [5244.6256] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 10:26:05.541 [5244.6256] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 10:26:05.557 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 10:26:05.557 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 10:26:05.557 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 10:26:05.557 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 10:26:05.557 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 10:26:05.557 [5244.6256] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 10:26:05.557 [5244.6256] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26618827898880 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26618879803392 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 289201027072 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 289201027072 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=3 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464614718 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464614765 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=380593 10:26:05.603 [5244.6256] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:26:05.619 [5244.6256] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:26:05.619 [5244.6256] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 57412 for client myarsw00403bk01 10:26:05.619 [5244.6256] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 10:26:05.619 [5244.6256] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 10:26:05.635 [5244.6256] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733926> socket <57412> 10:26:05.635 [5244.6256] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 51078 10:26:05.635 [5244.6256] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 10:26:45.728 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:26:45.759 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:26:45.759 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 10:26:45.837 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:26:45.868 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 10:26:45.868 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 312633344 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 117760 bytes 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: writing short block, 117760 bytes, remainder 0 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 1219521 times, delayed 5392493 times 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> put_length_bytes_nonblocking: cannot write data to network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <16> send_job_file: Failed to send request [job ID 733575, ftype = 3 msg len = 87, msg = LOG 1464614850 4 bptm 4472 waited for full buffer 1219521 times, delayed 5392493 times ] 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> set_job_details: Can't send tfile buffer, errno 0 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <16> bptm event_msg_to_monitor: failed to set job_details on master server myarsw00403bk01 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 312801395 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:27:30.393 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 10:27:30.502 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:27:30.549 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 168051 168051 (bptm.c.20849) 10:27:30.564 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 10:27:30.580 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:27:30.580 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57340 10:27:30.673 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:27:30.892 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:27:30.923 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:27:30.923 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 10:27:31.017 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:27:31.032 [4472.4048] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416, copy 1, fragment 1, 312801395 Kbytes at 3705.129 Kbytes/sec 10:27:31.032 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 60 10:27:31.063 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:27:31.063 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 10:27:59.613 [4472.4048] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: string received from bpdbm is (0 43609296 0) 10:27:59.613 [4472.4048] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: successfully connected to bpdbm to read TIR file, size is 43609296 bytes + 0 GB 10:27:59.613 [4472.4048] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0152, backup_time 1464530416, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 10:27:59.613 [4472.4048] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 10:27:59.613 [4472.4048] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416_C1_TIR successfully opened 10:27:59.613 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 10:27:59.644 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:27:59.644 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 10:27:59.722 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:27:59.831 [4472.4048] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 0, total_bytes = 0, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 43609296, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 10:27:59.893 [4472.4048] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 262144 10:28:07.896 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:28:07.896 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:28:07.912 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 10:28:07.990 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:28:08.021 [4472.4048] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 4472 7 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 42587 42587 (bptm.c.28557) 10:28:08.021 [4472.4048] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 312843982 10:28:08.068 [4472.4048] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 10:28:08.084 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:28:08.084 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57384 10:28:08.162 [4472.4048] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:28:08.255 [4472.4048] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0152, backup_time 1464530416, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 10:28:08.255 [4472.4048] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 10:28:08.271 [4472.4048] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416_C1_TIR successfully opened 10:28:08.271 [4472.4048] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 43609296, total_bytes = 43609296, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 43609296, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 10:28:08.302 [4472.4048] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416 10:28:08.442 [4472.4048] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 10:28:08.442 [4472.4048] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 10:28:08.442 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 10:28:08.442 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 10:28:08.442 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 10:28:08.442 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 10:28:08.442 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 10:28:08.458 [4472.4048] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 10:28:08.458 [4472.4048] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26618733527040 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26618771275776 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 273686207488 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 273686207488 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=0 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=2 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464614844 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464614888 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=380622 10:28:08.474 [4472.4048] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:28:08.505 [4472.4048] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:28:08.505 [4472.4048] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 57380 for client myarsw00403bk01 10:28:08.505 [4472.4048] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57380 10:28:08.505 [4472.4048] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 10:28:08.505 [4472.4048] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733575> socket <57380> 10:28:08.505 [4472.4048] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 51167 10:28:08.520 [4472.4048] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 10:28:16.664 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:28:16.680 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:28:16.680 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 944 10:28:16.804 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:28:16.820 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 11601856 11601856 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 10:28:16.820 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 11601856 10:31:47.568 [5500.4804] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -dup -cmd -nosig -jobid 734017 -priority 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -c TAHQ002vw0178 -b TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032 -cl TA-VMWare-Banco -sl Diario -shm -blksize 262144 -bt 1464588032 -st 0 -rl 1 -date -1 -ct 29 -ifr -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -p TA -twin_fail_on_error 0 -eari 0 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -maxfrag 1048576 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cj 4 -sg *ANY* -use_vnetd -df 1 -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 10:31:47.600 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:47.600 [5500.4804] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 10:31:47.600 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 10:31:47.600 [5500.4804] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 10:31:47.631 [5500.4804] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <734017> socket <716> 10:31:47.631 [5500.4804] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 51315 10:31:47.631 [5500.4804] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 10:31:47.631 [5500.4804] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 10:31:47.646 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 10:31:47.646 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 10:31:47.662 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 10:31:47.662 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 10:31:47.662 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/9 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5500_1868819923(Orb.cpp:795) 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5500_1868819923(Orb.cpp:805) 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5500_1868819923 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 10:31:47.693 [5500.4804] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867204 OLL018 4000853 ------ 6 1444971602 1464437684 1465624815 0 3808410523 245 53 1 17 0 0 1024 0 57765061 0 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL018 4000853 OLL018 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 18 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 2001819 9261070003 {2,0,0,3} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 262144, removable media bufsize = 65536 10:31:47.834 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 10:31:47.865 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:47.865 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 10:31:47.990 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:48.005 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 10:31:48.036 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.036 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 10:31:48.130 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:48.146 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:31:48.177 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.192 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1140 10:31:48.270 [7140.4108] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -dup -cmd -nosig -jobid 734018 -priority 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -c TAHQ002vw0152 -b TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416 -cl VMWare_Semanal_TA_Olleros -sl Semanal -shm -blksize 262144 -bt 1464530416 -st 0 -rl 3 -date -1 -ct 29 -ifr -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -p TA -twin_fail_on_error 0 -eari 0 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -maxfrag 1048576 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cj 4 -sg *ANY* -use_vnetd -df 1 -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 10:31:48.286 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.286 [7140.4108] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 10:31:48.286 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 10:31:48.286 [7140.4108] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 10:31:48.302 [7140.4108] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <734018> socket <716> 10:31:48.302 [7140.4108] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 51330 10:31:48.302 [7140.4108] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 10:31:48.302 [7140.4108] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 10:31:48.317 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:48.333 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 10:31:48.333 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 10:31:48.333 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 10:31:48.333 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 10:31:48.333 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/9 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_7140_1870482919(Orb.cpp:795) 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_7140_1870482919(Orb.cpp:805) 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_7140_1870482919 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 10:31:48.411 [7140.4108] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 10:31:48.505 [5500.4804] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 5500 1 TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032 29 TA-VMWare-Banco 0 Diario 0 1 2 10:31:48.505 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 10:31:48.567 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.567 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1140 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867207 OLL008 4000843 ------ 6 1462071656 1464606703 1467233586 0 1618702669 176 176 3 17 0 0 1024 0 25292672 0 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL008 4000843 OLL008 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 8 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 262144, removable media bufsize = 65536 10:31:48.598 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 10:31:48.614 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.614 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 10:31:48.707 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:48.723 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 10:31:48.739 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.739 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1120 10:31:48.801 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:48.817 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:48.832 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 10:31:48.848 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.848 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 10:31:48.895 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 10:31:48.910 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.910 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1140 10:31:48.941 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:48.957 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:31:48.973 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:48.973 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 10:31:49.066 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:49.082 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:49.082 [7140.4108] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 7140 1 TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416 29 VMWare_Semanal_TA_Olleros 0 Semanal 0 1 2 10:31:49.082 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 10:31:49.097 [5500.4804] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL018 10:31:49.113 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:49.113 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 10:31:49.144 [5500.4804] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 734017, pDstMediaId = OLL018 10:31:49.144 [5500.4804] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL 51347 5500 65536 10:31:49.285 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:49.316 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 10:31:49.331 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:49.331 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 10:31:49.441 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:49.534 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 10:31:49.550 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:49.550 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1124 10:31:49.706 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 10:31:49.721 [7140.4108] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL008 10:31:49.768 [7140.4108] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 734018, pDstMediaId = OLL008 10:31:49.768 [7140.4108] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL 51354 7140 65536 10:31:50.470 [5500.4804] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 -2132789071 2932 0 0 0 0 1 10:31:50.470 [5500.4804] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL018 (copy 2) on server myarsw00200bk01. 10:31:50.470 [5500.4804] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,3}, serial_num: 9261070003 10:31:50.470 [5500.4804] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:31:50.470 [5500.4804] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 10:31:50.470 [5500.4804] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 10:31:50.470 [5500.4804] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 10:31:50.860 [7140.4108] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 -2132788666 4632 0 0 0 0 1 10:31:50.860 [7140.4108] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL008 (copy 2) on server myarsw00200bk01. 10:31:50.860 [7140.4108] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 10:31:50.860 [7140.4108] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:31:50.860 [7140.4108] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 10:31:50.860 [7140.4108] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 10:31:50.860 [7140.4108] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 10:31:51.079 [5500.4804] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 10:31:52.093 [7140.4108] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 10:31:57.256 [5500.4804] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, serial_num: 9261070003 10:31:57.256 [5500.4804] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:31:57.256 [5500.4804] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 10:31:57.412 [5500.4804] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) configured with blocksize 0 10:31:57.428 [5500.4804] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) has compression enabled 10:31:57.428 [5500.4804] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 10:31:57.444 [5500.4804] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 10:31:57.444 [5500.4804] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 successfully opened (mode 2) 10:31:57.444 [5500.4804] <2> write_backup: media id OLL018 mounted on drive index 2, drivepath {2,0,0,3}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, copy 2 10:31:57.444 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:31:57.475 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:57.475 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 10:31:57.615 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:57.646 [5500.4804] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5500 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL018 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 10:31:57.646 [5500.4804] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 2, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001DB4740, copy 2 10:31:57.646 [5500.4804] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 2 10:31:57.662 [5500.4804] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 2 10:31:58.270 [7140.4108] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 10:31:58.270 [7140.4108] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:31:58.270 [7140.4108] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 10:31:58.442 [7140.4108] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 10:31:58.442 [7140.4108] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 10:31:58.458 [7140.4108] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 10:31:58.458 [7140.4108] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 10:31:58.458 [7140.4108] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 10:31:58.458 [7140.4108] <2> write_backup: media id OLL008 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {2,0,0,1}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, copy 2 10:31:58.458 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:31:58.473 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:31:58.473 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 10:31:58.567 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:31:58.598 [7140.4108] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 7140 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 10:31:58.598 [7140.4108] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 0, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001E14740, copy 2 10:31:58.598 [7140.4108] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 0 10:31:58.614 [7140.4108] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 0 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL008, copy 2, current number images = 176 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> io_position_for_write: locating to absolute block number 25292672, copy 2 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> io_position_for_write: locate block is done 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 177, bid = (empty_file), copy 2 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL008, OK, copy 2 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 0 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 0 10:32:04.152 [7140.4108] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867207 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464615108 1467233586 0 1618702669 176 176 3 17 0 0 1024 0 25292672 0 10:32:04.199 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:32:04.214 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:32:04.214 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 10:32:04.308 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OLL008 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 (index 0) 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 25292672, copy 2 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416, file num = 177, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 10:32:04.339 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 10:32:25.930 [5500.4804] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL018, copy 2, current number images = 245 10:32:25.930 [5500.4804] <2> io_position_for_write: locating to absolute block number 57765061, copy 2 10:32:25.930 [5500.4804] <2> io_position_for_write: locate block is done 10:32:25.930 [5500.4804] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 246, bid = (empty_file), copy 2 10:32:25.930 [5500.4804] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL018, OK, copy 2 10:32:25.930 [5500.4804] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 2 10:32:25.946 [5500.4804] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 2 10:32:25.962 [5500.4804] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867204 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464615107 1465797632 0 3808410523 245 53 1 17 0 0 1024 0 57765061 0 10:32:25.993 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:32:26.024 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:32:26.024 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 10:32:26.118 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OLL018 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (index 2) 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 57765061, copy 2 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 2, TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032, file num = 246, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 10:32:26.149 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008182 -jm 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464615172 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464615172 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464615172 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,3} 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL018 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734017 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867204 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: RBID = {5F20FC59-4389-408A-B7F3-A6C0CD2A72E4} 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: PID = 5500 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 10:32:52.982 [1984.4416] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:36:01.519 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 72001536 733927 10:36:01.519 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:36:02.861 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:36:02.877 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:36:02.877 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 10:36:02.970 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:36:02.986 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4800512 4800512 (bptm.c.26094) 10:36:02.986 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 72007680 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008184 -jm 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464615772 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464615772 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464615772 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,3} 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL018 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734017 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867204 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: RBID = {5F20FC59-4389-408A-B7F3-A6C0CD2A72E4} 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: PID = 5500 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 10:42:52.801 [4076.2500] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:48:37.278 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:48:37.294 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:48:37.294 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 10:48:37.434 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:48:37.465 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 12401984 12401984 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 10:48:37.465 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 24003840 10:50:44.485 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 75001600 733927 10:50:44.485 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:52:13.955 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:52:13.971 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:52:13.971 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728 10:52:14.080 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:52:14.111 [7140.4108] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 7140 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 52200000 52200000 (bptm.c.26094) 10:52:14.111 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 52200000 10:52:35.187 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:52:35.203 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:52:35.203 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728 10:52:35.312 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:52:35.328 [5500.4804] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5500 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL018 0 1 0 51600000 51600000 (bptm.c.26094) 10:52:35.328 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 51600000 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008186 -jm 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464616372 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464616372 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464616372 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,3} 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL018 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734017 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867204 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: RBID = {5F20FC59-4389-408A-B7F3-A6C0CD2A72E4} 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: PID = 5500 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 10:52:52.769 [4492.4460] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 10:56:54.766 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:56:54.781 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:56:54.781 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1156 10:56:54.875 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:56:54.906 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 10:56:54.906 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 76208128 10:57:53.018 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 30720 bytes 10:57:53.018 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: writing short block, 30720 bytes, remainder 0 10:57:53.018 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 40389 times, delayed 67587 times 10:57:53.018 [5500.4804] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 65126110 10:57:53.018 [5500.4804] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 10:57:53.018 [5500.4804] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.20644) on drive index 2 10:57:53.050 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:57:53.065 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:57:53.065 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 10:57:53.174 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:57:53.206 [5500.4804] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5500 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL018 0 1 0 13526110 13526110 (bptm.c.20849) 10:57:53.206 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 10:57:53.237 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:57:53.237 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 10:57:53.315 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:57:53.424 [5500.4804] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867204 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464615107 1465797632 0 3873536633 246 54 1 17 0 0 1024 0 57765061 0 10:57:53.455 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:57:53.471 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:57:53.486 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 10:57:53.564 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:57:53.596 [5500.4804] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032, copy 2, fragment 1, 65126110 Kbytes at 42654.935 Kbytes/sec 10:57:54.454 [5500.4804] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 10:57:54.454 [5500.4804] <2> create_data_socket: tir socket created, fd is 1168 10:57:54.454 [5500.4804] <2> write_data_tir: size of tir data received from read side is 41167708 bytes + 0 GB 10:57:54.454 [5500.4804] <2> write_data_tir: INF - Begin writing image file information for copy 2. 10:57:54.454 [5500.4804] <2> write_data_tir: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 58782659, copy 2 10:57:54.469 [5500.4804] <2> write_data_tir: block position check: actual 58782659, expected 58782659 10:57:54.469 [5500.4804] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 2, TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032, file num = 247, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 10:57:54.578 [5500.4804] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 65536 10:57:55.920 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 10:57:55.951 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:57:55.951 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 10:57:56.045 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5500 7 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL018 0 1 0 40203 40203 (bptm.c.28557) 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 65166312 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 2, copy 2 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 2 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 58783290, copy 2 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 2, empty_file, file num = 248, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, from bptm.c.9103 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 58783290, expected 58783290 10:57:56.076 [5500.4804] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867204 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464615107 1465797632 0 3873536633 246 54 1 17 0 0 1024 0 58783290 0 10:57:56.107 [5500.4804] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, serial_num: 9261070003 10:57:56.107 [5500.4804] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 10:57:56.107 [5500.4804] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) configured with blocksize 0 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) has compression enabled 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 successfully opened (mode 2) 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 58783290 in io_terminate_tape 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, from bptm.c.9286 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> write_data_tir: adding copy 2 fragment -1 (40203 Kbytes) for TIR data, filenum 247 10:57:56.263 [5500.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 10:57:56.294 [5500.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 10:57:56.294 [5500.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 10:57:56.435 [5500.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 10:57:56.544 [5500.4804] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867204 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464615107 1465797632 0 3873576836 247 55 1 17 0 0 1024 0 58783290 0 10:57:56.560 [5500.4804] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm TAHQ002vw0178_1464588032 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL018 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 734017 0 OLL018 4000853 180 {5F20FC59-4389-408A-B7F3-A6C0CD2A72E4} 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 734017 0 OLL018 4000853 180 {5F20FC59-4389-408A-B7F3-A6C0CD2A72E4}) 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 734017 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL018 mediaKey 4000853 unloadDelay 180 allocId {5F20FC59-4389-408A-B7F3-A6C0CD2A72E4} 10:57:56.669 [5500.4804] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 10:57:56.685 [5500.4804] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 10:57:56.700 [5500.4804] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 10:57:56.700 [5500.4804] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:00:57.215 [5184.4304] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 -dp {2,0,0,3} -dk 2001819 -m OLL018 -mk 4000853 -mds 0 -alocid 1867204 -jobid -1463008187 -jm 11:00:57.215 [5184.4304] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 11:00:57.215 [5184.4304] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 11:00:57.246 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 11:00:57.246 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 11:00:57.246 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 11:00:57.246 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 11:00:57.246 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 5184 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL018 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5184_1674438734(Orb.cpp:795) 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5184_1674438734(Orb.cpp:805) 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5184_1674438734 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 11:00:57.293 [5184.4304] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867204 OLL018 4000853 ------ 6 1444971602 1464437684 1465624815 0 3808410523 245 53 1 17 0 0 1024 0 57765061 0 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL018 4000853 OLL018 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 18 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 2001819 9261070003 {2,0,0,3} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 11:00:57.417 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,3} 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,3}, serial_num: 9261070003 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 11:00:57.433 [5184.4304] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 11:00:57.449 [5184.4304] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 11:00:57.449 [5184.4304] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 11:00:58.666 [5184.4304] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 11:01:00.725 [5184.4304] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:01:00.740 [5184.4304] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:01:00.740 [5184.4304] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 11:01:00.834 [5184.4304] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 5184 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL018 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,3}, serial_num: 9261070003 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> drivename_remove: Called 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 11:01:00.881 [5184.4304] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008189 -jm 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464616972 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464616972 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 11:02:52.768 [4240.5024] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:05:49.398 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 78001664 733927 11:05:49.398 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 11:08:43.376 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:08:43.392 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:08:43.392 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 11:08:43.485 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:08:43.517 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 12401984 12401984 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 11:08:43.517 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 36405824 11:12:16.543 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:12:16.558 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:12:16.558 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 11:12:16.652 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:12:16.683 [7140.4108] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 7140 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 67200000 67200000 (bptm.c.26094) 11:12:16.683 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 119400000 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008191 -jm 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464617573 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464617573 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 11:12:53.111 [7004.5500] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:17:27.728 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:17:27.759 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:17:27.759 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57420 11:17:27.868 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:17:27.915 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 11:17:27.915 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 80408576 11:20:16.386 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 81001728 733927 11:20:16.417 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008193 -jm 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464618173 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464618173 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 11:22:53.016 [6944.4380] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:29:04.529 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:29:04.544 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:29:04.544 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 11:29:04.638 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:29:04.654 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 12802048 12802048 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 11:29:04.654 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 49207872 11:32:19.302 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:32:19.318 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:32:19.318 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728 11:32:19.489 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:32:19.521 [7140.4108] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 7140 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 73200000 73200000 (bptm.c.26094) 11:32:19.521 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 192600000 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008195 -jm 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464618772 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464618772 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 11:32:52.762 [6816.6616] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:34:50.062 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 84001792 733927 11:34:50.062 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 11:37:43.823 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:37:43.839 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:37:43.839 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57428 11:37:43.933 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:37:43.964 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 1 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 4200448 4200448 (bptm.c.26094) 11:37:43.964 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 84609024 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008198 -jm 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464619373 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464619373 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 11:42:53.164 [5732.3296] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:49:23.369 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:49:23.385 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:49:23.385 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 11:49:23.728 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:49:23.759 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 12802048 12802048 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 11:49:23.759 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 62009920 11:49:24.492 [2996.2116] <2> send_MDS_msg: KBYTES_WRITTEN 0 {9FDCF5E9-199A-41B0-ADB1-052606266102} 1867120 1 87001856 733927 11:49:24.492 [2996.2116] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 192512 bytes 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: writing short block, 192512 bytes, remainder 0 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 340209 times, delayed 1974370 times 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> put_length_bytes_nonblocking: cannot write data to network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <16> send_job_file: Failed to send request [job ID 733927, ftype = 3 msg len = 86, msg = LOG 1464619848 4 bptm 2996 waited for full buffer 340209 times, delayed 1974370 times ] 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> set_job_details: Can't send tfile buffer, errno 0 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <16> bptm event_msg_to_monitor: failed to set job_details on master server myarsw00403bk01 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 87246524 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:50:48.613 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57412 11:50:48.707 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:50:48.738 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 5 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 2637500 2637500 (bptm.c.20849) 11:50:48.785 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 11:50:48.800 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:50:48.800 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 11:50:48.878 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:50:48.987 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:50:52.014 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:50:52.014 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 11:50:52.092 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:50:52.123 [2996.2116] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033, copy 1, fragment 1, 87246524 Kbytes at 2743.380 Kbytes/sec 11:50:52.123 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 60 11:50:52.139 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:50:52.139 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57364 11:51:11.234 [2996.2116] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: string received from bpdbm is (0 28097799 0) 11:51:11.234 [2996.2116] <2> setup_tir_or_im_read: successfully connected to bpdbm to read TIR file, size is 28097799 bytes + 0 GB 11:51:11.234 [2996.2116] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0177, backup_time 1464588033, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 11:51:11.234 [2996.2116] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 11:51:11.234 [2996.2116] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033_C1_TIR successfully opened 11:51:11.234 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 11:51:11.250 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:51:11.250 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 46828 11:51:11.328 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:51:11.437 [2996.2116] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 0, total_bytes = 0, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 28097799, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 11:51:11.468 [2996.2116] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 262144 11:51:16.305 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:51:16.305 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:51:16.305 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57348 11:51:16.398 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:51:16.414 [2996.2116] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 2996 7 1 cfhq002so0151-lsu @aaaaz 0 1 0 27439 27439 (bptm.c.28557) 11:51:16.414 [2996.2116] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 87273963 11:51:16.476 [2996.2116] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 70 11:51:16.508 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:51:16.508 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57404 11:51:16.586 [2996.2116] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:51:16.679 [2996.2116] <2> construct_sts_isid: master_server myarsw00403bk01, client TAHQ002vw0177, backup_time 1464588033, copy_number 1, stream_number 0, fragment_number -1, resume_number 0, spl_name NULL 11:51:16.679 [2996.2116] <2> bp_sts_open_image: STH set to STS_SA_IMAGE 11:51:16.695 [2996.2116] <2> io_open_disk: file TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033_C1_TIR successfully opened 11:51:16.695 [2996.2116] <2> bp_sts_make_tar_header: writing LF_END_U_LEN_FILE, GB = 0, bytes = 28097799, total_bytes = 28097799, total_expected GB = 0, total_expected_bytes = 28097799, tir_hdr_pad_size = 32256 11:51:16.710 [2996.2116] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm cfhq002so0151-lsu/TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033 11:51:16.835 [2996.2116] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 11:51:16.835 [2996.2116] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, cfhq002so0151-stu (1 1 0 6) 11:51:16.835 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_populate_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1198 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 11:51:16.851 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 999 sev 2 diskgroup.name = cfhq002so0151-dp 11:51:16.851 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1007 sev 2 diskgroup.master_server = myarsw00403bk01 11:51:16.851 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1010 sev 2 diskgroup.server_type = DataDomain 11:51:16.851 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_populate_diskgroup: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 1012 sev 2 diskgroup.access_media_server = 11:51:16.851 [2996.2116] <2> _dsm_diskvolume_payload: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2725 sev 16 DiskVolumeInfo object reference is NULL 11:51:16.851 [2996.2116] <2> dsm_update_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_diskgroup.cpp: 2154 sev 2 Calling dsm->updateDiskVolume() 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 351 sev 2 diskvolume.name = cfhq002so0151-lsu 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 357 sev 2 diskvolume.id = cfhq002so0151-lsu 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 361 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.total_capacity = 31408849944576 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::master, property.value=myarsw00403bk01 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::flags, property.value=14 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 428 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.nbu_state = conv_fn(1) 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemType, property.value=0 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::fileSystemOrdinal, property.value=0 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 443 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_write_mounts = 1 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 448 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_write_mounts = 1 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceWriters, property.value=2147483647 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 433 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.max_read_mounts = 0 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 438 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.num_read_mounts = 0 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::maxReferenceReaders, property.value=0 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 385 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.free_space = 26616445009920 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::freePhysicalSpace, property.value=26616496914432 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 390 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.potential_free_space = 0 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 395 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.committed_space = 188830666752 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 400 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.precommitted_space = 188830666752 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 410 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.system_tag = Unknown 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 405 sev 2 diskvolumeinfo.disk_media_id = @aaaaz 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeReadStreams, property.value=1 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::activeWriteStreams, property.value=1 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::createdTime, property.value=1349282333 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::lastModifiedTime, property.value=1464619829 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalPhysicalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::totalCapacity, property.value=31408849944576 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::majorEventSyncToken, property.value=1464619876 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> dsml_extract_diskvolume: .\dsmlib_popext.cpp: 453 sev 2 property.name=DSM::minorEventSyncToken, property.value=381735 11:51:16.866 [2996.2116] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:51:16.882 [2996.2116] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:51:16.882 [2996.2116] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 57372 for client myarsw00403bk01 11:51:16.882 [2996.2116] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 57372 11:51:16.882 [2996.2116] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 11:51:16.898 [2996.2116] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <733927> socket <57372> 11:51:16.898 [2996.2116] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 53750 11:51:16.898 [2996.2116] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory 11:52:23.732 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:52:23.763 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:52:23.763 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1148 11:52:23.841 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:52:23.873 [7140.4108] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 7140 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 73200000 73200000 (bptm.c.26094) 11:52:23.873 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 265800000 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008200 -jm 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464619972 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464619972 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 11:52:52.999 [3980.5840] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 11:56:49.414 [1888.1684] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -dup -cmd -nosig -jobid 734020 -priority 0 -mediasvr myarsw00200bk01 -c TAHQ002vw0177 -b TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033 -cl TA-VMWare-Banco -sl Diario -shm -blksize 262144 -bt 1464588033 -st 0 -rl 1 -date -1 -ct 29 -ifr -den 6 -rt 8 -rn 3 -p TA -twin_fail_on_error 0 -eari 0 -src_cn 1 -cn 2 -maxfrag 1048576 -stunit myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 -cj 4 -sg *ANY* -use_vnetd -df 1 -cmd_lc_messages ESS -cmd_lc_time ESS 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 716 for client myarsw00403bk01 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 716 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <734020> socket <716> 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 53962 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 11:56:49.429 [1888.1684] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 11:56:49.461 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 11:56:49.461 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 11:56:49.476 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 11:56:49.476 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 11:56:49.476 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> main: Setting mud from bp.conf 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type WRITE/9 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = NULL 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_1888_940830506(Orb.cpp:795) 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_1888_940830506(Orb.cpp:805) 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_1888_940830506 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 11:56:49.523 [1888.1684] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867212 OLL018 4000853 ------ 6 1444971602 1464615107 1465797632 0 3873576836 247 55 1 17 0 0 1024 0 58783290 0 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL018 4000853 OLL018 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 18 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 2001820 9261070004 {2,0,0,4} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> validate_parameters: DUP_BLKSIZE = 262144, removable media bufsize = 65536 11:56:49.648 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 55 11:56:49.663 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:49.663 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1132 11:56:49.788 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:56:49.788 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 11:56:49.819 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:49.819 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 11:56:49.913 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:56:49.929 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:56:49.960 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:49.960 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1132 11:56:50.038 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:56:50.069 [1888.1684] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 1888 1 TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033 29 TA-VMWare-Banco 0 Diario 0 1 2 11:56:50.069 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 11:56:50.085 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:50.085 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1132 11:56:50.241 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:56:50.256 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 243 11:56:50.287 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:50.287 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 11:56:50.381 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:56:50.459 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 11:56:50.490 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:50.490 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1152 11:56:50.693 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> setup_back_header: setup vm_type = 2 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 11:56:50.724 [1888.1684] <2> db_byid: search for media id OLL018 11:56:50.771 [1888.1684] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 734020, pDstMediaId = OLL018 11:56:50.771 [1888.1684] <2> create_data_socket: common.c.7099: IPC, TIRIPC, PID, blksize: IPC NULL 53978 1888 65536 11:56:51.863 [1888.1684] <2> setup_dup_shm: media_shm_info = 30 65536 -2127687994 6480 0 0 0 0 1 11:56:51.863 [1888.1684] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL018 (copy 2) on server myarsw00200bk01. 11:56:51.863 [1888.1684] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 11:56:51.863 [1888.1684] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 11:56:51.863 [1888.1684] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 11:56:51.863 [1888.1684] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 11:56:51.863 [1888.1684] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 11:56:52.269 [1888.1684] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 11:56:58.447 [1888.1684] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, serial_num: 9261070004 11:56:58.447 [1888.1684] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 11:56:58.447 [1888.1684] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 11:56:58.572 [1888.1684] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) configured with blocksize 0 11:56:58.572 [1888.1684] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) has compression enabled 11:56:58.587 [1888.1684] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 11:56:58.587 [1888.1684] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 11:56:58.587 [1888.1684] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 successfully opened (mode 2) 11:56:58.587 [1888.1684] <2> write_backup: media id OLL018 mounted on drive index 3, drivepath {2,0,0,4}, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, copy 2 11:56:58.587 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:56:58.603 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:56:58.603 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 11:56:58.681 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:56:58.712 [1888.1684] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 1888 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL018 0 1 0 0 0 (bptm.c.18481) 11:56:58.712 [1888.1684] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 3, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001F28460, copy 2 11:56:58.712 [1888.1684] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 3 11:56:58.712 [1888.1684] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 3 11:57:27.183 [1888.1684] <2> io_position_for_write: position media id OLL018, copy 2, current number images = 247 11:57:27.183 [1888.1684] <2> io_position_for_write: locating to absolute block number 58783290, copy 2 11:57:27.183 [1888.1684] <2> io_position_for_write: locate block is done 11:57:27.183 [1888.1684] <2> io_position_for_write: processing empty header, filenum = 248, bid = (empty_file), copy 2 11:57:27.183 [1888.1684] <2> io_position_for_write: empty header found on OLL018, OK, copy 2 11:57:27.183 [1888.1684] <2> io_ioctl: command (2)MTBSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22814) on drive index 3 11:57:27.183 [1888.1684] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.22866) on drive index 3 11:57:27.230 [1888.1684] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867212 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464620209 1465797633 0 3873576836 247 55 1 17 0 0 1024 0 58783290 0 11:57:27.261 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 11:57:27.277 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 11:57:27.277 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 11:57:27.371 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <4> write_backup: begin writing backup id TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033, copy 2, fragment 1, to media id OLL018 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 (index 3) 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: twin_index: 0 active: 1 dont_process: 0 wrote_backup_hdr: 0 finished_buff: 0 saved_cindex: -1 twin_is_disk 0 delay_brm: 0 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 58783290, copy 2 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 3, TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033, file num = 248, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: completed writing backup header, start writing data when first buffer is available, copy 2 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: first write, twin_index: 0 cindex: 0 dont_process: 1 wrote_backup_hdr: 1 finished_buff: 0 11:57:27.386 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: received first buffer (65536 bytes), begin writing data 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008203 -jm 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464620572 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464615109 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,1} 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL008 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734018 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867207 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: RBID = {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: PID = 7140 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464620572 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464620572 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464620210 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,4} 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL018 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734020 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867212 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: RBID = {3A338780-0403-4169-9C54-E50FF1FE2C98} 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: PID = 1888 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:02:52.957 [6796.5828] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:07:12.662 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 52224 bytes 12:07:12.662 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: writing short block, 52224 bytes, remainder 0 12:07:12.662 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 170353 times, delayed 232982 times 12:07:12.662 [7140.4108] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 312801395 12:07:12.662 [7140.4108] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 12:07:12.662 [7140.4108] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.20644) on drive index 0 12:07:12.709 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:07:12.740 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:07:12.740 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 12:07:12.834 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:07:12.865 [7140.4108] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 7140 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 47001395 47001395 (bptm.c.20849) 12:07:12.865 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 12:07:12.896 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:07:12.896 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 12:07:12.990 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:07:13.099 [7140.4108] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867207 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464615108 1467233586 0 1931504064 177 177 3 17 0 0 1024 0 25292672 0 12:07:13.130 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:07:13.161 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:07:13.161 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 12:07:13.255 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:07:13.286 [7140.4108] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416, copy 2, fragment 1, 312801395 Kbytes at 54801.437 Kbytes/sec 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <2> put_length_bytes_nonblocking: cannot write data to network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <16> send_job_file: Failed to send request [job ID 734018, ftype = 3 msg len = 74, msg = LOG 1464620834 4 bptm 7140 setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes ] 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <2> set_job_details: Can't send tfile buffer, errno 2 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <16> bptm event_msg_to_monitor: failed to set job_details on master server myarsw00403bk01 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <2> create_data_socket: tir socket created, fd is 1136 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <2> write_data_tir: size of tir data received from read side is 43609296 bytes + 0 GB 12:07:14.066 [7140.4108] <2> write_data_tir: INF - Begin writing image file information for copy 2. 12:07:14.082 [7140.4108] <2> write_data_tir: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 30180196, copy 2 12:07:14.082 [7140.4108] <2> write_data_tir: block position check: actual 30180196, expected 30180196 12:07:14.082 [7140.4108] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416, file num = 178, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 12:07:14.144 [7140.4108] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 65536 12:07:15.595 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:07:15.611 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:07:15.611 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 12:07:15.720 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:07:15.751 [7140.4108] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 7140 7 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 0 1 0 42588 42588 (bptm.c.28557) 12:07:15.751 [7140.4108] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 312843982 12:07:15.751 [7140.4108] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 0, copy 2 12:07:15.751 [7140.4108] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 0 12:07:15.767 [7140.4108] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 30180864, copy 2 12:07:15.767 [7140.4108] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 0, empty_file, file num = 179, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 12:07:15.767 [7140.4108] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9103 12:07:15.767 [7140.4108] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 30180864, expected 30180864 12:07:15.767 [7140.4108] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867207 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464615108 1467233586 0 1931504064 177 177 3 17 0 0 1024 0 30180864 0 12:07:15.782 [7140.4108] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, serial_num: 9261070001 12:07:15.782 [7140.4108] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 12:07:15.782 [7140.4108] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) configured with blocksize 0 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape0 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}) has compression enabled 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 successfully opened (mode 2) 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 30180864 in io_terminate_tape 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004, from bptm.c.9286 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> write_data_tir: adding copy 2 fragment -1 (42588 Kbytes) for TIR data, filenum 178 12:07:16.094 [7140.4108] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 12:07:16.125 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:07:16.125 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1136 12:07:16.203 [7140.4108] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:07:16.313 [7140.4108] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867207 OLL008 4000843 *NULL* 6 1462071656 1464615108 1467233586 0 1931546652 178 178 3 17 0 0 1024 0 30180864 0 12:07:16.328 [7140.4108] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm TAHQ002vw0152_1464530416 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL008 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 734018 0 OLL008 4000843 180 {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 734018 0 OLL008 4000843 180 {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1}) 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 734018 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL008 mediaKey 4000843 unloadDelay 180 allocId {2DEDB085-6681-43A9-9F90-446E3CBD3DD1} 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 12:07:16.469 [7140.4108] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 12:07:16.484 [7140.4108] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 12:07:16.484 [7140.4108] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:07:16.500 [7140.4108] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:07:16.500 [7140.4108] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 732 for client myarsw00403bk01 12:07:16.500 [7140.4108] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 732 12:07:16.500 [7140.4108] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 12:07:16.515 [7140.4108] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <734018> socket <732> 12:07:16.515 [7140.4108] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 54293 12:09:41.524 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:09:41.540 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:09:41.540 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 944 12:09:41.633 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:09:41.664 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 13202112 13202112 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 12:09:41.664 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 75212032 12:10:17.343 [6544.5300] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 -dp {2,0,0,1} -dk 2001817 -m OLL008 -mk 4000843 -mds 0 -alocid 1867207 -jobid -1463008204 -jm 12:10:17.343 [6544.5300] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 12:10:17.343 [6544.5300] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 12:10:17.374 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 12:10:17.374 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 12:10:17.374 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 12:10:17.374 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 12:10:17.374 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 6544 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL008 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6544_687591581(Orb.cpp:795) 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6544_687591581(Orb.cpp:805) 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6544_687591581 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 12:10:17.733 [6544.5300] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867207 OLL008 4000843 ------ 6 1462071656 1464606703 1467233586 0 1618702669 176 176 3 17 0 0 1024 0 25292672 0 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL008 4000843 OLL008 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 8 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 2001817 9261070001 {2,0,0,1} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,1} 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 12:10:17.889 [6544.5300] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 12:10:18.903 [6544.5300] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 12:10:20.962 [6544.5300] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:10:20.978 [6544.5300] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:10:20.978 [6544.5300] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 12:10:21.103 [6544.5300] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 6544 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 OLL008 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,1}, serial_num: 9261070001 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000001#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,1}, dos_path \\.\Tape0, drive serial number 9261070001, expected serial number 9261070001 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> drivename_remove: Called 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:10:21.150 [6544.5300] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008206 -jm 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464621172 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464621172 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464620210 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,4} 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL018 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734020 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867212 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: RBID = {3A338780-0403-4169-9C54-E50FF1FE2C98} 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: PID = 1888 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:12:52.835 [2468.5372] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:17:36.784 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:17:36.799 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:17:36.799 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728 12:17:36.893 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:17:36.924 [1888.1684] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 1888 1 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL018 0 1 0 64800000 64800000 (bptm.c.26094) 12:17:36.924 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 64800000 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008208 -jm 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464621772 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464621772 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464620210 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,4} 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL018 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734020 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867212 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: RBID = {3A338780-0403-4169-9C54-E50FF1FE2C98} 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: PID = 1888 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:22:52.932 [4492.5908] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:23:37.815 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: writing block shorter than BUFF_SIZE, 61440 bytes 12:23:37.815 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: writing short block, 61440 bytes, remainder 0 12:23:37.815 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 41611 times, delayed 56360 times 12:23:37.815 [1888.1684] <2> write_data: Total Kbytes transferred 87246524 12:23:37.815 [1888.1684] <2> write_backup: write_data() returned, exit_status = 0, CINDEX = 0, TWIN_INDEX = 0, backup_status = 0 12:23:37.815 [1888.1684] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.20644) on drive index 3 12:23:37.846 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:23:37.862 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:23:37.862 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 12:23:37.955 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:23:37.987 [1888.1684] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 1888 5 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL018 0 1 0 22446524 22446524 (bptm.c.20849) 12:23:37.987 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 12:23:38.002 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:23:38.002 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 12:23:38.096 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:23:38.252 [1888.1684] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867212 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464620209 1465797633 0 3960823360 248 56 1 17 0 0 1024 0 58783290 0 12:23:38.330 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:23:38.361 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:23:38.361 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 12:23:38.455 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:23:38.486 [1888.1684] <4> write_backup: successfully wrote backup id TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033, copy 2, fragment 1, 87246524 Kbytes at 55558.012 Kbytes/sec 12:23:39.157 [1888.1684] <2> io_set_recvbuf: setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes 12:23:39.157 [1888.1684] <2> create_data_socket: tir socket created, fd is 444 12:23:39.157 [1888.1684] <2> write_data_tir: size of tir data received from read side is 28097799 bytes + 0 GB 12:23:39.157 [1888.1684] <2> write_data_tir: INF - Begin writing image file information for copy 2. 12:23:39.157 [1888.1684] <2> write_data_tir: absolute block position prior to writing backup header(s) is 60146519, copy 2 12:23:39.157 [1888.1684] <2> write_data_tir: block position check: actual 60146519, expected 60146519 12:23:39.157 [1888.1684] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 3, TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033, file num = 249, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 12:23:39.235 [1888.1684] <2> write_data_tir: writing first TIR block to media, bytes = 65536 12:23:39.984 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:23:40.015 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:23:40.015 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 12:23:40.124 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:23:40.155 [1888.1684] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 1888 7 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL018 0 1 0 27440 27440 (bptm.c.28557) 12:23:40.155 [1888.1684] <2> write_data_tir: Total Kbytes transferred 87273963 12:23:40.155 [1888.1684] <2> io_terminate_tape: writing empty backup header, drive index 3, copy 2 12:23:40.155 [1888.1684] <2> io_ioctl: command (0)MTWEOF 1 0x1 from (bptm.c.8980) on drive index 3 12:23:40.171 [1888.1684] <2> io_terminate_tape: absolute block position prior to writing empty header is 60146950, copy 2 12:23:40.171 [1888.1684] <2> io_write_back_header: drive index 3, empty_file, file num = 250, mpx_headers = 0, copy 2 12:23:40.171 [1888.1684] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, from bptm.c.9103 12:23:40.171 [1888.1684] <2> io_terminate_tape: block position check: actual 60146950, expected 60146950 12:23:40.171 [1888.1684] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867212 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464620209 1465797633 0 3960823360 248 56 1 17 0 0 1024 0 60146950 0 12:23:40.202 [1888.1684] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, serial_num: 9261070004 12:23:40.202 [1888.1684] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 12:23:40.202 [1888.1684] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 12:23:40.342 [1888.1684] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) configured with blocksize 0 12:23:40.342 [1888.1684] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape3 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}) has compression enabled 12:23:40.342 [1888.1684] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 12:23:40.342 [1888.1684] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 successfully opened (mode 2) 12:23:40.342 [1888.1684] <2> io_terminate_tape: locate block positioned tape to 60146950 in io_terminate_tape 12:23:40.358 [1888.1684] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007, from bptm.c.9286 12:23:40.358 [1888.1684] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from io_terminate_tape) 12:23:40.358 [1888.1684] <2> write_data_tir: adding copy 2 fragment -1 (27440 Kbytes) for TIR data, filenum 249 12:23:40.358 [1888.1684] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 77 12:23:40.374 [1888.1684] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:23:40.374 [1888.1684] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 444 12:23:40.467 [1888.1684] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:23:40.576 [1888.1684] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867212 OLL018 4000853 *NULL* 6 1444971602 1464620209 1465797633 0 3960850800 249 57 1 17 0 0 1024 0 60146950 0 12:23:40.654 [1888.1684] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\backup_notify.cmd bptm TAHQ002vw0177_1464588033 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> updateEMM_freespace: updateEMM_freespace() (1 0) 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> updateEMM_freespace: 0, myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 (1 0 2 1) 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL018 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 734020 0 OLL018 4000853 180 {3A338780-0403-4169-9C54-E50FF1FE2C98} 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 734020 0 OLL018 4000853 180 {3A338780-0403-4169-9C54-E50FF1FE2C98}) 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 734020 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL018 mediaKey 4000853 unloadDelay 180 allocId {3A338780-0403-4169-9C54-E50FF1FE2C98} 12:23:40.748 [1888.1684] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 12:23:40.764 [1888.1684] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 12:23:40.779 [1888.1684] <2> main: Got bpduplicate acknowledgement status: 0, err: 0 12:23:40.779 [1888.1684] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:26:41.014 [5168.4804] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 -dp {2,0,0,4} -dk 2001820 -m OLL018 -mk 4000853 -mds 0 -alocid 1867212 -jobid -1463008209 -jm 12:26:41.014 [5168.4804] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 12:26:41.014 [5168.4804] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 12:26:41.045 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 12:26:41.045 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 12:26:41.045 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 12:26:41.045 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 12:26:41.045 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 5168 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL018 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_5168_844851497(Orb.cpp:795) 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_5168_844851497(Orb.cpp:805) 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_5168_844851497 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 12:26:41.108 [5168.4804] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867212 OLL018 4000853 ------ 6 1444971602 1464615107 1465797632 0 3873576836 247 55 1 17 0 0 1024 0 58783290 0 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL018 4000853 OLL018 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 18 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 2001820 9261070004 {2,0,0,4} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 0 0 1 0 0 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 myarsw00200bk01-hcart-robot-tld-3 6 1048576 2 1 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,4} 12:26:41.232 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 12:26:41.248 [5168.4804] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:26:41.654 [5168.4804] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 12:26:43.713 [5168.4804] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:26:43.729 [5168.4804] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:26:43.729 [5168.4804] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 12:26:43.822 [5168.4804] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 5168 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 OLL018 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,4}, serial_num: 9261070004 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000004#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,4}, dos_path \\.\Tape3, drive serial number 9261070004, expected serial number 9261070004 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.007 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> drivename_remove: Called 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:26:43.853 [5168.4804] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:29:50.641 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:29:50.656 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:29:50.656 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 12:29:50.750 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:29:50.781 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 13202112 13202112 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 12:29:50.781 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 88414144 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008211 -jm 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464622373 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:32:53.470 [6900.6480] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008213 -jm 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464622973 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:42:53.011 [5140.1104] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 12:49:53.341 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 12:49:53.356 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 12:49:53.356 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 944 12:49:53.653 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 12:49:53.684 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 12802048 12802048 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 12:49:53.684 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 101216192 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008215 -jm 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464623572 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 12:52:52.886 [3220.6644] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008218 -jm 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464624172 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 13:02:52.946 [2932.5176] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 13:10:16.767 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 13:10:16.798 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 13:10:16.798 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 13:10:16.892 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 13:10:16.923 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 13202112 13202112 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 13:10:16.923 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 114418304 13:12:52.820 [5740.6520] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008220 -jm 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464624772 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 13:12:52.836 [5740.6520] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008223 -jm 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464625372 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 13:22:52.819 [5820.3908] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 13:30:53.068 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 13:30:53.084 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 13:30:53.084 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1184 13:30:53.193 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 13:30:53.224 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 13602176 13602176 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 13:30:53.224 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 128020480 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008225 -jm 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464625973 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 13:32:53.068 [4940.6772] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008227 -jm 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464626572 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 13:42:52.843 [5800.6360] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 13:50:54.965 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 13:50:54.981 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 13:50:54.981 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 13:50:55.074 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 13:50:55.121 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 13202112 13202112 (mpxrestore.c.1757) 13:50:55.121 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 141222592 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008229 -jm 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464627172 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 13:52:52.765 [6072.6556] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008237 -jm 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 0, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> drivename_checklock: File is locked 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: DRIVE = IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 LOCK = TRUE CURTIME = 1464627772 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: MODE = 0 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: TIME = 1464613658 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: MASTER = myarsw00403bk01 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: SR_KEY = 0 1 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: PATH = {2,0,0,2} 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: MEDIA = OLL010 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: REQID = 734014 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: ALOCID = 1867200 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: RBID = {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: PID = 5204 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> report_drives: FILE = D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 14:02:52.967 [6504.2928] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:06:25.369 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: read short block, bytes = 32768, remainder = 0 14:06:25.369 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, A tape access reached a filemark. (1101);bytes = 0 14:06:25.369 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: ReadFile detected EOM or EOF, bytes = 0 14:06:25.369 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 14:06:25.385 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:06:25.385 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1168 14:06:25.494 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:06:25.525 [4968.2752] <2> get_long_base: (1) cannot read (byte 1) from network: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 14:06:25.541 [5204.6656] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 5204 4 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 0 1 0 10232416 10232416 (mpxrestore.c.1497) 14:06:25.541 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_data: waited for empty buffer 860420 times, delayed 878174 times 14:06:25.541 [5204.6656] <2> send_brm_msg: MEDIA NOT READY 14:06:25.541 [5204.6656] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, from mpxrestore.c.3135 14:06:25.541 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_read_backup: waiting for children to terminate so exit status can be sent to bpbrm 14:06:25.541 [4968.2752] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:06:25.541 [4968.2752] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 1000 for client myarsw00403bk01 14:06:25.541 [4968.2752] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1000 14:06:25.541 [4968.2752] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 14:06:25.557 [4968.2752] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <734014> socket <1000> 14:06:25.557 [4968.2752] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 57676 14:06:25.822 [4968.2752] <2> job_monitoring_exex: ACK disconnect 14:06:25.822 [4968.2752] <2> job_disconnect: Disconnected 14:06:25.822 [4968.2752] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 14:06:25.822 [4968.2752] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:06:25.822 [4968.2752] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1008 14:06:25.931 [4968.2752] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:06:25.962 [4968.2752] <16> get_next_file: get_string() failed reading file list from bprd, (10054), network read error 14:06:26.555 [5204.6656] <2> mm_child_done: SIGCHLD: exit=23, pid=4968 14:06:26.555 [5204.6656] <2> notify: executing - D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\restore_notify.cmd bptm tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 restore 14:06:26.664 [5204.6656] <2> send_brm_msg: EXIT tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 23 14:06:26.664 [5204.6656] <2> bct_clear_active: Set BCTable entry 0 to inactive, ACTIVE_GC count decremented to 0 14:06:26.664 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_waiting_term: waiting for TERMINATE or another START RESTORE 14:06:30.720 [5204.6656] <2> mpx_check_msg_pending: could not open msg pending event, The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:30.720 [5204.6656] <2> read_brm_msg: TERMINATE 14:06:30.720 [5204.6656] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, serial_num: 9261070002 14:06:30.720 [5204.6656] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 14:06:30.720 [5204.6656] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 14:06:30.845 [5204.6656] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) configured with blocksize 0 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape1 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}) has compression enabled 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 successfully opened (mode 2) 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tpunmount) 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> io_close: closing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005, from bptm.c.16626 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 1 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> tpunmount: NOP: MEDIA_DONE 0 0 0 OLL010 4000845 180 {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 14:06:30.861 [5204.6656] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 14:06:30.876 [5204.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:06:30.876 [5204.6656] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 980 14:06:30.970 [5204.6656] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:06:30.986 [5204.6656] <4> mpx_read_backup: successfully restored 0 of 1 requests, read total of 151455008 Kbytes at 10584.952 Kbytes/sec 14:06:30.986 [5204.6656] <2> bptm: Calling tpunmount for media OLL010 14:06:30.986 [5204.6656] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIA_DONE 0 734014 0 OLL010 4000845 180 {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 14:06:30.986 [5204.6656] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: msg (MEDIA_DONE 0 734014 0 OLL010 4000845 180 {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC}) 14:06:30.986 [5204.6656] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: keyword MEDIA_DONE version 0 jobid 734014 copyNum 0 mediaId OLL010 mediaKey 4000845 unloadDelay 180 allocId {249D630A-BFE3-4748-893B-36B135AA3EAC} 14:06:30.986 [5204.6656] <2> packageBptmResourceDoneMsg: returns 0 14:06:31.001 [5204.6656] <2> JobInst::sendIrmMsg: returning 14:06:31.001 [5204.6656] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:09:32.296 [6924.6360] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -unload -dn IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 -dp {2,0,0,2} -dk 2001818 -m OLL010 -mk 4000845 -mds 16 -alocid 1867200 -jobid -1463008241 -jm 14:09:32.296 [6924.6360] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 14:09:32.296 [6924.6360] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 14:09:32.327 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 14:09:32.327 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 14:09:32.327 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 14:09:32.327 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 14:09:32.327 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 14:09:32.343 [6924.6360] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 6924 14:09:32.343 [6924.6360] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type UNLOAD/6 14:09:32.343 [6924.6360] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = NULL, media_id = OLL010 14:09:32.343 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 14:09:32.343 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6924_276647045(Orb.cpp:795) 14:09:32.343 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6924_276647045(Orb.cpp:805) 14:09:32.343 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6924_276647045 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 14:09:32.358 [6924.6360] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867200 OLL010 4000845 ------ 6 1462071665 1464497305 1467175705 1464109453 1666702033 88 88 3 17 6 0 1024 0 26042441 0 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL010 4000845 OLL010 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 10 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 2001818 9261070002 {2,0,0,2} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <4> create_tpreq_file: {2,0,0,2} 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 14:09:32.405 [6924.6360] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 14:09:32.421 [6924.6360] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 14:09:32.421 [6924.6360] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 14:09:32.421 [6924.6360] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 14:09:33.435 [6924.6360] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400 14:09:35.494 [6924.6360] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 14:09:35.494 [6924.6360] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:09:35.494 [6924.6360] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1148 14:09:35.603 [6924.6360] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:09:35.634 [6924.6360] <4> report_resource_done: VBRD 1 6924 0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 OLL010 14:09:35.634 [6924.6360] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,2}, serial_num: 9261070002 14:09:35.634 [6924.6360] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000002#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 14:09:35.634 [6924.6360] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,2}, dos_path \\.\Tape1, drive serial number 9261070002, expected serial number 9261070002 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release) 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_close: Called for file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.005 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> drivename_remove: Called 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 14:09:35.650 [6924.6360] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:12:52.779 [6736.4244] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008246 -jm 14:12:52.779 [6736.4244] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 14:12:52.779 [6736.4244] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:22:52.607 [3852.4788] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1463008257 -jm 14:22:52.607 [3852.4788] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 14:22:52.607 [3852.4788] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:31:49.626 [6356.6904] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -pid 1028 -mpx_restore -S myarsw00403bk01 -mud 180 14:31:49.626 [6356.6904] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 14:31:49.626 [6356.6904] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 14:31:49.657 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 14:31:49.657 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 14:31:49.657 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 14:31:49.657 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 14:31:49.657 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 14:31:49.673 [6356.6904] <2> send_brm_msg: PID of bpxm = 6356 14:31:49.673 [6356.6904] <2> process_mpx_protocol: wait for initial START RESTORE message from bpbrm 14:31:52.715 [6356.6904] <2> read_brm_msg: START RESTORE -b tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 -bt 1464490903 -c TAHQ004vw0206 -cl TA-BANCO-SQL-1month -st 2 -ct 15 -firstblk 0 -restoreid 734046.001 -cn 1 -flport 0 -flipc 57838 -hostname TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnt TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnthostname TAHQ004vw0206 -L /C/ProgramĀ Files/Veritas/NetBackup/Logs/user_ops/mssql/logs/0530116143024-6252-2668-000-000-prg -ru root -lcmsg C -lctime C -no_callback -connect_options 0x01010100 -jobid 734046 14:31:52.715 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 81 14:31:52.715 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:52.731 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 948 14:31:52.871 [6356.6904] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:31:52.902 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_read_init: image is not multiplexed 14:31:52.902 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_read_init: media id OLL010, copy 1, fragment 1 (151455008 Kbytes) filenum 58 being considered for restore 14:31:52.902 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_read_init: filenumber for new restore is 58, Mpx_Filenum is -1 14:31:52.902 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 14:31:52.918 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:52.918 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 948 14:31:52.996 [6356.6904] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:31:53.011 [6356.6904] <4> report_client: VBRC 2 6356 0 tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 15 TA-BANCO-SQL-1month 2 *NULL* 0 1 1 14:31:53.011 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: using 30 data buffers, buffer size is 65536 14:31:53.011 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: child delay = 10, parent delay = 15 (milliseconds) 14:31:53.011 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: Created "Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Path -2118389726 6356" shared memory file. 14:31:53.011 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_setup_restore_shm: shm_size = 1968600, buffer address = 0000000002820000, buf control = 0000000002A00000, ready ptr = 0000000002A002D0, res_cntl = 0000000002A002D8 14:31:53.027 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:53.058 [6356.6904] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 964 14:31:53.058 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 14:31:53.261 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 55931 14:31:53.479 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_start_child: backup child for tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 is pid 1500.6644, CINDEX = 0 14:31:53.479 [6356.6904] <2> send_brm_msg: NCB_DATASOCKET tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 55931;ab6855546b78f202fed7a98d21b592b2;11;900 14:31:53.479 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 21 14:31:53.479 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:53.479 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 964 14:31:53.557 [1500.6644] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -pid 1028 -mpx_restore -S myarsw00403bk01 -mud 180 -den 6 -b tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 -restoreid 734046.001 -cl TA-BANCO-SQL-1month -c TAHQ004vw0206 -hostname TAHQ004vw0206 -L /C/ProgramĀ Files/Veritas/NetBackup/Logs/user_ops/mssql/logs/0530116143024-6252-2668-000-000-prg -ru root -rclnt TAHQ004vw0206 -rclnthostname TAHQ004vw0206 -flipc 57838 -mmflush 6356 0 65536 30 10 0 0 0 0 -2118389726 0 0 14:31:53.557 [1500.6644] <4> bptm: emmserver_name = myarsw00403bk01 14:31:53.557 [1500.6644] <4> bptm: emmserver_port = 1556 14:31:53.573 [6356.6904] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:31:53.589 [1500.6644] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 14:31:53.589 [1500.6644] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: bptm -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 14:31:53.589 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 14:31:53.589 [1500.6644] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 14:31:53.589 [1500.6644] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1562) 14:31:53.589 [1500.6644] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1571) 14:31:53.589 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:53.589 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 964 14:31:53.604 [1500.6644] <2> setup_mm_child: [6356] child using 30 data buffers 14:31:53.604 [1500.6644] <2> setup_mm_child: [6356] child buffer size is 65536 14:31:53.604 [1500.6644] <2> setup_mm_child: [6356] buffer address = 0x29d0000, buf control = 0x2bb0000, ready ptr = 0x2bb02d0, res_cntl = 0x2bb02d8 14:31:53.682 [6356.6904] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 14:31:53.901 [6356.6904] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 14:31:53.901 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:53.901 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 14:31:53.916 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:53.979 [6356.6904] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 984 14:31:53.979 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 14:31:54.181 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 55932 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 980 for client myarsw00403bk01 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 980 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now... 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host myarsw00403bk01 contype 53 jobid <0> socket <980> 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 58452 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> media_id_to_monitor: job_id = 734046, pSrcMediaId = OLL010 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:55.648 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 984 14:31:55.726 [6356.6904] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 14:31:56.007 [6356.6904] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 14:31:56.007 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:56.007 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 984 14:31:56.038 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:56.069 [6356.6904] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 972 14:31:56.069 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 14:31:56.288 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 55936 14:31:57.770 [6356.6904] <2> nbjm_media_request: Passing job control to NBJM, type READ/2 14:31:57.770 [6356.6904] <2> nbjm_media_request: old_media_id = , media_id = OLL010 14:31:57.770 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:713) 14:31:57.770 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: Created anon service name: NB_6356_1282481377(Orb.cpp:795) 14:31:57.770 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: endpointvalue is : pbxiop://1556:NB_6356_1282481377(Orb.cpp:805) 14:31:57.770 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB Default_DAEMON_Orb with: Unknown -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb Default_DAEMON_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBEndpoint pbxiop://1556:NB_6356_1282481377 -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:916) 14:31:57.770 [6356.6904] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:930) 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> Media_signal_poll: Read bpbrm message (MultiResReq.cpp:2398) 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> process_brm_msg: no pending message from bpbrm 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> RequestInitialResources: returning 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: MEDIADB 1 1867316 OLL010 4000845 ------ 6 1462071665 1464497305 1467175705 1464613670 1666702033 88 88 3 17 7 0 1024 0 26042441 0 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 15, version 1, 21 parameters 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: VOLUME 1 OLL010 4000845 OLL010 TA *NULL* *NULL* 6 8 3 10 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 16, version 1, 14 parameters 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 2001819 9261070003 {2,0,0,3} -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 17, version 3, 23 parameters 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 myarsw00200bk01 myarsw00200bk01 *NULL* 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 18, version 1, 11 parameters 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 21, version 0, 7 parameters 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 22, version 0, 6 parameters 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL* 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> parse_resource_strings: Parsed message type 23, version 0, 3 parameters 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 0 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> drivename_checklock: Called 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> drivename_lock: lock established 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> read_backup_mount_media: Number UP drives before restore = 4 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id OLL010 (copy 1) on server myarsw00200bk01. 14:31:57.894 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 14:31:57.910 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:57.910 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 14:31:57.988 [6356.6904] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 14:31:58.206 [6356.6904] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 14:31:58.222 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:58.222 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1144 14:31:58.222 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:31:58.347 [6356.6904] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 14:31:58.347 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 14:31:58.550 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 55942 14:32:00.000 [6356.6904] <2> openNTDevice: config_path: {2,0,0,3}, serial_num: 9261070003 14:32:00.000 [6356.6904] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 14:32:00.000 [6356.6904] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 14:32:00.000 [6356.6904] <2> manage_drive_before_load: SCSI RESERVE 14:32:00.000 [6356.6904] <2> manage_drive_before_load: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 14:32:01.015 [6356.6904] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, Mount, timeout 0 14:32:01.545 [1500.6644] <2> io_set_sendbuf: setting send network buffer to 132096 bytes 14:32:01.545 [1500.6644] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:01.592 [1500.6644] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 316 14:32:01.592 [1500.6644] <8> vnet_vnetd_daemon_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:378] VN_REQUEST_DAEMON_SOCKET 2 0x2 14:32:01.592 [1500.6644] <8> vnet_vnetd_daemon_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:392] ipc_string 57838 14:32:01.857 [1500.6644] <2> connect_bprd_socket: [6356] data socket to bprd is connected port = 0, fd = 316, DATAPORT=0, duping to stdin 14:32:07.192 [6356.6904] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, serial_num: 9261070003 14:32:07.192 [6356.6904] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 14:32:07.192 [6356.6904] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 14:32:07.364 [6356.6904] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) configured with blocksize 0 14:32:07.380 [6356.6904] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) has compression enabled 14:32:07.380 [6356.6904] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE (D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006) 14:32:07.395 [6356.6904] <2> manage_drive_attributes: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000 14:32:07.395 [6356.6904] <2> openTpreqFile: tpreq_file: D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006, serial_num: 9261070003 14:32:07.395 [6356.6904] <2> get_drive_path: SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, pnp_path \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-td3#5&1d988d71&0&000003#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} 14:32:07.395 [6356.6904] <2> check_serial_num: serial number match for drive with SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}, dos_path \\.\Tape2, drive serial number 9261070003, expected serial number 9261070003 14:32:07.645 [6356.6904] <2> init_tape: \\.\Tape2 (SCSI coordinates {2,0,0,3}) configured with blocksize 0 14:32:07.645 [6356.6904] <2> io_open: file D:\GEAplications\Veritas\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq\drive_IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 successfully opened (mode 0) 14:32:07.645 [6356.6904] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 2, reading media header, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x0000000001D11F20, copy 1 14:32:07.645 [6356.6904] <2> io_ioctl: command (5)MTREW 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8311) on drive index 2 14:32:07.645 [6356.6904] <2> io_ioctl: command (1)MTFSF 1 0x0 from (bptm.c.8563) on drive index 2 14:32:08.877 [6356.6904] <2> read_backup_mount_media: media id OLL010 mounted on drive index 2 14:32:08.877 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 14:32:08.877 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:08.877 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 14:32:08.955 [6356.6904] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:32:08.986 [6356.6904] <4> report_throughput: VBRT 1 6356 0 1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 OLL010 0 1 0 0 0 (mpxrestore.c.302) 14:32:08.986 [6356.6904] <2> send_MDS_msg: MEDIADB 1 1867316 OLL010 4000845 *NULL* 6 1462071665 1464497305 1467175705 1464629528 1666702033 88 88 3 17 8 0 1024 0 26042441 0 14:32:09.002 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 14:32:09.002 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:09.002 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 14:32:09.080 [6356.6904] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 14:32:09.298 [6356.6904] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 14:32:09.314 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:09.314 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1180 14:32:09.330 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:09.376 [6356.6904] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 14:32:09.376 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 14:32:09.579 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 55948 14:32:11.030 [6356.6904] <2> io_position_for_read: positioning OLL010 to file number 58 14:32:11.030 [6356.6904] <2> io_position_for_read: locating to absolute block number 22809849 14:32:11.030 [6356.6904] <2> io_position_for_read: locate block is done 14:32:11.030 [6356.6904] <2> io_read_back_header: drive index 2, reading backup header 14:32:11.077 [6356.6904] <2> io_position_for_read: successfully positioned OLL010 to file number 58 14:32:11.077 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 223 14:32:11.108 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:11.108 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 14:32:11.186 [6356.6904] <2> db_CLIENTsend: reset client protocol version from 0 to 8 14:32:11.405 [6356.6904] <2> db_getCLIENT: db_CLIENTreceive: no entity was found 227 14:32:11.420 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:11.420 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1172 14:32:11.436 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:11.483 [6356.6904] <8> do_pbx_service: [vnet_connect.c:2156] via PBX VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1164 14:32:11.483 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:440] VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET 10 0xa 14:32:11.701 [6356.6904] <8> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: [vnet_vnetd.c:457] ipc_string 55950 14:32:13.214 [6356.6904] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host myarsw00403bk01, query type 1 14:32:13.230 [6356.6904] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded 14:32:13.230 [6356.6904] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1176 14:32:13.308 [6356.6904] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply 14:32:13.323 [6356.6904] <4> mpx_issue_begin_msg: begin reading backup id tahq002vw0186.tarjeta.local_1464490903 (restore), copy 1, fragment 1, from media id OLL010 on drive IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (index 2) 14:32:13.323 [6356.6904] <2> send_brm_msg: CURRENT POSITION OLL010 58 14:32:13.323 [6356.6904] <2> process_brm_msg: no pending message from bpbrm 14:32:14.337 [6356.6904] <2> read_brm_msg: CONTINUE RESTORE 14:32:14.337 [6356.6904] <2> send_brm_msg: MEDIA READY 14:32:14.337 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_read_data: begin reading data from media id OLL010, file num 58 14:32:14.337 [6356.6904] <2> mpx_read_data: Total Kbytes transferred 0 14:32:14.337 [6356.6904] <2> read_position: read position on drive index 2, is LBA 22809850 14:32:14.369 [1500.6644] <2> filter_image: [6356] Min_records before frag switch is 90000, locate available = 1 14:32:14.369 [1500.6644] <2> save_block: [6356] Allocated SAVE_BUF to 262144 bytes.