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Backup DFSR data in Netbackup 7.1 (Solution for Error-13 )

Level 3

Environment: NetBackup 7.1, Windows 2008 R2 DFSR enabled File server in Cluster.

Error: Backup partially completes or fails with error 13 without backing up actual data.

Issue: Wrong policy configuration and backup job conflict on virtual server on same cluster node.


  • Configure the policy as below;

  • In Backup Selection window, the entry should be like below.

/Shadow Copy Components/User Data/Distributed File System Replication/DfsrReplicatedFolders/DFS Share name/

  • And more importantly, if the file servers are in cluster; The backup should run only on any of the virtual server name at a time.

In my case we had four virtual servers under two physical nodes. And I manually moved two virtual names to one physical node. So there will be two virtual names per physical node.

In the below example, Virtual server name 1 and Virtual server name 2 are on Physical node 1.

  • Now, the backup schedule must be configured properly so as to avoid conflicts, meaning - backup should run only on any of the virtual name at a time. Example, backup should only run either on virtual server name 1 or virtual server name 2 at a single point of time. If backup are running on both servers at same time, the VSS provider will try to take multiple snapshots at same time and it fails with conflict. Note; the Client name in policy will be the Virtual server name.
  • All the above will work only if all the VSS writers are in stable and no error state. To check the writer state login to Physical Node and run CMD as administrator and run the command VSSAdmin list writers. If any of the Writer is in Error state or waiting for retry state restart the node. Also there must be only one VSS provider installed. To check run VSSAdmin list providers. By default Microsoft VSS provider is the only Provider. If there is any other Provider listed, remove it. To remove- backup and carefully delete the second provider from registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\VSS\Providers and then restart.

Hope this will help,

Nelson Thomas.