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Connect Updates (11 Oct 2011)

Not applicable
  • At the request of some internal Symantec groups, we modified the behavior of notifications system that will account for a user who posts content, forgets to tag it for a group, and then circles back to associate the post with a group. The default behavior was for no "makeup" notification to be sent when a submission is edited to add group associations. The new behavior is for email notifications to go out to members of the group that the content is associated with on edit.
  • Fixed an issue where posts that were marked as private and assigned to a group were being saved as public.
  • Changed the default groups collector page (/connect/groups) to list North American groups by default.
  • Added code that limits a group owner's ability to make potentially dangerous configuration changes to their group settings.
  • Fixed a problem with auto-expiration of reward points after 1-year of inactivity. In some edge cases, points were not auto-expiring.
  • Updated ImageAPI module to v6.x-1.10 -- maintenance release
  • Updated ImageCache module to v6.x-2.0-beta12 -- maintenance release