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Cleaning tape

Level 4


Although I've done the cleaning robots, when I run the command tpclean.exe -L, says it needs cleaning. Also on netbackup Administrator console, I see it has been used 0 times. Even in drve tells me that cleaning is not necessary.
The result is that at regular intervals to have alert that needs cleaning and stop the backup.
Any help????

* The cleaning tape is new


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Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

That means NetBackup will not use the drive until it has been cleaned

You need to put the cleaning tape in the library so that NetBackup can use it when it needs to - it only takes a minute or so and should not cause any backups to fail as a result

I would usually advise to keep 2 cleaning tapes in a library so that you always have one available.

Without one NBU will simply not use that drive again until it sees it has been cleaned

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

So, your cleaning tape is NOT in the robot? (Robot Type = NONE)

You can reset cleaning on the drives with: 

tpclean -M <drive_name>

Partner    VIP    Certified

as per capture 1, there is no cleaning frequency set.

does your backup activity are intrupeting with Cleaning flag?

Level 4


Partner    VIP    Certified

what is the flag that you are reciving... 

could you show us the compleate log?

Level 4

I run this command and what; Is this a solution;


Level 4

"the device has indicate yhat cleaning is required before further operations are attempted. (1165)"

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

That means NetBackup will not use the drive until it has been cleaned

You need to put the cleaning tape in the library so that NetBackup can use it when it needs to - it only takes a minute or so and should not cause any backups to fail as a result

I would usually advise to keep 2 cleaning tapes in a library so that you always have one available.

Without one NBU will simply not use that drive again until it sees it has been cleaned

Level 4

After the reseting, it seems to be ok, but the "mounts" of the cleaning tape in the Administrator console, still 0

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Because you have cleaned the drives manually, NBU does not about it.
This means you have to TELL NetBackup that you have cleaned the drive manually with 'tpclean -M <drive-name>'.

The tape shows 0 cleans because NBU has not done the cleaning - it does not know about your manual cleaning.

Best to have one or two cleaning tapes in the robot so that NBU can react and mount the cleaning tape when the TapeAlert is received from the drive(s).

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Also bear in mind that the cleaning tape itself has a built in memory - and once it has been used up it simply wont work any more

So you have cleaned the drive - reset its status and the cleaning tape shows as zero .... but if the drive is not clean enough and the cleaning tape is used up netbackup will call it - get a reply that the cleaning tape is no good and will stop using the drive again

Let NBU do the cleaning and preferably start afresh with new cleaning tapes if possible