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Failed backup the SAP for Oracle at the Windows 2003 x64

Level 3
Partner Accredited

Hi, All

Upgrade netbackup 6.0 to 6.5 at yesterday.

and backint.exe file copy in the "E:\usr\sap\DCP\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64"

So, I recreate the sap, utl file

Bellow the file content

---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
# $Header:,v 1.3 2006/08/31 13:19:15 $
# $Copyright: Copyright 1993 - 2009 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved $
# @(#)    SAP    96/03/15
#                                                                      #
# SAP backup sample profile.                                           #
# The parameter syntax is the same as for init.ora parameters.         #
# Enclose parameter values which consist of more than one symbol in    #
# double quotes.                                                       #
# After any symbol, parameter definition can be continued on the next  #
# line.                                                                #
# A parameter value list should be enclosed in parentheses, the list   #
# items should be delimited by commas.                                 #
# There can be any number of spaces (blanks, tabs and new lines)       #
# between symbols for parameter definition.                            #
#                                                                      #

# backup mode [all | <tablespace_name> | <file_id1>-<file_id2>
# | <file_id> | <generic_path> | (<object_list>) | sap_dir | ora_dir
# default: all
backup_mode = all

# backup type [offline | offline_force | online]
# default: offline
backup_type = online

# backup device type
# [tape | disk | pipe | tape_auto | pipe_auto | util_file
# | util_file_online]
# default: tape
backup_dev_type = util_file_online

# backup root directory [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
# default: %SAPBACKUP%
backup_root_dir = F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup

# compression flag [yes | no | hardware | only]
# default: no
compress = no

# compress command
# first $-character is replaced by the source file name
# second $-character is replaced by the target file name
# <target_file_name> = <source_file_name>.Z
# for compress command the -c option must be set
# recommended setting for brbackup -k only run:
# "\\%COMPUTERNAME%\sapmnt\%ORACLE_SID%\SYS\exe\run\compress -b 12 -c $ > $"
# no default
compress_cmd = "\\%COMPUTERNAME%\sapmnt\%ORACLE_SID%\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\compress -c $ > $"

# uncompress command
# first $-character is replaced by the source file name
# second $-character is replaced by the target file name
# <source_file_name> = <target_file_name>.Z
# for uncompress command the -c option must be set
# no default
uncompress_cmd = "\\%COMPUTERNAME%\sapmnt\%ORACLE_SID%\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\uncompress -c $ > $"

# directory for compression [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
# default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter
compress_dir = F:\oracle\DCP\sapreorg

# brarchive function [save | second_copy | double_save | save_delete
# | second_copy_delete | double_save_delete | copy_save
# | copy_delete_save | delete_saved | delete_copied]
# default: save
archive_function = save

# directory for archive log copies
# default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter
archive_copy_dir = F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup

# flags for cpio output command
# default: -ovB
cpio_flags = -ovB

# flags for cpio input command
# default: -iuvB
cpio_in_flags = -iuvB

# flags for cpio command for copy of directories to disk
# default: -pdcu
cpio_disk_flags = -pdcu

# flags for dd output command
# default: "obs=16k"
dd_flags = "obs=16k"

# flags for dd input command
# default: "ibs=16k"
dd_in_flags = "ibs=16k"

# remote shell command (backup_dev_type = pipe)
# no default
# HP-UX:  "remsh hs0001" or "remsh hs0001 -l orac11"
# OSF1:   "rsh ds0011"   or "rsh ds0011 -l orac11"
# AIX:    "remsh is0001" or "remsh is0001 -l orac11"
# SINIX:  "rsh ss0001"   or "rsh ss0001 -l orac11"
# SUN:    "rsh us0001"   or "rsh us0001 -l orac11"
# DGUX:   "rsh gs0001"   or "rsh gs0001 -l orac11"
# NT:     "rsh xs0001"   or "rsh xs0001 -l orac11"
# PTX:    "resh xs0001"  or "resh xs0001 -l orac11"
read_fifo_cmd = "rsh xs0001"

# remote copy-out command (backup_dev_type = pipe)
# $-character is replaced by current device address
# no default
copy_out_cmd = "dd bs=5k conv=block of=$"

# remote copy-in command (backup_dev_type = pipe)
# $-character is replaced by current device address
# no default
copy_in_cmd = "dd bs=5k conv=block if=$"

# rewind command (operating system dependent)
# $-character is replaced by current device address
# no default
# HP-UX:  "mt -t $ rew"
# OSF1:   "mt -f $ rew"
# AIX:    "tctl -f $ rewind"
# SINIX:  "mt -f $ rew"
# SUN:    "mt -f $ rew"
# DGUX:   "mt -f $ rewind"
# NT:     "mt -f $ rewind"
# PTX:    "mt -f $ rewind"
rewind = "mt -f $ rewind"

# rewind set offline command (operating system dependent)
# $-character is replaced by current device address
# default: value of the rewind parameter
# HP-UX:  "mt -t $ offl"
# OSF1:   "mt -f $ offline"
# AIX:    "tctl -f $ offline"
# SINIX:  "mt -f $ offline"
# SUN:    "mt -f $ offline"
# DGUX:   "mt -f $ offline"
# NT:     "mt -f $ offline"
# PTX:    "mt -f $ rewoffl"
rewind_offline = "mt -f $ offline"

# tape positioning command (operating system dependent)
# first $-character is replaced by current device address
# second $-character is replaced by number of files to be skipped
# no default
# HP-UX:  "mt -t $ fsf $"
# OSF1:   "mt -f $ fsf $"
# AIX:    "tctl -f $ fsf $"
# SINIX:  "mt -f $ fsf $"
# SUN:    "mt -f $ fsf $"
# DGUX:   "mt -f $ fsf $"
# NT:     "mt -f $ fsf $"
# PTX:    "mt -f $ fsf $"
tape_pos_cmd = "mt -f $ fsf $"

# volume size in KB = K or in MB = M (backup device dependent)
# default: 1200M
# recommended values for tape devices without hardware compression:
# 60 m   4 mm  DAT DDS-1 tape:    1200M
# 90 m   4 mm  DAT DDS-1 tape:    1800M
# 120 m  4 mm  DAT DDS-2 tape:    3800M
# 112 m  8 mm  Video tape:        2000M
# 112 m  8 mm  high density:      4500M
# recommended values for tape devices with hardware compression:
# 60 m   4 mm  DAT DDS-1 tape:    1000M
# 90 m   4 mm  DAT DDS-1 tape:    1600M
# 120 m  4 mm  DAT DDS-2 tape:    3600M
# 112 m  8 mm  Video tape:        1800M
# 112 m  8 mm  high density:      4300M
# HP-UX:  1200M
# OSF1:   1200M
# AIX:    2000M
# SINIX:  2000M
# SUN:    1200M
# DGUX:   1200M
# NT:     1200M
# PTX:    1200M
tape_size = 1200M

# level of parallel execution
# default: 0 - set to number of backup devices
exec_parallel = 0

# address of backup device without rewind
# [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
# no default
# HP-UX:  /dev/rmt/0mn
# OSF1:   /dev/nrmt0h
# AIX:    /dev/rmt0.1
# SINIX:  /dev/ios0/rstape005n
# SUN:    /dev/rmt/0mn
# DGUX:   /dev/rmt/0n
# NT:     /dev/nmt0
# PTX:    /dev/rmt/tm1n
tape_address = /dev/nmt0

# address of backup device without rewind to be used from BRARCHIVE
# default: value of the tape_address parameter
# tape_address_arch = /dev/nmt0

# address of backup device with rewind
# [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
# no default
# HP-UX:  /dev/rmt/0m
# OSF1:   /dev/rmt0h
# AIX:    /dev/rmt0
# SINIX:  /dev/ios0/rstape005
# SUN:    /dev/rmt/0m
# DGUX:   /dev/rmt/0
# NT:     /dev/mt0
# PTX:    /dev/rmt/tm1
tape_address_rew = /dev/mt0

# address of backup device with rewind to be used from BRARCHIVE
# default: value of the tape_address_rew parameter
# tape_address_rew_arch = /dev/mt0

# volumes for brarchive
# [<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]
# no default
volume_archive = (XXLA01, XXLA02, XXLA03, XXLA04, XXLA05,
                  XXLA06, XXLA07, XXLA08, XXLA09, XXLA10,
                  XXLA11, XXLA12, XXLA13, XXLA14, XXLA15,
                  XXLA16, XXLA17, XXLA18, XXLA19, XXLA20,
                  XXLA21, XXLA22, XXLA23, XXLA24, XXLA25,
                  XXLA26, XXLA27, XXLA28, XXLA29, XXLA30)

# volumes for brbackup
# [<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]
# no default
volume_backup = (XXLB01, XXLB02, XXLB03, XXLB04, XXLB05,
                 XXLB06, XXLB07, XXLB08, XXLB09, XXLB10,
                 XXLB11, XXLB12, XXLB13, XXLB14, XXLB15,
                 XXLB16, XXLB17, XXLB18, XXLB19, XXLB20,
                 XXLB21, XXLB22, XXLB23, XXLB24, XXLB25,
                 XXLB26, XXLB27, XXLB28, XXLB29, XXLB30)

# expiration period for backup volumes in days
# default: 30
expir_period = 30


# recommended usages of backup volumes
# default: 100
tape_use_count = 100


# backup utility parameter file
# default: no parameter file
util_par_file = D:\oracle\DCP\102\database\initDCP_online.utl

# description of parallel instances for Oracle Parallel Server
# [<instance_desc> | (<instance_desc_list>)]
# <instance_desc> -> <Oracle_sid>:<Oracle_home>@<conn_str>
# <Oracle_sid>    -> Oracle system Id for parallel instance
# <Oracle_home>   -> Oracle home for parallel instance
# <conn_str>      -> connect string from local to parallel instance
# Do not include the local instance in the parameter definition!
# default: no parallel instances
# parallel_instances = (C12:/oracle/C12@T:hs0002:C12,
#                       C13:/oracle/C13@T:hs0003:C13)

---------------------------------------------- initDCP_online.utl ---------------------------------------------------------
# backint parameters
# switch_list: is required and is used as a control file to communicate with
# BACKINT and BRBACKUP for online backups.  A switch list file is created
# every time BRBACKUP wants to backup a file or when it wants to indicate that
# a backup is finished.  The switch_list parameter must be set to a file path
# that is located in: $ORACLE_HOME/sapbackup/.switch.lis.
switch_list F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup\.switch.lis
# switch_sem: is required and is used as a control file which is used between
# BACKINT and BRBACKUP to communicate.  After the switch list file has been
# created and closed, BACKINT creates the switch semaphore file and waits until
# it is deleted by BRBACKUP.  The switch_sem parameter must be set to a file
# path that is located in: $ORACLE_HOME/sapbackup/.switch.sem.
switch_sem F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup\.switch.sem
# switch_log: is required and is used as a control file which is used between
# BACKINT and BRBACKUP to communicate.  After the switch semaphore file has
# been deleted, BACKINT opens and reads the switch log file to determine if
# the process is successful.  The switch log file is created by BRBACKUP.  The
# switch_log parameter must be set to a file path that is located in:
# $ORACLE_HOME/sapbackup/.switch_log.
switch_log F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup\.switch.log
# backint_dir: is an optional parameter and must be set to a directory that is
# public.  BACKINT uses this directory for work space and to store files called
# backint.times, which keeps track of backup information.
#backint_dir /oracle/SAP/sapscript/backint_dir
# server: is an optional parameter and is the machine name of the NetBackup
# Master server.   The NetBackup Master server is the name of the machine that
# provides most of the administration and control for Netbackup operations and
# contains the NetBackup database.  If BACKINT finds a $SAP_SERVER environment
# variable, the server parameter's value will be overriden by the value of
# $SAP_SERVER.  Also, if the server parameter is not specified and there is no
# environment variable then the server parameter value will default to the
# SERVER option specified in the Netbackkup bp.conf file.
server nbu_master
# client: is an optional parameter and must be set to a machine name that has
# the NetBackup client software, an Oracle database, and a SAP environment. 
# In some cases the server and client machine will be the same machine.  If
# BACKINT finds a $SAP_CLIENT environment variable, the client parameter value
# will be overriden by the assigned environment variable.  If the client
# parameter is not specified and there is no environment variable, then the
# client parameter value will default to the CLIENT_NAME specified in the
# Netbackkup bp.conf file.  If the value is not in bp.conf, BACKINT uses the
# value returned by the gethostname() libary function.
client DCPDBCI
# drives: is an optional parameter and should be set to the number of
# simultaneous tape drives to kickoff backup. Set NetBackup Server to support
# multiple simultaneous client backups and the number of storage units/tape
# drives for this backup policy.  Based on the number of drives specified
# BACKINT will simultaneously run the same number of bpbackup/bprestore
# commands.  So for example, if the drives parameter is set to 5, then 5
# bpbackup/bprestore jobs will run at the same time.  The drives parameter
# should be set to the following rule:
# drives = Number of storage units per policy  X  MPX number
# The drives parameter value should not exceed the Set Maxium Jobs per Client
# global attribute.  If BACKINT finds a $SAP_DRIVES environment variable, the
# drive parameter value will be overriden by the value of the $SAP_DRIVES
# variable.  If the drive parameter is not specified and there is no
# environment variable, then BACKINT will exit with an error.
drives 1
# policy: is an optionl parameter and should be set to the name of a SAP policy
# type that has been defined in Netbackup.  The SAP policy must have a schedule
# type of Application Backup defined in order for BACKINT to work.  If BACKINT finds
# a $SAP_POLICY environment variable, the policy parameter value will be
# overriden by the value of the $SAP_POLICY variable.  If the policy parameter
# is not specified and there is no environment variable, then the policy
# parameter value will default to the BPBACKUP_POLICY option in the NetBackup
# bp.conf file.  By default, BPBACKUP_POLICY is not in any bp.conf file, then
# NetBackup uses the first SAP policy type that it finds that has the client
# and a user-directed backup schedule.
#policy sap_backup
# schedule: Is optional and must be set to the name of type  Application Backup
# schedule that is associates with a SAP policy type.  The schedule can
# define aspects of the backup such as how long Netbackup retains images,
# maximum MPX per drive, storage unit, and volume pool.  If BACKINT finds a
# $SAP_SCHED environment variable, the schedule parameter value will be
# overriden by the value of the $SAP_SCHED environment variable.  If the
# schedule parameter is not specified and there is no environment variable,
# then the schedule parameter value will default to the BPBACKUP_SCHED option
# in the NetBackup bp.conf file.  By default BPBACKUP_SCHED is not in any
# bp.conf file then, NetBackup uses the first schedule of type Application Backup
# that it finds. It is higly recommended to set schedule parameter in *.utl file.
schedule Default-Application-Backup
# policy2: is optional and is the name of a policy to be used for the
# secondary SAP backup.  The secondary backup is performed for each SAP
# database backup on files that are needed to track SAP backup information.
# This option would be used to save the backup information on a different
# media.  If policy2 is not specified, then the policy parameter value is used.
#policy2 sap_sec_backup
# schedule2: is optional and is the name of a Application Backup schedule to be
# used for the secondary SAP  backup.  The secondary backup is performed for
# each SAP database backup on files that are needed to track SAP backup
# information.  This option would be used to save the backup information on a
# different media.  If schedule2 is not specified, then the schedule parameter
# value is used.
#schedule2 userbkps
# sort_backup_type: [size | custom | device | drive ]
# This parameter is optional and is used to specify four different backup
# sort option.  If sort_backup_type is not specified it will default to
# the size option.
#sort_backup_type size
# sort_backup_type: [image | custom | drive ]
# This parameter is optional and is used to specify three different restore
# sort option.  If sort_restore_type is not specified it will default to   
# the image option.
#sort_restore_type image
# custom_sort_file: is optional and is used in conjunction with the
# sort_backup_type and sort_restore_type parameter.  If the custom option is
# specified on either the sort_backup_type or sort_restore_type parameter,
# then the custom_sort_file parameter needs to be set to a valid file.  The
# value for this parameter must be a full path name to a custom sort file and
# must have public permissions. 
#custom_sort_file /oracle/SAP/sapscripts/custom_sort_file
# master_time_offset:  is an option parameter used to restore old backups
# if there was a time difference between the master and client machines. 
# This option should only be used for restoring 3.0 or older backup or if a
# backint restore can't find a specified backup.  The master_time_offset is
# specified in minutes.  The value will be subtract from the start time and
# added to the end time for a restore or inquire.   
#master_time_offset 2
#sleep: is optional and is used to specify a sleep time to monitor the
# bpbackup or bprestore logs.  The default is 5 seconds.  When BACKINT is
# called a number of bpbackup/bprestore commands can be running at the
# sametime.  BACKINT monitors each command and display the information to the
# -o parameter.  In some cases bpbackup/bprestore information is not displayed
# because of the monitoring cycle.  Therefore this option is used mainly for
# debug reasons.
#sleep 5
# policy_log: is optional and is the name of a policy to be used for
# backing up a second copy of an archive log.  If this option is specified
# then two backups will be performed on the same archive log.  The first
# backup will go to the "policy" name option and the second backup will go
# to the "policy_log" name option.
#policy_log sap_archive_logs
# sched_log: is optional and is the name of a schedule to create a second
# backing up of an archive log.  If this option is specified then two backup
# will be performed on the same archive log.  The first backup will go to the
# "schedule" option and the second backup will be go to the "sched_log" and
# option.  The "sched_log" name must be a valid schedule name under the
# "policy_log" name option, otherwise it must be a valid schedule name under
# the "policy" name option.
#sched_log Default-Application-Backup
# retry_backup: is an optional parameter and should be set to the number of
# retries for a failed backup.  If this option is specified BACKINT will
# retry a failed bpbackup job.  The number of retries is determine by the
# value on the retry_backup parameter.
#retry_backup 2
# fail_backup: is optional and is used to stop the backup process immediately
# when an error occurs.  The standard behavior of BACKINT is to continue
# processing even in the event of an error and then report what files failed
# and what files were successful.  If this parameter is specified then BACKINT
# will stop process on the first error and report failures for all the
# files that were not backed up.
# media_notify_script: is optional and is used to call a script when a
# "Waiting mount" is displayed in a bpbackup/bprestore log.  The value for this
# option must be the full path name to a script.  The script should also have
# the right file permissions and should be tested before implementation.  If
# the message is encountered and this optional is specified, then the
# following commands will be executed from BACKINT:
#   MEDIA_ID=A001;export MEDIA_ID
#   /oracle/SAP/sapscripts/sap_media_notify
#media_notify_script /oracle/SAP/sapscripts/sap_media_notify
# restore_filter: is optional and is used to resolve linked file paths on a
# restore.  This parameter should be commented out and should be used only on
# rare occassions.  The following are the cases were this parameter is needed:
#   1) Oracle table spaces use file paths
#   2) The directory paths to the Oracle table spaces are linked paths
#   3) The linked directory paths don't exist at restore time
# The value for this parmater must be a fully qualified file path name to a
# script, which has the right permissions and has been tested before being
# implemented.  The script must have an input and output parameter and be able
# to modify the contents of a text file which contains file paths.  The script
# is responsible for converting linked directory paths into absolute directory
# paths. See /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/scripts/restore_filter for
# an example.  
#restore_filter /oracle/SAP/sapscripts/
# bplist_filter: is optional and is used to resolve linked file passes on an
# inquire.  This parameter should be commented out and should be used only on
# rare occassions.  Like the restore_filter_script parameter this is needed
# for the following cases:
#   1) Oracle table spaces use file paths
#   2) The directory paths to the Oracle table spaces are linked paths
#   3) The linked directory paths don't exist at restore time
# The value for this option must be a fully qualified path name to a script,
# which has the right file permission and has been tested before being
# implemented.  The script must have an input and output parameter and be able
# to modify the contents of a text file, which contains file paths.  The script
# is responsible for converting absolute directory paths into linked directory
# paths.  This is just the opposite of the restore filter script. See
# /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/scripts/bplist_filter for an example.
#bplist_filter /oracle/SAP/sapscripts/
# check_directory_flag: is optional and is used to allow directory and
# subdirctory backups.  The parameter value can be either set to a 1 for true
# or 0 for false. The SAP Tools only allows file backups, not directories or
# subdirectories.  The SAP Tools requires BACKINT to report an error if a
# directory being backed up.  This option provides the ability to override
# this design and gives the SAP Tools the ability to backup directories and
# subdirectories.   The default is not to allow directory and subdirectory
# backups.
#check_directory_flag 1
# second_secondary_archive: is optional, and it can have value of 0 or 1.
# If value is one, then 2 copies of secondary backup will be made. This
# parameter will have an effect only if policy_log and/or schedule_log are
# specified. The first backup will go to the "policy"  name option and the
# second backup will go to the "policy_log" name option. Furthermore, it
# will serve brarchive but it will have no effect on brbackup.
#second_secondary_archive 0
# backup_stream_buffersize: is optional. This parameter can be used to
# specify the value of buffer size in case of stream backup. Data is
# received through stream (pipe) in case of SAPDB. When passing this
# data to netbackup, the buffer size specified by this value will be used.
#backup_stream_buffersize 65535
# restore_stream_buffersize: is optional. This parameter can be used to
# specify the value of buffer size in case of stream restore. Data is
# received from netbackup and passed to SAPDB through stream (pipe) in case
# of restore. When receiving data from netbackup and copying it to pipe,
# the buffer size specified by this value will be used.
#restore_stream_buffersize 65535
#inquire_query_period: In case of #NULL based inquire query, SAP agent will
#restrict the catalog search to six months by default.  This parameter can be
#used to specify the query period (in months). For example if user wants to
#restrict the result of #NULL inquire query search to last 10 months then this
#parameter should be set to 10.
#inquire_query_period 10

So, Run the backup job in the SAP admin console

following error message
BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (39)
BR0055I Start of database backup: becezwxd.anf 2009-12-25 11.37.13
BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup\becezwxd.anf
BR0477I Oracle pfile D:\oracle\DCP\102\database\initDCP.ora created from spfile D:\oracle\DCP\102\database\spfileDCP.ora

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.23
BR0319I Control file copy created: F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup\CNTRLDCP.DBF 18006016

BR0101I Parameters

Name                           Value

oracle_sid                     DCP
oracle_home                    D:\oracle\DCP\102
oracle_profile                 D:\oracle\DCP\102\database\initDCP.ora
sapdata_home                   F:\oracle\DCP
sap_profile                    D:\oracle\DCP\102\database\
backup_mode                    ALL
backup_type                    online
backup_dev_type                util_file_online
util_par_file                  D:\oracle\DCP\102\database\initDCP_online.utl
system_info                    SAPServiceDCP ERPPRD1 Windows 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 2 AMD64
oracle_info                    DCP 8192 51595 549188195 ERPPRD1 UTF8 UTF8
sap_info                       700 SAPDCP 0002LK0003DCP0011O17447904900013NetWeaver_ORA
make_info                      NTAMD64 OCI_10201_SHARE Dec  1 2008
command_line                   brbackup -u / -jid ALLOG20091225113713 -c force -t online -m all -p -a -c force -p -cds

BR0116I ARCHIVE LOG LIST before backup for database instance DCP

Parameter                      Value

Database log mode              Archive Mode
Automatic archival             Enabled
Archive destination            L:\oracle\DCP\oraarch\dcparch
Archive format                 %t_%s_%r.dbf
Oldest online log sequence     51592
Next log sequence to archive   51595
Current log sequence           51595            SCN: 549188195
Database block size            8192             Thread: 1
Current system change number   549190717        ResetId: 660608384

BR0118I Tablespaces and data files

Tablespace     TS-Status  F-Status  File                                                       Size   Id.     Device  Link    Type       MaxSize     IncrSize  BlkSize

PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP_1\DCP.DATA1              10485768192    4           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP_2\DCP.DATA2              10485768192    5           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP_3\DCP.DATA3              10485768192    6           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP_4\DCP.DATA4               6228549632    7           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP_5\DCP.DATA5               6396321792    8           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP_10\DCP.DATA10             5326774272   13           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP_6\DCP.DATA6               5934948352    9           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP_7\DCP.DATA7               5955919872   10           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP_8\DCP.DATA8               5620375552   11           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP_9\DCP.DATA9               5599404032   12           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP_11\DCP.DATA11             5368717312   14           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP_12\DCP.DATA12             5179973632   15           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP_13\DCP.DATA13             4760543232   16           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP_14\DCP.DATA14             4404027392   17           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP_15\DCP.DATA15             3984596992   18           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP_21\DCP.DATA21            12079603712   43           6  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP_16\DCP.DATA16             3900710912   19           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP_17\DCP.DATA17             3670024192   20           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP_18\DCP.DATA18             3586138112   21           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP_19\DCP.DATA19             3502252032   22           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP_20\DCP.DATA20             3607109632   23           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_36\DCP.DATA36            20971528192   69           6  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_37\DCP.DATA37            20971528192   71           6  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_38\DCP.DATA38            10485768192   72           6  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_39\DCP.DATA39            31457288192   73           6  NOLINK  FILE   31457280000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCP_22\DCP.DATA22            11932803072   46           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCP_23\DCP.DATA23            11848916992   47           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCP_24\DCP.DATA24            11786002432   51           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCP_25\DCP.DATA25            11744059392   52           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCP_26\DCP.DATA26            11890860032   53           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_27\DCP.DATA27            11995717632   54           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_28\DCP.DATA28            12058632192   57           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_29\DCP.DATA29            12855549952   58           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_30\DCP.DATA30            13400809472   59           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_31\DCP.DATA31            13400809472   60           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_32\DCP.DATA32            13400809472   65           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_33\DCP.DATA33            13400809472   66           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_34\DCP.DATA34            13400809472   67           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_35\DCP.DATA35            20971528192   68           7  NOLINK  FILE   20971520000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_40\DCP.DATA40            31457288192   75           8  NOLINK  FILE   31457280000  31457280000     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_41\DCP.DATA41            31457288192   76           8  NOLINK  FILE   31457280000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_42\DCP.DATA42            31457288192   77           8  NOLINK  FILE   31457280000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   I:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA6\DCP_43\DCP.DATA43            31457288192   78           8  NOLINK  FILE   31457280000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP700_1\DCP700.DATA1        10485768192   24           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP700_2\DCP700.DATA2        10485768192   25           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP700_3\DCP700.DATA3        10485768192   26           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCP700_4\DCP700.DATA4        10485768192   27           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP700_5\DCP700.DATA5        10485768192   28           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP700_6\DCP700.DATA6        10485768192   29           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP700_7\DCP700.DATA7        10485768192   30           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCP700_8\DCP700.DATA8         2453676032   31           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP700_10\DCP700.DATA10       2453676032   33           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP700_11\DCP700.DATA11       2453676032   34           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP700_12\DCP700.DATA12       2537562112   35           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCP700_9\DCP700.DATA9         2432704512   32           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP700_13\DCP700.DATA13       2516590592   36           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP700_14\DCP700.DATA14       2516590592   37           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP700_15\DCP700.DATA15       2516590592   38           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCP700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCP700_16\DCP700.DATA16       2495619072   39           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCPUSR_1\DCPUSR.DATA1          146808832   40           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\DCPUSR_3\DCPUSR.DATA3           83894272   42           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCPUSR_2\DCPUSR.DATA2           83894272   41           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\DCPUSR_4\DCPUSR.DATA4           41951232   44           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCPUSR_5\DCPUSR.DATA5           41951232   45           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\DCPUSR_6\DCPUSR.DATA6           62922752   48           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCPUSR_7\DCPUSR.DATA7           62922752   49           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA4\DCPUSR_8\DCPUSR.DATA8           83894272   50           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCPUSR_13\DCPUSR.DATA13        314580992   70           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCPUSR_14\DCPUSR.DATA14       1048584192   74           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCPUSR_10\DCPUSR.DATA10        125837312   56           7  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCPUSR_11\DCPUSR.DATA11        125837312   63           7  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCPUSR_12\DCPUSR.DATA12        125837312   64           7  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPDCPUSR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   H:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA5\DCPUSR_9\DCPUSR.DATA9          125837312   55           7  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\TEMP_1\TEMP.DATA1            10003423232   -1           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE    F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA2\TEMP_2\TEMP.DATA2             5033172992   -2           5  NOLINK  FILE             0            0     8192
PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE+   G:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA3\UNDO_1\UNDO.DATA1            10380910592    2           6  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\SYSAUX_1\SYSAUX.DATA1          524296192    3           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\SYSAUX_2\SYSAUX.DATA2          524296192   61           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSTEM         ONLINE*    SYSTEM+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_1\SYSTEM.DATA1          901783552    1           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSTEM         ONLINE*    SYSTEM+   F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_2\SYSTEM.DATA2          901783552   62           5  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192

BR0119I Redo log files

File                                                Size  Group     Device  Status    Link    Type

K:\ORACLE\DCP\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G11M2.DBF            52429312    1           10  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
J:\ORACLE\DCP\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G11M1.DBF            52429312    1            9  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
K:\ORACLE\DCP\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G12M2.DBF            52429312    2           10  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
J:\ORACLE\DCP\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G12M1.DBF            52429312    2            9  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
K:\ORACLE\DCP\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G13M2.DBF            52429312    3           10  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
J:\ORACLE\DCP\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G13M1.DBF            52429312    3            9  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
K:\ORACLE\DCP\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G14M2.DBF            52429312    4           10  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
J:\ORACLE\DCP\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G14M1.DBF            52429312    4            9  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

BR0120I Control files

File                                                Size   Id.      Device  Link    Type

J:\ORACLE\DCP\ORIGLOGA\CNTRL\CNTRLDCP.DBF       18006016    0            9  NOLINK  FILE
G:\oracle\DCP\sapdata3\cntrl\cntrldcp.dbf       18006016    0            6  NOLINK  FILE
F:\ORACLE\DCP\SAPDATA1\CNTRL\CNTRLDCP.DBF       18006016    0            5  NOLINK  FILE

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.25
BR0057I Backup of database: DCP
BR0058I BRBACKUP action ID: becezwxd
BR0059I BRBACKUP function ID: anf
BR0110I Backup mode: ALL
BR0077I Database file for backup: F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup\CNTRLDCP.DBF
BR0061I 79 files found for backup, total size 602597.781 MB
BR0143I Backup type: online
BR0130I Backup device type: util_file_online
BR0109I Files will be saved by backup utility
BR0142I Files will be switched to backup status during the backup
BR0289I BRARCHIVE will be started at the end of processing
BR0134I Unattended mode with 'force' active - no operator confirmation allowed

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.25
BR0229I Calling backup utility with function 'backup'...

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.25
BR0279E Return code from 'E:\usr\sap\DCP\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\backint.exe -u DCP -f backup -i F:\oracle\DCP\sapbackup\.becezwxd.lst -t file_online -p D:\oracle\DCP\102\database\initDCP_online.utl -c': 128

BR0232E 0 of 79 files saved by backup utility
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.25
BR0231E Backup utility call failed

BR0056I End of database backup: becezwxd.anf 2009-12-25 11.37.25
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.30
BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.30
BR0291I BRARCHIVE will be started with options '-U -jid ALLOG20091225113713 -d util_file -c force -p -cds'

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-12-25 11.37.35
BR0292I Execution of BRARCHIVE finished with return code 5

Give me some advice and solution.



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Employee Accredited Certified
c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\logs\backint
c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\logs\brbackup