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Need a Script to get NBU Clients OS Version information using bpgetconfig

Level 4

Hi Guys


Need your help to get a script to run in NBU Media Server to gather below informations

NBU Version 7.1.x

OS Platform for Media Server : Windows 2K8

Command usage :"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpgetconfig" -g <client name from input file> -L | findstr Release

Required output format


Hostname                    OS Version

Client 1                        Windows 2008 6

Client 2                        Linux


Hope I am clear with my requirements, please help me





Accepted Solutions

Level 4

Here is the Script Attached, Please rename the Script as .bat from .txt.


Considering the Default NBU installation path is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\, if not change the path @ Line 30

View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Certified

have a look into below discussion and big Thanks to Marianne

Level 4



I already gone through that, the problem is it is a Bash + Perl script where you have awk to pickup the values, in Batch we do not. So looking for a solution in other way



Partner    VIP    Certified

What about this:


Level 4

Hello sdo


Tried the script you have referred to

Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47 to bpgetconfig for client `dc1proca01` failed, status `9009`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  Checking 1195 of 1198, client `dc2presvmnbu001`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  Checking 1196 of 1198, client `dc2presvmnbu002`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47 to bpgetconfig for client `dc2presvmnbu002` failed, status `9009`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  Checking 1197 of 1198, client `dc2presvmnbu003`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47 to bpgetconfig for client `dc2presvmnbu003` failed, status `9009`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  Checking 1198 of 1198, client `dc2presvmnbu004`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47 to bpgetconfig for client `dc2presvmnbu004` failed, status `9009`...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  ...done...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  Sorting output...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  ...done...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  Totals:
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  ...clients total:       1198
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  ...clients attempted:   1198
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  ...clients succeeded:   6
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  ...output file is:      C:\Users\chakrabd\Desktop\Script\Tmp\get-versions.csv
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  ...done...
Thu 04/21/2016 15:10:47  


While tried to retrieve the information manually for the failed clients it works



Level 4

C:\Users\chakrabd>"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpgetconfig" -g dc2presvmnbu004 -L | findstr Release
Client OS/Release = Windows2008 6

Level 4

Let me tell you what I have



REM Delete the output file if it exists from a previous run.
IF EXIST "PingResults.txt" del /q PingResults.txt

REM Delete the temp file.
IF EXIST "pinglog" del /q pinglog

REM Description Header for top row in Excel
ECHO Hostname,Operating System > OSResults.csv

REM Pull hostnames from text file until the end of the text file list
for /f "tokens=* delims=," %%I in (Hostlist.txt) do call :sub1 %%I
goto :eof


REM Display in the command window which hostname is being processed so we know
REM something is happening.
ECHO    %1

REM Ping the current hostname set as %1 and redirect the output to pinglog file.
"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpgetconfig" -g %1 -L | findstr Release > pinglog


REM Append line of gathered information including the hostname from the source.
REM No spaces so it falls into Excel easier
%*,%pinglog% >> PingResults.csv

REM Delete the temp file.
IF EXIST "pinglog" del /q pinglog
goto :eof

ECHO    *********************************************
ECHO    *********************************************
ECHO    **                                         **
ECHO    **           PROCESS COMPLETED!            **
ECHO    **                                         **
ECHO    ** The Output Filename is PingResults.txt  **
ECHO    **                                         **
ECHO    *********************************************
ECHO    *********************************************





Till the bold part it is working, it fails to send the data as below


REM Append line of gathered information including the hostname from the source.
REM No spaces so it falls into Excel easier
%*,%pinglog% >> PingResults.csv



What is wrong I am doing there

Level 6

Trivial task using NetBackup OpsCenter.

Reports > Create New Report > Create Custom Report > Tabular > Next (keep default Timeframe, Filters) >

Scroll and select from Available Columns: Client Name, Client OS > Add, Sort Ascending, Display unique rows, Next >

Next (preview the results) > Save

You can export or email the report in a number of formats.  Very easy, very usual, very professional looking. 

Partner    VIP    Certified

That script that I referred you to assumes that the NetBackup binaries folder path name is in your Windows "path" environment variable.

Status 9009 is a DOS/batch status of unknown input/command.

Level 4

I got the script working. If some one need it, please let me know.


@Will Restore

What you get from Ops Center is What Netbackup has as configuration, what bpgetconfig does is check the OS in actual and returns the value. For example if ou have a Windows 2012 Client which you have configured as Windows 2008 Client, OpsCenter will show you as Windows 2008 Client, but bpgetconfig will show you Windows 2012.


That was the reason i tried to script it and finally it is done.

Level 4

Here is the Script Attached, Please rename the Script as .bat from .txt.


Considering the Default NBU installation path is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\, if not change the path @ Line 30

Level 6

Interesting, here the OpsCenter results are good since the clients were properly configured.  Meanwhile some Windows clients are showing the wrong version using bpgetconfig.

Partner    VIP    Certified

Not a reply.

I'm only posting because someone IM'd me privately to request a copy of a script, but I couldn't attach a file via PM in this forum's tools/mechanisms and the original post in Downloads section has lost the script and I don't have the ability or permission to edit my previous post in Downloads section (sighs, double sighs, treble sighs)...

...and so...

I'm going to try posting the script here...

...but knowing my luck so far it probably won't even work anymore...

...and low and behold, I myself cannot see the attached script in browser view of this posting, but if I edit this post I can see the script.  Hmmm.   And, I don't know if anyone else can see the script either.  So it goes.


Partner    VIP    Certified

ok - i'll see if I can add a code (not so) snippet...

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM *	File:		get-versions.bat
REM *	Purpose:	Build a csv file of versions of all NetBackup clients, and servers.
REM *	Vers	Date		Who	Description
REM *	----	----		---	-----------
REM *	v0.01	 6-AUG-2009	sdo	Original version.
REM *	v0.02	20-SEP-2010	sdo	Updates for v6.5.6.
REM *	v0.03	 4-APR-2011	sdo	Updates for v7.0.1.
REM *	v0.04	24-APR-2015	sdo	Added more error checking.
REM *	v0.05	25-APR-2015	sdo	Retrieve binaries path, and build command paths.
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM *	Disclaimer
REM *	----------
REM *	This script was developed and tested using:
REM *		- Windows 2008 R2 SP1
REM *		- NetBackup Server v7.6.0.4
REM *	This script is not endorsed, nor has it been tested, by Symantec.  Neither the author, nor
REM *	Symantec, shall accept any liability from any harm, loss, or damage caused by the use
REM *	and/or mis-use of this script, either in its original form, or in a modified form.  Use of
REM *	this script in its original, or modified, form is entirely at the end user's own risk.
REM *	This script is furnished on an example basis only, and may not be suitable for any given
REM *	environment.  
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM *	Sharing
REM *	-------
REM *	This script is free to share and modify, as long as this entire header section is kept with
REM *	the script, and maintained and updated appropriately as any changes are made.
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM *	Notes
REM *	-----
REM *	1) This script will create a sub-folder named '\data', within which it retains any previous
REM *	   results from bpgetconfig.  This is useful in that it speeds up re-runs of this script.
REM *	2) However, the above does mean that, after sometime, it may be prudent to manually delete
REM *	   the sub-folder, so that the script will re-fetch client details - and it is probably
REM *	   especially important to delete the '\data' sub-folder after doing a round of client
REM *	   upgrades and/or patches.
REM *	3) This script can appear to be slow to run if you have lots of clients that do not resolve
REM *	   in DNS and/or do not ping.  Search for the string "_MOD_ME_" in this script for two
REM *	   places where if you de-REM (i.e. uncomment) then the script may run quicker.
REM *	4) Another thing that can be done, is to create a static lookup file of "owner" names, i.e.
REM *	   a list of client names and some kind of descriptive text, which will then be included
REM *	   in the "owner" column of the CSV file created by this script.
REM *	   e.g. create a plain text (use Notepad) file named "get-versions.own", and enter:
REM *	   clienta TeamA
REM *	   client-B team B
REm *	   ...i.e. a list of client names, one space character, and then any text including any...
REM *	   ...spaces, but do not use round brackets ( ) in the text, as this confuses DOS/batch.
REM ************************************************************************************************

set z_script_started=!date! !time:~0,8!

set z_path=%~dp0
set z_name=%~n0

set z_debug=NO

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ***	To make re-runs of this script faster, we collect/save the the client queries...

set z_data=!z_path!data

if not exist "!z_data!"  mkdir "!z_data!"

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ***	Build some file names for use by this script...
REM ***
REM ***	The 'dat' files are actually saved in the "\data" sub-folder.  The variable 'z_file_dat' is
REM ***	actually re-defined later.  It is only listed here to remind us that we do make use of
REM *** another file later in the script.

set z_file_csv=!z_path!!z_name!.csv
set z_file_cli=!z_path!!z_name!.cli
set z_file_dat=!z_path!!z_name!.dat
set z_file_own=!z_path!!z_name!.own
set z_file_ser=!z_path!!z_name!.ser
set z_file_log=!z_path!!z_name!.log
set z_file_tmp=!z_path!!z_name!.tmp
set z_file_txt=!z_path!!z_name!.txt

    if exist "!z_file_csv!"  del "!z_file_csv!"
    if exist "!z_file_cli!"  del "!z_file_cli!"
    if exist "!z_file_dat!"  del "!z_file_dat!"
    if exist "!z_file_log!"  del "!z_file_log!"
    if exist "!z_file_ser!"  del "!z_file_ser!"
    if exist "!z_file_tmp!"  del "!z_file_tmp!"
    if exist "!z_file_txt!"  del "!z_file_txt!"

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

call :log ""
call :log ""
call :log "Script started:   !z_script_started!"
call :log "...hostname:      !computername!"
call :log "...username:      !username!"

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

call :log ""
call :log "Checking for presence of NetBackup..."

reg query HKLM\Software\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config /v "client_name" >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1
set z_sts=!errorlevel!
if not !z_sts!==0 (
  call :log "...NetBackup does not appear to be installed on this server, script aborting..."
  goto :end
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 skip=1" %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  set z_client_name=%%c

reg query HKLM\Software\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion /v "InstallDir" >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1
set z_sts=!errorlevel!
if not !z_sts!==0 (
  call :log "...cannot locate `InstallDir` registry value, script aborting..."
  goto :end
for /f "tokens=1,2,* skip=1" %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  set z_install_dir=%%c

reg query HKLM\Software\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion /v "Install Type" >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1
set z_sts=!errorlevel!
if not !z_sts!==0 (
  call :log "...cannot locate `Install Type` registry value, script aborting..."
  goto :end
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,* skip=1" %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  set z_install_type=%%d
if /i not "!z_install_type!"=="NetBackup Master Server" (
  if /i not "!z_install_type!"=="NetBackup Media Server" (
    if /i not "!z_install_type!"=="NetBackup Administration Console" (
      call :log "...this script cannot be run on NetBackup installation of `!z_install_type!`, script aborting..."
      goto :end

set z_netbackup_bin=!z_install_dir!NetBackup\bin
if not exist "!z_netbackup_bin!" (
  call :log "...unable to locate NetBackup binaries folder `!z_netbackup_bin!`, script aborting..."
  goto :end

set z_volmgr_bin=!z_install_dir!Volmgr\bin
if not exist "!z_volmgr_bin!" (
  call :log "...unable to locate Volume Manager binaries folder `!z_volmgr_bin!`, script aborting..."
  goto :end

set z_bpclntcmd=!z_netbackup_bin!\bpclntcmd.exe
set z_bpgetconfig=!z_netbackup_bin!\admincmd\bpgetconfig.exe
set z_bpplclients=!z_netbackup_bin!\admincmd\bpplclients.exe

if not exist "!z_bpclntcmd!" (
  call :log "...unable to find bpclntcmd at `!z_bpclntcmd!`, script aborting..."
  goto :end

if not exist "!z_bpgetconfig!" (
  call :log "...unable to find bpgetconfig at `!z_bpgetconfig!`, script aborting..."
  goto :end

if not exist "!z_bpplclients!" (
  call :log "...unable to find bpplclients at `!z_bpplclients!`, script aborting..."
  goto :end

call :log "...NetBackup client name:   !z_client_name!"
call :log "...NetBackup type:          !z_install_type!"
call :log "...NetBackup path:          !z_install_dir!"
call :log "...done..."

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

call :log ""
call :log "Determining master server name..."

"!z_bpclntcmd!" -pn >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1

set z_sts=!errorlevel!

if not !z_sts!==0 (
  call :log " to bpclntcmd failed, status `!z_sts!`, script aborting..."
  goto :end

for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5" %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  if /i "%%a %%b %%c %%d"=="expecting response from server" (
    set z_master=%%e

call :log "...master server is:   !z_master!"
call :log "...done..."

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ***	Fetch list of clients, and a list of servers of the master...

if not exist "!z_file_cli!" (
  call :log ""
  call :log "Listing clients..."
  "!z_bpplclients!" -allunique -noheader -l > "!z_file_cli!" 2>&1
  set z_sts=!errorlevel!
  if not !z_sts!==0 (
    call :log " to bpplclients failed, status `!z_sts!`..."
    goto :end
  call :log "...done..."

if not exist "!z_file_ser!" (
  call :log ""
  call :log "Listing servers..."
  "!z_bpgetconfig!" -M !z_master! SERVER > "!z_file_ser!" 2>&1
  set z_sts=!errorlevel!
  if not !z_sts!==0 (
    call :log " to bpgetconfig for master `!z_master!` failed, status `!z_sts!`..."
    goto :end
  call :log "...done..."

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ***	Write a header to the report file.  We use a leading underscore, so that when the file is
REM ***	sorted later, the header floats to the top...

(echo "_client",ping,ip,owner,hw,os,patch,type,platform,protocol,product,version_name,version_number,install_path,client_os)>>"!z_file_txt!"

REM goto :skip1

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

Call :log ""
call :log "Counting clients and servers..."

set /a z_cli_total=0
set /a z_cli_attempted=0
set /a z_cli_suceeded=0

set /a z_cnt=0

for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4" %%a in ('type "!z_file_cli!"') do (
  set /a z_cnt+=1

  set z_hw=%%c

  set z_wanted=y

  if /i "!z_hw!"=="VMware"  set z_wanted=n
  if /i "!z_hw!"=="vmx-07"  set z_wanted=n
  if /i "!z_hw!"=="NDMP"    set z_wanted=n

  if /i "!z_wanted!"=="y" (set /a z_cli_total+=1)

for /f "tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('type "!z_file_ser!"') do (
  set z_client=%%c

  find /i """!z_client!""" "!z_file_txt!" >NUL 2>&1
  if "!errorlevel!"=="1" (
    set /a z_cnt+=1
    set /a z_cli_total+=1

call :log "...found `!z_cli_total!` to check from a total of `!z_cnt!` client/server names..."
call :log "...done..."

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

call :log ""
call :log "Processing list of clients..."

set z_section=clients

for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4" %%a in ('type "!z_file_cli!"') do (
  set z_client=%%b
  set z_hw=%%c
  set z_os=%%d

  set z_check=yes
  if /i "!z_hw!"=="VMware"  set z_check=no
  if /i "!z_hw!"=="vmx-07"  set z_check=no
  if /i "!z_hw!"=="NDMP"    set z_check=no

  if /i "!z_check!"=="yes" call :r_check

  REM if !z_cli_attempted! geq 5 goto :skip1

call :log "...done..."


REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
call :log ""
call :log "Processing list of servers..."

set z_section=servers

for /f "tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('type "!z_file_ser!"') do (
  set z_client=%%c
  set z_hw=
  set z_os=
  find /i """!z_client!""" "!z_file_txt!" >NUL 2>&1
  if "!errorlevel!"=="1"  call :r_check

call :log "...done..."


REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

call :log ""
call :log "Sorting output..."

sort "!z_file_txt!" /o "!z_file_csv!"

call :log "...done..."

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

call :log ""
call :log "Totals:
call :log "...clients total:       !z_cli_total!"
call :log "...clients attempted:   !z_cli_attempted!"
call :log "...clients succeeded:   !z_cli_suceeded!"
call :log "...output file is:      !z_file_csv!"
call :log "...done..."

if exist "!z_file_tmp!"  del "!z_file_tmp!"
if exist "!z_file_txt!"  del "!z_file_txt!"

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************


set z_script_finished=!date! !time:~0,8!

call :log ""
call :log "Script started:     !z_script_started!"
call :log "Script completed:   !z_script_finished!"

exit /b

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM *** Here we gather the client details...

set /a z_cli_attempted+=1

set z_ping=
set z_ip=
set z_file_owner=
REM set z_hw=			Leave this REM'd.
REM set z_os=			Leave this REM'd.
set z_type=
set z_platform=
set z_protocol=
set z_product=
set z_version_name=
set z_version_number=
set z_install_path=
set z_client_os=
set z_patch_level=

call :r_owner

call :r_ip

REM *** _MOD_ME_
REM *** Comment out this next line, if you want the script to ignore cases where this script is...
REM *** ...unable to determine the IP of a client...
REM if /i "!z_ip!"=="missing" goto :r_check_skip

call :r_alive

if /i "!z_ping!"=="no" (
  call :log "Client:    !z_client! does not ping..."

  REM *** _MOD_ME_
  REM *** Comment out this next line, if you want the script to ignore cases where a client does not ping...
  REM goto :r_check_skip

call :log "Checking !z_cli_attempted! of !z_cli_total!, client `!z_client!`..."

set z_file_dat=!z_data!\!z_client!.dat

if not exist "!z_file_dat!" (
  bpgetconfig -g !z_client! -A -L > "!z_file_dat!" 2>&1
  set z_sts=!errorlevel!
  if not !z_sts!==0 (
    call :log " to bpgetconfig for client `!z_client!` failed, status `!z_sts!`..."
    goto :eof

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('type "!z_file_dat!"') do (
  if /i "%%a"=="Client/Master "				set z_type=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="NetBackup Client Platform "		set z_platform=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="NetBackup Client Protocol Level "	set z_protocol=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="Product "				set z_product=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="Version Name "				set z_version_name=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="Version Number "			set z_version_number=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="NetBackup Installation Path "		set z_install_path=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="Client OS/Release "			set z_client_os=%%b
  if /i "%%a"=="Patch Level "				set z_patch_level=%%b

if not "!z_type!"==""            set z_type=!z_type:~1,99!
if not "!z_platform!"==""        set z_platform=!z_platform:~1,99!
if not "!z_protocol!"==""        set z_protocol=!z_protocol:~1,99!
if not "!z_product!"==""         set z_product=!z_product:~1,99!
if not "!z_version_name!"==""    set z_version_name=!z_version_name:~1,99!
if not "!z_version_number!"==""  set z_version_number=!z_version_number:~1,99!
if not "!z_install_path!"==""    set z_install_path=!z_install_path:~1,99!
if not "!z_client_os!"==""       set z_client_os=!z_client_os:~1,99!
if not "!z_patch_level!"==""     set z_patch_level=!z_patch_level:~1,99!

if "!z_client_os:~-1!"==" "      set z_client_os=!z_client_os:~0,-1!

set /a z_cli_suceeded+=1

(echo "!z_client!","!z_ping!","!z_ip!","!z_owner!","!z_hw!","!z_os!","!z_patch_level!","!z_type!","!z_platform!","!z_protocol!","!z_product!","!z_version_name!","!z_version_number!","!z_install_path!","!z_client_os!")>>"!z_file_txt!"

goto :eof

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ***	Lookup the client name in an optional static list of client owners...

set z_owner=
if not exist "!z_file_own!" goto :eof
for /f "tokens=1,* skip=2" %%a in ('find /i "!z_client!" "!z_file_own!"') do (
  set z_owner=%%b
goto :eof

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ***	Determine IP, and also detect if client accidentally has a round-robin IP in DNS...

set z_1st_ip=
set z_2nd_ip=
nslookup !z_client! >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1
for /f "tokens=1,2 skip=4" %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  if /i "%%a"=="Address:" set z_1st_ip=%%b
nslookup !z_client! >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1
for /f "tokens=1,2 skip=4" %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  if /i "%%a"=="Address:" set z_2nd_ip=%%b
if "!z_1st_ip!"=="!z_2nd_ip!" (
  set z_ip=!z_1st_ip!
  if "!z_ip!"=="" set z_ip=missing
) else (
  set z_ip=duplicated

if /i not "!z_ip!"=="missing"  goto :eof

ping !z_client! -n 1 -w 100 >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=[] " %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  if /i "%%a %%d"=="Pinging with" (
    set z_ip=%%c
goto :eof

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ***	Detect whether client pings or not...

set z_ping=no
ping !z_client! -n 1 -w 100 >"!z_file_tmp!" 2>&1
set z_sts=!errorlevel!
if not !z_sts!==0  goto :eof
for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('type "!z_file_tmp!"') do (
  if /i "%%a"=="reply" (
    set z_ping=yes
    goto :eof
  if /i "%%a"=="request"  goto :eof
  if /i "%%a"=="unknown"  goto :eof
goto :eof

REM ************************************************************************************************
REM ************************************************************************************************

(echo !date! !time:~0,8!  %~1)
(echo !date! !time:~0,8!  %~1)>>"!z_file_log!"
goto :eof


Partner    VIP    Certified

Well I can only hope that line wrap doesn't make this even worse than the journey has been so far.


Can we go back to the previous forum platform?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified