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"A pending request has been generated for this resource request"

Level 3


I know this issue has been discussed in forums earlier and I have tried all the mentioned steps but still I continue to get the same error.


NBU, windows 2k3 master (no devices attached)


Media with issue is a virtual media. Just to ensure that there is nothing wrong with device database, I changed it to Standalone and ran inventory. It continues to give the same issue.

nbrbutil -listActiveMediaJobs lists the exact job for media.

I have tried to deny, reassign and resubmit the request but eventually it continues to show the pending request.

Please suggest..





Level 6

If NetBackup cannot service a media-specific mount request automatically, it changes the request or action to a pending state.Is this with all the media or with a specific media ? Did you check bptm logs ? Also check windows event logs for any error in applictaion logs when you assign the drive to pending request. You can try vmoprcmd -assign -drive_index mount_request_id and then check the logs.

Level 3

Hi Deeps,


I havnt gone through any of the logs as of now.. I tried vmoprcmd to mount the drive and the stands still with this

24/04/2013 2:00:02 PM - awaiting resource IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.054:LameMove_VTL_DR:L01227 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
  Operator action may be required. Pending Action: Media on other system.,
  Media ID: L01227, Barcode: L01227, Density: hcart2, Access Mode: Read,
  Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: 2, Robot Type: TLD,
  Volume Group: 000_00002_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A

I am not sure from where its picking

" Pending Action: Media on other system.,"


When the media has always been handled/owned by this specific media server.



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please show us output of these commands:

nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid L01227 

nbrbutil -dump |grep L01227

Level 3

Hi Marianne,


Here are the outputs you had mentioned.. I gathered the first one while I was trying to resubmit the request for allocation.


E:\>nbrbutil -listActiveMediaJobs L01227

Allocation Id                         Job ID  Allocation/Reservation  Job Type
Key     Drive Name              Media ID  Pool Name
{DC4397CC-D93E-4E8C-B5BE-703AB52EBB77}  20831107Allocation              DUP-READ
  77922704IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.058     L01227    LameMove_VTL_DR


E:\>nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid L01227
NBEMMCMD, Version:
Media GUID:                     6d26e578-7a8a-44e9-829c-08bddfd29cd5
Media ID:                       L01227
Partner:                        -
Media Type:                     HCART2
Volume Group:                   000_00002_TLD
Application:                    Netbackup
Media Flags:                    1
Description:                    LameMove VTL Replicate
Barcode:                        L01227
Partner Barcode:                --------
Last Write Host:                syls483304
Created:                        12/23/2011 11:39
Time Assigned:                  04/13/2013 09:53
First Mount:                    12/24/2011 23:03
Last Mount:                     04/15/2013 10:39
Volume Expiration:              -
Data Expiration:                05/26/2013 18:15
Last Written:                   04/14/2013 18:15
Last Read:                      04/15/2013 11:07
Robot Type:                     TLD
Robot Control Host:             syls483304
Robot Number:                   2
Slot:                           2299
Side/Face:                      -
Cleanings Remaining:            -
Number of Mounts:               75
Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
Media Status:
Kilobytes:                      111034400
Images:                         34
Valid Images:                   34
Retention Period:               11
Number of Restores:             0
Optical Header Size Bytes:      1024
Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
Last Header Offset:             1079641
Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Origin Host:                    NONE
Master Host:                    syls183301
Server Group:                   UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP
Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
Pool Number:                    22
Volume Pool:                    LameMove_VTL_DR
Previous Pool Name:             -
Vault Flags:                    -
Vault Container:                -
Vault Name:                     -
Vault Slot:                     -
Session ID:                     -
Date Vaulted:                   -
Return Date:                    -
Media on Hold:                  0
Command completed successfully.



 nbrbutil -dump|grep L01227
         index=0 (Request provider=TapeSpanProvider resourcename=NEXT MEDIA RESOURCE  userSequence=1 (mediatapespanrequest: request=(MediaRequest: mediaId=L01227 mediaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=1365810817 usageType=10 mustBeNdmp=no driveName=IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.051 drivePath= mediaPool=LaneCove_VTL_DR robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControlHost= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=2 mediaSubType=0 isNdmp=true isTirRestore=true isFlashbackupRestore=true isBlockMapRead=true isCatalogBackup=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDirectAttachedTape=false) previousid={EEE4FAFC-2C5C-453D-A8F6-1E4E64546761} previousFailed=yes)))
         index=23 (Allocation: id={56AFAAB3-04AF-4C19-815A-C167C1C08668} provider=ReservationGroupProvider resourcename=L01227 masterserver=syls183301 groupid={8375E450-52F4-4560-971A-F412B72E2754} userSequence=2 userid="jobid=20831107"  firstuserid="jobid=20831107" (MediaReservation: mountCount=1 reservationKey=77922703 request=(MediaRequest: mediaId=L01227 mediaServer=syls483304 mediaKey=4023178 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=0 mustBeNdmp=no driveName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControlHost= failIfNoMedia=no externalFile= mediaType=2 mediaSubType=0 isNdmp=true isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=true isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBackup=true isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=true preferVtlToDirectAttachedTape=true)))
         index=52 (Allocation: id={BA4A98D3-E23B-45C7-AB7E-3DE0C050E15F} provider=ReservationGroupProvider resourcename=L01227 masterserver=syls183301 groupid={8375E450-52F4-4560-971A-F412B72E2754} userSequence=1 userid="jobid=20831107"  firstuserid="jobid=20831107" (Media_Drive_Allocation_Record: allocationKey=77922704 (Media_Drive_Record: MediaKey=4023178 MediaId=L01227 MediaServer=syls483304 DriveKey=2024439 DriveName=IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.051 PrimaryPath=/dev/nst11 PoolName=LaneCove_VTL_DR RobotNum=2 RobotType=8 MediaTypeName=NetBackup HCART2 DriveTypeName=NetBackup HCART2 NdmpControlHost= RetentionLevel=0 PolicyType=2 JobType=10 MasterServer=syls183301) (Storage_Unit_Record: STU= STUType=0 MasterServer= MediaServer= RobotType=0 RobotNumber=0 Density=0 OnDemandOnly=0 ConcurrentJobs=0 ActiveJobs=0 MaxMultiplexing=0 NdmpAttachHost= AbsolutePath=) (Bptm_Strings_Record: 0="MEDIADB 1 77922704 L01227 4023178 ------ 14 1365810817 1365927352 1369556152 1365988029 111034400 34 34 11 22 0 256 1024 0 1079641 0" 1="VOLUME 1 L01227 4023178 L01227 LaneCove_VTL_DR *NULL* *NULL* 14 8 2 2299 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0" 2="DRIVE 3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.051 2024439 SG10020210 /dev/nst11 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 1 16 0 1 0 0" 3="STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 syls483304 syls483304 *NULL*" 4="DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL*" 5="DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 0" 6="DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL*" ) TpReqFileName=))
        MdsAllocation: allocationKey=77922703 jobType=27 mediaKey=4023178 mediaId=L01227 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=syls183301 mediaServerName= ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0
        MdsAllocation: allocationKey=77922704 jobType=10 mediaKey=4023178 mediaId=L01227 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=syls183301 mediaServerName=syls483304 ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

This media is part of a media set that is needed for a duplication job that seems to be in progess:

Allocation              DUP-READ

Not sure what will happen to the duplication job if you clear the Mds allocations for this tape:

MdsAllocation: allocationKey=77922703

MdsAllocation: allocationKey=77922704

Depending on how important this restore is, you may want to consider it...

Level 3

Media is not needed for restore... its just this duplication which has been hanging around for a while.

In the detailed status the status is

24/04/2013 2:00:02 PM - awaiting resource IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.054:LameMove_VTL_DR:L01227 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
  Operator action may be required. Pending Action: Media on other system.,
  Media ID: L01227, Barcode: L01227, Density: hcart2, Access Mode: Read,
  Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: 2, Robot Type: TLD,
  Volume Group: 000_00002_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A

Media and drive are allocated to this job and are available. Issue is this media should be mounted, read and duplication should be processed as normal but it creates a pending request.

It has been doing this for last 21 hours.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Seems NBU believes that the media is needed for duplication...

Please clear the mds allocations

nbrbutil -releaseMDS 77922703

nbrbutil -releaseMDS 77922704

Level 3

Hi Marianne,

I did not make myself clear, my bad  ... the issue is

I have this duplication in queue which requests this media. The media gets allocated to job(nbrbutil shows), but netbackup fails to mount the media stating the above error.

I tried to see if there are any other jobs holding on to this media but there is nothing. Other aspect checked was if there is any potential issue with the ownership of this media(as detailed job status complains about it).. none found as nbemmcmd -listmedia output is all clean.

I tried to reinventory the robot to ensure that NBU is updated with right slot info..

But still when the duplication job mounts the media, a pending request shows up.. I am not sure how to clear this pending request.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Still seems that there is some orphaned allocation in NBU resource broker.

I still feel it may be a good idea to release all allocations - this may kill the current queued duplication job, but it should be easy enough to restart.

You can first of all try to reset all allocations for this media server:

nbrbutil -resetMediaServer <name>

If that does not work, try to reset all allocations:

nbrbutil -resetAll