VxIF::Info:: Local System: Pinguino VxIF::Info:: Entering Installer::prompt_for_target_systems VxIF::Info:: Entering Installer::check_system_names VxIF::Info:: Exiting Installer::check_system_names VxIF::Info:: Entering Installer::initial_target_systems_check VxIF::Info:: Entering Entered Installer::validate_target_host VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::is_os_supported VxIF::Info:: Exiting Installer::validate_target_host rc 1 VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::check_system_names VxIF::Info:: Exiting Installer::initial_target_systems_check VxIF::Info:: RALUS is not licensable. VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_product_packages VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_product_packages_ordering VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_for_required_spaces VxIF::Info:: Entering SpaceMgr::check_for_required_spaces VxIF::Info:: Entering SpaceMgr::calculate_required_spaces_for_product VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_version VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_product_packages VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_product_packages_ordering VxIF::Info:: Entering SpaceMgr::calculate_required_spaces_for_product_packages VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_packages_on_media VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::get_native_package_file VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_package_location VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_package_compression_type VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_package_compressed_filename VxIF::Info:: Checking ./RALUS/rpms/Linux/VRTSralus.tar.gz on . VxIF::Info:: Checking /home/david/RALUS64/pkgs/Linux/VRTSralus.tar.gz on . VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_package_compressed_filesize VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_package_location VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_package_compressed_filename VxIF::Info:: Entering SpaceMgr::calculate_required_spaces_for_product_patches VxIF::Info:: Raising /var space by 53499 for largest copied package VxIF::Info:: /var + 53499 = 55599 VxIF::Info:: return Available if Mounted equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: return 208541972 if / equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: return 4 if /sys/fs/cgroup equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: return 8197064 if /dev equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: return 1641488 if /run equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: return 5120 if /run/lock equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: return 8211804 if /run/shm equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: return 102364 if /run/user equals /tmp VxIF::Info:: No /tmp volume on VxIF::Info:: adding 1000 KB required to / = 2100 VxIF::Info:: return Available if Mounted equals /opt VxIF::Info:: return 208541972 if / equals /opt VxIF::Info:: return 4 if /sys/fs/cgroup equals /opt VxIF::Info:: return 8197064 if /dev equals /opt VxIF::Info:: return 1641488 if /run equals /opt VxIF::Info:: return 5120 if /run/lock equals /opt VxIF::Info:: return 8211804 if /run/shm equals /opt VxIF::Info:: return 102364 if /run/user equals /opt VxIF::Info:: No /opt volume on VxIF::Info:: adding 79000 KB required to / = 81100 VxIF::Info:: return Available if Mounted equals /usr VxIF::Info:: return 208541972 if / equals /usr VxIF::Info:: return 4 if /sys/fs/cgroup equals /usr VxIF::Info:: return 8197064 if /dev equals /usr VxIF::Info:: return 1641488 if /run equals /usr VxIF::Info:: return 5120 if /run/lock equals /usr VxIF::Info:: return 8211804 if /run/shm equals /usr VxIF::Info:: return 102364 if /run/user equals /usr VxIF::Info:: No /usr volume on VxIF::Info:: adding 1000 KB required to / = 82100 VxIF::Info:: return Available if Mounted equals /var VxIF::Info:: return 208541972 if / equals /var VxIF::Info:: return 4 if /sys/fs/cgroup equals /var VxIF::Info:: return 8197064 if /dev equals /var VxIF::Info:: return 1641488 if /run equals /var VxIF::Info:: return 5120 if /run/lock equals /var VxIF::Info:: return 8211804 if /run/shm equals /var VxIF::Info:: return 102364 if /run/user equals /var VxIF::Info:: No /var volume on VxIF::Info:: adding 55599 KB required to / = 137699 VxIF::Info:: return Available if Mounted equals / VxIF::Info:: return 208541972 if / equals / VxIF::Info:: / on requires 137699 KB and has 208541972 KB available VxIF::Info:: Exiting CPICommon::check_for_required_spaces VxIF::Info:: Installing RALUS on VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::pre_product_install VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_shutdown_ralus VxIF::Info:: Default init script path set to: /etc/init.d VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::pre_product_install VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_is_root_user VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Checking for 'root' user during install via: /usr/bin/id -un. VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_is_BELS_installed VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_is_port_10000_in_use VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Check for Port 10000 on Target Server using: /bin/netstat -an | grep :10000 VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_migrate_MediaServers VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_migrate_Certificate_Info VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_migrate_Oracle_Linux_Info VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_create_beoper_group VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_check_for_NIS VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Check for NIS on Target Server using: ypwhich 2>&1 VxIF::Info:: System does NOT use NIS Server. VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_check_for_beoper_group VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Search for existance of 'beoper' group via: /bin/grep "beoper" /etc/group VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Setting 'beoper' with specific group ID of '0'. VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_check_for_beoper_group VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Search for existance of 'beoper' group via: /bin/grep "beoper" /etc/group VxIF::Info:: 'beoper' group was found. VxIF::Info:: Verifying: 'beoper' created: 1. VxIF::Info:: Verifying: 'root' member added to 'beoper': 0. VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_add_root_to_beopergrp VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Get supplimentary groups for 'root' via: /usr/bin/id -G -n root. VxIF::Info:: Adding group: root to Supp_Grps: root VxIF::Info:: Adding 'root' to 'beoper' user group via: /usr/sbin/usermod -G root,beoper root. VxIF::Info:: _ralus_add_root_to_beopergrp result: 1 VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_add_oracle_to_beopergrp VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_get_oracle_user_name VxIF::Info:: Oracle file not found: /etc/oratab. Oracle not installed. VxIF::Info:: Exiting due to Oracle not being installed. VxIF::Info:: _ralus_add_oracle_to_beopergrp result: 0 VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::_ralus_check_for_beoper_group VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: Search for existance of 'beoper' group via: /bin/grep "beoper" /etc/group VxIF::Info:: 'beoper' group was found. VxIF::Info:: 'root' for 'beoper' group was found. VxIF::Info:: Verifying: 'beoper' created: 1. VxIF::Info:: Verifying: 'root' member added to 'beoper': 1. VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_title VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_version VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_product_packages VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_version VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::get_product_packages_ordering VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::install_product_packages VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::compute_package_status VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_for_existing_package VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::get_instpkgvers VxIF::Info:: /usr/bin/dpkg -s VRTSralus | grep Version 2> /dev/null VxIF::Info:: Exiting CPICommon::check_for_existing_package VxIF::Info:: Exiting CPICommon::compute_package_status VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_for_patches VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_for_os_patches VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_for_required_os_patches VxIF::Info:: Installing package VRTSralus 14.1.1786-1093 on VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::copy_files_to_target_host VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::uncompress_files_on_target_host VxIF::Info:: Uncompressing /var/tmp/vxif/RALUS/VRTSralus/VRTSralus.tar.gz on host VxIF::Info:: Extracting /var/tmp/vxif/RALUS/VRTSralus/VRTSralus.tar on host VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::pre_package_patch_install VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::package_base_installer VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::install_native_package VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::check_for_existing_package VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::get_instpkgvers VxIF::Info:: /usr/bin/dpkg -s VRTSralus | grep Version 2> /dev/null VxIF::Info:: Exiting CPICommon::check_for_existing_package VxIF::Info:: Entering CPILinux::get_instpkgvers VxIF::Info:: /usr/bin/dpkg -s VRTSralus | grep Version 2> /dev/null VxIF::Info:: VRTSralus successfully added to VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::package_base_installer VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::post_package_patch_install VxIF::Info:: Entering ProductHelper::package_base_installer VxIF::Info:: Entering CPICommon::cleanup_temporary_directory VxIF::Info:: All packages for RALUS successfully installed on VxIF::Info:: Exiting CPICommon::install_product_packages VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_title VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_version VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::post_product_install VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_do_init_scripts VxIF::Info:: Default init script path set to: /etc/init.d VxIF::Info:: chmod VRTSralus.init via: chmod 750 /opt/VRTSralus/bin/VRTSralus.init. VxIF::Info:: Copying /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init via: cp /opt/VRTSralus/bin/VRTSralus.init /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init. VxIF::Info:: Copying new initialization scripts was successful. VxIF::Info:: Default RC script path set to: /etc VxIF::Info:: Creating RALUS linkedname in rc2.d was successful. VxIF::Info:: Creating RALUS linkedname in rc3.d was successful. VxIF::Info:: Creating RALUS linkedname in rc5.d was successful. VxIF::Info:: For Debian, update-rc.d VRTSralus.init via: update-rc.d VRTSralus.init defaults VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_set_security_settings VxIF::Info:: Create Network Security directory: /opt/VRTSralus/data via mkdir /opt/VRTSralus/data VxIF::Info:: Create directory '/opt/VRTSralus/data' was successful. VxIF::Info:: Setting network security for: /opt/VRTSralus/data via chmod 770 /opt/VRTSralus/data VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_change_group_owner VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_textrel_binaries VxIF::Info:: Change Security Context utility set to: /usr/bin/chcon VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_install_symsnap VxIF::Info:: Copy ../scripts/Symantec_symbdsnap.bin to /var/tmp/vxif/Symantec_symbdsnap.bin VxIF::Info:: Installing SymSnap Driver result: Verifying archive integrity... All good. Uncompressing Symantec symbdsnap, build 3.1.0-51855......................................................................................................................... This platform is not supported. Exiting install. VxIF::Error:: ERROR: Installing SymSnap Driver Failed. VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSLinux::_ralus_linux_install_dedupe VxIF::Info:: Creating symlink for /opt/VRTSralus/lib was successful. VxIF::Info:: Creating symlink for /opt/VRTSralus/bin/libstspipdMT.so was successful. VxIF::Info:: Copying pdregistry.cfg via: cp /etc/VRTSralus/pdregistry.cfg /etc/pdregistry.cfg VxIF::Info:: Copying pdregistry.cfg to /etc was successful. VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_title VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::create_product_install_config VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::create_configfiles VxIF::Info:: Checking certificate information. VxIF::Info:: Checking Oracle Linux information. VxIF::Info:: Warning (V-225-246): Cannot find ralus.cfg on remote machine. VxIF::Info:: Target OS name: Linux VxIF::Info:: vxif_dor(/opt/VRTSralus/bin/VRTSralus.init start es_ES.UTF-8) VxIF::Info:: vxif_dor result: Starting Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent ...... Starting Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent: [ OK ] VxIF::Info:: Entering RALUSCommon::get_product_title VxIF::Info:: RALUS successfully configured on VxIF::Info:: RALUS successfully installed on VxIF::Info:: RALUS has been successfully installed on all target hosts.