Last updated: 09-Jul-2009

Upgrading to Enterprise Vault™ 2007 SP6

This document describes how to upgrade to Enterprise Vault 2007 Service Pack 6 (SP6) from Enterprise Vault 7.0 or later. For the most up-to-date version of this document, see on the Symantec Enterprise Support site.

If you are upgrading from a version other than Enterprise Vault 2007, the upgrade applies changes to the Enterprise Vault Directory database schema. It is therefore particularly important that you follow the upgrade instructions carefully when upgrading multiple Enterprise Vault servers that access the same Enterprise Vault Directory.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to upgrade to Symantec Enterprise Vault File System Archiving (FSA) 2007 SP6 from a version of Enterprise Vault other than Enterprise Vault 2007, review the important information in before upgrading.

If you are performing a new installation of Enterprise Vault, see the Enterprise Vault 2007 ReadMeFirst, the most up-to-date version of which is at Then follow the installation instructions in the Enterprise Vault 2007 Installing and Configuring manual, which is in the Documentation folder on the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 release media.


Before you begin

Note the following before beginning your upgrade.

Upgrade paths

This document describes upgrading to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 from either of the following starting points:

If you are running Enterprise Vault 6.0, you must first upgrade to Enterprise Vault 7.0 before you upgrade to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6.

Other important documentation

Before starting to upgrade your system:

For a list of all the Enterprise Vault documentation, see Enterprise Vault documentation in the ReadMeFirst.

For the latest information on supported software and storage devices, see the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts at

Steps to upgrade your system

To upgrade to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6:

  1. If your existing Enterprise Vault system supports Domino journaling or mailbox archiving, you need to perform a number of steps before installing Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6.

    See Preparing to upgrade Domino archiving.

  2. If you are upgrading from the original release of Enterprise Vault 2007 (with no service packs applied), then before upgrading any computer on which Enterprise Vault Reporting is installed, delete the Enterprise Vault Data Analysis Reports folder in Report Manager.

    See Deleting the Data Analysis Reports folder.

  3. If you are upgrading from the original release of Enterprise Vault 2007 (with no service packs applied), then before upgrading any Enterprise Vault server on which FSA Reporting is already configured, ensure that the FSA Reporting .com hotfix is applied.

    See for instructions on applying the hotfix.

  4. Upgrade all Enterprise Vault servers (that is, all servers that are running Enterprise Vault services), and all computers on which the Enterprise Vault Reporting component is installed.

    See Upgrading Enterprise Vault servers.

  5. Upgrade any computers that are running just the Enterprise Vault Administration Console.

Then perform the following additional steps, as required:

Note: On upgraded systems, Outlook is still required on all Enterprise Vault servers that host the Enterprise Vault Storage service, even if Exchange Server archiving is not being performed. This is required in order to access items that were archived using earlier versions of Enterprise Vault.

Preparing to upgrade Domino archiving

This section describes the preparations for upgrading an existing Domino archiving installation. For details of how to perform a new installation, see Installing and Configuring.

Prerequisites for Domino archiving [Ref E1099832, E1171997]

For Domino journal archiving:

For Domino mailbox archiving:

For the latest information on supported versions of Domino software and the required hotfixes, see the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts (

To support Domino journaling or Domino mailbox archiving you must do the following on every Enterprise Vault server:

  1. Set the NOTESNTSERVICE system environment variable to '1'.
  2. Restart the server. You can delay this restart until you have installed the Enterprise Vault SP6 components, if you wish, in case that step results in the server requiring a restart.

This change was introduced in Enterprise Vault 2007 SP1. If you are upgrading from Enterprise Vault 2007 SP1 or later then you have already made the change described in this section.

For more information about the NOTESNTSERVICE system environment variable and how to set it, see the following articles:

If you do not set NOTESNTSERVICE there may be many different errors, such as intermittent failures when restoring archived items, errors when archiving, and errors from the Administration Console.

Preparing to upgrade Domino mailbox archiving

To prepare for upgrading Domino mailbox archiving:

  1. Do the following on all Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway servers, as well as on any Lotus Domino Mail Servers on which you have updated Forms8.nsf, Forms7.nsf, and Forms6.nsf to include the Enterprise Vault customizations. Replace the Forms8.nsf, Forms7.nsf and Forms6.nsf files on these servers with the original Lotus Domino versions that you backed up before installing Enterprise Vault 2007.

    Note: Since you are replacing the Forms8.nsf, Forms7.nsf, and Forms6.nsf files with the original Lotus Domino versions, any additional (non-Enterprise Vault) customizations to these files will be lost. If you have made any additional customizations to Forms8.nsf, Forms7.nsf, or Forms6.nsf, reapply these changes to the files after you have upgraded to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6.

  2. On the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway server, delete the following files, if they exist, from the 'EV' subfolder of the Domino Data folder (for example, C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\ev):

Deleting the Data Analysis Reports folder

If you are upgrading from the original release of Enterprise Vault 2007 (with no service packs applied), then before upgrading any computer on which Enterprise Vault Reporting is installed, delete the Data Analysis Reports folder from Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Report Manager as follows:

  1. Enter the following URL into your Web browser:



    For example:


  2. Log in to the Report Manager Web application using the Vault Service account. (You can ignore this step if you are running the Web browser under the Vault Service account, and if the browser is configured for automatic login.)
  3. From the Report Manager home page, select:

    Symantec Enterprise Vault > language > Data Analysis Reports

    where language is the language in which you installed the reports, for example en-us.

  4. On the Data Analysis Reports page, select the Properties tab.
  5. Click the Delete button and, on the popup dialog, click OK to confirm that you wish to delete the Data Analysis Reports.
  6. Close the Web browser window.

Upgrading Enterprise Vault servers

This section describes how to upgrade your Enterprise Vault servers (that is, all servers that are running Enterprise Vault services). If you are upgrading an Enterprise Vault 2007 system that supports Domino mailbox archiving, this includes any Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway servers.

This section also describes how to upgrade computers on which Enterprise Vault Reporting is installed.

To upgrade from any version of Enterprise Vault 2007, the process is as follows:

  1. Back up the system.
  2. Run the Deployment Scanner.
  3. Set database permissions
  4. Install Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 server software.
  5. Run the Enterprise Vault Reporting Configuration utility on computers on which Enterprise Vault Reporting is installed.
  6. Upgrade Domino mailbox archiving, if applicable.
  7. Perform the post-configuration tasks.

To upgrade from any version of Enterprise Vault 7.0, the process is as follows:

  1. Back up the system.
  2. Run the Deployment Scanner.
  3. Set database permissions
  4. Install Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 server software.
  5. Run the Configuration wizard.
  6. Run the Operations Manager Configuration utility on servers on which Operations Manager is installed.
  7. Run the Enterprise Vault Reporting Configuration utility on computers on which Enterprise Vault Reporting is installed.
  8. Perform the post-configuration tasks.

Backing up the system

You need to back up your databases and any changed language files.

Back up Enterprise Vault data

Before upgrading your Enterprise Vault environment, back up all Enterprise Vault data in accordance with your normal backup procedures. You need to back up all the following:

See for the latest version of Enterprise Vault Backups Best Practise.

Back up changed language files

The installation procedure will overwrite the files in your Enterprise Vault server language folders,
Enterprise Vault\Languages\Mailbox Messages\language

where language indicates the language used.

The installation does not modify the live versions of these files that you have in the Enterprise Vault folder (normally C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault).

If you have made changes that you want to keep to the files in the language folders, copy the files to another location.

Running the Deployment Scanner

The Deployment Scanner has been updated for Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6.

Before upgrading to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6, we strongly recommend that you run the Deployment Scanner to check prerequisite software and settings, even if you are upgrading from an existing Enterprise Vault 2007 service pack.

The Deployment Scanner is included in the Deployment Scanner folder on the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media.

Use the Vault Service account when running the Deployment Scanner.

To install Deployment Scanner, Windows Installer 3.1 must be installed on the Enterprise Vault server computers. You can download Windows Installer 3.1 from the Microsoft Download Center.

Setting database permissions

For the period you install and configure Enterprise Vault, the Vault Service account must be the database owner of all Enterprise Vault Databases.

If you changed the database owner after Enterprise Vault was installed, you must make the Vault Service account the owner before you upgrade.

This permission is required to enable to allow database schema and other updates to be carried out with appropriate privileges.

If it is not acceptable to make the Vault Service account the database owner of all Enterprise Vault Databases there is a set of minimum permissions you can apply.

See the following TechNote on the Symantec Support Web site:

Installing Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 server software

To install the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 server software:

The Directory service computer referred to in the following instructions is the computer specified on the Connect tab of the Enterprise Vault container properties in the Administration Console.

  1. Log on as the Vault Service account to each Enterprise Vault server other than the Directory service computer, and stop the Enterprise Vault Admin service. This stops the Admin service itself, and any other Enterprise Vault services.

    If you are upgrading Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster, use VCS cluster administration tools to bring all the Enterprise Vault service resources offline.

    If you are upgrading Enterprise Vault in a Microsoft server cluster, use Microsoft Cluster Administrator or the command line utility cluster to bring the Admin service resource offline.

  2. Stop any other services or applications that can lock Enterprise Vault files. For example:

    Enterprise Vault Administration Console
    Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager service
    Enterprise Vault Placeholder service
    Enterprise Vault File Blocking service
    Enterprise Vault File Collector service
    Windows Event Viewer

  3. Log on as the Vault Service account on the Directory service computer.
  4. Start the Windows Services manager.
  5. Check in MSMQ that there are no items on the Enterprise Vault Storage Archive queue. If there are items on this queue, wait for the Storage service to empty the queue before continuing.

    If you are upgrading Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster, use VCSVMMCVIEW –target MSMQ to check the MSMQ queues.

    If you are upgrading Enterprise Vault in a Microsoft server cluster, you can use the command line utility ClusterCompMgmt to check the MSMQ queues. See 'Viewing the clustered message queues' in the 'Clustering Enterprise Vault with Microsoft server clusters' section of the Installing and Configuring guide.

  6. Stop the Enterprise Vault Admin service. This stops the Admin service itself and other Enterprise Vault services, including the Enterprise Vault Directory service.

    If you are upgrading Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster, use VCS cluster administration tools to bring the Admin service resource offline.

    If you are upgrading Enterprise Vault in a Microsoft server cluster, use Microsoft Cluster Administrator or the command line utility cluster to bring the Admin service resource offline.

    Note: You need to check that all Enterprise Vault services are stopped including, if appropriate, the Compliance Accelerator and the Discovery Accelerator services.

  7. Stop any other services or applications that can lock Enterprise Vault files.
  8. If you are installing on an Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway, make sure that the Domino server on the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway is shut down and that EVInstall.nsf is not being accessed locally.
  9. [Microsoft clusters only] If you are not upgrading on a Microsoft cluster, go to step 10.
    1. Open a command window and enter the following command to remove the registry checkpoint binding to the Admin service:

      On 32-bit Windows systems:

      cluster resource evserver1-EnterpriseVaultAdminService /removecheck:"Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault"

      On 64-bit Windows systems:

      cluster resource evserver1-EnterpriseVaultAdminService /removecheck:"Wow6432Node\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault"

      where evserver1 is the name of the virtual server.

    2. To check that the binding has been removed, enter the following command:

      cluster resource evserver1-EnterpriseVaultAdminService /check

      The output looks similar to the following:

      Listing registry checkpoints for resource
      Resource             Registry Checkpoint
      -------------------- ----------------------------------------------
      evserver1-EnterpriseVaultAdminService None
    3. In the command window, enter the following command to add registry checkpoint binding to the EnterpriseVaultServerInstance resource

      On 32-bit Windows systems:

      cluster resource evserver1-EnterpriseVaultServerInstance /addcheck:"Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault"

      On 64-bit Windows systems:

      cluster resource evserver1-EnterpriseVaultServerInstance /addcheck:"Wow6432Node\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault"

    4. Enter the following command to check that the binding has been applied:

      cluster resource evserver1-EnterpriseVaultServerInstance /check

      The output looks similar to the following:

      Listing registry checkpoints for resource
      Resource             Registry Checkpoint
      -------------------- ----------------------------------------------
      evserver1-EnterpriseVaultServerInstance 'Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault'
  10. Load the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media.
  11. Using Windows Explorer, open the folder \Enterprise Vault 2007\Server.
  12. Double-click the file Setup.exe to start the installation.
  13. Work through the installation.

    Note: If a restart is required on the Directory Service computer at the end of the installation then, after the restart, stop all Enterprise Vault services and then restart the Admin and Directory services on the Directory services computer.

  14. Install the Enterprise Vault software on the other servers in your Enterprise Vault environment. Install the Enterprise Vault Reporting component on computers on which Enterprise Vault Reporting is installed.

    Note: If a restart is required at the end of the installation on any of these other servers then, after the restart, stop all Enterprise Vault services and then start only the Admin service.

The Enterprise Vault software installation is now complete, but you must obtain license keys for any additional services that you intend to run.

Starting the Directory service

After the upgrade installation on the Directory service computer, if it is not already running, you must start the Directory service on the Directory service computer:

  1. Use Windows Services to start the Enterprise Vault Directory service. When the Directory service starts, it automatically upgrades the Directory database schema and synchronizes new archiving policy advanced settings into existing policies.

    If you are upgrading Enterprise Vault in a VCS or MSCS cluster, bring the Directory service resource online using the relevant cluster administration tools.

  2. Wait for event 8576 to be logged in the Enterprise Vault event log:

    The Directory service has completed the automatic upgrade of the EnterpriseVaultDirectory Database

Running the Configuration wizard

You must run the Configuration wizard if you have upgraded from any version of Enterprise Vault 7.0. You do not need to run the Configuration wizard if you are upgrading from the Enterprise Vault 2007 original release or from an Enterprise Vault 2007 service pack.

Note: You need to run the Configuration wizard only once; it is not necessary to run it on all servers. You are recommended to run it on the Directory service computer.

Do the following before you run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard:

To run the Configuration wizard:

  1. Log on to the Directory service computer. You must use the Vault Service account to run the Configuration wizard.
  2. Ensure the Directory service is running.
  3. Click Start > Programs > Enterprise Vault > Enterprise Vault Configuration to start the Configuration wizard.
  4. The only available option on the first screen of the Configuration wizard is Upgrade this configuration. Click Next.
  5. On the next screen, click Next to start the upgrade. There is a prompt for the Vault Service account password.
  6. Enter the Vault Service account password and click OK. The Configuration wizard shows a progress bar while it performs the following actions:
  7. If you have Exchange Server mailboxes enabled for archiving, Enterprise Vault displays a reminder to review provisioning groups and run the new Provisioning task. Click OK on the reminder.
  8. Click Finish to close the Configuration wizard.

The Configuration wizard may have started some Enterprise Vault services, such as the Task Controller service. You can now start other Enterprise Vault services. If you stopped the IIS Admin service before the installation, start any services that were stopped by this service.

Manually configuring the Monitoring database

If the Configuration wizard warned you that there was an error configuring the Monitoring database, you must configure the database manually.

To do this, see the following TechNote on the Symantec Support Web site:

Running the Operations Manager Configuration utility

Note: This section does not apply if you have upgraded from any version of Enterprise Vault 2007.

If the Enterprise Vault Operations Manager component is installed on any server, you must run the Operations Manager Configuration utility on that server.

Do not run the Operations Manager Configuration utility until you have successfully run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on the Directory service computer in your Enterprise Vault system.

To run the Operations Manager Configuration utility:

  1. Log on to the server using the vault service account.
  2. On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Enterprise Vault > Operations Manager Web App Configuration to display the Operations Manager Configuration utility.
  3. Enter the domain, user name and password for the Monitoring user account. This is the account under which Operations Manager runs.
  4. Click Configure to configure Operations Manager.

Perform the above procedure on each server on which the Operations Manager component is installed.

Running the Enterprise Vault Reporting Configuration utility

Note: This step is required regardless of which version of Enterprise Vault you have upgraded from.

If the Enterprise Vault Reporting component is installed on any computer, you must run the Reporting Configuration utility on that computer.

If you are upgrading from any version of Enterprise Vault 7.0, do not run the Reporting Configuration utility until you have successfully run the Enterprise Vault configuration wizard on the Directory service computer in your Enterprise Vault system.

To run the Reporting Configuration utility:

  1. On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Enterprise Vault > Enterprise Vault Reports Configuration to display the Reporting Configuration utility.
  2. Select Configure Reporting and deploy or upgrade reports.
  3. Type in the domain, user name and password for the Reporting user account.
  4. If you are using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, select the SQL Reporting Services Instance.
  5. Select the language in which to deploy the reports
  6. Select or type in the name of the Directory database SQL Server.
  7. Click Configure to deploy the reports.

Perform the above procedure on each server on which the Enterprise Vault Reporting component is installed.

Manually deploying the Reports

If the Reporting Configuration utility indicated that there was an error deploying Enterprise Vault reports, see the following TechNote on the Symantec Support Web site:

Upgrading Domino mailbox archiving

Work through this section if you are upgrading Domino mailbox archiving.

To upgrade Domino mailbox archiving:

  1. Use the Domino Administrator to sign EVInstall.nsf with the ID of the user that will be used to run Symantec Enterprise Vault 2007 - Domino Installer (EVInstall.nsf).
  2. Do the following on the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway:
    1. Run EVInstall.nsf.

      Note: In order to run EVInstall.nsf you must use the correct Notes client version, as follows:

      • For a Domino 8 mail server or Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway, you must use a Domino 8.0 Notes client.
      • For a Domino 7 mail server or Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway, you can use either of the following clients:
      • For a Domino 6.5 mail server you can use either of the following clients:
    2. In the application page, select the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway and a target Domino mail server.
    3. Select the option to sign the database templates with the current Notes ID, and if DWA is required, select Domino Web Access Forms Files.
    4. If you intend to make vault cache available to users, select Install Vault Cache.
    5. Click Install Symantec Enterprise Vault 2007 database design templates to start the process.

      The application takes several minutes to create the new Enterprise Vault templates.

    6. On the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway and the Domino mail server where the database design templates were created, run the Designer task to update the Enterprise Vault design templates with design elements inherited from their corresponding master templates.

      To run the Designer task, enter the appropriate command in the server console, as follows:

      • On a Domino 8.0.x Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway: no action required.
      • On a Domino 8.0.x mail server: no action required.
      • On a Domino 7.0 Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway:
        load design -f EVDG_DWA7.ntf
      • On a Domino 7.0 mail server:
        load design -f EV_DWA7.ntf
      • On a Domino 6.5.x mail server:
        load design -f EV_iNotes6.ntf
  3. Deploy the templates created on the Domino mail server to each of the target Domino mail servers that has the same Domino Server version. For example, if you ran EVInstall.nsf against a Domino Server 7.0.2 target server, deploy the templates to all Domino Server 7.0.2 mail servers.

    Deploy the templates by creating replicas of the Enterprise Vault mail templates and running Load Design on each mail server.

    (It is important that you copy the templates created on the Domino mail server and not those created on the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway).

  4. If you have other target mail servers with different Domino Server versions (for example, 7.0.3), do the following until you have deployed the templates to all mail server targets:
    1. Run EVInstall.nsf on the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway again.
    2. In the application page, clear the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway selection.
    3. Select a target Domino mail server.
    4. Select the option to sign the database templates with the current Notes ID, and if DWA is required, select Domino Web Access Forms Files.
    5. Click Install Symantec Enterprise Vault 2007 database design templates to start the process.
    6. Deploy the templates and run Load Design as before, on each mail server.

      Note that this command updates all databases on the server. It may be quicker to restrict the scope of the command so that it updates just those databases that need changing. In this case, use the Load Design -f switch to update all Enterprise Vault mail databases that have had any of the following templates applied to them:

      • ev_dwa*.ntf
      • ev_iNotes*.ntf
      • ev_Mail*.ntf

Post-configuration tasks

Manually changing Enterprise Vault DCOM settings

Follow the procedure below if you ran the Configuration wizard and it warned you that there was an error updating the DCOM settings of Enterprise Vault servers. If there was no such warning you can ignore this section.

To update the DCOM settings:

  1. Make sure that the Enterprise Vault Admin service is running on all Enterprise Vault servers in the Site.
  2. Start the Enterprise Vault Administration Console
  3. In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click the Directory icon and then, on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
  4. In the Directory Properties, click the Service Account tab.
  5. Enter the password for the account and enter it again to confirm it.
  6. Click OK.

Add new Microsoft Office 2007 files to FSA file group, Office Files [Ref E1022843]

If you have upgraded from Enterprise Vault 2007 you do not need to perform this step.

After upgrading to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6, add the new Microsoft Office 2007 files to the FSA file group, Office Files, as follows:

  1. In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, click Policies > File > File Groups.
  2. Double-click Office Files to open the properties dialog.
  3. Click the File Types tab.
  4. Use the New button to add the following file type entries:
    *.docx, *.docm, *.dotx, *.dotm, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xltm, *.xlsb, *.xlam,
    *.pptx, *.pptm, *.potx, *.potm, *.ppam, *.ppsx, *.ppsm
  5. Click OK.

On a new Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 installation, this manual step is not required, as these file types are added automatically.

Computer cache location when retrieving from EMC Celerra devices [Ref 702713]

Enterprise Vault 2007 server requires a cache location to be used when retrieving from Celerra devices. You must define a cache location as described in the File System Archiving chapter in the Administrator's Guide.

Extra configuration required to use placeholders on EMC Celerra devices after upgrade [Ref 843862]

If you were using an EMC Celerra device before upgrading to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6, you must make configuration changes before you can use placeholder shortcuts on the Celerra.

For more information, see the support note at

Additional steps for upgraded Enterprise Vault 2007 original release systems with FSA Reporting

Note: Perform these steps only if you applied SP6 to a system running the Enterprise Vault 2007 original release (with no service packs applied), and on which FSA Reporting was configured.

These steps assume that you applied the FSA Reporting .com hotfix before upgrading to SP6, as described in Steps to upgrade your system.

  1. Change the Authentication mode of the SQL Server where the FSA Reporting database is located from Mixed Mode authentication to Windows authentication.
  2. Restart the SQL Server.
  3. Restart all Enterprise Vault services.
  4. Run the FSA Reporting Configuration wizard. This will take you through the steps to configure the credentials of the Windows account that FSA Reporting will use when accessing the FSA Reporting database. To run the wizard:
  5. Perform these steps only if the Enterprise Vault server is running Windows 2000 Advanced Server:
  6. Rerun the Enterprise Vault Reporting Configuration utility, as described in Running the Enterprise Vault Reporting Configuration utility.

Upgrading the Exchange Server forms

To upgrade the Exchange Server forms, note the points below and then follow the instructions in the Distributing Exchange Server Forms chapter of the Installing and Configuring guide.

Note the following:

Upgrading the FSA Agent on NTFS file servers

You must upgrade the FSA Agent on the NTFS file servers on which it is installed. You can do this by using the Install FSA Agent wizard, or manually.

To use the Install FSA Agent wizard on Windows Server 2008, you must temporarily turn off User Account Control (UAC) and the Windows Firewall on the target file servers. If you prefer not to do this, install the FSA Agent manually.

To configure an FSA cluster for a Windows Server 2008 file server that uses Microsoft server clustering (MSCS), you must run the Enterprise Vault Administration Console on a Windows Server 2008 computer.

To upgrade the FSA Agent using the 'Install FSA Agent' wizard:

  1. In the Administration Console, expand the Enterprise Vault site until the Targets container is visible.
  2. Expand the Targets container.
  3. Expand the File Servers container.
  4. Right-click the server on which you want to upgrade the FSA Agent and then on the shortcut menu click Install FSA Agent.
  5. Work through the wizard.
  6. When the installation is complete, start the following Enterprise Vault services manually on the server running the FSA Agent, if they are not already started:

To install the FSA Agent manually:

  1. Locate the FSA Agent MSI files on the Enterprise Vault server. The files are located in the evpush\Agent folder under the Enterprise Vault installation folder, typically C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\evpush\Agent.
  2. Run vcredist_x86.exe on the file server.
  3. Run the appropriate MSI file on the file server. Two MSI files are provided:

Upgrading OWA and RPC Extensions

This section describes how you upgrade older versions of the Enterprise Vault OWA and RPC Extensions to Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6.

You must upgrade the Enterprise Vault OWA and RPC Extensions on each OWA and RPC server in your Enterprise Vault environment.

Follow the appropriate instructions for your system:

Upgrading OWA extensions in a clustered environment

Note the following if your Exchange Servers are clustered in a VCS or Microsoft server cluster.

VCS cluster

When upgrading Enterprise Vault OWA 2003 or OWA 2000 extensions on back-end Exchange Servers that are clustered using VCS, note the following steps:

  1. Upgrade the appropriate Enterprise Vault OWA extensions on all nodes that could host the Exchange Virtual Server.
  2. Run the appropriate Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard for the extensions on each Exchange Virtual Server node, while it is the active node. This means that you must run the configuration wizard on the active node, fail over the Exchange Virtual Server to the passive node, and then run the configuration wizard on that node. Repeat this process for all nodes that could host the Exchange Virtual Server.

Microsoft server cluster

When upgrading Enterprise Vault OWA 2003 or OWA 2000 extensions on back-end Exchange Servers that are clustered using Microsoft server clusters, note the following steps:

  1. Upgrade the appropriate Enterprise Vault OWA extensions on all nodes that could host the Exchange Virtual Server.
  2. Run the appropriate Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard for the extensions on each Exchange Virtual Server node that could host the Exchange Virtual Server.

Upgrading Enterprise Vault OWA 2007 Extensions

This procedure is only applicable if you are upgrading an Enterprise Vault 2007 system that uses the OWA 2007 extensions.

  1. On the Exchange 2007 CAS server, load the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media.
  2. Open the Enterprise Vault 2007 folder.
  3. Open the OWA 2007 Extensions folder.
  4. Double-click the appropriate .msi file to start the installation, depending on whether the Exchange Server is running in 64-bit or 32-bit mode:
  5. Follow the installation instructions.
  6. From a browser, enter the URL for the Exchange 2007 CAS server. Open an OWA client and check that you can view archived items.
  7. Repeat the above steps on each Exchange 2007 CAS server.

Upgrading Enterprise Vault OWA 2003 Extensions

Note: Exchange Server 2003 hotfixes may modify OWA control files. If you have installed an Exchange Server 2003 hotfix that has created an unsupported version of the OWA control files folder, or modified any files in the control files folder, a Save file error will be reported when you attempt to install the Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions.

For details of the versions of OWA 2003 control files supported by the Enterprise Vault 2007 OWA Extensions, see the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts (

Summary of steps to upgrade Enterprise Vault OWA 2003 Extensions

  1. On back-end Exchange Server 2003 computers, remove the existing Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions. See OWA 2003: Removing OWA Extensions.
  2. Restore the original OWA control files. See OWA 2003: Restoring OWA control files.

    You do not need to completely remove the extensions using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

  3. On back-end Exchange Server 2003 computers, install the Exchange 2003 Back-end Extensions (OWA & RPC).

    If your Exchange Servers are clustered, there is additional information that you need to read before proceeding.

    See Upgrading OWA extensions in a clustered environment.

    For installation instructions, see OWA 2003: Installing Enterprise Vault back-end OWA Extensions.

  4. On back-end Exchange Server 2003 computers, run the Enterprise Vault configuration wizard for the extensions.

    This recreates the Enterprise Vault virtual directories.

    See OWA 2003: Configuring OWA Extensions on a back-end Exchange Server.

  5. On front-end Exchange Server 2003 computers, remove the existing Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions. See OWA 2003: Removing OWA Extensions.
  6. Restore the original OWA control files. See OWA 2003: Restoring OWA control files.

    You do not need to completely remove the extensions using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

  7. On front-end Exchange Server 2003 computers, install the Exchange 2003 Front-end Extensions (OWA & RPC).

    See OWA 2003: Installing Enterprise Vault front-end OWA Extensions.

  8. On front-end Exchange Server 2003 computers, run the Enterprise Vault configuration wizard for the extensions.

    See OWA 2003: Configuring OWA Extensions on a front-end Exchange Server.

OWA 2003: Removing OWA Extensions

To remove the virtual directories, form registrations and Proxy Bypass List that are created by the Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions configuration wizard, run the following Enterprise Vault scripts from the command line.

On front-end OWA 2003 Servers:

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Enter the following command (on a single line):
    C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\OWA>cscript FrontEnd2003Setup.wsf /remove

This deletes the virtual directory, EnterpriseVaultProxy, and the Proxy Bypass List.

On back-end OWA 2003 Servers, run the following command. In an active/passive OWA 2003 cluster, run this command on the active node first, and then run it on the passive node.

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Enter on a single line the appropriate command for the server:
    C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\OWA>cscript Backend2003Setup.wsf /remove

This deletes all the Enterprise Vault OWA virtual directories (EnterpriseVaultProxy, EnterpriseVaultPublic, EnterpriseVaultExchange, EVOWA), forms registrations and Proxy Bypass List.

OWA 2003: Restoring OWA control files

  1. On front-end and back-end OWA 2003 Servers only, copy the OWA control files from the folder 
    C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\exchweb \6.5.nnnn.n\Controls-originals copied by Enterprise Vault

    to their original location: 
    C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\exchweb\6.5.nnnn.n\Controls
  2. Manually remove the Enterprise Vault controls folder: C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\exchweb\6.5.nnnn.n \Controls-originals copied by Enterprise Vault.

OWA 2003: Installing Enterprise Vault back-end OWA Extensions

  1. On your Exchange server, load the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media.
  2. Open the Enterprise Vault 2007 folder.
  3. Open the Server folder.
  4. Double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.
  5. Follow the installation instructions and select the Exchange 2003 Back-end Ext. (OWA & RPC) component.
  6. On each back-end OWA 2003 server, you now need to configure the extensions.

OWA 2003: Configuring OWA Extensions on a back-end Exchange Server

After you have installed the OWA Extensions on back-end Exchange Server 2003 computers, configure the OWA Extensions, as described in this section.

The configuration wizard uses entries in the EVServers.txt file to create WinHTTP proxy bypass entries for each Exchange server that will connect to the Enterprise Vault server. Ensure that the entries in this file are correct for your system. For details of this file, see the Installing and Configuring guide.

Create at least one public folder before you run the configuration wizard. As Microsoft Exchange installation automatically creates a public folder store, Enterprise Vault will attempt to register forms against public folders.

  1. Log on to the Exchange server computer using an account that has Exchange Full Administrator permission.
  2. Ensure the Exchange server is running and that the web site associated with the Exchange server has an ExAdmin virtual directory created.
  3. To start the configuration wizard, click Start > Programs > Enterprise Vault > Exchange Back-end Extensions Configuration > OWA & RPC.
  4. A command prompt window opens and reports on what the configuration wizard has done.
  5. When the configuration wizard has finished, you will see the following line in the command prompt window:
    Press ENTER to end
  6. Details of the configuration process are sent to the log file: 
    Enterprise Vault\OWA\BackEnd2003Setup.wsf.log

    Check the log file for any configuration errors.

  7. From a browser, enter the URL for the back-end OWA server. Open an OWA client and check that you can view archived items. In OWA 2003 clients, you should also see the Enterprise Vault buttons. Archive Explorer and Search options should be displayed in the navigation pane.
  8. Repeat the above steps to configure the OWA Extensions on each back-end Exchange server.
  9. You can now install the OWA Extensions on front-end Exchange Server computers.

OWA 2003: Installing Enterprise Vault front-end OWA Extensions

  1. On your Exchange server, load the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media.
  2. Open the Enterprise Vault 2007 folder.
  3. Open the Server folder.
  4. Double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.
  5. Follow the installation instructions and select the Exchange 2003 Front-end Ext. (OWA & RPC) component.
  6. On each front-end OWA 2003 server, you now need to configure the extensions.

OWA 2003: Configuring OWA Extensions on a front-end Exchange Server

After you have installed the OWA Extensions on a front-end Exchange Server 2003 computer, you need to configure the extensions, as described in this section.

  1. Log on to the Exchange Server computer using an account that has Exchange Full Administrator Permission.
  2. Click Start > Programs > Enterprise Vault > Exchange Front-end Extensions Configuration > OWA & RPC.
  3. A command prompt window opens and lists what the configuration wizard has done.
  4. When the configuration wizard has finished, you will see the following line in the command prompt window:

    Press ENTER to end

  5. Details of the configuration process are sent to the log file: Enterprise Vault\OWA\FrontEnd2003Setup.wsf.log. Check the log file for any configuration errors.
  6. From a browser, enter the URL for the front-end OWA server. Open an OWA client and check that you can view archived items. In OWA 2003 clients, you should also see the Enterprise Vault buttons. Archive Explorer and Search options should be displayed in the navigation pane.
  7. Repeat the above steps to configure the OWA Extensions on each front-end Exchange Server 2003.

This completes the basic configuration of your Enterprise Vault OWA environment.

If required, the functionality available to OWA 2003 users can be customized by administrators using the Enterprise Vault Administration Console; select OWA settings on the Advanced tab of the appropriate Exchange Server mailbox policy. These settings are described in the Administrator's Guide.

Upgrading Enterprise Vault OWA 2000 Extensions

The OWA computer (back end) requires either Windows 2000 SP3 or a Microsoft hotfix because of a problem with IIS 5.0. The problem is described in Microsoft support article 294833. Prior to the release of Windows 2000 SP3 there was a Microsoft hotfix to correct this problem. If you do not want to install Windows 2000 SP3 you may be able to obtain a copy of the hotfix.

Note that the new OWA client functionality available in Enterprise Vault 2007 OWA Extensions is only available when using OWA 2003 clients with Exchange Server 2003.

Summary of steps to upgrade Enterprise Vault OWA 2000 Extensions

  1. If your Exchange Servers are clustered, there is additional information that you need to read before proceeding. 

    See Upgrading OWA extensions in a clustered environment.

  2. On back-end Exchange Server 2000 computers, remove the existing Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions. 

    See OWA 2000: Removing existing OWA extensions

    You do not need to completely remove the extensions using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

  3. On back-end Exchange Server 2000 computers, install the new Enterprise Vault OWA 2000 Extensions. 

    If your Exchange Servers are clustered, there is additional information that you need to read before proceeding.

    See Upgrading OWA extensions in a clustered environment.

    For installation instructions, see OWA 2000: Installing Enterprise Vault back-end OWA Extensions.

  4. On back-end Exchange Server 2000 computers, run the Enterprise Vault configuration wizard for the Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions. 

    See OWA 2000: Configuring OWA Extensions on a back-end Exchange Server.

  5. On front-end Exchange Server 2000 computers, install the Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions. 

    See OWA 2000: Installing Enterprise Vault front-end OWA Extensions.

OWA 2000: Removing existing OWA extensions

To remove the virtual directories, form registrations, and Proxy Bypass List that are created by the Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions configuration wizard, you need to run the following Enterprise Vault scripts from the command line.

On back-end OWA 2000 Servers, run the following command. In an active/passive OWA 2000 cluster, run this command on the active node first, and then run it on the passive node.

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Enter on a single line the appropriate command for the server: C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\OWA>cscript Backend2000Setup.wsf /remove.
  3. This deletes all the Enterprise Vault OWA virtual directories (EnterpriseVaultPublic, EnterpriseVaultExchange, EVOWA), forms registrations, and Proxy Bypass List).

As the OWA Extensions are installed but not configured on front-end OWA 2000 Servers, you do not need to run a removal script on these servers.

OWA 2000: Installing Enterprise Vault back-end OWA Extensions

  1. On your Exchange server, load the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media.
  2. Open the Enterprise Vault 2007 folder.
  3. Open the Server folder.
  4. Double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.
  5. Follow the installation instructions and select the correct OWA Extensions component for this Exchange server.
  6. On each back-end OWA 2000 server, you now need to configure the extensions.

OWA 2000:  Configuring the OWA Extensions on a back-end Exchange Server

After you have installed the OWA Extensions on back-end Exchange Server 2000 computers, configure the OWA Extensions, as described in this section.

The configuration wizard uses entries in the EVServers.txt file to create WinHTTP proxy bypass entries for each Exchange server that will connect to the Enterprise Vault server. Ensure that the entries in this file are correct for your system. For details of this file, see the Installing and Configuring guide.

Create at least one public folder before you run the configuration wizard. As Microsoft Exchange installation automatically creates a public folder store, Enterprise Vault will attempt to register forms against public folders.

  1. Log on to the Exchange server computer using an account that has Exchange Full Administrator permission.
  2. Ensure the Exchange server is running and that the web site associated with the Exchange server has an ExAdmin virtual directory created.
  3. To start the configuration wizard, click Start > Programs > Enterprise Vault > Exchange 2000 OWA Extensions Configuration.
  4. A command prompt window opens and lists what the configuration wizard has done.
  5. When the configuration wizard has finished, you will see the following line in the command prompt window:

    Press ENTER to end

  6. Details of the configuration process are sent to the log file: Enterprise Vault\OWA\BackEnd2000Setup.wsf.log. Check the log file for any configuration errors.
  7. Now check the configuration on each back-end OWA server. From a browser, enter the URL for the back-end OWA server. Open an OWA client and check that you can view archived items.
  8. Repeat the above steps to configure the OWA Extensions on each back-end Exchange Server.
  9. You can now install the OWA Extensions on each front-end Exchange Server 2000 computer.

OWA 2000: Installing Enterprise Vault front-end OWA Extensions

  1. On your Exchange server, load the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media.
  2. Open the Enterprise Vault 2007 folder.
  3. Open the Server folder.
  4. Double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.
  5. Follow the installation instructions and select the correct OWA Extensions component for this Exchange server.

    Note: You do not need to configure front-end OWA 2000 Extensions.

  6. From a browser, enter the URL for the front-end OWA server. Open an OWA client and check that you can view archived items.
  7. Repeat the above steps to configure the OWA Extensions for each front-end Exchange Server 2000.

This completes the upgrade process for your Enterprise Vault OWA 2000 extensions.

Upgrading SharePoint Server components

We recommend that you upgrade the Enterprise Vault SharePoint components and Archive Search Web Part on each of your SharePoint Server computers.

Upgrading the Enterprise Vault SharePoint components

To upgrade the Enterprise Vault SharePoint components:

  1. Log on to the SharePoint Server using the Vault Service account.
  2. Stop the Enterprise Vault Admin service.
  3. Restart IIS.
  4. Load the Enterprise Vault 2007 SP6 media on your SharePoint server computer.
  5. Navigate to the folder Enterprise Vault 2007 > Server.
  6. Double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.
  7. On the Select Components to Install screen, ensure that only Microsoft SharePoint Components is selected.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Work through the remainder of the installation wizard.
  10. Start the Enterprise Vault Admin service.

Upgrading the Archive Search Web Parts

To upgrade the Archive Search Web Parts:

  1. If the language selected for your SharePoint installation is English, go to step 2.

    If the language selected for your SharePoint installation is not English, copy the Web Part package from the appropriate language folder under C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\Languages\Windows SharePoint Services Web Parts to the folder containing the Stsadm.exe tool, which is typically:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\nn\BIN

    where nn is 60 for Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and SharePoint Portal Server 2003, and 12 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007.

  2. On the SharePoint server, open a Command Prompt window then use the cd command to go to the directory containing the Stsadm.exe tool and the Web Part CAB file, which is typically:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\nn\BIN

    where nn is 60 for Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and SharePoint Portal Server 2003, and 12 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007.

  3. Enter the following command to add the new Web Part on every virtual server on the SharePoint server computer:
    stsadm.exe -o addwppack -globalinstall -force -filename ""
  4. Restart IIS.

Updating the archived versions history link

You need to reinstall the archived version history link. Failure to do this after an upgrade will result in an error when attempting to view the archived version history.

  1. In a browser, enter the following URL:


    where spcomputername is the name of your SharePoint server computer.

  2. On the Enterprise Vault Archived Version History Administration page, click Install the archived version history link.

Note that you only need to perform this task once for all of the SharePoint virtual servers on a computer.

Upgrading Enterprise Vault 7.0 User Extensions to 2007 Outlook Add-Ins

This section covers upgrading the Enterprise Vault 7.0 User Extensions (Full and Lite clients) and Self-Installing User Extensions, which have been renamed in Enterprise Vault 2007 as the Outlook Add-Ins, HTTP-only Outlook Add-Ins, and HTTP-only Self-Installing Outlook Add-Ins, as described in the ReadMeFirst.

For information on which Enterprise Vault client versions work with which Enterprise Vault server versions, see the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts at

Use the same type of Enterprise Vault user extensions when upgrading:

If you want to upgrade from one type of Enterprise Vault client extensions to another (for example, from Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In to HTTP-only Outlook Add-In), additional steps are required. For details, see the support note

If you are upgrading either type of user extensions, we recommend you also upgrade the Exchange Server forms.

Follow the relevant instructions for your system:

Upgrading the User Extensions to Outlook Add-Ins

For information on how to distribute the new Outlook Add-Ins, see Outlook Add-Ins in the Setting up users' desktops chapter of the Installing and Configuring guide.

Upgrading the Self-Installing User Extensions to HTTP-only Self-Installing Outlook Add-Ins

If you have users of the self-installing User Extensions, you need to make the new version (HTTP-only Self-Installing Outlook Add-Ins) available to users. Users will then be automatically given the option to install the new version when they click Enterprise Vault shortcuts.

To upgrade to the HTTP-only Self-Installing User Extensions, see Making the HTTP-only Self-Installing Outlook Add-In available in the Setting up users' desktops chapter of the Installing and Configuring manual.

Note: The installation process for the HTTP-only Self-Installing Outlook Add-Ins currently prompts you to restart your computer before the installation complete page is displayed. If you click Yes on the restart prompt, the End Program dialog is displayed for Outlook. This dialog is displayed because Windows is trying to shut down Outlook but the installer is trying to open the installation complete page. You can safely ignore the End Program dialog and click No on the Do you want to save changes? prompt. End users will also encounter this, so you may want to warn them of this behavior. See Upgrading HTTP-only Self-Installing Outlook Add-Ins in the ReadMeFirst.

Publishing the Outlook Add-Ins in Active Directory®

If necessary, publish the Outlook Add-Ins in Active Directory. The new package will then be installed when each user's computer is restarted. Follow the instructions in Publishing the Add-Ins in Active Directory in the Setting up users' desktops chapter of the Installing and Configuring guide.

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