07/28/2015 18:14:25 - begin Restore 07/28/2015 18:14:26 - Info bprd (pid=4644) Found (32,769) files in (1) images for Restore Job ID 28.xxx 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - restoring from image ri2001_1438070065 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - Info bprd (pid=4644) Searched (32,769) files of (32,769) files for Restore Job ID 28.xxx 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - Info bprd (pid=4644) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 07/28/15 16:54:25 from policy test111_3_0_POLICY 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - Info bpbrm (pid=6376) ri2001.hydra01.local is the host to restore to 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - Info bpbrm (pid=6376) reading file list for client 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - Info bpbrm (pid=6376) connecting to bprd to get file list 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - connecting 07/28/2015 18:14:27 - Info bpbrm (pid=6376) starting bptm 07/28/2015 18:14:30 - Info tar32 (pid=6864) Restore started 07/28/2015 18:14:30 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00 07/28/2015 18:14:30 - Info bptm (pid=5520) start 07/28/2015 18:14:30 - started process bptm (pid=5520) 07/28/2015 18:14:30 - Info bptm (pid=5520) reading backup image 07/28/2015 18:14:31 - Info bptm (pid=5520) using 30 data buffers 07/28/2015 18:14:31 - begin reading 07/28/2015 18:19:35 - Critical bptm (pid=5520) sts_read_image failed: error 2060017 system call failed 07/28/2015 18:19:35 - Critical bptm (pid=5520) image read failed: error 2060017: system call failed 07/28/2015 18:19:35 - Error bptm (pid=5520) cannot read image from disk, Invalid argument 07/28/2015 18:19:35 - Info bptm (pid=5520) EXITING with status 85 <---------- 07/28/2015 18:19:59 - Info tar32 (pid=6864) done. status: 40 07/28/2015 18:20:07 - Info tar32 (pid=6864) done. status: 85: media read error 07/28/2015 18:20:07 - Error bpbrm (pid=6376) client restore EXIT STATUS 85: media read error 07/28/2015 18:20:08 - Warning bprd (pid=4644) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 8/11/2015 4:54:25 PM 07/28/2015 18:20:08 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:05:43 socket write failed (24)