07/15/2015 16:00:08 - Info nbjm (pid=17646) starting backup job (jobid=12209026) for client svvtprint02, policy 00a-vmware-testprod, schedule Incremental 07/15/2015 16:00:08 - Info nbjm (pid=17646) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=12209026, request id:{CDA29436-2AF9-11E5-BB51-212365425D41}) 07/15/2015 16:00:08 - requesting resource svvpmediasrv32-dedup 07/15/2015 16:00:08 - requesting resource svvpbackup01.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.svvtprint02 07/15/2015 16:00:08 - requesting resource svvpbackup01.VMware.Datastore.svvpvcenter02/Datacenter_22A/D4-HUSVM-HDT-T-CU15-L21 07/15/2015 16:00:08 - requesting resource svvpbackup01.VMware.ESXserver.svvpesx28.vegvesen.no 07/15/2015 16:00:08 - requesting resource svvpbackup01.VMware.snapshot.vCenter.svvpvcenter02 07/15/2015 16:00:09 - Info nbrb (pid=17585) Limit has been reached for the logical resource svvpbackup01.VMware.Datastore.svvpvcenter02/Datacenter_22A/D4-HUSVM-HDT-T-CU15-L21 07/15/2015 16:03:15 - Info nbrb (pid=17585) Limit has been reached for the logical resource svvpbackup01.VMware.snapshot.vCenter.svvpvcenter02 07/15/2015 16:04:46 - granted resource svvpbackup01.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.svvtprint02 07/15/2015 16:04:46 - granted resource svvpbackup01.VMware.Datastore.svvpvcenter02/Datacenter_22A/D4-HUSVM-HDT-T-CU15-L21 07/15/2015 16:04:46 - granted resource svvpbackup01.VMware.ESXserver.svvpesx28.vegvesen.no 07/15/2015 16:04:46 - granted resource svvpbackup01.VMware.snapshot.vCenter.svvpvcenter02 07/15/2015 16:04:46 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaa2;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=svvpmediasrv32-dedup-pool;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=svvpmediasrv32;MediaServer=svvpmediasrv32 07/15/2015 16:04:46 - granted resource svvpmediasrv32-dedup 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - Info bpbrm (pid=35385) svvtprint02 is the host to backup data from 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - Info bpbrm (pid=35385) reading file list for client 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - Info bpbrm (pid=35385) start bpfis on client 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - Info bpbrm (pid=35385) Starting create snapshot processing 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - estimated 0 kbytes needed 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - begin Parent Job 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - begin Application Snapshot: Step By Condition Operation Status: 0 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - end Application Snapshot: Step By Condition; elapsed time 0:00:00 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - begin Application Snapshot: Read File List Operation Status: 0 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - end Application Snapshot: Read File List; elapsed time 0:00:00 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - begin Application Snapshot: Create Snapshot 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - started process bpbrm (pid=35385) 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - Info bpfis (pid=35389) Backup started 07/15/2015 16:04:48 - snapshot backup of client svvtprint02 using method VMware_v2 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - VMware_freeze: VIXAPI freeze (VMware snapshot) failed with -1: Unrecognized error 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - VMware error received: An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine. See the virtual machine's event log for details. 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - vfm_freeze: method: VMware_v2, type: FIM, function: VMware_v2_freeze 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - vfm_freeze: method: VMware_v2, type: FIM, function: VMware_v2_freeze 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - snapshot processing failed, status 156 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Critical bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: FTL - snapshot creation failed, status 156 07/15/2015 16:09:28 - Warning bpbrm (pid=35385) from client svvtprint02: WRN - ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES is not frozen 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - Info bpfis (pid=35389) done. status: 156 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - end Application Snapshot: Create Snapshot; elapsed time 0:04:41 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - Info bpfis (pid=35389) done. status: 156: snapshot error encountered 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - end writing Operation Status: 156 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:04:41 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - begin Application Snapshot: Stop On Error Operation Status: 0 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - end Application Snapshot: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - begin Application Snapshot: Cleanup Resources 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - requesting resource svvpbackup01.VMware.snapshot.vCenter.svvpvcenter02 07/15/2015 16:09:29 - Info nbrb (pid=17585) Limit has been reached for the logical resource svvpbackup01.VMware.snapshot.vCenter.svvpvcenter02 07/15/2015 16:09:48 - granted resource svvpbackup01.VMware.snapshot.vCenter.svvpvcenter02 Operation Status: 0 07/15/2015 16:09:48 - end Application Snapshot: Cleanup Resources; elapsed time 0:00:19 07/15/2015 16:09:48 - begin Application Snapshot: Delete Snapshot 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - Info bpbrm (pid=36539) Starting delete snapshot processing 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - Info bpfis (pid=36543) Backup started 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - Critical bpbrm (pid=36539) from client svvtprint02: FTL - cannot open /usr/openv/netbackup/online_util/fi_cntl/bpfis.fim.svvtprint02_1436969088.1.0 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - Info bpfis (pid=36543) done. status: 4207 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - end Application Snapshot: Delete Snapshot; elapsed time 0:00:01 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - Info bpfis (pid=36543) done. status: 4207: Could not fetch snapshot metadata or state files 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - started process bpbrm (pid=36539) 07/15/2015 16:09:49 - end writing Operation Status: 4207 Operation Status: 156 snapshot error encountered (156)