09:41:20.809 [4760.6588] <4> vmd: INITIATING 09:41:20.809 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:41:20.825 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:41:20.825 [4760.6588] <4> vmd: Host name is ge-2008 09:41:20.825 [4760.6588] <4> vmd: EMM tuning parameters: emm_retries = 1, emm_connect_timeout = 20, emm_request_timeout = 300 09:41:20.872 [4760.6588] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:41:20.872 [4760.6588] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: vmd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:41:20.872 [4760.6588] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:41:20.872 [4760.6588] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 50(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:41:20.872 [4760.6588] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:41:27.533 [4760.6588] <4> vmd: emmlib_initialize ge-2008, 1556, 09:41:27.533 [4760.6588] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 300(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:41:27.533 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 09:41:27.548 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <4> nbupgrade: checking upgrade status 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <16> emmlib_QueryVersion: (0) failed, emmError = 2007031, nbError = 0 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <4> get_previous_schema_version: no PREVIOUS_SCHEMA version found 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <4> set_upgrade_flags: SCHEMA=<> PREVIOUS_SCHEMA=<> 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <4> set_upgrade_flags: no action necessary for SCHEMA version <> 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <4> set_upgrade_flags: upgrade_flags=0x0 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <4> nbupgrade: skipping upgrade - no upgrade is needed 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <2> da_startup_recovery_complete: vmd/DA entering normal operating mode 09:41:27.564 [4760.6588] <2> daemon_startup_listeners: 4 listening for legacy service vmd 09:41:27.580 [4760.6588] <2> daemon_startup_listeners: listening for vnetd service vmd 09:41:27.580 [4760.6588] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.132: pbxRegisterEx successful at, returns with 0 alt_addrs 09:41:27.580 [4760.6588] <4> vmd: ready for connections on socket 832 09:41:27.580 [4760.6588] <4> vmd: ready for vnetd connections on socket 836 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 09:41:29.592 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 09:41:29.608 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64035 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:31.460 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:31.663 [2988.5984] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:31.663 [2988.5984] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:31.663 [2988.5984] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:31.663 [2988.5984] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:31.663 [2988.5984] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:31.679 [2988.5984] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:31.679 [2988.5984] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:31.679 [2988.5984] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:31.679 [2988.5984] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:31.679 [2988.5984] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:32.287 [2988.5984] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64041 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:41.600 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:41.725 [3792.4064] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:41.725 [3792.4064] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:41.725 [3792.4064] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:41.725 [3792.4064] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:41.725 [3792.4064] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:41.741 [3792.4064] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:41.741 [3792.4064] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:41.741 [3792.4064] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:41.741 [3792.4064] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:41.741 [3792.4064] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:42.552 [3792.4064] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:42.552 [3792.4064] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:42.552 [3792.4064] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:42.552 [3792.4064] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:42.552 [3792.4064] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:42.552 [3792.4064] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64045 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:46.312 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:46.327 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:46.327 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:46.421 [1028.7084] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:46.421 [1028.7084] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:46.436 [1028.7084] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:46.436 [1028.7084] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:46.436 [1028.7084] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:46.436 [1028.7084] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:46.436 [1028.7084] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:46.436 [1028.7084] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:46.436 [1028.7084] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:46.452 [1028.7084] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:47.466 [1028.7084] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:43:48.776 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:48.776 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64049 09:43:48.776 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:48.776 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:48.792 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:48.792 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:48.792 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:48.792 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:48.792 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:48.792 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:48.792 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:48.901 [1972.1920] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:48.901 [1972.1920] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:48.901 [1972.1920] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:48.901 [1972.1920] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:48.901 [1972.1920] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:48.917 [1972.1920] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:48.917 [1972.1920] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:48.917 [1972.1920] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:48.917 [1972.1920] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:48.917 [1972.1920] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.001 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,1,0}:HUE1022ANB *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.001 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,1,0}:HUE1022ANB *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:49.525 [1972.1920] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64053 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:50.664 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:50.773 [3912.1968] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:50.773 [3912.1968] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:50.789 [3912.1968] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:50.789 [3912.1968] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:50.789 [3912.1968] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:50.789 [3912.1968] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:50.789 [3912.1968] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:50.789 [3912.1968] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:50.789 [3912.1968] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:50.804 [3912.1968] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.002 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,2,0}:HU108366VA *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.002 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,2,0}:HU108366VA *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:51.616 [3912.1968] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:43:52.302 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:52.302 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64057 09:43:52.302 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:52.302 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:52.318 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:52.318 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:52.318 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:52.318 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:52.318 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:52.318 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:52.318 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:52.427 [5784.3044] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:52.427 [5784.3044] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:52.442 [5784.3044] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:52.442 [5784.3044] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:52.442 [5784.3044] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:52.442 [5784.3044] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:52.442 [5784.3044] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:52.458 [5784.3044] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:52.458 [5784.3044] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:52.458 [5784.3044] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,3,0}:HU108461J1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,3,0}:HU108461J1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:52.661 [5784.3044] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64061 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:53.191 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:53.300 [1280.6960] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:53.300 [1280.6960] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:53.316 [1280.6960] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:53.316 [1280.6960] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:53.316 [1280.6960] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:53.332 [1280.6960] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:53.332 [1280.6960] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:53.332 [1280.6960] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:53.332 [1280.6960] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:53.332 [1280.6960] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.004 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,4,0}:HU108461FG *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.004 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,4,0}:HU108461FG *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:53.534 [1280.6960] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64065 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 440, nosig = no 09:43:53.940 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:54.049 [1888.4844] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:43:54.049 [1888.4844] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:43:54.049 [1888.4844] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:43:54.049 [1888.4844] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:43:54.049 [1888.4844] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:43:54.065 [1888.4844] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:43:54.065 [1888.4844] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:43:54.065 [1888.4844] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:43:54.065 [1888.4844] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 440 -p 4 -verbose 09:43:54.065 [1888.4844] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.005 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,5,0}:HU10802NUY *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.005 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,5,0}:HU10802NUY *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:43:54.673 [1888.4844] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64073 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 852, nosig = no 09:44:12.036 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 09:44:12.145 [2676.6632] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:44:12.145 [2676.6632] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:44:12.145 [2676.6632] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:44:12.145 [2676.6632] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:44:12.145 [2676.6632] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:44:12.161 [2676.6632] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:44:12.161 [2676.6632] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:44:12.161 [2676.6632] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:44:12.161 [2676.6632] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 09:44:12.161 [2676.6632] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:44:12.972 [2676.6632] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:44:27.153 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:44:27.153 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64078 09:44:27.153 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:44:27.153 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:44:27.168 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:44:27.168 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 43 0x2b 09:44:27.168 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:44:27.168 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=43, version=4 09:44:27.168 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:44:27.168 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 852, nosig = yes 09:44:27.168 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 852 -p 4 -nosig -verbose 09:44:27.262 [5748.7116] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:44:27.262 [5748.7116] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:44:27.277 [5748.7116] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:44:27.277 [5748.7116] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:44:27.277 [5748.7116] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:44:27.277 [5748.7116] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:44:27.277 [5748.7116] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:44:27.277 [5748.7116] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:44:27.277 [5748.7116] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 852 -p 4 -nosig -verbose 09:44:27.293 [5748.7116] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:44:28.104 [5748.7116] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 09:44:28.104 [5748.7116] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 09:44:28.104 [5748.7116] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:44:28.104 [5748.7116] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64084 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=50 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 852, nosig = no 09:44:30.491 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 852 -p 50 -verbose 09:44:30.600 [6664.932] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:44:30.600 [6664.932] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:44:30.616 [6664.932] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:44:30.616 [6664.932] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:44:30.616 [6664.932] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:44:30.616 [6664.932] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:44:30.616 [6664.932] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:44:30.616 [6664.932] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:44:30.616 [6664.932] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 852 -p 50 -verbose 09:44:30.631 [6664.932] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:44:31.037 [6664.932] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -scan 09:44:31.037 [6664.932] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -scan 09:44:31.037 [6664.932] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 09:44:31.037 [6664.932] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -scan" 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 STK~~~~~SL500~~~~~~~~~~~1485 559000102024 -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,6,0} - 0 16 5 80 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8388608 6 142 15 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - STK~~~~~ SL500~~~~~~~~~~~ 1485 - - - - - - 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU10640N5B 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HUE1022ANB 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU108366VA 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU108461J1 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU108461FG 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU10802NUY 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 COMPAQ~~SDLT320~~~~~~~~~5F5F MYJ041924V -1 -1 -1 -1 {5,0,5,0} - 0 1 2 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - COMPAQ~~ SDLT320~~~~~~~~~ 5F5F - - - - {5,0,5,0} COMPAQ~~SDLT320~~~~~~~~~MYJ041924V~~ 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 COMPAQ~~SDLT320~~~~~~~~~4646 RBD37Y1317 -1 -1 -1 -1 {6,0,6,0} - 0 1 2 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - COMPAQ~~ SDLT320~~~~~~~~~ 4646 - - - - {6,0,6,0} COMPAQ~~SDLT320~~~~~~~~~RBD37Y1317~~ 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <16> send_cmd: END 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:44:32.613 [6664.932] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:44:41.754 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:44:41.754 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64091 09:44:41.754 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:44:41.754 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:44:41.770 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:44:41.770 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:44:41.770 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:44:41.770 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:44:41.770 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:44:41.770 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 852, nosig = no 09:44:41.770 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 09:44:41.863 [5612.5568] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:44:41.863 [5612.5568] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:44:41.879 [5612.5568] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:44:41.879 [5612.5568] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:44:41.879 [5612.5568] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:44:41.895 [5612.5568] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:44:41.895 [5612.5568] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:44:41.895 [5612.5568] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:44:41.895 [5612.5568] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 09:44:41.895 [5612.5568] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:44:42.300 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:42.300 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:42.300 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:42.300 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:42.300 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:42.300 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: 10 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:42.300 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 10 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:43.517 [5612.5568] <2> oprd_stopltid: stat = 0 09:44:43.517 [5612.5568] <2> checkLtidEvents: ltid/oprd terminate event was set 09:44:43.517 [5612.5568] <2> oprd: in ltidtermsig 09:44:43.517 [5612.5568] <2> oprd: detach shared memory 09:44:45.030 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:45.030 [5612.5568] <2> oprd: can get lockfile, assume ltid not active 09:44:46.543 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: 9 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:46.543 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 9 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:44:50.755 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:44:50.755 [5612.5568] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:46:30.440 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:46:30.440 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 09:46:30.440 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 09:46:30.440 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 09:46:30.440 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 09:46:30.440 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 09:46:30.455 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 09:49:56.345 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 09:49:56.345 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64140 09:49:56.345 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 09:49:56.345 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 09:49:56.361 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 09:49:56.361 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 09:49:56.361 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 09:49:56.361 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 09:49:56.361 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 09:49:56.361 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 852, nosig = no 09:49:56.361 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 09:49:56.455 [5488.2784] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 09:49:56.455 [5488.2784] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 09:49:56.470 [5488.2784] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 09:49:56.470 [5488.2784] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 09:49:56.470 [5488.2784] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 09:49:56.486 [5488.2784] <4> oprd: INITIATING 09:49:56.486 [5488.2784] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 09:49:56.486 [5488.2784] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 09:49:56.486 [5488.2784] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 09:49:56.486 [5488.2784] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 09:49:56.891 [5488.2784] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 09:51:30.945 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:51:30.945 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 09:51:30.945 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 09:51:30.945 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 09:51:30.945 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 09:51:30.945 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 09:51:30.945 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 09:56:30.794 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 09:56:30.794 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 09:56:30.794 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 09:56:30.794 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 09:56:30.794 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 09:56:30.794 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 09:56:30.810 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:01:30.659 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:01:30.659 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:01:30.659 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:01:30.659 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:01:30.659 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:01:30.659 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:01:30.659 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:06:30.509 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:06:30.509 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:06:30.509 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:06:30.509 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:06:30.509 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:06:30.509 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:06:30.524 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:11:30.374 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:11:30.374 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:11:30.374 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:11:30.374 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:11:30.374 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:11:30.374 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:11:30.374 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:16:30.223 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:16:30.223 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:16:30.223 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:16:30.223 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:16:30.223 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:16:30.223 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:16:30.238 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:21:30.088 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:21:30.088 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:21:30.088 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:21:30.088 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:21:30.088 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:21:30.088 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:21:30.088 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:26:31.951 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:26:31.951 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:26:31.951 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:26:31.951 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:26:31.951 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:26:31.951 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:26:31.967 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:31:31.816 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:31:31.816 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:31:31.816 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:31:31.816 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:31:31.816 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:31:31.816 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:31:31.816 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:36:31.665 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:36:31.665 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:36:31.665 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:36:31.665 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:36:31.665 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:36:31.665 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:36:31.680 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:41:31.530 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:41:31.530 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:41:31.530 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:41:31.530 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:41:31.530 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:41:31.530 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:41:31.530 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:46:31.380 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:46:31.380 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:46:31.380 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:46:31.380 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:46:31.380 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:46:31.380 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:46:31.411 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64358 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 852, nosig = no 10:46:45.170 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 10:46:45.264 [2176.3380] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 10:46:45.264 [2176.3380] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 10:46:45.264 [2176.3380] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 10:46:45.264 [2176.3380] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 10:46:45.264 [2176.3380] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 10:46:45.279 [2176.3380] <4> oprd: INITIATING 10:46:45.279 [2176.3380] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 10:46:45.279 [2176.3380] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 10:46:45.279 [2176.3380] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 852 -p 4 -verbose 10:46:45.279 [2176.3380] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 102 -1 0 0 HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 MISSING_PATH:{3,0,0,0}:HU10640N5B *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 10:46:46.090 [2176.3380] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 10:50:09.594 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 10:50:09.594 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64369 10:50:09.594 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 10:50:09.594 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 10:50:09.609 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 10:50:09.609 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 10:50:09.609 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 10:50:09.609 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 10:50:09.609 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 10:50:09.609 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 10:50:09.609 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 10:50:09.703 [3244.3028] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 10:50:09.703 [3244.3028] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 10:50:09.719 [3244.3028] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 10:50:09.719 [3244.3028] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 10:50:09.719 [3244.3028] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 10:50:09.734 [3244.3028] <4> oprd: INITIATING 10:50:09.734 [3244.3028] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 10:50:09.734 [3244.3028] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 10:50:09.734 [3244.3028] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 10:50:09.734 [3244.3028] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 10:50:10.951 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.951 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.951 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.951 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.951 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: 32 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.951 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 32 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.951 [3244.3028] <2> oprd:send_robot_list: Calling emmlib_GetDeviceList(RO) Host ge-2008 10:50:10.982 [3244.3028] <2> oprd:send_robot_list: sent buffer <8 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 *EmPt* ge-2008 *EmPt* {3,0,6,0} ge-2008 ge-2008 ROBOT0 *EmPt* 559000102024 STK~~~~~SL500~~~~~~~~~~~1485 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 *EmPt* *EmPt* ge-2008 *EmPt* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 10:50:10.998 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: 31 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.998 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 31 -1 -1 *NULL* 10:50:10.998 [3244.3028] <2> oprd:send_drive_list: Calling emmlib_GetDeviceList(DR) Host ge-2008 10:50:11.045 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 10:50:11.045 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 10:50:11.045 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 10:50:11.045 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 10:50:11.045 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: 34 2 -1 *NULL* 10:50:11.045 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 2 -1 *NULL* 10:51:32.119 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:51:32.119 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:51:32.119 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:51:32.119 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:51:32.119 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:51:32.119 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:51:32.135 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 10:53:08.356 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 10:53:08.356 [3244.3028] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 10:56:33.996 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 10:56:33.996 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 10:56:33.996 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 10:56:33.996 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 10:56:33.996 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 10:56:33.996 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 10:56:34.012 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:00:05.627 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:00:05.627 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64430 11:00:05.627 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:00:05.627 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:00:05.643 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:00:05.643 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:00:05.643 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:00:05.643 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:00:05.643 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:00:05.643 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 436, nosig = no 11:00:05.643 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 436 -p 4 -verbose 11:00:05.736 [5224.6796] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:00:05.736 [5224.6796] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:00:05.736 [5224.6796] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:00:05.736 [5224.6796] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:00:05.736 [5224.6796] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:00:05.752 [5224.6796] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:00:05.752 [5224.6796] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:00:05.752 [5224.6796] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:00:05.752 [5224.6796] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 436 -p 4 -verbose 11:00:05.752 [5224.6796] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:00:06.157 [5224.6796] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:01:34.189 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:01:34.189 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:01:34.189 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:01:34.189 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:01:34.189 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:01:34.189 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:01:34.205 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:06:34.055 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:06:34.055 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:06:34.055 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:06:34.055 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:06:34.055 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:06:34.055 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:06:34.055 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:11:35.917 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:11:35.917 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:11:35.917 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:11:35.917 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:11:35.917 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:11:35.917 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:11:35.932 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64473 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 11:11:52.858 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:52.968 [3532.1520] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:11:52.968 [3532.1520] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:11:52.968 [3532.1520] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:11:52.968 [3532.1520] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:11:52.968 [3532.1520] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:11:52.983 [3532.1520] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:11:52.983 [3532.1520] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:11:52.983 [3532.1520] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:11:52.983 [3532.1520] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:52.983 [3532.1520] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:11:53.997 [3532.1520] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64477 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 11:11:54.013 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:54.106 [5344.7084] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:11:54.106 [5344.7084] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:11:54.122 [5344.7084] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:11:54.122 [5344.7084] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:11:54.122 [5344.7084] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:11:54.122 [5344.7084] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:11:54.122 [5344.7084] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:11:54.122 [5344.7084] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:11:54.122 [5344.7084] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:54.138 [5344.7084] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password f9cd2307e90871c0aff2c4b9806e0ca0bb7f690e3ea4b33ec44b3652669d733dccaf9fba68e8a8e008cdb7815d9120d30b7c5b718ed745aaa463b15941605303 -key 0363300828823112 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password f9cd2307e90871c0aff2c4b9806e0ca0bb7f690e3ea4b33ec44b3652669d733dccaf9fba68e8a8e008cdb7815d9120d30b7c5b718ed745aaa463b15941605303 -key 0363300828823112 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 11:11:54.949 [5344.7084] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password f9cd2307e90871c0aff2c4b9806e0ca0bb7f690e3ea4b33ec44b3652669d733dccaf9fba68e8a8e008cdb7815d9120d30b7c5b718ed745aaa463b15941605303 -key 0363300828823112" 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Connecting to host "" as user "ndmp_new"... 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Waiting for connect notification message... 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4... 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host supports TEXT authentication 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host supports MD5 authentication 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Getting MD5 challenge from host... 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Logging in using MD5 method... 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Host info is: 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host name "server_2" 11:11:55.464 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: os type "DartOS" 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T." 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host id "abc1997" 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Login was successful 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Host supports LOCAL backup/restore 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Host supports 3-way backup/restore 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password f9cd2307e90871c0aff2c4b9806e0ca0bb7f690e3ea4b33ec44b3652669d733dccaf9fba68e8a8e008cdb7815d9120d30b7c5b718ed745aaa463b15941605303 -key 0363300828823112 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password f9cd2307e90871c0aff2c4b9806e0ca0bb7f690e3ea4b33ec44b3652669d733dccaf9fba68e8a8e008cdb7815d9120d30b7c5b718ed745aaa463b15941605303 -key 0363300828823112 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 11:11:55.479 [5344.7084] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password f9cd2307e90871c0aff2c4b9806e0ca0bb7f690e3ea4b33ec44b3652669d733dccaf9fba68e8a8e008cdb7815d9120d30b7c5b718ed745aaa463b15941605303 -key 0363300828823112" 11:11:55.947 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify 11:11:55.947 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify 11:11:55.947 [5344.7084] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 11:11:55.947 [5344.7084] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -verify" 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Connecting to host "" as user "ndmp_new"... 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Waiting for connect notification message... 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4... 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host supports TEXT authentication 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host supports MD5 authentication 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Getting MD5 challenge from host... 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Logging in using MD5 method... 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Host info is: 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host name "server_2" 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: os type "DartOS" 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T." 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: host id "abc1997" 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Login was successful 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Host supports LOCAL backup/restore 11:11:56.400 [5344.7084] <16> send_cmd: Host supports 3-way backup/restore 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64492 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 11:11:56.478 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:56.587 [3444.3848] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:11:56.587 [3444.3848] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:11:56.587 [3444.3848] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:11:56.587 [3444.3848] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:11:56.587 [3444.3848] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:11:56.602 [3444.3848] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:11:56.602 [3444.3848] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:11:56.602 [3444.3848] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:11:56.602 [3444.3848] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:56.602 [3444.3848] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:11:57.024 [3444.3848] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:11:57.414 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:11:57.414 [5344.7084] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:11:59.691 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:11:59.691 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64496 11:11:59.691 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:11:59.691 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:11:59.707 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:11:59.707 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:11:59.707 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:11:59.707 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:11:59.707 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:11:59.707 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 11:11:59.707 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:59.816 [5572.2576] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:11:59.816 [5572.2576] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:11:59.816 [5572.2576] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:11:59.816 [5572.2576] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:11:59.816 [5572.2576] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:11:59.832 [5572.2576] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:11:59.832 [5572.2576] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:11:59.832 [5572.2576] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:11:59.832 [5572.2576] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:11:59.832 [5572.2576] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:12:00.034 [5572.2576] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64500 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 11:12:00.518 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:00.612 [3928.6656] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:12:00.612 [3928.6656] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:12:00.612 [3928.6656] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:12:00.612 [3928.6656] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:12:00.612 [3928.6656] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:12:00.627 [3928.6656] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:12:00.627 [3928.6656] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:12:00.627 [3928.6656] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:12:00.627 [3928.6656] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:00.627 [3928.6656] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:12:01.033 [3928.6656] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64504 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 11:12:01.501 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:01.610 [1972.3380] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:12:01.610 [1972.3380] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:12:01.626 [1972.3380] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:12:01.626 [1972.3380] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:12:01.626 [1972.3380] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:12:01.626 [1972.3380] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:12:01.626 [1972.3380] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:12:01.641 [1972.3380] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:12:01.641 [1972.3380] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:01.641 [1972.3380] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:12:02.047 [1972.3380] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64508 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 11:12:19.723 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:19.832 [292.3632] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:12:19.832 [292.3632] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:12:19.832 [292.3632] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:12:19.832 [292.3632] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:12:19.832 [292.3632] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:12:19.847 [292.3632] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:12:19.847 [292.3632] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:12:19.847 [292.3632] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:12:19.847 [292.3632] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:19.847 [292.3632] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:12:20.253 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:20.253 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:20.253 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:20.253 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:20.253 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:20.253 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:20.581 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:12:20.581 [292.3632] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:12:20.659 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 11:12:20.659 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64512 11:12:20.659 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 11:12:20.659 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 11:12:20.674 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 11:12:20.674 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 11:12:20.674 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 11:12:20.674 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 11:12:20.674 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 11:12:20.674 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 11:12:20.674 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:20.783 [2676.3460] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 11:12:20.783 [2676.3460] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 11:12:20.783 [2676.3460] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 11:12:20.783 [2676.3460] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 11:12:20.783 [2676.3460] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 11:12:20.799 [2676.3460] <4> oprd: INITIATING 11:12:20.799 [2676.3460] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 11:12:20.799 [2676.3460] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 11:12:20.799 [2676.3460] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 11:12:20.799 [2676.3460] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 11:12:21.205 [2676.3460] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 11:16:36.375 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:16:36.375 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:16:36.375 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:16:36.375 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:16:36.375 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:16:36.375 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:16:36.391 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:21:36.241 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:21:36.241 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:21:36.241 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:21:36.241 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:21:36.241 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:21:36.241 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:21:36.241 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:26:36.090 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:26:36.090 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:26:36.090 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:26:36.090 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:26:36.090 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:26:36.090 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:26:36.106 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:31:37.967 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:31:37.967 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:31:37.967 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:31:37.967 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:31:37.967 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:31:37.967 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:31:37.983 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:36:37.832 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:36:37.832 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:36:37.832 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:36:37.832 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:36:37.832 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:36:37.832 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:36:37.832 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:41:37.682 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:41:37.682 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:41:37.682 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:41:37.682 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:41:37.682 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:41:37.682 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:41:37.698 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:46:37.548 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:46:37.548 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:46:37.548 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:46:37.548 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:46:37.548 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:46:37.548 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:46:37.548 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:51:37.397 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:51:37.397 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:51:37.397 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:51:37.397 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:51:37.397 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:51:37.397 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:51:37.413 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 11:56:37.261 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 11:56:37.261 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 11:56:37.261 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 11:56:37.261 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 11:56:37.261 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 11:56:37.261 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 11:56:37.261 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64718 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:18.266 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:18.391 [1148.5488] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:18.391 [1148.5488] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:18.391 [1148.5488] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:18.391 [1148.5488] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:18.391 [1148.5488] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:18.406 [1148.5488] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:18.406 [1148.5488] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:18.406 [1148.5488] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:18.406 [1148.5488] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:18.406 [1148.5488] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:19.015 [1148.5488] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64722 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:29.389 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:29.514 [5628.3972] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:29.514 [5628.3972] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:29.514 [5628.3972] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:29.514 [5628.3972] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:29.514 [5628.3972] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:29.529 [5628.3972] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:29.529 [5628.3972] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:29.529 [5628.3972] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:29.529 [5628.3972] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:29.529 [5628.3972] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 12:01:30.138 [5628.3972] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000" 12:01:30.403 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:30.403 [5628.3972] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64729 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:30.434 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:30.528 [3852.6544] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:30.528 [3852.6544] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:30.543 [3852.6544] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:30.543 [3852.6544] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:30.543 [3852.6544] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:30.559 [3852.6544] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:30.559 [3852.6544] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:30.559 [3852.6544] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:30.559 [3852.6544] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:30.559 [3852.6544] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.001 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.001 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 12:01:31.167 [3852.6544] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.001" 12:01:31.370 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:31.370 [3852.6544] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64736 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:31.401 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:31.495 [7044.2820] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:31.495 [7044.2820] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:31.510 [7044.2820] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:31.510 [7044.2820] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:31.510 [7044.2820] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:31.510 [7044.2820] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:31.510 [7044.2820] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:31.526 [7044.2820] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:31.526 [7044.2820] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:31.526 [7044.2820] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.002 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.002 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 12:01:32.134 [7044.2820] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.002" 12:01:32.322 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:32.322 [7044.2820] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64743 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:32.353 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:32.446 [6996.3956] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:32.446 [6996.3956] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:32.446 [6996.3956] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:32.446 [6996.3956] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:32.446 [6996.3956] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:32.462 [6996.3956] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:32.462 [6996.3956] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:32.462 [6996.3956] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:32.462 [6996.3956] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:32.462 [6996.3956] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 12:01:33.273 [6996.3956] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003" 12:01:33.460 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:33.460 [6996.3956] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64750 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:33.492 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:33.585 [7124.6972] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:33.585 [7124.6972] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:33.585 [7124.6972] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:33.585 [7124.6972] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:33.585 [7124.6972] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:33.601 [7124.6972] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:33.601 [7124.6972] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:33.601 [7124.6972] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:33.601 [7124.6972] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:33.601 [7124.6972] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.004 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.004 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 12:01:34.209 [7124.6972] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.004" 12:01:34.396 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:34.396 [7124.6972] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64758 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:34.428 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:34.537 [7012.6260] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:34.537 [7012.6260] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:34.552 [7012.6260] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:34.552 [7012.6260] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:34.552 [7012.6260] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:34.568 [7012.6260] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:34.568 [7012.6260] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:34.568 [7012.6260] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:34.568 [7012.6260] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:34.568 [7012.6260] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.005 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.005 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 12:01:35.176 [7012.6260] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -delete -drive -asciiname HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.005" 12:01:35.348 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:35.348 [7012.6260] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:36.721 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64768 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:01:36.736 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:36.830 [2100.3940] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:36.830 [2100.3940] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:36.830 [2100.3940] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:36.830 [2100.3940] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:36.830 [2100.3940] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:36.846 [2100.3940] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:36.846 [2100.3940] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:36.846 [2100.3940] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:36.846 [2100.3940] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:36.846 [2100.3940] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 10 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:37.251 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 10 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:38.265 [2100.3940] <2> oprd_stopltid: stat = 0 12:01:38.265 [2100.3940] <2> checkLtidEvents: ltid/oprd terminate event was set 12:01:38.265 [2100.3940] <2> oprd: in ltidtermsig 12:01:38.265 [2100.3940] <2> oprd: detach shared memory 12:01:38.749 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:01:38.749 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:01:38.749 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:01:38.749 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:01:38.749 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:01:38.749 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:01:38.764 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:01:39.778 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:39.778 [2100.3940] <2> oprd: can get lockfile, assume ltid not active 12:01:41.292 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: 9 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:41.292 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 9 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:42.633 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:42.633 [2100.3940] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64791 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 12:01:47.173 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:47.266 [3388.5816] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:47.266 [3388.5816] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:47.282 [3388.5816] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:47.282 [3388.5816] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:47.282 [3388.5816] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:47.298 [3388.5816] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:47.298 [3388.5816] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:47.298 [3388.5816] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:47.313 [3388.5816] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:47.313 [3388.5816] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:47.719 [3388.5816] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:47.719 [3388.5816] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:47.719 [3388.5816] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:47.719 [3388.5816] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:47.719 [3388.5816] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:47.719 [3388.5816] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:01:57.952 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64795 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 12:01:57.968 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:58.062 [3948.2104] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:01:58.062 [3948.2104] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:01:58.077 [3948.2104] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:01:58.077 [3948.2104] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:01:58.077 [3948.2104] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:01:58.093 [3948.2104] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:01:58.093 [3948.2104] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:01:58.093 [3948.2104] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:01:58.093 [3948.2104] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:01:58.093 [3948.2104] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -robot 0 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -delete -robot 0 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 12:01:58.904 [3948.2104] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -delete -robot 0" 12:01:59.060 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:01:59.060 [3948.2104] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64808 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 43 0x2b 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=43, version=4 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = yes 12:03:55.982 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -nosig -verbose 12:03:56.076 [2372.4740] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:03:56.076 [2372.4740] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:03:56.091 [2372.4740] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:03:56.091 [2372.4740] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:03:56.091 [2372.4740] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:03:56.107 [2372.4740] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:03:56.107 [2372.4740] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:03:56.107 [2372.4740] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:03:56.107 [2372.4740] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -nosig -verbose 12:03:56.107 [2372.4740] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:03:56.513 [2372.4740] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:03:56.513 [2372.4740] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:03:56.513 [2372.4740] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:03:56.513 [2372.4740] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64815 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=50 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:03:58.416 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 50 -verbose 12:03:58.541 [6740.4612] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:03:58.541 [6740.4612] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:03:58.541 [6740.4612] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:03:58.541 [6740.4612] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:03:58.541 [6740.4612] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:03:58.556 [6740.4612] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:03:58.556 [6740.4612] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:03:58.556 [6740.4612] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:03:58.556 [6740.4612] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 50 -verbose 12:03:58.556 [6740.4612] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:03:59.570 [6740.4612] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -scan 12:03:59.570 [6740.4612] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -scan 12:03:59.570 [6740.4612] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 12:03:59.570 [6740.4612] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -scan" 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~L6HS HU10640N5B -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,0,0} - 0 1 3 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - HP~~~~~~ Ultrium~3-SCSI~~ L6HS - - - - {3,0,0,0} - 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~M6BS HUE1022ANB -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,1,0} - 0 1 3 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - HP~~~~~~ Ultrium~3-SCSI~~ M6BS - - - - {3,0,1,0} - 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~M6BS HU108366VA -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,2,0} - 0 1 3 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - HP~~~~~~ Ultrium~3-SCSI~~ M6BS - - - - {3,0,2,0} - 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~M6BS HU108461J1 -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,3,0} - 0 1 3 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - HP~~~~~~ Ultrium~3-SCSI~~ M6BS - - - - {3,0,3,0} - 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~M6BS HU108461FG -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,4,0} - 0 1 3 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - HP~~~~~~ Ultrium~3-SCSI~~ M6BS - - - - {3,0,4,0} - 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~M6BS HU10802NUY -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,5,0} - 0 1 3 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - HP~~~~~~ Ultrium~3-SCSI~~ M6BS - - - - {3,0,5,0} - 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 STK~~~~~SL500~~~~~~~~~~~1485 559000102024 -1 -1 -1 -1 {3,0,6,0} - 0 16 5 80 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8388608 6 142 15 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - STK~~~~~ SL500~~~~~~~~~~~ 1485 - - - - - - 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU10640N5B 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HUE1022ANB 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU108366VA 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU108461J1 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU108461FG 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SNL 60 HU10802NUY 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: SCN 60 COMPAQ~~SDLT320~~~~~~~~~5F5F MYJ041924V -1 -1 -1 -1 {5,0,5,0} - 0 1 2 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 8388608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - COMPAQ~~ SDLT320~~~~~~~~~ 5F5F - - - - {5,0,5,0} COMPAQ~~SDLT320~~~~~~~~~MYJ041924V~~ 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <16> send_cmd: END 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:04:01.146 [6740.4612] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:04:19.352 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64822 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 12:04:19.368 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:04:19.461 [6940.4328] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:04:19.461 [6940.4328] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:04:19.461 [6940.4328] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:04:19.461 [6940.4328] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:04:19.461 [6940.4328] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:04:19.477 [6940.4328] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:04:19.477 [6940.4328] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:04:19.477 [6940.4328] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:04:19.477 [6940.4328] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:04:19.477 [6940.4328] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:04:19.882 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:19.882 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:19.882 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:19.882 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:19.882 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:19.882 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: 10 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:19.882 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 10 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:21.099 [6940.4328] <2> oprd_stopltid: stat = 0 12:04:21.099 [6940.4328] <2> checkLtidEvents: ltid/oprd terminate event was set 12:04:21.099 [6940.4328] <2> oprd: in ltidtermsig 12:04:21.099 [6940.4328] <2> oprd: detach shared memory 12:04:22.612 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: 15 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:22.612 [6940.4328] <2> oprd: can get lockfile, assume ltid not active 12:04:24.126 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: 9 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:24.126 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 9 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64833 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 860, nosig = no 12:04:26.434 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:04:26.559 [4712.6424] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:04:26.559 [4712.6424] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:04:26.559 [4712.6424] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:04:26.559 [4712.6424] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:04:26.559 [4712.6424] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:04:26.575 [4712.6424] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:04:26.575 [4712.6424] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:04:26.575 [4712.6424] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:04:26.575 [4712.6424] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 860 -p 4 -verbose 12:04:26.575 [4712.6424] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:04:27.199 [4712.6424] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:04:29.336 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:04:29.336 [6940.4328] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:06:39.253 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:06:39.253 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:06:39.253 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:06:39.253 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:06:39.253 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:06:39.253 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:06:39.269 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:11:39.118 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:11:39.118 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:11:39.118 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:11:39.118 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:11:39.118 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:11:39.118 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:11:39.118 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:16:40.980 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:16:40.980 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:16:40.980 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:16:40.980 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:16:40.980 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:16:40.980 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:16:40.996 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 64984 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 496, nosig = no 12:17:10.402 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:17:10.496 [6992.5764] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 12:17:10.496 [6992.5764] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 12:17:10.496 [6992.5764] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 12:17:10.496 [6992.5764] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 12:17:10.496 [6992.5764] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 12:17:10.511 [6992.5764] <4> oprd: INITIATING 12:17:10.511 [6992.5764] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 12:17:10.511 [6992.5764] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 12:17:10.511 [6992.5764] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 496 -p 4 -verbose 12:17:10.511 [6992.5764] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: 34 3 -1 *NULL* 12:17:11.120 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 3 -1 *NULL* 12:17:13.694 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 12:17:13.694 [6992.5764] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 12:21:40.065 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:21:40.065 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:21:40.065 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:21:40.065 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:21:40.065 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:21:40.065 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:21:40.065 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:26:41.927 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:26:41.927 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:26:41.927 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:26:41.927 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:26:41.927 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:26:41.927 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:26:41.942 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:31:41.792 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:31:41.792 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:31:41.792 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:31:41.792 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:31:41.792 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:31:41.792 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:31:41.792 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:36:41.642 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:36:41.642 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:36:41.642 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:36:41.642 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:36:41.642 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:36:41.642 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:36:41.658 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:41:41.508 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:41:41.508 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:41:41.508 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:41:41.508 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:41:41.508 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:41:41.508 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:41:41.508 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:46:41.357 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:46:41.357 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:46:41.357 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:46:41.357 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:46:41.357 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:46:41.357 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:46:41.373 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:51:41.222 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:51:41.222 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:51:41.222 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:51:41.222 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:51:41.222 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:51:41.222 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:51:41.222 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 12:56:41.072 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 12:56:41.072 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 12:56:41.072 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 12:56:41.072 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 12:56:41.072 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 12:56:41.072 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 12:56:41.088 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:01:42.949 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:01:42.949 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:01:42.949 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:01:42.949 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:01:42.949 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:01:42.949 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:01:42.965 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:06:42.814 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:06:42.814 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:06:42.814 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:06:42.814 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:06:42.814 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:06:42.814 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:06:42.814 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:11:42.664 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:11:42.664 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:11:42.664 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:11:42.664 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:11:42.664 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:11:42.664 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:11:42.680 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:16:42.530 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:16:42.530 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:16:42.530 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:16:42.530 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:16:42.530 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:16:42.530 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:16:42.530 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:21:42.379 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:21:42.379 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:21:42.379 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:21:42.379 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:21:42.379 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:21:42.379 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:21:42.395 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 65236 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 436, nosig = no 13:23:48.803 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 436 -p 4 -verbose 13:23:49.239 [6280.3536] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 13:23:49.239 [6280.3536] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 13:23:49.239 [6280.3536] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 13:23:49.239 [6280.3536] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 13:23:49.239 [6280.3536] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 13:23:49.255 [6280.3536] <4> oprd: INITIATING 13:23:49.255 [6280.3536] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 13:23:49.271 [6280.3536] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 13:23:49.271 [6280.3536] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 436 -p 4 -verbose 13:23:49.271 [6280.3536] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: 34 3 -1 *NULL* 13:23:49.473 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 3 -1 *NULL* 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 65244 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 50 0x32 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=50, version=4 13:23:52.547 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: QUERY_vm_version requested 13:24:03.638 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 13:24:03.638 [6280.3536] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 13:26:43.602 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:26:43.602 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:26:43.602 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:26:43.602 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:26:43.602 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:26:43.602 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:26:43.618 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:31:43.467 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:31:43.467 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:31:43.467 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:31:43.467 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:31:43.467 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:31:43.467 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:31:43.467 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:36:43.317 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:36:43.317 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:36:43.317 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:36:43.317 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:36:43.317 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:36:43.317 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:36:43.332 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:41:43.183 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:41:43.183 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:41:43.183 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:41:43.183 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:41:43.183 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:41:43.183 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:41:43.183 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:46:43.033 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:46:43.033 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:46:43.033 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:46:43.033 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:46:43.033 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:46:43.033 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:46:43.048 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:51:44.910 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:51:44.910 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:51:44.910 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:51:44.910 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:51:44.910 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:51:44.910 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:51:44.925 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 13:56:44.776 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 13:56:44.776 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 13:56:44.776 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 13:56:44.776 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 13:56:44.776 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 13:56:44.776 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 13:56:44.776 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:01:44.626 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:01:44.626 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:01:44.626 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:01:44.626 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:01:44.626 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:01:44.626 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:01:44.641 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:06:44.490 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:06:44.490 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:06:44.490 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:06:44.490 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:06:44.490 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:06:44.490 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:06:44.490 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:11:44.340 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:11:44.340 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:11:44.340 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:11:44.340 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:11:44.340 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:11:44.340 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:11:44.356 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:16:44.206 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:16:44.206 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:16:44.206 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:16:44.206 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:16:44.206 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:16:44.206 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:16:44.206 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:21:44.055 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:21:44.055 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:21:44.055 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:21:44.055 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:21:44.055 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:21:44.055 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:21:44.071 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:26:45.932 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:26:45.932 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:26:45.932 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:26:45.932 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:26:45.932 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:26:45.932 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:26:45.948 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:31:45.797 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:31:45.797 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:31:45.797 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:31:45.797 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:31:45.797 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:31:45.797 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:31:45.797 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:36:45.647 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:36:45.647 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:36:45.647 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:36:45.647 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:36:45.647 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:36:45.647 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:36:45.663 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:41:45.513 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:41:45.513 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:41:45.513 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:41:45.513 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:41:45.513 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:41:45.513 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:41:45.513 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:46:45.362 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:46:45.362 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:46:45.362 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:46:45.362 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:46:45.362 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:46:45.362 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:46:45.378 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:51:45.227 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:51:45.227 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:51:45.227 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:51:45.227 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:51:45.227 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:51:45.227 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:51:45.227 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 14:56:45.077 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 14:56:45.077 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 14:56:45.077 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 14:56:45.077 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 14:56:45.077 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 14:56:45.077 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 14:56:45.108 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:01:46.970 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:01:46.970 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:01:46.970 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:01:46.970 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:01:46.970 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:01:46.970 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:01:46.985 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:06:46.834 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:06:46.834 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:06:46.834 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:06:46.834 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:06:46.834 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:06:46.834 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:06:46.834 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:11:46.687 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:11:46.687 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:11:46.687 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:11:46.687 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:11:46.687 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:11:46.687 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:11:46.702 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:16:46.551 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:16:46.551 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:16:46.551 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:16:46.551 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:16:46.551 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:16:46.551 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:16:46.551 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:21:46.401 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:21:46.401 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:21:46.401 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:21:46.401 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:21:46.401 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:21:46.401 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:21:46.417 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:26:46.267 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:26:46.267 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:26:46.267 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:26:46.267 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:26:46.267 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:26:46.267 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:26:46.267 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:31:46.116 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:31:46.116 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:31:46.116 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:31:46.116 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:31:46.116 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:31:46.116 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:31:46.132 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:36:47.995 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:36:47.995 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:36:47.995 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:36:47.995 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:36:47.995 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:36:47.995 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:36:48.011 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:41:47.861 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:41:47.861 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:41:47.861 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:41:47.861 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:41:47.861 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:41:47.861 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:41:47.861 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:46:47.710 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:46:47.710 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:46:47.710 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:46:47.710 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:46:47.710 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:46:47.710 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:46:47.726 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49386 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:48:17.286 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:17.707 [6712.3748] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:48:17.707 [6712.3748] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:48:17.722 [6712.3748] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:48:17.722 [6712.3748] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:48:17.722 [6712.3748] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:48:17.722 [6712.3748] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:48:17.738 [6712.3748] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:48:17.738 [6712.3748] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:48:17.738 [6712.3748] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:17.738 [6712.3748] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:48:18.549 [6712.3748] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49390 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:48:18.565 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:18.674 [292.3856] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:48:18.674 [292.3856] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:48:18.690 [292.3856] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:48:18.690 [292.3856] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:48:18.690 [292.3856] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:48:18.705 [292.3856] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:48:18.705 [292.3856] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:48:18.705 [292.3856] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:48:18.705 [292.3856] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:18.705 [292.3856] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password 2f07ae9f4c2818b94cf06aabdf7692d420df689aeb8b524711de057b99729bb9eea2b496fab738fe1591a45a109e9bf41f064cd5ee1b9263e9538c3fca9dd95a -key 3c831a4a445463dd 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password 2f07ae9f4c2818b94cf06aabdf7692d420df689aeb8b524711de057b99729bb9eea2b496fab738fe1591a45a109e9bf41f064cd5ee1b9263e9538c3fca9dd95a -key 3c831a4a445463dd 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 15:48:19.719 [292.3856] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password 2f07ae9f4c2818b94cf06aabdf7692d420df689aeb8b524711de057b99729bb9eea2b496fab738fe1591a45a109e9bf41f064cd5ee1b9263e9538c3fca9dd95a -key 3c831a4a445463dd" 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Connecting to host "" as user "ndmp_new"... 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Waiting for connect notification message... 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4... 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host supports TEXT authentication 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host supports MD5 authentication 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Getting MD5 challenge from host... 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Logging in using MD5 method... 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Host info is: 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host name "server_2" 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: os type "DartOS" 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T." 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host id "abc1997" 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Login was successful 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Host supports LOCAL backup/restore 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Host supports 3-way backup/restore 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password 2f07ae9f4c2818b94cf06aabdf7692d420df689aeb8b524711de057b99729bb9eea2b496fab738fe1591a45a109e9bf41f064cd5ee1b9263e9538c3fca9dd95a -key 3c831a4a445463dd 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password 2f07ae9f4c2818b94cf06aabdf7692d420df689aeb8b524711de057b99729bb9eea2b496fab738fe1591a45a109e9bf41f064cd5ee1b9263e9538c3fca9dd95a -key 3c831a4a445463dd 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 15:48:20.265 [292.3856] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password 2f07ae9f4c2818b94cf06aabdf7692d420df689aeb8b524711de057b99729bb9eea2b496fab738fe1591a45a109e9bf41f064cd5ee1b9263e9538c3fca9dd95a -key 3c831a4a445463dd" 15:48:20.718 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify 15:48:20.718 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify 15:48:20.718 [292.3856] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 15:48:20.718 [292.3856] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -verify" 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Connecting to host "" as user "ndmp_new"... 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Waiting for connect notification message... 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4... 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host supports TEXT authentication 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host supports MD5 authentication 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Getting MD5 challenge from host... 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Logging in using MD5 method... 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Host info is: 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host name "server_2" 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: os type "DartOS" 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T." 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: host id "abc1997" 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Login was successful 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Host supports LOCAL backup/restore 15:48:21.154 [292.3856] <16> send_cmd: Host supports 3-way backup/restore 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49407 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:48:21.248 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:21.342 [5456.5104] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:48:21.342 [5456.5104] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:48:21.342 [5456.5104] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:48:21.342 [5456.5104] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:48:21.342 [5456.5104] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:48:21.357 [5456.5104] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:48:21.357 [5456.5104] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:48:21.357 [5456.5104] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:48:21.357 [5456.5104] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:21.357 [5456.5104] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:48:21.560 [5456.5104] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:48:21.997 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:48:21.997 [292.3856] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49412 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:48:24.602 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:24.711 [6804.3612] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:48:24.711 [6804.3612] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:48:24.727 [6804.3612] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:48:24.727 [6804.3612] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:48:24.727 [6804.3612] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:48:24.727 [6804.3612] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:48:24.727 [6804.3612] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:48:24.742 [6804.3612] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:48:24.742 [6804.3612] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:24.742 [6804.3612] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:48:25.756 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:25.756 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:25.756 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:25.756 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:25.756 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:25.756 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:25.881 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:48:25.881 [6804.3612] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49416 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:48:25.975 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:26.068 [3432.4868] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:48:26.068 [3432.4868] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:48:26.068 [3432.4868] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:48:26.068 [3432.4868] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:48:26.068 [3432.4868] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:48:26.084 [3432.4868] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:48:26.084 [3432.4868] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:48:26.084 [3432.4868] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:48:26.084 [3432.4868] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:26.084 [3432.4868] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:48:26.692 [3432.4868] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49420 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:48:28.377 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:28.471 [6716.5008] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:48:28.471 [6716.5008] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:48:28.471 [6716.5008] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:48:28.471 [6716.5008] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:48:28.471 [6716.5008] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:48:28.486 [6716.5008] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:48:28.486 [6716.5008] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:48:28.486 [6716.5008] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:48:28.486 [6716.5008] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:48:28.486 [6716.5008] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:48:28.689 [6716.5008] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:51:47.606 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:51:47.606 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:51:47.606 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:51:47.606 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:51:47.606 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:51:47.606 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:51:47.606 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49547 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:54:18.740 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:54:18.850 [5448.2576] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:54:18.850 [5448.2576] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:54:18.850 [5448.2576] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:54:18.850 [5448.2576] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:54:18.850 [5448.2576] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:54:18.865 [5448.2576] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:54:18.865 [5448.2576] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:54:18.865 [5448.2576] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:54:18.865 [5448.2576] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:54:18.865 [5448.2576] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 29 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:54:19.676 [5448.2576] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49551 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:54:19.692 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:54:19.817 [3976.3460] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:54:19.817 [3976.3460] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:54:19.817 [3976.3460] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:54:19.817 [3976.3460] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:54:19.817 [3976.3460] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:54:19.832 [3976.3460] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:54:19.832 [3976.3460] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:54:19.832 [3976.3460] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:54:19.832 [3976.3460] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:54:19.832 [3976.3460] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password 39d0e8c4702d77308469c8e90cc39d0e7694cba3b5e18c7277bbb789a044a53080ab9fd15f9be8e0aac3ac8ef2050fd90df696180c1db3681252f58d7971535c -key 415c0abc204f6956 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password 39d0e8c4702d77308469c8e90cc39d0e7694cba3b5e18c7277bbb789a044a53080ab9fd15f9be8e0aac3ac8ef2050fd90df696180c1db3681252f58d7971535c -key 415c0abc204f6956 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 15:54:20.644 [3976.3460] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -verify -user_id ndmp_new -password 39d0e8c4702d77308469c8e90cc39d0e7694cba3b5e18c7277bbb789a044a53080ab9fd15f9be8e0aac3ac8ef2050fd90df696180c1db3681252f58d7971535c -key 415c0abc204f6956" 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Connecting to host "" as user "ndmp_new"... 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Waiting for connect notification message... 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4... 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host supports TEXT authentication 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host supports MD5 authentication 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Getting MD5 challenge from host... 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Logging in using MD5 method... 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Host info is: 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host name "server_2" 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: os type "DartOS" 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T." 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host id "abc1997" 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Login was successful 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Host supports LOCAL backup/restore 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Host supports 3-way backup/restore 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password 39d0e8c4702d77308469c8e90cc39d0e7694cba3b5e18c7277bbb789a044a53080ab9fd15f9be8e0aac3ac8ef2050fd90df696180c1db3681252f58d7971535c -key 415c0abc204f6956 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 14 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password 39d0e8c4702d77308469c8e90cc39d0e7694cba3b5e18c7277bbb789a044a53080ab9fd15f9be8e0aac3ac8ef2050fd90df696180c1db3681252f58d7971535c -key 415c0abc204f6956 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: creating tpconfig command 15:54:21.080 [3976.3460] <2> send_tpconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpconfig.exe -noverbose -add -nh -filer_user_id ndmp_new -password 39d0e8c4702d77308469c8e90cc39d0e7694cba3b5e18c7277bbb789a044a53080ab9fd15f9be8e0aac3ac8ef2050fd90df696180c1db3681252f58d7971535c -key 415c0abc204f6956" 15:54:21.252 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify 15:54:21.252 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 36 -1 -1 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -verify 15:54:21.252 [3976.3460] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: creating tpautoconf command 15:54:21.252 [3976.3460] <2> send_tpautoconfig_cmd: sending cmd "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpautoconf.exe -verify" 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Connecting to host "" as user "ndmp_new"... 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Waiting for connect notification message... 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4... 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host supports TEXT authentication 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host supports MD5 authentication 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Getting MD5 challenge from host... 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Logging in using MD5 method... 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Host info is: 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host name "server_2" 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: os type "DartOS" 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T." 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: host id "abc1997" 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Login was successful 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Host supports LOCAL backup/restore 15:54:21.689 [3976.3460] <16> send_cmd: Host supports 3-way backup/restore 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection from host ge-2008,, port 49566 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <4> peer_hostname_ipi: Connection to host ge-2008,, port 13701 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <2> listen_loop: connection is not authenticated, but being accepted from allowed server ge-2008 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:495] VxSS magic 661292220 0x276a84bc 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:496] remote_vxss 42 0x2a 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <8> vnet_check_vxss_server_magic: [vnet_vxss_helper.c:538] Ignoring VxSS authentication 2 0x2 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: client requested command=42, version=4 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: starting oprd, sockfd = 824, nosig = no 15:54:21.782 [4760.6588] <2> start_oprd: Command line: C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:54:21.892 [7008.5240] <2> Orb::init: Enabling ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8(Orb.cpp:594) 15:54:21.892 [7008.5240] <2> Orb::init: initializing ORB EMMlib_Orb with: oprd -ORBSvcConfDirective "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 0" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBNativeCharCodeSet UTF-8'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Factory '-enable_keepalive'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static EndpointSelectorFactory ''" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory PBXIOP_Factory'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBProtocolFactory IIOP_Factory'" -ORBDefaultInitRef '' -ORBSvcConfDirective "static PBXIOP_Evaluator_Factory '-orb EMMlib_Orb'" -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Resource_Factory '-ORBConnectionCacheMax 1024 '" -ORBSvcConf nul -ORBSvcConfDirective "static Server_Strategy_Factory '-ORBMaxRecvGIOPPayloadSize 268435456'"(Orb.cpp:825) 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <2> Orb::init: caching EndpointSelectorFactory(Orb.cpp:840) 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <2> Orb::setOrbConnectTimeout: timeout seconds: 60(Orb.cpp:1481) 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <2> Orb::setOrbRequestTimeout: timeout seconds: 1800(Orb.cpp:1490) 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <4> oprd: INITIATING 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname ge-2008, cached_method 3 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <2> mm_getnodename: (3) hostname ge-2008 (from mm_master_config.mm_server_name) 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <4> oprd: commandline: "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\oprd.exe" -sockfd 824 -p 4 -verbose 15:54:21.907 [7008.5240] <2> oprd: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 25 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 21 -1 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 35 5 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: oprd received string 34 0 -1 *NULL* 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:54:22.734 [7008.5240] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:54:23.186 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: TERMINATE 15:54:23.186 [3976.3460] <2> process_requests: received TERMINATE request 15:56:48.689 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 15:56:48.689 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 15:56:48.689 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 15:56:48.689 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 15:56:48.689 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 15:56:48.689 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 15:56:48.704 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 16:01:48.553 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 16:01:48.553 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 16:01:48.553 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 16:01:48.553 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 16:01:48.553 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 16:01:48.553 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 16:01:48.569 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008 16:06:48.418 [4760.6588] <2> mm_getnodename: (0) hostname ge-2008 (from cached_hostname) 16:06:48.418 [4760.6588] <2> retrieveLocalPatchVersion: Reading from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\version.txt 16:06:48.418 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: parsing = >7.5 < 16:06:48.418 [4760.6588] <2> parsePatchVersionString: theRest = >< 16:06:48.418 [4760.6588] <4> UpdateClusterActiveNode: ge-2008 is not part of a cluster 16:06:48.418 [4760.6588] <2> SetApplicationClusterStatus: Started 16:06:48.434 [4760.6588] <4> SetApplicationClusterStatus: No application clusters configured on host ge-2008