nbvac1.Appliance> Media nbvam1.vmlab - [Info] Checking for connectivity to the master server 'nbvam1.vmlab'... - [Info] Checking the CA certificate deployment... - [Info] Downloading the CA certificate from the master server 'nbvam1.vmlab'... Trust the certificate to continue the role configuration process. CA Certificate Detail: Subject Name: /CN=nbatd/OU=root@nbvam1.vmlab/O=vx Start Date: Jan 21 07:03:08 2019 GMT Expiry Date: Jan 16 08:18:08 2039 GMT SHA1 Fingerprint: B6:E9:12:1B:92:D6:D8:80:8B:88:4D:7A:FA:48:11:49:92:53:0E:C1 >> Do you trust the certificate? [yes, no] yes - [Info] Deploying the CA certificate... - [Info] Checking the host-ID based certificate deployment... - [Info] Checking the pre-requisites... - [Info] Appliance storage can be used for configuration. - [Info] Validating master server name 'nbvam1.vmlab'. Master server communication check .... :[OK] Name lookup check ........ :[OK] Firewall/Port check ........ :[OK] Master server access pre-check ....... :[OK] Restarting NetBackup services ........ :[OK] Master server access check ........ :[OK] EMM server access check ........ :[OK] Master server reverse access check ... :[OK] Version compatibility check ........ :[OK] - [Info] Using nbvam1.vmlab as master server. - [Info] Scanning storage system... - [Info] The scan operation can take up to 15 minutes to complete. - [Info] Refreshing the storage devices... - [Info] Acquired lock on the storage. - [Info] Looking for existing storage configurations... - [Info] Found existing storage configuration. Attempting to import the configuration... - [Info] Successfully imported the storage configuration. - [Info] Upgrading storage configuration to the latest version... - [Info] Updating disk names... - [Info] Mounting the 'Configuration' partition '0'... - [Warning] Unable to mount the 'Configuration' partition. The 'Configuration' partition may already be mounted. - [Info] Moving appliance configuration database to the Configuration partition. Starting the AutoSupport Collector Service... The AutoSupport Collector Service has started. ---------------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Adding the following servers to NetBackup configuration SERVER=nbvam1.vmlab ---------------------------------------------------------------- - [Info] Configuring media server on the appliance... >> Do you want to configure the appliance as a dedicated media server for NetBackup CloudCatalyst? [yes, no] (yes): *************************** * NetBackup CloudCatalyst * *************************** This appliance will be configured as a dedicate media server for NetBackup CloudCatalyst. All available storage on the appliance will be formatted as cache space for NetBackup CloudCatalyst. About: NetBackup CloudCatalyst uses MSDP deduplication technology to upload deduplicated data to the cloud. The data is uploaded by the appliance, which first stores data in a local cache before uploading it to cloud storage. --------------------------------------------------------------- Certificate Required: Before you can configure NetBackup CloudCatalyst, the NetBackup CloudStore Service Container (nbcssc) needs to be configured on this appliance. To do this, you need to use the 'bpnbat -AddMachine' command on the master server to provision a host name-based certificate and password for the appliance media server. >> Enter the password for the host name-based certificate: - [Info] Configured the NetBackup CloudStore Service Container (nbcssc) successfully. - [Info] Restarting NetBackup services... - [Info] Starting the NetBackup CloudCatalyst Appliance Configuration Wizard... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------------------------+ | NetBackup CloudCatalyst Appliance Configuration Wizard | +--------------------------------------------------------+ This wizard will walk you through a step-by-step process to configure the appliance for NetBackup CloudCatalyst. Before you start, note the following: - Encryption NetBackup CloudCatalyst supports NetBackup Key Management Service (KMS) encryption. To encrypt backups, configure and start KMS on the master server first. - Proxy Make sure to configure the appliance proxy settings first if your environment requires a proxy server to connect to cloud services. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1/5 o----] Cloud storage provider Select one of the following providers: 1.EMC ECS 2.Quantum Lattus 3.ACP Cloud Storage 4.Alibaba Cloud 5.Amazon 6.Amazon GovCloud 7.EMC ATMOS Private Cloud 8.AT&T S3 9.Microsoft Azure 10.Microsoft Azure Government 11.Cloudian HyperStore 12.CMCC Cloud Storage 13.CMCC Cloud Storage v5.x 14.China Telecom Cloud 15.FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS 16.Google Cloud Storage 17.HGST Storage 18.hicloud S3 19.Hitachi Content Platform - WAN 20.Huawei Cloud Storage 21.Huawei OBS 22.IBM Cloud Object Storage S3 - Local 23.IBM Cloud Object Storage S3 - WAN 24.Iron Mountain Iron Cloud 25.NEC HYDRAstor 26.NEC Cloud Iaas 27.NetApp StorageGRID Webscale - LAN 28.NetApp StorageGRID Webscale - WAN 29.NooBaa 30.Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage 31.Oracle Cloud 32.Red Hat Ceph Storage 33.Scality RING - LAN 34.Scality RING - WAN 35.StorReduce 36.SUSE Enterprise Storage 37.SwiftStack 38.Infoniqa SWISS3CLOUD 39.Telefonica Open Cloud 40.Open Telekom Cloud OBS 41.Veritas Access >> Enter choice from above [1-41]: (1) 5 - [Info] Amazon is selected. [2a/5 oo---] Cloud storage region Select one of the following regions or create a new region: c. Create a new region 1. Region : US East (N. Virginia) Host : s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com 2. Region : Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Host : s3.dualstack.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com 3. Region : Asia Pacific (Seoul) Host : s3.dualstack.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com 4. Region : Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Host : s3.dualstack.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com 5. Region : Asia Pacific (Singapore) Host : s3.dualstack.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com 6. Region : Asia Pacific (Sydney) Host : s3.dualstack.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com 7. Region : Canada (Central) Host : s3.dualstack.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com 8. Region : EU (Frankfurt) Host : s3.dualstack.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com 9. Region : EU (Ireland) Host : s3.dualstack.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com 10. Region : EU (London) Host : s3.dualstack.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com 11. Region : South America (Sao Paulo) Host : s3.dualstack.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com 12. Region : US East (Ohio) Host : s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com 13. Region : US West (Northern California) Host : s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com 14. Region : US West (Oregon) Host : s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com 15. Region : Beijing Host : s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn >> Enter choice from above [1-15, c]: (1) 6 - [Info] Asia Pacific (Sydney) is selected. [2b/5 oo---] NetBackup KMS encryption ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: You cannot modify the encryption settings after you have proceeded with the cloud storage server configuration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Do you want to enable NetBackup KMS encryption on this appliance? [yes,no]: (yes) no - [Info] You have chosen to NOT encrypt your data onto cloud. [2c/5 oo---] SSL What do you want to use SSL for? 1. None SSL 2. Authentication Only 3. Authentication and Data Transfer >> Enter choice from above [1-3]: (3) 3 - [Info] Authentication and Data Transfer is selected. [2d/5 oo---] S3 Storage Classes Select one of the following for S3 Storage Classes. 1. Amazon S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access 2. Amazon S3 STANDARD 3. Amazon S3 STANDARD - Infrequent Access >> Enter choice from above [1-3]: (2) 2 - [Info] Amazon S3 STANDARD is selected. [3/5 ooo--] Access details for Amazon account >> Access key ID: AXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXQ >> Secret access key: xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXz - [Info] Connecting cloud server to verify the access details. This may take several minutes... [4/5 oooo-] Configure bucket for Amazon Choose a bucket from the list below, or type 'c' to create a new one. c. Create a new bucket 1. my-aws-logs 2. cf-templates-qfkuqd0djlhu-ap-southeast-2 3. elasticbeanstalk-ap-southeast-2-241304464595 >> Enter choice from above [1-3, c]: (c) - [Info] The bucket name must be between 3 and 255 characters. - [Info] The following character cannot be used as the first character in the bucket name: Period (.), underscore (_), and dash (-). - [Info] Any of the 26 lowercase (small) letters of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Latin-script alphabet can be used. - [Info] Any integer from 0 to 9 can be used. >> Type a new bucket name: mycc-nbvac1-vmlab - [Info] A new bucket with the name "mycc-nbvac1-vmlab" is created. [5a/5 ooooo] MSDP cache diskpool Creating MSDP cache diskpool... >> Enter MSDP cache diskpool name (dp_cc_nbvac1): [5b/5 ooooo] MSDP cache storage unit Creating MSDP cache storage unit... >> Enter MSDP cache storage unit name (stu_cc_nbvac1): - [Info] Configuring deduplication pool catalog backup policy 'SYMC_NBA_Dedupe_Catalog_nbvac1'... - [Info] A backup policy, 'SYMC_NBA_Dedupe_Catalog_nbvac1', has been configured to protect the deduplication pool catalog. Review the policy configuration and make changes to its schedules, backup window, and residence as required. Make sure to activate the policy to protect the catalog. For more information on the deduplication pool catalog backup policy, refer to the appliance documentation. - [Info] Configuring NFS shares. - [Info] NFS shares are available. - [Info] Configuring CIFS shares. - [Info] CIFS shares are available. - [Info] Media server setup completed successfully. Running Validation tests on Media Server Appliance nbvac1.vmlab. Checking whether installation is successful ... [OK] Checking whether SSH is enabled ... [OK] Checking whether hostname is set ... [OK] Checking whether IP address is set ... [OK] Checking whether appliance user accounts exist ... [OK] Checking whether required packages are installed ... [OK] Checking whether NetBackup is configured and running ... [OK] Checking whether database service is running ... [OK] Checking whether message queue service is running ... [OK] Checking whether web server service is running ... [OK] Checking whether infra services are running ... [OK] Checking whether storage units and diskpools have been created ... [OK] Checking test backup operations ... [OK] Checking test restore operations ... [OK] Expiring test backup images and deleting test policy ... [OK] Completed running tests on the appliance. SELF TEST RESULT : [PASS] Restarting command interface... Appliance Manage appliance role and status. Exit Logout and exit from the current shell. Manage Manage NetBackup appliance. Monitor Monitor appliance activities. Network Network Administration. Reports Examine the running and historical state of the host. Settings Change appliance settings. Shell Shell operations. Support Appliance Support. nbvac1.Main_Menu>