SELECT networkName as 'Master Server', max(UTCBigIntToNomTime(domain_Job.startTime)) as 'Start Time', clientName as 'Client Name', policyName as "Policy Name", statusCode as "Status Code" FROM domain_Job,domain_MasterServer,lookup_jobtype WHERE = domain_Job.masterserverId and domain_Job.scheduleName not like '%hour' and domain_Job.scheduleName not like '%ERROR' and domain_Job.scheduleName != 'online' and = 'Backup' and statusCode not in (0,1,190,230,240,1000) and policyName NOT LIKE 'SLP_%' and type IN (0,22,28) AND DATEDIFF(hour,UTCBigIntToNomTime(startTime), GETDATE()) <= 24 group by "Client Name","Status Code","Master Server","Policy Name" order by networkName,clientName ASC