Unable to backup Exchange 2010 with BackupExec 2015
Hi Everyone, We're running into a pretty major issue after an upgrade to BackupExec 2015 and we're pretty much at our wits end and hoping for a solution. We were successfully using BackupExec 2010 to backup our Exchange 2010 configuration to tape. We were sold BackupExec 2015 and we've been attempting to implement it to simplify our backup configuration. We built a new server and then started running our backups to BackupExec 2015. We have not been able to successfully backup our Exchange configuration since then and we're getting very frustrated. We've had a ticket open with Symantec for weeks and the agents haven't been able to provide a resolution. They just had us run a debug and came back to us that our network drivers need to be updated. I checked the network drivers on both servers and they're both running the newest available driver. And again, we didn't have an issue with BackupExec 2010. Here is what happens: We have 3 datastores. One about 900GBs, one about 400GBs, and a new one that I created as part of this troubleshooting that's about 45GBs. We've attempted to run a full backup against all three datastores and in every instance it fails at the "Consistency Check" phase for all three databases. The error that we get is: Job Completion Status Job ended: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 7:05:23 AM Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000ff12 - A communications failure has occurred with an Exchange Store resource. Final error category: Resource Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65298 Errors GRT backup set folder: \\.pdvfs\SERVERNAME\2\BEData\IMG000009 The consistency check of the snapshot for the Microsoft Exchange database Database was successful. V-79-57344-65298 - The Exchange Store service is not responding. Backup set canceled. V-79-57344-65072 - An error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec Remote Agent on the Backup Exec server. Ensure that the job options are correct, and then submit the job again. The backup set was not created. So it backs up all of the data, passes the consistency check, and then fails on the step right after that, clears all of the data off. This issue has literally been going on for weeks. Our Exchange setup is running on older hardware and I'm getting very nervous about this issue. We've attempted disabling GRT. We've tried disk storage, deduplication disk storage, virtual tape storage, etc. We're successfully backing up Oracle, SQL server, and flat files to this new BackupExec server without issues. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.623Views4likes2CommentsDisk-to-tape backup taking progressively longer for single job
Have a about a dozen various backup jobs and they all follow the same pattern, backup to a deduplication disk, then later the job is duplicated out to tape. This has been working fairly well but I've noticed an issue over the past 2+ weeks for a single job. This job backs up our Exchange databases to the dedupe disk, then later out to tape. The disk-to-disk portion has stayed consistent, 250GB transferred at 2500MB/min on average. The disk-to-tape part is where it has gotten out of whack. It started out taking an hour and a half to two hours to copy, but has gradually gotten longer and longer until now it is reporting over 6 hours to do the same amount of data. We haven't changed anything since this job was created, same dedupe disk, same tape library, same type of tapes, same encryption, etc. This is the only job that is doing this, all the others are running just fine in a fairly consistent time frame. Any ideas?440Views3likes3CommentsExchange Information Store not visible due to missing permissions
Hello, I have a little problem with setting up a backup job for Microsoft Exchange 2010. The whole system is set up as follows: - Backup Exec Server 2012 on Windows Server 2008 R2 - Exchange 2010 Management Console is installed in exactly the same version as is on the SBS2011 (I'm able to access the Exchange Server through the management console installed on the Backup Exec Server) - Microsoft Exchange 2010 on Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011, Agent for Windows is installed - User domain\bexec was created in the AD and is member of the groups Domain Administrators and Exchange Organization Administrators, this user has also local Administrator privileges on all machines that need to be backed up - User domain\bexec has a mailbox which is visible in the global address list - The username domain\bexec is unique within the first five characters However, somehow I am not able to backup the Exchange Server, the information store is not available for selection when I set up the backup job, just the HDDs and System State. When I run the Symantec Help Tool I get the following errors: Does anybody know, if I'm missing something? Thank you very much in advance Best regards MarkusSolved3.7KViews3likes10CommentsWindows Server 2012 / Exchange 2010 SP3 CU2 and Backup Exec 2012
Afternoon I wondered if you could help. We have installed two Exchange 2010 Servers onto Windows Server 2012. The agents have been installed and I can backup the DAG with no problems at all. However when I go to complete a GRT recovery, this option is not available. Please can you advise if this is supported? If so, does anyone have any tips to get this working. Backup Exec Version : Ver 14.0 Rev 1798 ( 64 Bit)Solved769Views3likes5CommentsExchange Backup Failure
We have a Backup Exec 2012 server (Version 14.0 Rev 1798) that every few days will fail on the exchange backup with the following error: Error category : Resource Errors Error : e000846b - The resource could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to the Agent for Windows. The correct version of the Agent for Windows must be running on the target computer. For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33899 this never happens near the beginning, always near the end of the backup. I made sure everything was updated, updated the agent on the Exchange server and even broke the job apart from the verify just to make sure that was not the reason for the failure.517Views3likes3CommentsExchange 2010 Differential backup runs very slow when GRT is enabled and Destination Folder is on Dedupe
Hi, We have been running through this very slow backup problem on Exchange Differential for 6 weeks already. We are using Symantec Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP2 and Hotfix 180429 & 176937 installed. Our first setup was Weekly Full (GRT enabled) + Daily Differential (GRT Disabled) and it was running smoothly, the job rate of differential backup runs at 1,500MB/min and it completes successfully at about 15 minutes only. On July 29, 2012, we decided to create new backup templates for Exchange inside a policy so that we could also enable GRT on Differential. After we have successfully enabled GRT on Differential, we ran the Differential backup on July 2, 2012 and we observed a tremendous effect in job rate, it went down from 1,500MB/min to 22MB/min. In addition to this slow job rate, we are also experiencing a failure on our Wednesday(3rd day) differential backup with the following error message: Backup- \\DMCIMAIL.dmcinet.com\Microsoft Information Store\DATABASE01 V-79-57344-759 - Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options. The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file: '-1014 The database is out of page buffers. ' Backup- \\DMCIMAIL.dmcinet.com\Microsoft Information Store\DATABASE02 V-79-57344-759 - Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options for the following reason: VFF Open Failure. This can be caused by low memory or disk resources. We have several discussions with Symantec engineers but we are still unable to fix this problem. If we look into the situation, we can easily solve the issue on job rate by just disabling the GRT feature but we would want to keep this as we are looking forward on using granular restore in the future. We are stuck in this situation are any suggestions or recommendations that would solve the issue would be greatly appreciated. We hope to solve this very soon as we are already running through this problem for 6 weeks already. Thanks in advance!1.1KViews3likes6CommentsExchange Information Store not available in selection list
I have a new backup server with Backup Exec 2010 R3. I am trying to backup the Information store on the Exchange 2007 (SP1) server but it is not available on the selection list. I can backup the flat files of the server. I do have the Exchange agent license. Troubleshooting: Uninstalled and reinstalled remote agent on the Exchange server (several times) Uninstalled and reinstalled the Exchange option on the media server Did a "repair" of Backup Exec on the media server Ran BE_Support Tool.exe (in the RAWS directory) on the Exchange Server. No Warnings. (It did originally say that I needed to run a VSS hotfix which I did). Permmissions all check out. Ran remote agent in debug mode. some dlls "not found": Example: bedsxchg.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found. The following article talks about this issue with BUE 12. http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH58430 SSolved4.7KViews3likes34CommentsExchange Server 2007 SP3 upgrade always failed due to the Backup agent ?
Hi, I don't know why everytime I tried to manually upgrade Exchange Server 2007 SP1 into SP3 directly on my WIndows Server 2003 as DOMAIN\Administrator (Enterprise admin role) I always end up in the following error state one of them being beremote it must be i need to stup / uninstall Backup Exec remote agent before I install the SP3 ? Summary: 3 item(s). 0 succeeded, 3 failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:27 Hub Transport Role Prerequisites Failed Error: You must be a member of the Exchange Organization Administrators group to upgrade the first Hub Transport server role in your organization to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3. Error: Setup cannot continue with the upgrade because the 'beremote' () process (ID: 1472) has open files. Close the process and restart Setup. Elapsed Time: 00:00:15 Client Access Role Prerequisites Failed Error: You must be a member of the Exchange Organization Administrators group to upgrade the first Client Access server role in your organization to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3. Error: Setup cannot continue with the upgrade because the 'beremote' () process (ID: 1472) has open files. Close the process and restart Setup. Elapsed Time: 00:00:05 Mailbox Role Prerequisites Failed Error: You must be a member of the Exchange Organization Administrators group to upgrade the first Mailbox server role to Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3. Error: Setup cannot continue with the upgrade because the 'beremote' () process (ID: 1472) has open files. Close the process and restart Setup. Elapsed Time: 00:00:05 can anyone suggest to me how to proceed please ? Thanks.Solved1.4KViews3likes3CommentsTemporärer GRT Ordner - Fehler in BE 15??
Hallo zusammen, beim Test von Backup Exec ist mir etwas aufgefallen: Ich habe für den temporären GRT Ordner ein Verzeichnis auf der Partition F:\ auf dem Backup-Server angelegt. Dieses funktioniert auch bei den Sicherungen von VMWare Servern. Will ich aber unsere Exchange DAG sichern, so kommt immer ein Fehler: V-79-57344-4617 - Der Backup-to-Disk-Ordner oder der Pfad für die Bereitstellung temporärer Daten auf dem Backup Exec-Server muss sich auf einem NTFS-Volume befinden. Wählen sie irgendeine der folgenden Möglichkeiten und senden Sie den Auftrag dann erneut Jetzt habe ich mal auf beiden Exchange-Servern auf der Partition D:\ ein Temp-Verzeichnis für GRT angelegt und dieses in den globalen Einstellungen von Backup Exec eingetragen. Und siehe da, auch das GRT Backup vom Exchange läuft. Es werden fleissig beide Verzeichnisse gefüllt und anschließend wieder gelöscht und ich kann einzelne Mails etc. wiederherstellen und muss nicht die ganze DB zurücksichern. Jetzt sehe ich das ganze jedoch als Fehler von Backup Exec an. Es kann ja nicht sein, dass er für VMWare Server den Pfad auf dem lokalen Backup Server akzeptiert, aber bei Exchange nur einen Pfad, der auch auf dem Exchange verfügbar ist und diesen dann nutzt. Das würde ja sonst bedeuten, dass ich die Partitionen anpassen muss, sprich auf dem Backup Server F:\ in D:\ umbenennen, damit alle GRT Backups sauber durchlaufen. Hier müsste eingentlich durch ein Update der Bug beseitigt werden so wie ich das sehe. MfG jayjay0911.Solved2.5KViews2likes2CommentsExchange Backup Fails: 0xe00002f7 / V-79-57344-759 / VFF Open Failure
Hello, we are using Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP4 (Ver 13.0 Rev. 5204 (64Bit)) on Windows Server 2008 R2. This Server is doing a Backup of an Exchange 2010 Server running on another Windows Server 2008 R2 via Remote Agent for Windows Servers. The backup is running two times a day: In the middle of the day to disk. In the night to tape. The Backup was running fine for several years. Since 3 weeks the backup to tape fails, while the backup to disk still works fine. Nothing was changed. The error is (translated): _______________________________________________________________________ Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe00002f7 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information. Final error category: Resource Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-759 _______________________________________________________________________ and: _______________________________________________________________________ Backup- \\"servername"\Microsoft Information Store\PRIVDB02 V-79-57344-759 - Unable to complete the operation for the following reason: VFF Open Failure. This can be caused by low memory or disk resources. _______________________________________________________________________ What we have already tried: -Restart Server -Update Backup Exec to newest Version -Install Hotfix TECH164659 -Solutions from this articles: http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH128187 http://www.symantec.com/connect/forums/0xe00002f7-cannot-extract-mailbox-messages-exchange-backup-0 -deleting an recreating the backup-job -delting and reinstalling the remote agent -deleting Files on Exchange Server to get more free disk space -defining max cache size for Exchange Information Store to get more free RAM -Installing all Windows an Exchange Updates (Exchange 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 7) Nothing of the above did help, we are still getting the same error on backup to Tape while Backup to Disk runs fine. Can anyone help? Thanks Error in original language: _______________________________________________________________ Sichern- \\"servername"\Microsoft Information Store\PRIVDB02 V-79-57344-759 - Der Vorgang für die ausgewählte Ressource unter Verwendung der angegebenen Optionen konnte aus folgendem Grund nicht beendet werden: Fehler beim Öffnen des VFF. Dies kann durch zu geringen Arbeits- oder Festplattenspeicher verursacht werden. Auftrag beendet am Donnerstag, 25. September 2014 um 04:59:04 Abschlussstatus: Fehlgeschlagen Endgültiger Fehler: 0xe00002f7 - Ein Extrahieren der Mailbox-Nachrichten aus dem Exchange-Backup ist nicht möglich. Im Auftragsprotokoll finden Sie zusätzliche Informationen. Endgültige Fehlerkategorie: Ressourcenfehler Zusätzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler finden Sie unter der Verknüpfung V-79-57344-759 _______________________________________________________________Solved9.7KViews2likes10Comments