Deploying NetBackup in Azure Cloud: Complete steps
In the following example, NetBackup 9.1 Primary, Media and CloudPoint servers are deployed with the result being able to log into the NetBackup Primary webui and viewing the Media and CloudPoint servers attached. Let’s Begin To begin, log into your Azure portal and navigate to the Marketplace. Search for “veritas” in the Marketplace search bar. When the Veritas products appear, select “Veritas NetBackup”. A similar screen should appear to the image above. Here we choose Veritas NetBackup 9.1 and click on the Create button. Basics The first screen to appear asks for some basic information regarding the NetBackup environment you’d like to create. Enter the Subscription you’d like to deploy in. Either select an existing Resource group or create a new one. In the below example a new resource group is created. Select the region to build your NetBackup environment. Installation Type allows you to deploy a Primary, Media, and/or CloudPoint servers. This step creates a user that can log into the new environment. This is NOT the user that will start and stop NetBackup processes, unless chosen to do so in Primary Server Details – Step 4. Note – If the user is not root, that user must be given security administrator and backup administrator permissions to log into the webui. See Logging In, later in this document, for steps on how to do this. How the user administrative user will login to the new environment. This is the password the new administrative user will use to log into the new environment. Enter your license key. Enter the DNS zone the new environment will live in. In this step, enter either the new DNS zone name or the existing zone you will use. Click next when the following information has been entered. Primary Server Details In this screen, put in the information regarding the primary server. Name the primary server. Enter the size of the primary server. This will greatly depend on your environmental needs. Enter in your “usage insights registration key”. Enter the name of the user that will start and stop NetBackup processes. This is NOT the user that will be used to login to the environment. Enter the name of the virtual environment the primary host will connect to. Note – Duplicate virtual network names are not allowed. Enter the subnet information the primary will reside on. Here you can give the Public IP address a name to identify it. Note – Duplicate Public IP names are not allowed. Enter the name the primary server will be known by in DNS. When all of the information has been entered, clicked Next. CloudPoint Server Details If you’ve chosen to create a CloudPoint server, the image above will appear. Enter in the following information as it pertains to your deployment. Enter the virtual machine name for the CloudPoint server. Choose the machine type, CPU and memory and the data disk size. These will vary greatly depending on the size of your environment. Specify if the Primary and CloudPoint servers will be on the same virtual network. Enter in a name for the CloudPoint public IP. Note – Duplicate public IP names are not allowed. Enter the name the CloudPoint server will be known in DNS. If CloudPoint is on a different network than the Primary server. This is the network CloudPoint will access NetBackup. Enter any proxy values needed to configure CloudPoint with a proxy server. Select Yes, if you want to take a snapshot of the CloudPoint server once daily and store it in the same resource group, the stored snapshots can be used for recovering or upgrading CloudPoint. If you select yes, you will need to provide tenantId, ClientID, SecretKey values of the subscription where CloudPoint is being deployed. Enter in a name for the CloudPoint user and the password associated with the account. If the CloudPoint server will be known by any other names than given in step 1, enter them here. These names will be used to generate a server certificate for the CloudPoint host. Enter the port number used by CloudPoint. Default is 443. Media Server Details If you’ve chosen to create a Media server, the image above will appear. Enter in the following information as it pertains to your deployment. Enter the host name for the Media server. Choose the CPU and memory size. These will vary greatly depending on the size of your environment. Specify if the Primary and Media servers will be on the same virtual network. Enter in a name for the Media server public IP if desired. Note – Duplicate public IP names are not allowed. Enter the name the Media server will be known in DNS. Review + Create After the validation has passed, review your choices and select Create. Deployment is in Progress Once the deployment has been started, you will see a similar image to the one above. At this point, no more manual intervention is needed until the deployment is complete. Your Deployment is Complete Azure will automatically bring up the above page when the deployment is complete. Go to the resource group where the new machines have been created to log into the new NetBackup 9.1 environment. Logging In Note – If the user that was created is not root, that user must be given security administrator and backup administrator permissions to log into the webui. Log into the NetBackup Primary server using the newly created user from Basics – Step 5. Type the following command: sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpnbaz -AddRBACPrincipal -user typeofpassword:FullyQualifiedDomainName:username Example: sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpnbaz -AddRBACPrincipal -user Next open a web browser and type this into the URL bar: https://FQDN/webui Example: Enter the username and password created in Basics – Step 5 and 7 and click Sign in. On successful login you will be greeted with the following banner. For this blog, we’ll jump into the GUI to see the other created NetBackup components. Located under Security > Hosts in the NetBackup webui we can see the three newly created resources ready to be used.2KViews4likes0Comments