Interested in usability studies for Backup Exec?
The Backup Exec team is committed to enhancing your user experience with our software, and we are pleased to invite you participate in usability studies. You will not be asked to purchase anything. Typically we conduct usability study sessions remotely. This means you will use Backup Exec running on our test machines controlled conveniently from your own workstation. It’s easy and requires only an hour of your time. If you are interested in participating, please send us an email with your contact information including your name, email address, company name and job title. You may be contacted by one of our usability engineers for additional information so we can schedule you for future studies most relevant to your areas of interest. Thank you for your interest in shaping the future of Backup Exec!FAQ: Difference between BESR and BE.
Some of the main differences between Backup Exec and Backup Exec System Recovery: 1) Backup Exec is a backup and restore software, whereas Backup exec System Recovery is a recovery software. 2) BESR can write data only to disks not to tapes, whereas BE can write to both. 3) BE works at file level whereas BESRworks at block level.Is it Time to Upgrade Your Backup Software?
Efficiency. That seems to be on the minds of many business leaders. Lately I have been thinking about how organizations can improve efficiency. So many businesses are brainstorming how to keep their business operating at its best without breaking the bank.Virtualisation is Causing Re-Evaluation of Backup Plans
Symantec recently carried out its annual IT Disaster Recovery survey of 1,000 or so IT managers across 15 countries. Now, there are a bunch of really interesting facts and it’s well worth a read, but the staggering revelation I think is that the number of applications that IT managers consider mission-critical has jumped 20% in the last year.