BMR: Could not read saved configuration file=X:\bmrcli.xml
I am testing Bare Metal Recovery. Test environment is virtual (VMware).The recovered system is booted from boot ISO. It connects to the master server but during the step "Establishing restore environment" this error message is shown: The restore has stopped due to the following error: Could not read saved configuration file, file=X:\bmrcli.xml NetBackup servers and client version is 10.3. Any ideas? Thank you.22Views0likes1CommentCreation of SRT fails at NBU Client install
HI everybody, My context : - NBU : - OS : Master Server Win2K12R2 : Boot server Win2K19 (1809) I'm trying to create a SRT from my boot server. Based on a Veritas TN, i installed the ADK 10.0 v.1607 (after installing the EEB 4036366) : In these cases, the ADK version downloaded should match that expected by the EEB, namely 1607 which is available at If a later version is downloaded instead, these may give an error when specified to the SRT wizard, e.g 1703 or 1709 – setup appears to complete successful from ADK side, but the SRT wizard displays an error and won’t continue 1809 or later – setup fails on launching with error from “OptionId.WindowsPreInstallationEnvironment not available” (as win PE has been removed from version 1809 onwards which is required by BMR) When i try to create the SRT, the setup runs, SRT seems to be OK, and it asks me to give the path to NBU CLient. Checks are green, and i have a message saying : "Installation of Veritas Netbackup client to the SRT failed , click Back"626Views0likes1CommentErrors while creating a SRT(RHEL)
Hi I am now trying to run a BMR. So, when I am creating the SRT, I get the following error and cannot create it. The information on the server I am using is below. Master server: Windows Server 3029 Std Boot server: RHEL 8.6 Netbackup ver: Errors are as follows Enter the path of the first CD/DVD of the desired Red Hat | Oracle | CentOS Enterprise Linux Server operating system level . The supported versions are (5 , 6 , 7 , 8) Please load the media now. The supported versions are (5 , 6 , 7 , 8) Please load the media now. for help) [/dev/cdrom] : /iso Enter the desired architecture (i686 or x86_64) [x86_64] : Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT [/export/srt] : /export/srt Creating repository to stow files from distribution media. Extracting files ........................................................................................................................... Extracting files . ok. The media repository is now complete. Working ............................................. V-125-50 cannot extract file "/lib64/libaudit*" from RPM "/usr/openv/netbackup/baremetal/server/data/media/x86_64-RHEL-8299465/libaudit64.rpm" V-125-39 caught exception: runtime error in srtPlat.cpp:ExtractRpmFiles() [Error] V-125-105 Cannot install operating system onto this SRT. Please see diagnostic log for additional information. Removing SRT "SRT_RHEL" from server -- please stand by ... From the official Veritas website, RHEL 8.6 is no longer supported. Is this error because RHEL8.6 is not supported? Or is there some other cause? Thanks.980Views0likes1Commentdoes not create a ISO Shared Resource Tree
hi all my master server is 5240 NBU appliance -> netbackup version is client is linux os and version NBU master server is bmr master server Executed bmrsrtadm on the client. [root@bmr_test /usr/openv/netbackup/bin ]$ ./bmrsrtadm Select one of the following options: 1. Create a new Shared Resource Tree. 2. Create a new CD image based Shared Resource Tree. 3. Copy an existing Shared Resource Tree to a new location. 4. Import a Shared Resource Tree. 5. Modify an existing Shared Resource Tree. 6. Delete an existing Shared Resource Tree. 7. List Shared Resource Trees available on this server. 8. Quit. Enter your selection (1-8) [1] : 2 Enter the name of an existing SRT : zzs That SRT does not exist -- please try again. Enter the name of an existing SRT : ^C [Error] V-125-637 SRT processing has been interrupted. [root@bmr_test /usr/openv/netbackup/bin ]$ bmrprep -- -bash: bmrprep: command not found [root@bmr_test /usr/openv/netbackup/bin ]$ ./bmrprep -- -bash: ./bmrprep: No such file or directory\ -->An error occurs no matter which name is selected.587Views0likes1Commentbmr setup chaos 8.1.2
ok need some help and cannot find the answer. heres my current setup 5240 appliance running version 3.1.2-1 clients running 8.1.2 netbackup window 2012 server heres what i need as far as i understand. i have a 2012 server ready to be the bmr master, media and boot server. my appliance is currently my master server and media server. all i need to the ability to recover a server as a vm. do i install the master and boot on the server i want to use for this? or do i just make it a boot server?2.9KViews0likes9CommentsBMR Restore VM-VM
Hi, NBU 7.7.3 / Windows 2008R2 VMs I'm trying to restore a Windows VM to a new Windows VM which has the same configuration, i.e. disks, sizes, memory etc. I created a new client and edited the routes and interfaces adding the new IP address into the config. The Master and Media servers are in the Hosts config and I think that the Routes are ok. When I start the PTR and the new restore client boots I first get the message "Failed to retrieve any configurations from the server" I "OK" the message and at the menu, if I look in the "Network" menu and check in the "Configure Network Connection Settings", sometimes the Networking services are started, sometimes they are not. However, the default gateway always shows as, but the new IP and subnet are ok. So I set it to the correct gateway address and click ok, then go back to "Restore". If I click on "Automated BMR Restore" I get the same "Failed to retrieve..." message, so I try "Generic BMR Restore" and again, the gateway is Also, sometimes the NBU Master Server IP is So I add the gateway address in again (and NBU IP if needed) and click "Contact Master Server". The new config is retrieved and I click on "Restore Client". The restore starts and after a short while the disk mapping menu is displayed, so I add the disks. After clicking ok to continue I get the message; "The restore has stopped due to the following error: Failed to verify the backup --rc(25) Should I be using the "Backup VLAN" to do this restore? I have tried with both service and backup LANs configured, but nothing seems to make much difference. I also have the new host in the "hosts" file on the Master server. I am getting really frustrated as I can't seem to fix this and I've been at this for 2 weeks now... Please can anyone advise me or give me something to check? Thanks - Mark4.5KViews0likes18CommentsBMR restore from Physical Windows Server 2008 to Virtual Windows Server 2008
Hi, I'm quite new to Netbackup and have been struggling with a BMR from a physical Windows 200 server to a virtual Windows 2008 server. I have completed the pre-requisite steps such as; 1) Creating the new client config from the source system 2) Editing the new client and changing the disks/network/routes 3) Creating the SRT/dhcp server/pxe config 4) Changing the host in /etc/hosts and fluching the cache When it comes to "prepare to restore" the new restore client boots into Windows and the restore process starts and goes well until the restore disks section. This seems to work, but in the end an error message is displayed (attached) It's like BMR can't restore the boot section on the C drive or something. If I exit out of the BMR GUI, nothing seems to be restored. I don't know whether I should be able to see any files in the systems minimum booted state or not? I've tried several different things with the disks, extending them etc, but nothing has worked so far. The log file on the Master server has the following errors in; 4 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:RestoreEFIPartition() sysVolMountPoint=U: 4 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBUGetBackupDatePath() , bplist exitCode=0. 1 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBURestore() Restore command failed! Tried (bprestore -w -L C:\BMR\nbulog.txt -T -R "X:\rename.txt" -f "X:\listfile.txt" )--rc(5). 1 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBURestore() content of listFile ( 22 EFI System Partition:\ 1493204351 1493204351 ) 1 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBURestore() content of renameFile ( BMR BOOTDRIVELETTER C BMR IDRRESTORE rename 22 /EFI System Partition/ 3 /U:/ ) 1 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:RestoreEFIPartition() EFI partition fails to restore, rc=5 2 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBURestoreAllSystemFilesUsingShadowCopy() Failed to restore the EFI Partition, errorcode=5 2 DEBUG CWindowsRestoreStrategy.cpp:restoreFiles() Could not restore system state, rc=5 4 DEBUG CRestoreStrategy.cpp:retry() Retrying step: Restore Files 4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:updateStep() Retrying... 4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Restore Files 2 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBUGetBackupDatePath() Ignoring non-TIR incremental backup 1493231184 for C:\<?> 2 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBUGetBackupDatePath() Ignoring non-TIR incremental backup 1493143250 for C:\<?> 2 DEBUG nbutils.cpp:NBUGetBackupDatePath() Ignoring non-TIR incremental backup 1493056848 for C:\<?> I think I've covered everything. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to fix this? Thanks in advance, MarkSolved1.8KViews0likes4Comments