Backup Exec 2014 support for IP Less DAG protection Exchange 2013
Customer has implemented IP less DAG configuration of Exchange 2013 on CSV Hyper-V hosts W2K12R2 2 MBX nodes and now attempting to backup using BUE 2014. With no central management IP or DNS entry to use - what is the best method to add BUE protection of Exchange DAG Information Store. Posting here while i run some searches. Appreciate any links and feedback on options or 'not supported' even. Thanks JulesSolved2.1KViews3likes1CommentSCS cerificates !!
Hi all , I have an SCS certifate for netbackup but it is not shown in my profile beside that I have SSE and SSE+ for Backup exe also not shown too. can any body helps me in this ? In our company profile for partner the SSE and SSE+ are shown there but SCS for netbackup not shown any where. Regards,Solved1KViews0likes4CommentsFull backup successful but subsequent diff_incremental of exchange DAG failing with status code 130.
Hi Everyone, My excahnge DAG issue has been solved. I have created a full backup it is successful. But according to schedule when diff_incremental backup started for the same policy it failed with following error. Can any one suggest to solve the issue. 17/07/2011 8:18:19 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) starting backup job (jobid=191) for client AJVAMAIL1, policy exch1, schedule exch_daily_diff 17/07/2011 8:18:19 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=191, request id:{B08BDAB8-B098-11E0-8A8E-00144FB7B0C4}) 17/07/2011 8:18:19 PM - requesting resource Any 17/07/2011 8:18:19 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.AJVAMAIL1 17/07/2011 8:18:19 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1 17/07/2011 8:18:19 PM - awaiting resource Any - No drives are available 17/07/2011 8:19:19 PM - awaiting resource Any Reason: Drives are in use, Media Server: ajva5000, Robot Number: 0, Robot Type: TLD, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A, Volume Pool: daily, Storage Unit: ajva5000-hcart-robot-tld-0, Drive Scan Host: N/A 17/07/2011 8:20:17 PM - awaiting resource Any - No drives are available 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) AJVAMAIL1 is the host to backup data from 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.AJVAMAIL1 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - granted resource DAILY1 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - granted resource ajva5000-hcart-robot-tld-0 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - begin Parent Job 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - begin Unknown Type, Step By Condition Status 0 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - end Unknown Type, Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - begin Unknown Type, Read File List Status 0 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - end Unknown Type, Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - begin Unknown Type, Create Snapshot 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - started process bpbrm (8215) 17/07/2011 8:20:37 PM - started 17/07/2011 8:20:38 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) reading file list from client 17/07/2011 8:20:38 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) start bpfis on client 17/07/2011 8:20:38 PM - begin Create Snapshot 17/07/2011 8:20:39 PM - Info bpfis(pid=55100) Backup started 17/07/2011 8:20:51 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=8215) from client AJVAMAIL1: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - Error attempting to find volumes to snap., status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:51 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) DB_BACKUP_STATUS is 103 17/07/2011 8:20:51 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) DB_BACKUP_STATUS is 103 17/07/2011 8:20:51 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) DB_BACKUP_STATUS is 103 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) DB_BACKUP_STATUS is 103 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8215) DB_BACKUP_STATUS is 103 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=8215) from client AJVAMAIL1: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - Error attempting to find volumes to snap., status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=8215) from client AJVAMAIL1: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - Error attempting to find volumes to snap., status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=8215) from client AJVAMAIL1: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - Error attempting to find volumes to snap., status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=8215) from client AJVAMAIL1: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - Error attempting to find volumes to snap., status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=8215) from client AJVAMAIL1: FTL - snapshot preparation failed, status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - Info bpfis(pid=55100) done. status: 130 17/07/2011 8:20:52 PM - end Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:00:14 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - Info bpfis(pid=0) done. status: 130: system error occurred 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - end writing Status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - end Unknown Type, Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:00:16 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - begin Unknown Type, Stop On Error Status 0 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - end Unknown Type, Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - begin Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - begin Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit 17/07/2011 8:20:53 PM - started process bpbrm (8227) 17/07/2011 8:20:57 PM - end writing Status 0 17/07/2011 8:20:57 PM - end Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit; elapsed time: 00:00:04 Status 130 17/07/2011 8:20:57 PM - end Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit; elapsed time: 00:00:04 system error occurred(130)Solved744Views0likes1Comment