Clearwell v8.1 Hardware Requirements
Hello. I am gathering the Clearwell upgrade requirements (upgrade from 7.1.5 to 8.1). I have two questions: 1) What are the hardware requirements for 8.1? We do not have a Clearwell applicance. 2) Do I have topurchase a license for Office 2013 or is it included with the Clearwell 8.1 software? Thank you.Solved2KViews0likes4CommentsFreeing processing space
Hello - I am a new Clearwell user and I am currently collecting andprocessing data into sets which I then load into the Analysis/Review module where I am filtering them using search terms. After running the serch terms, I am creating EXL exports of search results. Now I have approached my license limit for processing and am wondering how to remove data from the Processing module that I've already done and, thus, free up some processing space. Also, can the XML exports that I've created be loaded back into the Analysis/Review module to be reviewed by others? Please advise. Thanks. AndrewSolved1.4KViews0likes4CommentsNew User to Clearwell and looking for someone to chat about how to use.
Title basically says it all. New to Clearwell, no training to speak of and was interested in chatting with folks that use it and would be willing to do a little hand holding. Version 7.1.1 and any info would be great.1.1KViews1like2CommentsMetadata Search - Find all Word Documents with Specific Author
Hello. Does Clearwell Advanced Searchhave the ability to search a documents metadata? More specifically, search entire corpus where document type is Word and author is "First, Last" or "Last, First". Searching for a document type is straight forward but searching for a document author is not obvious. Thank you.Solved1.1KViews3likes2Comments- 1.1KViews0likes4Comments
Clearwell v 6.6 error code #414203 and #41057 in Redaction view
We are seeing the following error message when we try to open the redaction view in a case: Error preparing document for display. [#41057] Content processor error - [#414203] NetIT Job Processor Publish Error. NetIT Publish FailureSolved1.1KViews0likes3CommentsClearwell tagging question for Predictive coding
We have a question on how PC (Predictive Coding) will handle the analysis if an email body is not privileged but one of the earlier/later replies or forwards is privileged... All messages are indexed (no derived emails) soI believe each email would then be tagged on its own merit, and the prediction will be based on each email and not on the entire thread. What are the thoughts on this from the community? Also, how would this be handled if some of the messages are derived? Thanks for any thoughts/comments.1KViews0likes5CommentseDiscovery Clearwell 7.1.2 ERROR production exceptions
Hello Has anyone seen the following Clearwell error exceptions from a production Export? com.teneo.esa.production.job.ProductionJobException: [#416227] Production job failed with exception: com.teneo.esa.production.job.ProductionJobException: [#416224]1KViews0likes3CommentseDiscovery in Clearwell: Custodian names not visible in Analysis & Review
As we use EV, the default settings for Custodian Assignment in the collection task did not associate a custodian with the resulting documents. I went back and selected to, 'Create a new custodian using the archive's email adddress' under 'If no match is found:' for each of my 5 collections. and re-ran them for custodian assignment only. I can now see Custodian Data in the Collections > Analytics chart/table. Custodian data also appears in the Collection Sets Charts. Without a clear idea of what else needed to be done, I have tried to re-run post processing and to process without discovery. I still do not see custodian metadata in the Analysis & Review section however. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?Solved927Views0likes2Comments