Exporting and recreating split PST files
Hello, Using Discovery Accelerator 9, I've exported out a significant amount of email for a custodian (about 50GB). I've selected to export as 'Original Type' and to encapsulate in a PST format. Doing this, I've run across a couple of questions that I'm not able to answer fully and I'm hoping someone here can do so. Question 1: The PST files split into 1.32GB size chunks and seems to divide the PST files exactly on this size (like a zip file). After looking at a PST file, it seems to possibly parse the msg files in different PST files. Meaning an email with one attachment can possibly save the email in one PST and the attachment in another. Is this something that it does? If so, is there an option to have it not do this? Question 2: After the above, it also looks like it does not retain original folder structures (maybe it never had one being in the archive). If this is correct, is there another method of export that may solve that? Thanks so much for any help.Solved2.3KViews0likes7CommentsDiscovery Accelerator Automatically accept search results issue
I create a schedule search in DA with automatically accept search results, the search come back with results, but the status is pending acceptance (errors), the errors were caused by some indexes were not searchable, some archives associate accounts were disable in AD; Just wondering is it possible to bypass the search errors to still automatically accept all search results?1.1KViews0likes1CommentBest way / practices to search Merge1 content (zoom meetengs)?
We are capturing zoom meetings via merge1 directly to an EV archive and results are shown in a not so friendly manner in my opinion (screenshot attached). I´m wondering, What´s the community doing as best practice to search Merge1 content in EV? Thanks in advance626Views0likes1Commentbulk reject pending searches
Hi All, I am in the process of upgrading DA for a customer and found that there are a large number of pending searches in various cases. As it is recommended to check for any pending searches, exports before upgrade and reject them, I am looking for a SQL query to bulk reject all pending searches, exports. Thank you! Regards, VJ999Views0likes1CommentDigital signature related problems in recent EV builds (after September 2011)
In line with best practice at the end of September 2011 the EV team deployed a renewed code signing certificate used for digitally signing files. The new certificate's trusted root may not present in the list of trusted root certificates of your Windows Server.DA11, Looking for an SQL Query for all searches run with how long each search took
DA11, Looking for an SQL Query for all searches run with how long each search took. We can get the searches - no issue - can only seem to pull creation and modifed dates - but looking for time stamp for duration of each search. use [Database] SELECT SearchID, CaseID, NumHits, PrincipalName AS ModifiedBy, tblIntSearches.Name AS SearchName, tblIntSearches.ModifiedDate AS DateModified, CreateDate, tblStatus.[Name] AS SearchType, CreationType.[Name] AS CreationType, SampleResultSize, NativeQuery, NativeLegacyQuery, XMLText FROM tblIntSearches LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblPrincipal] ON tblIntSearches.[ModifiedByID] = tblPrincipal.[PrincipalID] INNER JOIN [tblStatus] ON tblIntSearches.[Type] = tblStatus.[StatusID] INNER JOIN [tblStatus] CreationType ON tblIntSearches.CreationType = CreationType.[StatusID] WHERE tblIntSearches.[StatusID] <> 858 AND PrincipalName IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT TypeID AS SearchID, tblAudit.CaseID, NumHits, PrincipalName AS ModifiedBy, tblIntSearches.Name AS SearchName, AuditDate AS DateModified, CreateDate, tblStatus.[Name] AS SearchType, CreationType.[Name] AS CreationType, SampleResultSize, NativeQuery, NativeLegacyQuery, XMLText Name FROM tblIntSearches INNER JOIN tblAudit ON tblAudit.TypeID = tblintSearches.SearchID AND tblIntSearches.StatusID <> 858 AND tblAudit.AuditTypeID = 1052 LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblPrincipal] ON tblIntSearches.[CreatedByID] = tblPrincipal.[PrincipalID] INNER JOIN [tblStatus] ON tblIntSearches.[Type] = tblStatus.[StatusID] INNER JOIN [tblStatus] CreationType ON tblIntSearches.CreationType = CreationType.[StatusID] ORDER BY CreateDate DESC704Views0likes1CommentDA Attachment Name Search
Thank you in advance for any assistance! EV and DA are v9 All I need to perform is a search that looks for attachment names that have, for example, "ABC" in the file name. I've referenced these two links and cannot get any DA hits on my search attempts. http://www.symantec.com/connect/forums/discovery-search-specific-attachment-name http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/discovery-accelerator-hidden-searchable-items Using information from the 2nd link, it appears that I can use attribute "TSUB" with description: Attachments only - the subject / title of the top-level item. Do I use a Custom Attribute within a new search to utilize "TSUB"? If I populate the screen like the screen shot below, I get zero hits and I know there are attachments with "ABC" in the file name.Solved3.4KViews0likes6CommentsHow to audit Discovery Accelerator ?
Hi Everybody, EV version is 11.0.1 If it is possible I would like to enable auditing for Discovery Accelerator. 5 years ago it was asked in forum discuss about this issue : https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/auditing-actions-taken-discovery-accelerator Auditing situation for DA still is the same or is there any new work ? Thank you,Solved5.5KViews0likes12Comments