Missing VCS "VVRTypes.cf"Agents
Need help/ advice on how to recover missing VVRTypes.cf System Info OS RHEL 6.1 VCS Version 5.1 rp3 Objective To enable VVR in VCS-GCO environment During the process of creating RVG for VVR Service Group; I found that Done the following Checks (i) VVRTypes.cf is MISSING from the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config directory (ii) /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_vvr/addVVRTypes.sh is NOT there (iii) re-install VCS5.1-rp3 patch DOESNT work . Message prompted "SFHA ver is already installed. No rpm will be installed". Anyone can provide advice / help. SOS. Thanks in advance.Solved1.6KViews0likes2CommentsApplicationHA on LPAR with VCS and SRDF replication agent
Hello, I am evaluating AppllicationHA in my environment which is composed of LPARs in two frames installed in two separate sites. The LPARs are accesing two EMC storage VMAX and there is a replication link using SRDF. We are not able to use Live Partition Mobility between the two PowerSystem Servers because there is not an storage shared betweem them. For this reason we will like to use a VCS management cluster installed in the frames (one node on each PowerSystem Server) and this VCS cluster is using SRDF replication agent. My question is if we configure applicationHA in this VCS management cluster to protect a LPAR, can this LPAR use the VCS with SRDF agent? Doing so, we will solve our limitation and we will be able to relocate the LPAR to the other frame automatically. Thanks and best regards Osvaldo1.5KViews2likes1CommentCan ApplicationHA 6.0 monitor multiple applications?
The forum had a similar question for the 5.1 release that indicated that multi app monitoring was coming (perhaps) in a future release, so I thought I'd pose the question again relative to the 6.0 release. Any change in status?Solved1.1KViews0likes3Comments