change the logon account service using command line netbackup
Hello all, innetbackup i want to change the logon account service using command line allthough i alreadyknow how to change the services manually but it is not helpful for my testing purpose. Manual procedure is mention below" To configure the log on account for the NetBackup Client Services Any one help me.......any kind of help is appreciated... Thanks Open the Windows Services application. Double-click on the NetBackup Client Service entry. Click on the Log On tab. If Local System account is not selected as the Log on as account, proceed with step 9. Provide the name of the user account that you created for the NetBackup Client Service. The account must include the domain name, followed by the user account, domain_name\account . For example, recovery\netbackup . Type the password. Click OK. Stop and start the NetBackup Client Service. Close the Services control panel application I want to done above mention procedure but using command.Solved23KViews0likes4Commentschange image retention from 28 days to 7 years on backed up image
I have backed up a large file server which takes 5 days to backup using the Storage Lifecycle policy with weekly retention where it backups to VTL and then copied off to the tape for offsite. As such the retention is 28 days. Is it possible to extend the retention on the physical tape to 7 years. I do not want to rerun the backup for this 7 yr rentention as it takes long time to backup. I would like to have the VTL image expired in 28 days and keep it on the tape for 7 yrs. Would it be better to have image copied to physical tape first and than use bpexpdate or is there way it can write to physical tape from vtl with new retention.Solved15KViews1like11CommentsSteps to configure a client
i want to configure a client at netbackup level. Please correct if i am wrong. for Unix client 1)install the OS 2)we can ask network team to provide an IP and regestering the client in DNS server. Once regerstation done will get the FQDN to our system. 3)we will install netbackup client server software in the machine, it will ask licence key, master, media server names while installing and once installation done 4)we need to add client entries in master server bp.conf , etc/host file. 5)now will chek for the connectivity using ping, telnet and nslookup commands, Once the connectivity is fine will configure the server as netbackup client. For windows client. 1)install the OS 2)we can ask network team to provide an IP and regestering the client in DNS server. Once regerstation done will get the FQDN to our system. 3)we will install netbackup client server software in the machine, it will ask licence key, master, media server names while installing and once installation done 4)Need to add master, media server entries in registryHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VERITAS\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config\Server 5)now will chek for the connectivity using ping, telnet and nslookup commands, Once the connectivity is fine will configure the server asnetbackup client. EXPERTS... Please let me know if i am wrong/missed anything at any where or if am correct please give me some more detailed text.Solved12KViews1like3CommentsList of NetBackup Blueprints...
FYI - just sharing a list of really useful documents posted byGFK... [edit - updated links to new locations] NetBackup v2.6 Appliance Whitepaper - WAN Optimization NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Accelerator NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Accelerator for VMware NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Active Directory NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - AIR NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - BMR NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Enterprise Vault NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Exchange NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Hyper-V NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - IRV (Instant Recovery for VMware) NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Media Server Deduplication Pool NetBackup v7.6 BluePrints - NDMP NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - NetBackup Catalog NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - OpsCenter NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Oracle NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - RD (Replication Director) NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SAN Client NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Security NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SharePoint NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SLP (Storage Lifecycle Policy) NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SQL NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - VMware NetBackup v7.6 Technical Brief - Vault Extension . ...and another that I have found very useful: NetBackup v7.x Whitepaper - Encryption and Key Management Solutions [end]Solved11KViews6likes21Commentshow to force a queued job to be cancelled? (without a job PID) is it possible?
I know that by cmd "taskkill /pid 7900 -f" we can cancel a running job by force. But is there a way to cancel a job that has been queued thus without a "job pid" ? There are a lot of jobs that are queued and that I need to cancel by force since they are not responding by the normal way. I normally use this cmd "TASKKILL /PID # -F" for jobs with an assigned PID (process id), but I need to find a way to cancel jobs without pid. if someone could assist me with this, that will be great, cheers thanks10KViews1like2CommentsBest practice “Maximum I/O streams per volume” with Disk Pools
My backups are failed with below error - awaiting resource CSD-SYD-STU-PD Reason: Maximum I/O stream count has been reached for disk volume, Media Server: ABC1257, Robot Number: NONE, Robot Type: NONE, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A, Volume Pool: CSD-SYD, Storage Unit: CSD-SYD-STU-PD, Drive Scan Host: N/A Limit has been reached for the logical resource csd-nbumaster.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.CSD-SYD-CA client backup was not attempted because backup window closed(196) Environment: Netbackup Windows Server 2008. Current Setting : Limit I/O streams = 32 per volume Maximum concurrent jobs=32 Maximum fragment size=51200 MBSolved10KViews1like5CommentsNBU java admin console Unable to login status
Hi All, I'm unable to login remote java admin console from windows(2012 R2) master server and its giving me below error: Unable login, status 518 invalid username or password PFA screenshot Netbackup master server Netbackup remote admin console Please help.Solved7.1KViews0likes3Commentsnetbackup server and client communication
I have netbackup master server and client both running on solaris 10. I am using the same master server as media server. I don't have media server seperately my master and client are in two different VLANs. However, they are reachle using ping, telnet, ssh etc.. But, bptestcd and policy creation is failing Is it not possible to create policy for client that is in different VLAN ??Solved6.7KViews4likes10Comments