Backup Exec 15 - where to find manuals, guides and compatibility information
Are you looking to find information related to Backup Exec 15? If so, here is a list for your reference. Bookmark now! Backup Exec 15 Documentation Backup Exec 15 - Administrator’s Guide Backup Exec 15 - Readme Backup Exec 15 - Performance and Tuning Guide Backup Exec 15 - Licensing Guide Backup Exec 15 - Command Line Interface (BEMCLI) Help Download Backup Exec 15 - Compatibility Backup Exec 15 - Software Compatibility List Backup Exec 15 - Hardware Compatibility List Backup Exec 15 - Getting Started What's Different in Backup Exec 15 Benefits of upgrading to Backup Exec 15 Backup Exec 15 Trialware Download About upgrading from previous version of Backup Exec to Backup Exec 15 How to migrate (move) and upgrade Backup Exec from 32-bit computer to 64-bit computer that has a different Windows OS Backup Exec 15: Step-by-Step guide to download and install the program1.8KViews7likes0Comments- 1.3KViews6likes9Comments
Backup Exec 2012 Has Issues
To help someone who may be thinking about upgrading to Backup Exec 2012, be careful. Backup Exec 2012, while it does have a very nice user interface and much better view of the backup jobs, it has some major issues that are not yet resolved. We did an upgrade over a week ago and we still can not compete our backups. The issues today are: -- The upgrade got us into a look over the "deduplication" feature and needed to call support for a answer (we have placed the solution on the forum) -- The reports are not working at all. It appears it is using the old reports or is just broken. So no reports on media, or jobs, etc. -- We have run out of backup space and there is NO way to manage the "media". You can see media sets but you are unable to sort or figure out which ones you can delete. (other thanjust reading though theunordered list) NOTE: We can not run a report to view the media which was suggested as a work around. -- There is no way to change the "retention" date of a "media set". So we wanted to reduce the retention period for existing backups so the space on the backup to disk folder will be reclaimed. Well since there is no concept of a "media set" in this version, you can only change the date for future backups. -- It keeps doing "discovery" on computers we have already noted as not needed to be backed up. Discovery runs on its own and adds machines that it finds. Even if we delete the machine, the next time discovery runs we are deleting it again from the list. We need to run discovery but once we make a decision on the machine, it should stop showing up. We are committed to Backup Exec 2012 but are really in a bad way with the product right now. So if you thinking of an upgrade, it might be better to delete you old version and start from scratch. Or wait. Hopefully this will prevent another user from going through this nighmare.1.5KViews6likes10CommentsAnyone else have this issue?
When adding a license file to BE2012, the process of adding the file unchecks ALL of the existing licensed products after its run so that you now have a trial installation and you have to re-run the licensing app and recheck all the appropriate boxes in order to have a working product. This is REALLY annoying, but small in relation to the other MASSIVE annoyances of BE2012. Jim1.4KViews6likes9CommentsLicensing query
Hello I have a licensing query. Here is a list below with the licenses our company owns. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 SERVER License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 1 1. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 V-RAY EDITION License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 6 2. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 V-RAY EDITION License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 6 3. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 V-RAY EDITION License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 6 4. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 V-RAY EDITION License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 6 5. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 V-RAY EDITION License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 6 6. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 V-RAY EDITION License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 6 7. Product: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2012 AGENT FOR VMWARE AND HYPER-V License Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxx Support Serial Number: Mxxxxxxxxxx Quantity: 7 I have 6 VRAY licenses and it shows quantity also 6 for each. So does this mean I am eligible to protect 6 VMWARE hosts servers or 36 vmware host servers. Can someone give some answer by looking at the above details. Thank youSolved446Views5likes1CommentBackup Exec 2012 Small Business Edition (SBE) tial software and documentation...
I am trying to get hold of a trial version of "Backup Exec 2012 Small Business Edition". However, when I follow the "Trial Software" link on the product page, log in and download the .ISO files. IT appears to be the full product and not the SBE. Now, I know there are very specific limitations on what agents are covered by the SBE licensing and that there are very specific installation scenarios that the SBE licensing and product will only support. I also recall, during the beta testing of the SBE product, that there was a SBE specific "simplified" interface. So, I'm kind of lost as to how I can get a trial of the SBE version of BE, when I only have the full product, which has none of these limitations/restrictions/benefits!? I also have another issue in that the Backup Exec Administrators Guide still has no information specific to these significant SBE product limitations or supported installation scenarios. For those of you in Symantec involved in the release of this product... I gave feedback on this issue, during the beta testing, and was told that it would be looked into. But it is apparent that this has not been done or deemed important enough. However, I am glad to see that you guys are at least giving some kind of version reference in your admin guide now. So, I have two questions: 1. Why can we not get a trial version of the real SBE product, with all it's relevant limitations and restrictions in place? 2. Why does the BE admin documentation not at least have a SBE appendix that covers the supported installation scenarios and agent licensing limitations This would at least reduce the need for the above specific SBE trial version of the software; as we would be able to install the full product as if it were the SBE product, following the limitations outlined in the documentation. Looking forward to your responses.709Views5likes5CommentsBackup Exec Upgrade 2012 to 2014 - Deduplication option error
Just an FYI for anyone running into this issue during an upgrade to BE-2014: Isaw this exact same problemwhen upgrading our previous edition of Backup Exec to BE-2012 and now again when upgrading 2012 to 2014 and the fix is the same. When running the installation for BE-2014 the wizard came to the point of selecting installation type (Full / Tial) -(the screens after entering Licensing) and a messagewindow appearedstating the following: "Deduplication Option is no longer licensed in this upgrade. You may not remove the license during the upgrade. To continue, either add a serial number for Deduplication Option, upgrade as trial, or remove the option in the previous version, then continue the upgrade." (Also outlined in this kb article: ) The fix was also the same - Open regedit, navigate to: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\... Delete the \Puredisk\ registry key and it's child\Puredisk\Agent\. (Inour case, since we neverinstalled, trialed, used or licenseddedupe at all these keys were completelyempty of values.) Quit and re-run the Installation. The wizard should continue past this point and straight to the options screen. Thisshould allow you to install/upgrade BE-2014 with licenses the first time, without having to go through the trial install first. Happy Upgrading.924Views4likes3CommentsAbout Backup Exec 2014 licenses
Hi, Just received an email about BE2014 upgrade is available. I got 4 licenses. But what is the difference ?? Otherwise, as I know the license no. not match the server I am managing. Those license may be for other servers managing by other colleagues. How do I check it ? Thanks294Views4likes1CommentLicense File for Backup Exec 2012 Migration
I am currently running Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP2 on Server 2003 Enterprise SP2 x86. I am in the process up updating BE on this server to 2012 SP2. I then plan on installing BE 2012 SP2 on a virtual Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 system, and migrating the instance of BE on the 2003 server to the 2008 server. During the installation on the 2008 server, I will, as always with BE 2012, be prompted to specify a serial number or to import a license (.SLF) file. The installer will then attempt to verify the license file by connecting to Symantec over the Internet. If I use the same serial number and/or .SLF file on the 2008 server as I used on the 2003 server, will the installer successfully verify the license, or will it reject it because it was used on the 2003 server? If it will reject it, what is the best practice for installing BE 2012 on a new server for the purpose of migrating an existing instance of BE to it?Solved1.5KViews4likes8Comments