Backup Exec version history
Backup Exec versioning changed from number-based (7,8,9,..) to years-based (2010,2012,..). However, the numbers-based versioning is still there, for example in the database (bedb.dbo.Version). Could you help me fill in the gaps? (marked with question marks below) Seagate Backup Exec 7.2 1998 VERITAS Backup Exec 7.31999 VERITAS Backup Exec 8.0 2000 VERITAS Backup Exec 8.6 2001 VERITAS Backup Exec 9.0 2003 VERITAS Backup Exec 9.12003 VERITAS Backup Exec 10.0 2005 Symantec Backup Exec 10d 2005 Symantec Backup Exec 11d 2006 Symantec Backup Exec 12 2008[4] Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 2008 Symantec Backup Exec 2010 13.0 Symantec Backup Exec 2010 R2 ????? Symantec Backup Exec 2010 R3 ????? Symantec Backup Exec 2012 14.0 Symantec Backup Exec 2014 ????? There should be a version 13.5 somewhere.Solved7.1KViews2likes3CommentsBE2015 Capacity Edition - BE CAREFUL over license model
Hi, I don't ofter post, but i wanted to share my concerns over the limitations on the licensing model the Capacity Editions versions. Having previously been on BE 2014 SBS, Upon renewing my support , the distributer decided to Cross Grade my license to the new 2015 Capacity Edition Lite License. ( As SBS is not available) After a lot of phone calls, a Poor Licensing Document from Symantec ( Tech229205 ), and finally a tech support case, I can now share the following. Lets assumeyou have a 1TB License Day Backup Job Uncompressed Data Cumulative amount of data backed up 0 - Install BE 2015 0TB 1 Full Backup 750GB 750GB 2 Partial Backup 100GB 850GB 3 Partial Backup 100GB 950GB 4 Partial Backup 100GB 1050GB - JOB FAILS 5 Partial Backup 100GB 1050GB - JOB FAILS 6 Partial Backup 100GB 1050GB - JOB FAILS So the 1TB Capacity limit applies to the Cumulative amount of data that bas been backed-up, and NOT as I thought to the JOB Size ---------- My Question to Technical support---------------------- Please confirm the situation in the following example ( the table above) is correct --------------- official response from technical support-------- Yes you are correct as per the abovescenario which you have mention is correct Note: Backup exec Capacity edition will work based on the uncompressed front-end data of the server , once it crosses 1TB data the backup wouldn't get through The calculation is made on 30 days calculation on successful full backups Full backup are considered on capacity calculation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I Hope this helps someone else. Capacity Edition is not for me ! If of course the official technical response is incorrect, then please advise Regards ChrisSolved6.2KViews1like11CommentsBackup Exec 2015 - Agent For Windows???
Hello all - I am currently upgrading my servers (FROM:Windows 2008 R2 withBackup Exec 2010 R3,TO:Server 2012 R2 with Backup Exec 2015). I do not recall everneeding a separate - 'Agent for Windows' when I purchased my licenses Backup Exec 2010 R3. *Therefore my question is, will I now be missing functionality that I had before with 2010 R3?* Thanks in advance! :)4.5KViews0likes19CommentsHow to check Backup exec license information regarding available agent to deploy
Hi Guys , Currently my corp was using Symantec Backup Exec 10d for data backup , as i know each agent (RAWS , SQL , exchange ) require seperate license key to run , how can i know my existing Serial No was valid for deploy how many unit of RAWs to my server and etc. Have use Backup Exec License Assessment Tool but the tools was not able provice me the information , it only reply "The License Assessment Tool has found a VIP license " , has try contact the license department '' but does not have their reponse.Anyway to check my available agent on my BE cnsole screen or using any tools?4.4KViews1like6Commentsupgrade backup exec 2012 to 2015
Hello all, We are currently using backup exec 2012 on windows storage server 2008 r2 standard x64 edition and i digup some article on how to upgrade to the current version " to upgrade from Backup Exec 12.5 to Backup Exec 15, you must first upgrade to a version such as Backup Exec 14 before you can upgrade to Backup Exec 15. " my question is since it's 64 bit OS can we upgrade 15 now or do we have to wait till end of summer " A Backup Exec 15 software upgrade image for the Backup Exec appliance will be available summer, 2015.A Backup Exec 15 software upgrade image for the Backup Exec appliance will be available summer, 2015." and what about licensing do i have to update the keySolved4KViews0likes4CommentsBackup Exec 12.5 licence/serial location
Hi All, I've searched and read multiple threads regarding this but havn't quite gotten an answer to my issue. I'm trying to audit our current licences against all our servers that are backedup by Backup Exec but I'm not having much success. Scenario: I understand that we require licences for certain backups. Such as Remote Agent licence for SQL backup and RAW licence for flat files. Currently we have a server which has Backup Exec 12.5 installed (licenced). On this server we have setup jobs for additional 5 servers to backup flat files. In this case we will require 5 extra RAW licences correct? If this is the case, does each of the 5 servers store a licence/serial key which can be retrieved? If in future I decommisioned 1 server how am I to retrieve the RAW licence so I can use it for a new Server? Do we simply have to manage this at our decretion? "If you backup 5 servers make sure you have 5 licences?" Thanks.Solved3.9KViews1like8CommentsA new Backup Exec logon account is unable to connect
Hi, I have create a new backup exec logon account on the Manage Logon Accounts, with the correct credentials. But, i could not connect into Backup Exec 2012 server by using the new logon account with the following additional information : "Unable to connect to the service." Then I try to change the account name at all Backup Exec services with the new logon account. But, all backup exec services could not restarting. When I resetting to old logon account, all backup exec services can restart normally. What the problem with the new logon account? How I can connect into backup exec server by using the new logon account? Thank's, BarkahSolved3.9KViews0likes13CommentsBackup Exec 2010 Serial Key?
Hey Guys, im trying to find out what my serial number is on my server so i can upgrade to latest version of backup exec. I can find the license keys etc in backup exec but not the serial number. Anyone know where i can find this? Thanks in advanceSolved3.8KViews1like5CommentsHow to insert a new license key/file into Backup Exec 2012?
Hi, I have upgraded my Backup Exec 2010 to Backup Exec 2012, during the installation it asked about the license key, I had only the Maintenance Contract License and I have Installed it. But now I have got the other licenses but don't know how to insert it.. Any help? Thanks,Solved3.8KViews1like3CommentsLicensing Downgrade
In the past, Symantec has allowed our customers who have been current on maintenance of a Server Product like Backup Exec 2010, to migrate across (or Down depending on their chosen term on the day), to Backup Exec SBS 2010 for example at no cost. We have filled out a form and the customer has filled one out and it was done. I want to do this for a customer who has both Backup Exec 2010 with maintenance AND Exchange 2010 Agent with Maintenace, to SBS 2010, and they have said they won't allow it and will charge the customer to "upgrade" at a cost of nearly $1000. They said they have removed this ability the way we used to do it, from 2012. I am posting here to see if I can verify if the information I have is correct or if I have been misinformed. It seems odd that Symantec would create this restriction. Thanks for the assistance.Solved3.7KViews2likes9Comments