Filtering Job History with job name "matches"
Every once in a while I run into a situation where I could really use a better filter than "contains" or "starts with" in job history. I note there is a "matches" option, but there is no documentation on the syntax of it, an my attempts to use it have always ended with no results and frustration. So, does anyone know how to use the "matches" option in job history filters? Backup Exec 2012 SP4.Solved1.9KViews7likes7CommentsBackupExec 2010 R3, Pauses inside job between resources
After migrating to new Server with Windows Server 2008 backup jobs became more quickly but only for one time. after investigation, I found that during job between resources such as disk "C" "D" "System state" "Shadow Copy Components" from same server, it make PAUSES... not a pause between jobs or etc.. pauses inside job. Do some one know where the problem is? Previous weekends were not such delay inside job. Also no errors or any information regarding backup in System Event log Look for delay between backup completes and starts for Disk "D" Backup started on 12/7/2012 at 10:15:33 PM. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 5:01:47 AM. for Disk "C" Delay from 5.01.47 AM till 8.12.55 AM Backup started on 12/8/2012 at 8:12:55 AM. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 8:32:12 AM. Shadow Copy Components Delay from 8.32.12 AM till 11.35.53 AM Backup started on 12/8/2012 at 11:35:53 AM. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 11:47:20 AM. System State Delay from 11.47.20 Am till 12.56.29 PM Backup started on 12/8/2012 at 12:56:29 PM. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 2:27:04 PM. LOG Job Operation - Backup Backup Options Media operation - Overwrite media. Compression Type: Hardware [if available, otherwise none] Encryption Type: None WARNING: The option 'Verify after backup completes' was not selected. Performing a verify operation to make sure that media can be read after the backup has completed is recommended. Server - ******* AOFO: Started for resource: "D:". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume D: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version Set Information - D: Backup Set Information Family Name: "Media created 12/7/2012 10:01:01 PM" Backup of "D:" Backup set #1 on storage media #1 Backup set description: "" Backup Method: Full - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit Backup started on 12/7/2012 at 10:15:33 PM. Backup Set Detail Information The .DR file that is required for Intelligent Disaster Recovery is created/updated. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 5:01:47 AM. Backup Set Summary Backed up 2198520 files in 310164 directories. Processed 2,330,573,766,756 bytes in 6 hours, 46 minutes, and 14 seconds. Throughput rate: 5471 MB/min Compression Type: Hardware AOFO: Started for resource: "C:". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version Set Information - C: Backup Set Information Family Name: "Media created 12/7/2012 10:01:01 PM" Backup of "C:" Backup set #2 on storage media #1 Backup set description: "" Backup Method: Full - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit Backup started on 12/8/2012 at 8:12:55 AM. Backup Set Detail Information The .DR file that is required for Intelligent Disaster Recovery is created/updated. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 8:32:12 AM. Backup Set Summary Backed up 23375 files in 5522 directories. Processed 20,954,762,527 bytes in 19 minutes and 17 seconds. Throughput rate: 1036 MB/min Compression Type: Hardware AOFO: Started for resource: "Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" "D:" . The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume D: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version Set Information - Shadow?Copy?Components Backup Set Information Family Name: "Media created 12/7/2012 10:01:01 PM" Backup of "Shadow?Copy?Components" Backup set #3 on storage media #1 Backup set description: "" Backup Method: Full - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit Backup started on 12/8/2012 at 11:35:53 AM. Backup Set Detail Information The .DR file that is required for Intelligent Disaster Recovery is created/updated. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 11:47:20 AM. Backup Set Summary Backed up 2 Shadow Copy Writers Backed up 5 Shadow Copy Components Processed 35,035,300 bytes in 11 minutes and 27 seconds. Throughput rate: 2.92 MB/min Compression Type: Hardware AOFO: Started for resource: "System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). The following volumes are dependent on resource: "C:" . The snapshot provider used by VSS for volume C: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (Version Set Information - System?State Backup Set Information Family Name: "Media created 12/7/2012 10:01:01 PM" Backup of "System?State" Backup set #4 on storage media #1 Backup set description: "" Backup Method: Full - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit Backup started on 12/8/2012 at 12:56:29 PM. Backup Set Detail Information The .DR file that is required for Intelligent Disaster Recovery is created/updated. Backup completed on 12/8/2012 at 2:27:04 PM. Backup Set Summary Backed up 17 System State components Processed 10,595,184,195 bytes in 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 35 seconds. Throughput rate: 112 MB/min Compression Type: Hardware1.6KViews6likes10CommentsMonitor Appliance Health & Performance 24x7
Today’s businesses require access to their information on a 24x7 basis, not to mention the ability to protect that data in the event of unplanned interruptions which leads to complexities in their IT infrastructure. For many IT leaders, moving to Symantec appliances for their backup issues to protect data means reducing cost, complexity and operational risks in their IT environment. Symantec understands that a properly planned out data protection strategy enables customers continuous access to their information. To that end, Symantec has gone a step further to simplify, automate and enhance the support experiences for its appliance customers with its latest functionality in appliances, Symantec AutoSupport. Symantec AutoSupport proactively identifies issues, automates support, and enables faster resolution with the aim of lowering customer’s total cost of ownership of their appliance environment. As a result, appliance downtime is minimized, product reliability and serviceability is enhanced, storage capacity planning and management is simplified, and who doesn’t want their issues resolved before the customer is aware of any problems. To find out how Symantec AutoSupport can help, check out this video Agent out of date
I started seeing LiveUpdate Information About the agent for windows on at least one server does not have the most recent updates? To Install the most recent updates, on the Backup and restore tab, right click the remote computer that is out of date, and then select Update. 1. There is no indication on what server agent is out of date 2. After right clicking on each server on some I can see Update is grayed out and on some its clickable 3. Does this mean they are out of date and need to be updated? 4. What happen if I update the server will I have to reboot? 5. The server is Windows 2003 with exchange 2003 running on a cluster serves with 2 nodes 6. It seem each node might need the upgrade and the cluster seems to need 7. I am assuming after I update the active node the cluster will be up-to-date 8. Should I manually run LiveUpdate on the backup Exec server monthly and after an update I should update the clients?1.2KViews5likes18CommentsHow to recover Backup Exec media servers in another server?
How to recover Backup Exec media servers in another server? further Should we keep the same old hostname and IP media server? Should I catalog the tape containing the backup of the catalog? We have the following in a tape Catalog backup BEDB (ms-instance SQL Server Express BE) Deshacer cambios Deshacer cambiosSolved935Views5likes2CommentsI need an alert if no tape was inserted before the job runs
Hi all, Had very little luck with Symantec support on this, they didn't seem to be able to grasp what I was saying. I'm using BE 2014. We run our backups on each of our servers at 10pm each night, we email our local based IT co-ordinators in the morning to let them know what tape they need to insert (and to remind them to insert the tape). However fairly often they forget to put the tape in..............and the backup fails, the problem is by that time everyone has gone home and it's too late to do anything about it. What I'd really like is an auto inventory run every day at say 4:30pm, and if no tape has been inserted an email alert is sent to me, then I can call the local offiec and remind them about the tape. This would be alot quicker than having to manually go to every server to check. Is this possible? Surely this is something which alot of people would want and find helpfull in avoiding failed backups due to users forgetting the tapes. I'd welcome any thoughts and suggestions. Thanks720Views4likes5CommentsTAMANHO DO BACKUP
Pessoal, Tenho uma dúvida, pois meu backup está passando para uma segunda fita já há uma semana e não sei onde ou quê está fazendo com o que isso aconteça. A compactação acontece, porém a taxa é baixa. 1:4,1 Existe algum relatório onde eu possa visualizar o tamanho de cada pasta na fita? Verão do BackupExec: 2010 R3 Desde já agradeço pela vossa atenção, Jonathan1.4KViews3likes5CommentsBackup Exec Server does not start
After migration from Backup Exec 2010 to BE 2012 SP1, the Backup Exec Server Process (beserver.exe) does not start anymore. Therefore is not possible to connect to the Backup Exec Application. In the MS Event Log the following Message is logged: Application: beserver.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 00000000014B44EC If the service is startet from the service Window it terminates with error 1067. I would be glad if someone can provide me helt soon.340Views3likes3CommentsBackup Exec 2014 digest powershell script.
I was tired of getting close to 100 backup status reports each day, so I wrote a quick digest script and disabled notifications on all my jobs. I'm not very good with Powershell, so it's pretty ugly, but it works, and I get a nice quick digest that tells me if I have anything to really address. Hopefully this helps someone who is struggling under the weight of backup reporting. STUFF - 1. This script only cares about errors, cancellations, successes and exceptions. If you want more things, just add more tables. 2. Only verified on Powershell 3.0 3. I run this as a system task on a daily basis on my BE server. 4. YMMV, but they are just GET cmdlets, you aren't doing anything but gathering data and emailing it. Credit - "sendemailstatus" is a function I picked up from -Mark- on technet because I like the emails it sends. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Email report of error jobs sorted by Time ended #Importing Backup Exec Powershell awesomeness import-module bemcli #last 24 hours $lastday = (Get-Date).adddays(-1) ###########Lets make some variables################################## $SmtpServer = 'your.mail.server' $From = '' $To = 'Your_Email' $Subject = 'Backup Exec Job digest' ###########Thats enough variables#################################### Function SendEmailStatus($From, $To, $Subject, $SmtpServer, $BodyAsHtml, $Body) { $SmtpMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $From, $To, $Subject, $Body $SmtpMessage.IsBodyHTML = $BodyAsHtml $SmtpClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $SmtpServer $SmtpClient.Send($SmtpMessage) $SmtpMessage.Dispose() } $Style = "<Style>BODY{font-size:12px;font-family:verdana,sans-serif;color:black;font-weight:normal;}" + ` "TABLE{width:100%;border-width:1px;cellpadding:0;cellspacing:0;border-style:solid;border-color:black;border-collapse:collapse;}" + ` "TH{background:#d3d3d3;font-size:12px;border-width:1px;padding:10px;border-style:solid;border-color:black;}" + ` "TR{font-size:12px;border-width:1px;padding:10px;border-style:solid;border-color:black;}" + ` "TD{width:15%;font-size:10px;border-width:1px;padding:4px;border-style:solid;border-color:black;}</Style>" $Table1 = get-bejob | Get-BEJobHistory -FromStartTime $lastday -jobstatus Error | sort Name | select Name,JobType,JobStatus,@{name='Size (GB)';expression={$_.TotalDataSizebytes/1073741824}},ErrorMessage | Convertto-html -fragment $Table2 = get-bejob | Get-BEJobHistory -FromStartTime $lastday -jobstatus Canceled | sort Name | select Name,JobType,JobStatus,@{name='Size (GB)';expression={$_.TotalDataSizebytes/1073741824}},ErrorMessage | Convertto-html -fragment $Table3 = get-bejob -jobtype backup | Get-BEJobHistory -FromStartTime $lastday -jobstatus Succeeded | sort Name | select Name,JobType,JobStatus,@{name='Size (GB)';expression={$_.TotalDataSizebytes/1073741824 -as 'Int'}} | Convertto-html -fragment $Table4 = get-bejob -jobtype backup | Get-BEJobHistory -FromStartTime $lastday -jobstatus SucceededWithExceptions | sort Name | select Name,JobType,JobStatus,@{name='Size (GB)';expression={$_.TotalDataSizebytes/1073741824 -as 'Int'}} | Convertto-html -fragment $TablesHead = "<html><head>$Style</head>" $TablesBody = "<body><table><TR><TD align=center bgcolor=RED><font color=WHITE><B>JOBS WITH ERRORS</B></font></TD></TR></table>$Table1$Table2 `n<table><TR><TD align=center bgcolor=Green><font color=WHITE><B>SUCCESSES</B></font></TD></TR></table>$Table3<table><TR><TD align=center bgcolor=Orange><font color=WHITE><B>SUCCESSES WITH EXCEPTIONS</B></font></TD></TR></table>$Table4</body>" $TablesFoot = "</html>" $email = $TablesHead + $TablesBody + $TablesFoot SendEmailStatus -From $From -To $To -Subject $Subject -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -BodyAsHtml $True -Body ($email) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers.547Views2likes1Comment