Veritas Risk Advisor: Working with tickets
Veritas Risk Advisor (VRA) is a data protection and downtime avoidance risk assessment solution. VRA lets you diagnose disaster recovery and high availability (clustering) problems (also called “gaps”) and optimize data protection and reduce risk of downtime. VRA scans your environment and alerts you to any potential gaps, best practice violations, or service level agreement (SLA) breaches. What is a ticket? When VRA detects a gap in your disaster recovery and/or high availability, it issues a ticket. The ticket specifies the problem and the environment entities associated with that problem. For example, VRA can identify: Critical data that is not protected properly. Standby hosts that do not have access to the replicated data. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that are too strict or too lenient. Inconsistent access to storage by cluster nodes. Searching for tickets The VRA Tickets module lets you filter the list of tickets in your system to find a specific ticket or ticket type. After VRA displays your query search results, you can: Group the results by criteria that you specify. Drill down to see ticket details. View the network topology related to the ticket in the Topology module. Group the results by criteria that you specify. A full description of the ticket is provided, including an explanation of the problem and the items in your environment that are involved. The impact on your system is also shown with suggestions on how to resolve the ticket. Working with tickets You can perform a variety of operations on a ticket during its lifecycle. Mark the ticket as resolved. The next time VRA scans your system, it will consider this issue closed. Suppress a ticket. A suppressed ticket indicates that you are aware of this problem, but you do not want to be informed about it again during the next full system scan. Open the Topology module. You can open the topology module displaying the items relevant to the ticket. Add a note to a ticket. You can add a note to a ticket that describes it in more detail. You can filter by note text to make it easier to find a specific ticket(s). Add a star rating to indicate its level of important. (One star is the lowest ticket rating and five stars the highest.) You can then sort your tickets by rating to quickly see your most important issues. You can also perform operations on multiple tickets. Learning more For more information on working with tickets, see “Using the Tickets Module” in the Veritas Risk Advisor User’s Guide. You can access the User’s Guide and other VRA documentation in the Documents area of the SORT website.620Views1like0CommentsVeritas Operations Manager 6.1: Managing LUN classifications
Using Veritas Operations Manager Management Server, you can classify the LUNs created in your data center. You can classify them based on one or more parameters, such as: LUN name Vendor Product Array name Replication status of LUN: Whether or not the LUN is replicated LUN type: Thick or thin RAID group LUN RAID level When you define classifications for LUNs, Veritas Operations Manager stores these definitions as rules in the Management Server. LUN classification is available only when the Storage Insight Add-on is installed and configured on the Management Server. To learn more about LUN classification, see: About LUN classification Using the storage perspective of the Management Server console, you can create, modify, refresh, and delete LUN classifications. You must have Administrator privileges on the Storage perspective to perform this task. To learn more, see: Creating LUN classifications Modifying LUN classifications Deleting LUN classifications Refreshing LUN classifications Along with these operations, you can also modify the order in which the LUN classifications are applied to the LUNs. When multiple classifications are applicable to a LUN, Veritas Operations Manager uses the classification that appears first to classify the LUN. For more information about LUN classification order, see: Modifying the order of the LUN classifications Storage Foundation and High Availability and Veritas Operations Manager documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORT website.418Views2likes0Comments‘vxdmppr’ utility information
Hello, With VxVM, we get ‘vxdmppr’ utility which performs SCSI 3 PR operations on the disks similar to sg_persist on Linux. But we don’t find much documentation around this utility. In one of the blogs we saw that its unsupported utility. Can someone throw light on it. Has someone used it in the past? Or does anyone know how this utility is getting used in VxVM? How to know if this is supported or not? Rafiq1.8KViews1like7CommentsSFHA Solutions 6.0.1: Using Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on to find package installation anomalies
The Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on lets you generate the report that contains package installation anomalies across your datacenter. For information on Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on, see: About Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on 5.0 Features of Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on 5.0 Prerequisites for installing Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on 5.0 You can run the Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on on storage objects. The supported objects are business entities and hosts. A combination of these two parameters lets you further refine your selection criterion. For information on running the Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on, see: Running Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on 5.0 on the selected objects After you have executed the Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on on these objects, you can view the results in textual and graphical views on the Management Server console. For information on graphical and textual views using the Management Server console, see: Viewing the results of Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on run in the Graphical view Viewing the results of Veritas Operations Manager Package Anomaly Add-on run in the Textual view For more information on using Package Anomaly Add-on, see the Veritas Operations Manager Management Server Add-ons User's Guide. Veritas Operations Manager documentation for other releases can be found on the SORT website.342Views2likes0CommentsSFHA Solutions 6.0.1: VMware infrastructure discovery using Veritas Operations Manager
Using Veritas Operations Manager Management Server, you can configure VMware vCenter Server, and manage ESX servers and configured virtual machines. Veritas Operations Manager uses Control Host to discover the VMware infrastructure. The Control Host Add-on, which is installed on the Control Host contains the VMware Infrastructure SDK (VI SDK). This VI SDK provides a standard interface for the VMware Servers and Control Hosts to access the VMware infrastructure. For more information on the Control Host and the VMware discovery mechanism, see: About Control Hosts in Veritas Operations Manager How Veritas Operations Manager discovers VirtualCenter and ESX servers Some of the key requirements of VMware discovery are the presence of the VRTSsfmh package on the managed host, connectivity of the Control Host with the VMware vCenter Server, and appropriate user privileges (Browse Datastore). For more information on the requirements for discovering VMware vCenter Server and ESX, see: Requirements for discovering VMware vCenter Server and ESX servers using Veritas Operations Manager Information that Veritas Operations Manager discovers on the VMware Infrastructure components You can obtain information related to disk multi-pathing for ESX servers in your datacenter. The disk paths are managed under Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing (VxDMP) on the ESX servers. For more information about disk multi-pathing for ESX servers, see: About the multi-pathing discovery in the VMware environment About the user privileges for multi-pathing discovery in the VMware environment Limitations of the discovery of VMware vCenter Server and ESX servers using Veritas Operations Manager Using the Management Server console, you can configure, edit, and refresh virtualization discoveries in your datacenter. For more information on editing and configuration of VMware vCenter Server, see: Configuring the virtualization discovery in Veritas Operations Manager Editing a virtualization discovery configuration in Veritas Operations Manager Performance metering lets you gather the statistics about the storage and clustering objects in the datacenter. A few examples of these storage and clustering objects are host, virtualization server, and enclosures. For more information about performance metering statistics, metered resources, and enabling metering for VMware vCenter Server or ESX servers, see: About performance metering statistics About metered resources Enable performance metering for a VMware vCenter server Enable performance metering for a VMware ESX server For more information on configuring VMware infrastructure using Veritas Operations Manager, see the Veritas Operations Manager Management Sever Administrator’s Guide. Veritas Operations Manager documentation for other releases can be found on the SORT website701Views0likes0CommentsDocument to understand Symantec Storage and Foundation (SF) and Clustering product fundamentals
Hi, My name is Tariq Pathan and i am a new joinee to the Symantec education team. I would be working on the Storage and Foundation and Clustering File System. I am new to storage domain, and hence was inquisitive to learn and quickly understand SF and CFS fundamental concepts and implementation. It would be nice if someone can forward me any reference ppts, docs which provide the basics and fundamentals of SF and CFS. Thanks, TariqSolved557Views0likes1Comment