How to identity Status of a backup using Netbackup CLI ?
I launch 'bpbackup' command in my program and it just gives the return code. There is no way to know the corresponding JobId. Before I launch the next backup, I want to check the status of the Previous backup and make some decision. 'bpimagelist' command can be used with 'keyword' as filter so that I can search my backup job uniquely. Problem is, it only lists the Successful backups. 'bpdbjobs' command can be used to list out all jobs (successful, failed, in progress) but there is no way to uniquely find the backup job because it does not support filtering the result with 'keyword' attribute. Also Want to filter the status of individual client what I still not able to get using bpdbjobs. Any help is highly appreciated. DebSolved6.5KViews0likes5CommentsMonitoring unfinished replication progress
Hello Have somebody found a way to monitor the progress of unfinished replication ? Know there is some reports in OpsCenter, but they all seem be on the complete images. Where I am looking for: Kilobytes transferred, number of fragments transferred or simllar to tell me how far a long the image in progress is. Have looked at nbstlutil/nbstl list options, the support site, connect and of course google search without luck. Regards Michael1.5KViews1like16CommentsHow to List All Active Clients (on a linux master server)
Here is a single command the dumps all active clients from a Linux Master Sever. bppllist -L -allpolicies | egrep "^Policy Name:|^Active:" | paste - - | awk '$NF~yes { print $3 }' | xargs -i bpplclients {} -noheader 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $3 }' It does the following List details of all policies Extract only policy name and active status Put all that info on one line If the last field of that line is yes, print the third field which is the policy name This long list of active policies is passed (one at a time) to bpplclients, errors are hidden and only the client name is printed (assuming clients have no spaces in the name) -- OR -- Run this script for a little prettier output of the same thing: Sample :: ##### DenverWebservers ##### bubbles nerf billybong ##### DenverDatbases ##### spaceman nerf kooliba for POLICY in ` bppllist -L -allpolicies | egrep "^Policy Name:|^Active:" | paste - - | awk '$NF~yes { print $3 }'`; do echo "#### $POLICY ###" bpplclients $POLICY -noheader 2> /dev/null | awk '{ printf "%30s\n", $3 }' echo " " done ----Solved2.2KViews2likes2CommentsCALLHOME status: Not able to upload callhome data
Hi All, I am getting the following error from one of our netbackup appliance. Can any one please let me know what is the actual problem (how to identify ) and how to resolve the issue. I am new to Netbackup appliance :( CALLHOME status: Not able to upload callhome data Error: 500 SSL read timeout: Please contact Symantec Support to resolve this issue. Appliance Model 5200 V2.5 OS : Linux Redhat 7x1.6KViews1like4Comments- 4.4KViews1like5Comments
BPIMAGELIST - Output desired fields from image DB (Windows)
NBU W2K8R2 Hi all, I saw a great artical from Andy Welburn advising how best to use bpimagelist with awk to output the desiered fields from the image database on UNIX; DOCUMENTATION: What are the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output? Elapsed time is one of the output fields.... Also, bpimagelist -L will give these fields in a more readable form. You could be looking at a lot of output so may want to "filter" your results somehow! e.g. bpimagelist -l -d 06/07/2011 00:00:00 -e 06/08/2011 00:00:00 -client client | awk '/^IMAGE/ {print $2, $7, $15}' will produce output only of client name, policy & elapsed time (seconds) for backups between those times. I'm looking for the equivilent tool to manipulate the output on Windows and found the nearest option is FINDSTR, but it doesn't quite cut it. It filters the output like grep but theres no controlling what fields from the image database to display. I need to output client name, backup date, schedule, copy number, expiration date and byte count for a number of clients. I find this simple task frustratingly difficult in the unlicensed (currently) version of Ops Centre. Any help appreciated. MattSolved5.8KViews1like14CommentsNeed a Script to get NBU Clients OS Version information using bpgetconfig
Hi Guys Need your help to get a script to run in NBU Media Server to gather below informations NBU Version 7.1.x OS Platform for Media Server : Windows 2K8 Command usage :"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpgetconfig" -g <client name from input file> -L | findstr Release Required output format Hostname OS Version Client 1 Windows 2008 6 Client 2 Linux Hope I am clear with my requirements, please help me Thanks DebSolved5.4KViews2likes15Comments